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Jaden's RP Control Center [OLD-CLOSED]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/16/2010 10:45 PM

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I'll do both open and private rps, but I'm not terribly into specifically planned rps right now. I'm at home for the summer, but my muse still fluctuates haha? Still, I will do my best to reply in a decent length of time even when it's being mean.

This thread was made to handle the information about all of my open RPs, pets I'd like to RP, and stuff like that.
So without further ado:

Current Open RPs

[] New Experiences - Aldrect

Some Suggested Pets


Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Human
Orientation: Asexual
RP location: Only in Roraldi Forests

Key Words: Tree-Spirit | Friendly | Curious
Personality: Napaea is the name for the Greek Nymphs of the valley or the glen. However, somehow this girl was born (sprouted?) in Evelon and has never met one of her own kind. Thus, she never had a name since she was doomed, as a nymph, to never be able to leave the area surrounding her birthplace. Travellers have told her of her kind, and she even managed to get her hands on some books about them. She knows what she is and this is why she has called herself Napaea. Although, one of those travellers she met decided to call her Sakura instead, and so all who heard of her knew her by that name. For a long time (she's not sure how long) she has lived in a large, beautiful meadow in the Roraldi Forests. Her main form is a large cherry tree in the center of the meadow, on the edge of a creek (hence why she was called Sakura). Sometimes, she goes to the edge of the forest to stare longingly out over the Vast Plains, unable to go any farther. When a visitor comes along, she is always delighted and often asks for stories of the outside world. If one of these travellers were to describe her, they'd say Napaea is a kindhearted, gentle, and bright-eyed girl who hates conflict.


Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Only pet
Orientation: Asexual, Aromantic
RP Location: Preferably Basantha Shrine

Key Words: Oracle | Wise | Neutral
Personality: Named for the Greek place inhabited by the Oracle of Apollo, Delphi is an oracle of sorts, or so people have called her. Yet unlike other oracles, Delphi does not see the future or sense prophecies. Instead, she was blessed with the ability to look into the past. The downside is, she cannot control where and when she will do this. So instead, her true power lies in her vast knowledge, as she has remembered most of what she has 'seen'. Over time, she has turned her home in the Basantha shrine into a library so she can learn more. In fact, it's unclear exactly when she made this 'library', since she has actually lived a much longer life than her appearance suggests. Her wisdom has thus made her a popular person who is calm and considerate, and will always listen to anyone about anything. Unfortunately, while she has a kind heart, she feels her purpose is not to judge and will accept anyone, regardless of who they are or what their intentions are...


Gender: Male
Preferred Form: Preferably human, also pet
Orientation: Unknown
RP Location: Anywhere

Key Words: Mortal Demon | Sinister | Dominating
History: Mostly Heritage
Personality: The oldest of Aeria's three children, Daemon had always felt drawn to darkness. After a rebellious childhood and rough teen years, he finally made a contract with the demon realm, becoming one of them. Because of his fallen angel blood, he quickly became known among the inner circles and is considered the highest ranking mortal demon, quite adept at dark magic. Despite this contract and his sinister nature he is still fond of his mother and remains civil with his sisters to appease her.


Gender: Male
Preferred Form: Preferably human, also pet
Orientation: Unknown
RP Location: Anywhere

Key Words: Angel/God/Demon | Strange | Sociable
Personality: This yonyuu appeared in a field one day, claiming to be a foreigner by the name of Kami. He wandered about until one of the creatures under the care of Jaden brought him to the Beach. Here, he was offered a place to stay and he accepted graciously. Most people who meet this young man claims that he is good-mannered and somewhat friendly...on a hospitable level, while others say he can be somewhat snobby and cold, and still others think there's something sinister about him. And yet, there is one fact everyone agrees on, and that is that he is very...peculiar. He seems to be interested in even the most mundane of things, and can hold a conversation with anybody from an innocent child to a vicious thug. That, and he has odd tastes in food. What no one knows, however, is that Kami is no ordinary foreigner, for he is a sort of...celestial being from an unknown and long since extinct civilization. He wandered through various dimensions until he found one that could hold a form close to his original, as well as various other reasons that would take too long to list. All in all, he found an interest in Evelon, and has finally taken on his living form in preparation for his transfer to the material world...for good. See, without anyone to believe in him and honour him, his celestial being will fade away and had already started doing so long before he had come to this land. As a sort of side note on what sort of "celestial being" he is: well, even he himself is unsure...some revered him as a god, others a lower sort of deity, and the rest as a demon.


