In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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[self] Was it something I ate?

Postby D.A.T.A. » 08/18/2010 10:13 PM

Diamrem, Female
- Diamrem was curled up in the shallow, cool waters of the ocean. Naturally, she was quite content to lay there. After all, she was an aquatic creature.
- She stretched and flisked her tail lazily, causing ripples to appear on the water's surface. Rem watched them with sleepily. She wasn't usually this laazy... maybe it was something she ate?
- Rem sat up and scratched her chin thoughtfully. It must have been that eel she had had for lunch.
- She nodded her head. Yeah, that would make sense.
- As she was gazing blankly at the black sands, she noticed the water ripple from some large fish nearby. She jolted upright and almost fell over with the momentum. She reasoned that getting some other, healthier fish into her would be the best thing for her at the moment.
- With this, Rem dove into deeper waters, careful not to startle her meal.

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Re: [self] Was it something I ate?

Postby D.A.T.A. » 08/18/2010 10:44 PM

Diamrem, Female
- Diamrem swam down onto the seabed, and lay there. Watching, waiting for the opportune moment.
- Come here, little fishie. Perfectly still, she watched it come closer... and closer...
- Three... two... one...
- She snapped, catching it in her strong jaws. She smiled smugly as she ate her prize.
- With a full belly, Rem felt more alert. She swam around for a bit while she gathered her senses. Making a few twists and loops she swam towards shore.
- As she swam she noticed a small white shining thing on the seabed. She swam in to investigate, hoping it really wasn't what she thought it was.

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Re: [self] Was it something I ate?

Postby D.A.T.A. » 08/19/2010 8:03 PM

Namhsif, Male
- Namhsif catapulted into Diamrem, no grace in his movements.
- "Heyy," He said in that all to honey-and-almond voice of his. Diamrem flicked her tail in agitation.
- "Get out of my face," she said with a glare, disolving into the water. She reappeared behind him and continued, "I saw one of your scales." She said this in a casual tone, flicking her tail with mock amusement.
- "No fair, Volitare," he edged, his voice was in itself getting on her nerve.
- Scratch that, he was already on seven... no, eight of them.
- Diamrem shot off towards land, she had no illusion that he would not or could not follow. She stepped onto the black sands, cooling off in the night air. Cool enough to walk on without too much pain.
- He emerged from the sea and lounged on the sand beside her.
- Irritated even more now, she whacked him in the face with her tail. He spluttered and had the nerve to ask "what was that for!?".
- Oh, everything, she thought. Instead, aloud, she said, "For being a pain in the tail. I told you, time and time again, that I wanted you to leave me alone."
- He actually pouted at this, "But that's what makes you... eiinteresting." He lingered on the word, making it twice as long as it should have been.
- "You're practically begging for another slap in the face," she stated casually.

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Re: [self] Was it something I ate?

Postby D.A.T.A. » 08/21/2010 5:31 AM

Namhsif, Male
- Namhsif gave Diamrem his best 'oh I am so hurt' face and she honestly considered whacking him again for the heck of it.
- "Whatever," she said at last, shaking lose sand off her wet scales. Namhsif's face gave way to a small smile.
- Rem had other plans. "Wipe that smile off your face, Fish."
- He winced. Fish. The name she used for him when she was really ticked off. She didn't care, and stalked off back into the water, leaving poor Namz lying there on the sands.
- Gathering his wits about him, he stole back into the water.
- This time he made the effort to be less up front about his desires. For now. He trailed behind her, casually and lazily.
- Rem would have frowned if she could, but, sadly, her face was not designed for such a thing.
- He's a persistent little worm, she thought grumpily. I'll credit him for that. She flicked her tail a bit too hard and shot forward.
- She silently thought some choice words.
- Then she had an idea.
- A really, really good idea.
- All she needed now was a distraction...

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Re: [self] Was it something I ate?

Postby D.A.T.A. » 08/22/2010 11:01 PM

Namhsif, Male
- Diamrem drifted around in circles, big, wide, arcing circles.
- Plotting away... her grand escape within her grasp.
- Namz floated to the surface, looking around with curiosity. He stared at the moon. It looked like someone had taken a bite out of it. His instincts told him to panic, but he ignored them and swam down to inform Rem.
- Diamrem flicked her tail in annoyance at his approach, but she listened to what he had to say.
- She decided to have a look for herself and rose above the surface.
- She rolled her eyes. "Just a lunar eclipse," she said.
- She, however, swam to the beach again, and lay on the now pleasantly cool sand.
- Namhsif was right behind her, but he decided to lay in the shallow water. He didn't really understand why she liked the land so much.
- Diamrem stretched and dug a small grove into the sand, it pooled with water. She curled up and tucked her head under her tail.
- It took her a long time to get sleep.

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