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Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 10/10/2010 4:15 PM

(PG-13 for possible not so nice language and death, suicide and depression are going to feature heavily.)

The jagged cliff was both a beautiful and dangerous sight. Felix knew that all too well, he sat, possibly a meter or so away from the edge, his hands resting on the fence that they square off non-famous cliffs with nowadays. By his side was a single white lilly. After a moment of glancing down at the sea, he picked up the white flower, making his way along the headlands until he came to a certain point where the fence was covered with dying bouquets, soaking wet pieces of paper that had once been cards and a large plaque that had been elegantly engraved.

"Don't do anything stupid." Came the monotone voice of a V2. "This must be hard for you, sir, I sympathize, but ple-"
"Shut up Golem. I'm not going to do anything stupid and I don't need you to follow me everywhere. I'm not a child." Perhaps he shouldn't have been so harsh, then again Felix was fully entitled to be ready to snap today.
The v2 didn't move, however he didn't speak, so he was obviously following one of Felix's commands.

Felix glanced at the rotting and dying bouquets, after a moment the breath caught in his throat, nestled under the sludgy brown he could see a bouquet of dying of bouquet roses, that in itself wasn't unusual but he could see the undamaged tag, and his lilted handwriting. After staring at the tag for a few moment he swallowed and gave something that sounded half-way between a laugh and a sob. "Oh Zu'hai."  Felix said after a moment. He could hear the word shaking slightly as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "Damn." He looked up, willing himself not to cry. He'd promised himself he wasn't going to cry, though he was finding himself alarmingly close. It was only after several minutes of staring fixedly at the clouds he trusted himself to look down. The lilly in his hands was not yet started to wilt, though it would soon. Felix placed in on the floor. There was a silver tag around it's stem. The same thin, leaning handwriting covered it. The exact same message was written on it. The same as every year. He began to hum the first few bars of a song subconsciously.

"Don't."Ordered Golem."You'll just make yourself worse. It's bad enough you write it down every year."
"Oh."  Felix replied after a moment.
"...Are you allright, sir?"
"Of course I'm not."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"You can shut up."
Golem was almost annoyed, he had almost gotten through to Felix there. He'd been so close. Yet all he could do was watch, as he normally did, in all honesty he wasn't cut out for this. That was Cynthia's job, yet she was off Zu'hai knows where doing goodness knows what.

After a moment the grey sky let lose the beginnings of a rainstorm. Felix didn't move from his position on the floor. Infact his gaze remained on the sea, the wind was beginning to pick up too and the grey waves were beginning to crash against the beach as the time came back in.

((It's a bit everywhere this post, though I kinda hoped it suited the mood if it okay. o3o. The song was Vanilla Twilight by Owl City in care your wondering.))

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 10/11/2010 6:48 PM

Emily's hand ran along the fence as she walked, looking at the sea beneath the cliffs. For a brief moment, she contemplated how long it would take to reach that cold water, before she shook her head with a small smile. Hydro must be rubbing off on me, she thought.

But it was silly to think of destruction when a new chapter of her life was about to begin. Her injuries from that incident finally healed, she was ready to move forward in her pursuit of mythology. She glanced up at the sky, then, taking in the sight of the clouds, lightly humming a song to herself. It was silly of her to despair, yes. That time was long past, and she was the stronger for it. She spun slightly in her walk, her mood lifting quite a bit.

She giggled, glancing at the time on her watch before continuing on. She had plenty of time before she had to attend the lecture on mythology relating to seafaring. Her eyes scanned the area ahead of her, and fell upon a pair of figures. She smiled, raising a hand to wave. "Hey there," she called.

((Your post is pretty awesome. I'm afraid that I'm probably not gonna write that much in my own posts (my muse doesn't like me that much, sadly), but I'm fine with things if you are. And, your taste in music rocks. xP Ironically, the song I imagined Em humming is "The Saltwater Room," by Owl City. xP))
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 10/16/2010 7:36 PM

Felix didn't bother looking up as the voice called, he was just trying to concentrate keeping it together at the moment.
"Felix, sir? Would it not be wise to say something it could be considered rude?"
The palowockee seemed intent to ignore both Golem and the woman beside him. He stared fixedly upon the lily he had just laid down, unmoving while the rain beat down plastering his hair to his scalp.
"Don't mind Felix Ma'am. He's going through a rough patch... Or patches as the case may be, I am supposed to be watching him Ma'am. I'm Golem." The scorpinch almost spoke dis-jointedly as he tried to both talk about Felix in a sensitive manner and make sure the woman didn't think them mad.

After a moment Felix raised his eyes from the grass and looked over at the woman. His deep brown eyes seemed slightly damp, though it was difficult to tell. "Hello." He replied quietly. He wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to say, he'd came here to be relatively alone. At this time of the year he was never trusted to be completely alone.

(Sorry for the wait. DX)

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 10/16/2010 9:47 PM

"Oh, it's perfectly fine," Emily assured Golem politely, smiling. "It's a pleasure to meet you; I'm Emily," she greeted, bowing her head slightly. She brushed a wet lock of hair out of her face. "Is there, ah, anything I can do to help? I know I'm a total stranger, but... Well, I'd still be happy to help if I can."

When Felix spoke, she smiled brightly. "Hey," she greeted, gently. She knew better than to push it, though; if Felix was down, as Golem had said he was, then it wouldn't help to push social contact on him. She did, however, tilt her head worriedly at the look in his eyes. So sad...

((It's fine.))
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 10/18/2010 6:25 PM

"I'm not sure if you can actually do anything Ma'am. You see this is a long term matter and it-"
"Don't answer for me, Golem. I'm not a mute." The sharp snap was unexpected and made Golem look again. He could say he was honestly surprised by Felix, it wasn't like him at all. Normally when Golem was talking about him the palowockee just pretended to be ignorant of everything going on around him.

"Tell me, if everything you lived for left without a second glance, still reeling from that blow, you realize she's given herself over to the devil himself, you stand and watch while she's setting herself up for the pain that you yourself had just when through, then you're the one to happen to find that devil doing something that would break her heart, then the person who you go to for advice, your best friend, only to have him drive the stake deeper into her heart, it didn't take much to keep a secret, does that make you responsible for what she did next? Does that make you indirectly responsible for her death? Then what would you do?"
"Felix." Golem warned, slightly alarmed, both from his outburst and by the fact he now almost shaking with grief.
"Oh god. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that... I'm sorry. I just... Sort of went off on one." He hadn't even realized the droplets of water streaming down his face weren't from the rain. He was amazed that's he'd managed to keep his voice relatively even, though he was unaware of the fact it had gone an octave higher in the process. "I g-g-guess I've just been ready to snap for the longest time." This was the most open he'd been in years, two whole years of pent up emotions and feelings he'd just accidentally dumped on an unfortunate passer-by.  

(O.o;; Sorry about Felix, but that's how he is.)

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 10/18/2010 10:13 PM

Emily's heart just about melted at Felix's words, and she stepped closer. "Hey," she said, gently, quietly. "Hey. I'm sure it wasn't your fault," she assured him, touching his arm lightly. "And it's absolutely fine to talk about it. It's healthy, even." She looked at Felix worriedly. "And I... I don't really know what you should do, but... I'm sure that this girl would want you to try and keep living," she said. She really did seem genuinely concerned, but that was to be expected from her - she was a bleeding heart if ever there was one.

((Sorry, my muse is protesting against... something. Not really sure what. Stupid muse.))
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 10/19/2010 6:36 PM

Felix managed a nod. He was very close to sobbing. "T-Thanks." After a moment after a moment of swallowing and slightly erratic breathing he stood up, he was rather tall, though not overly-so. He walked over to the flimsy fence and rested his hands on it, his red-rimmed eyes focused on the crashing waves. "You haven't even told me, your name. Yet I've told you my life story." He laughed a small watery chuckle.

Golem remained silent for a moment, not quite comprehending the situation. "Y-y-you, Ma'am are quite extraordinary... We've sent him to so many counsellors,  hypnotherapists, therapists, doctors, We've tried just about everything to get him to open up... And, and you... You just walk in and he's pouring he's heart out and he doesn't even know you. I have to say I'm astounded."

Felix let out somewhere between a strangled sigh and a sob. "Sorry." he muttered after a while. Failing to compose himself.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 10/19/2010 9:45 PM

The girl smiled a bit. "My name's Emily," she greeted. "I'm really just happy I could help." She leaned on the fence next to him, watching the waves for a moment, before looking at him. "You know, if there's anything else I can do, to maybe help you take your mind off of it..." she trailed off, awkwardly, before continuing. "Well, I'd be happy to help," she finished a little lamely. She really did want to help, but she wasn't quite sure how to do so.
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 10/29/2010 4:32 PM

(Oh my gawd. D8 Sorry for the wait; muse issues and I've been real busy. D< )

"Thanks." Felix managed. He felt awful, he was half way in between bursting into yet more tears, being sick and falling asleep, and he couldn't quite tell which option he preferred. He was a mess right now and he had good reason to be. "I shouldn't be taking up your time." he said, slowly. Supporting his chin with his hand in a slightly stressed manner, he half heartedly bit his nails as he looked out to sea.

After a few moments he tore his gaze away from the turmoil of the incoming tide, and he sat down on a badly painted, weather beaten bench. He had to wonder why they put up benches up in peoples memory, surely it was just more pain on your part? To see fat tourists and seagulls sat upon their bench? Then again his mind worked different to most peoples, so he couldn't be sure.

Golem made his way over to Emily, a determined air about him. "Look," he dropped his voice. "he's never been like this with anyone, could you try and get through to him a little more? I understand if you're otherwise engaged, but it would be an enormous help."

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 11/03/2010 10:58 PM

Emily nodded discreetly to Golem, then moved closer to Felix. "You know, I don't have anything to do this afternoon, if you even just wanted to talk," she said. The lecture could certainly wait, after all, for someone so clearly upset. She looked at him worriedly. "Anything you need, really."

She didn't know what else to say; what could she do, except offer herself for whatever he needed? She was quiet, waiting for his response.
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 11/11/2010 7:27 PM

"Thank you." he replied. Despite his blank, machine-like tone, the gratitude was obvious. "We might get through to him yet." One could always hope, as of yet everything wasn't lost. So long as Felix was still breathing he wasn't a lost case in Golem's opinion.

Felix changed his position slightly, yet another nervous habit. He seemed to have developed many over the years. "Do you think I was stupid do try and do what she did?" his was barely more than a whisper, though rather than the sea wind drowning out the sound it managed to carry it ever so slightly.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Back where it all started. [P, PG-13]

Postby Hannah Kerela » 11/21/2010 11:55 PM

Emily considered it. "No," she said, finally. "You were misguided, that much is true, but... I don't think you were stupid. She watched Felix. "You just fell prey to the same issue that half of humanity has considered at one point or another - 'Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/Or to take arms against a sea of troubles/And, by opposing, end them,'" she quoted. "It's an easy thing to fall into, really. I know plenty of people who have considered or tried the same thing."
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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