(Human form in art)

Gender: Female
Preferred Form: Preferably human, also pet
Orientation: Unknown, probably Asexual
RP Location: Anywhere but Wilt'no, preferably Idalani Falls

Key Words: Nereid | Aloof | Playful
Personality: Ida is a Nereid, plain and simple. For those who don't know, a Nereid is a nymph of rivers and ponds. Although she can travel anywhere, even in salt water, Ida's home is (can you guess?) at the Idalani Falls. The giant basin at the bottom of the falls is her domain, and she adores it, as she gets to watch all those lovers hanging out on her shores. Being one of few Nymphs left in the world, Ida was not born with a name and so she, being the spirit of Idalani, gave herself the same name. When she's not there, she is exploring the other waterways, taking herself anywhere the rivers can reach. Unfortunately, though, few of Lambastia's locations are by the water, so she cannot see much of it. As for her behaviour, she is happy, bubbly, and playful, doing her own thing and often being as aloof and hard to pin down as the water she lives in.

Zoo pen is currently in transition from the Old Pen to the New Pen.
Feel free to look through either pen and request an RP with any creature in there. All the creatures in the New Pen are up-to-date, I make no promises for the Old Pen.

Also, if I have an rp with you that never got are welcome to shoot me post here or send a pm with a slap in the face notification. I'd like it if you send the URL of the topic, tell me what it's called or what character(s) are in it...I probably won't get it if you just say "our thread in the Slums" or something. :)

Current Roleplays
Let me know if anything changes regarding these RPs.
Unfinished/abandoned less than a year old are in orange
Current are in purple
Mine are regular font - just listed for general information

Hope, Runic / Idalani Falls [Self]
Kanegoto / Whisper Forest [Pyris, Self]
Tempest / Basantha Shrine [Self]
Dawn, Tekk / Basantha Shrine [Self]
Amun / Wilt'no Desert [Self]
Pele / Nodia Sea [Self, Feint]
Raiden / Lamenolai [Self, SpringSong]

Masika / Terrace Park [Self, FieldsofIris]
Kai / Lucain Room [Self, RiDragon]
Kazuki / Aldrect [Self]
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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/18/2010 4:08 PM

Um... Emanx can be a negative influence on Oblivion/Livi. o3o

Name: Emanx
Gender: Male
Personality: Though not innately cruel, Emanx is considered evil by those who do not see things his way. He is a strong believer in the powers of Nothingness and Darkness, since his life as a Nobody is governed by those two forces. He holds no hatred for those who possess what he lacks- a heart- but will take full advantage of any opportunity to shift someone over to his... point of view. He can be very persuasive when he needs to be.

I know, short vague personality. I'm working on it. He's based of Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts II if that helps at all. I'll play him like he's Xemnas: cold, calculated, smooth, slow to anger, quick to strike. I suggest not irritating him if you can avoid it. He can have quite a temper.

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/18/2010 5:01 PM

:P Livi's personality is rather vague too, no worries. Just pointing out that in terms of her behaviour, she's like a child to the normal world, 'cause she's so clueless about alot of things. She has a complex way of thinking when it comes to Darkness and emotions, but everything else is viewed simply.

If that's okay then I'd love to see what happens to poor Livi. Would you rather quad or humanoid...or is either fine? Also, is there a particular place you'd like to RP?
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/18/2010 5:38 PM

Emanx would be human form; Livi could be either human or quad. Uh... As for setting, he usually prefers cities, but he could go out in the wild if he needs to. In other words, I don't especially care. Probably not Nabias though, since I go there a lot.

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/18/2010 5:58 PM

Alright. Livi will be in human form, then how about...*picks a city randomly* Lamenolai?
I'll start, join whenever you're ready :)
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby clackno1 » 10/19/2010 9:28 PM


Veradis is an Olympic snowboarder, having multiple gold medals in the halfpipe. She's been on the slopes ever since she can remember. Vera could never deal with skiing and enjoys the one board better because of the range of movement and tricks. She lives for the chill and the snow, always going farther up North when summer hits, being unable to bear the heat. When she's not riding she's out somewhere, always with Zizi who is her guard dog and generally her best friend. Zizi follows Vera everywhere except up the slopes. Vera is just a happy person and always encouraging. She'll sometimes teach lessons for kids who want to snowboard. She doesn't hesitate to make friends when the situation occurs and, if the results are good, tends to stay in touch with most of those friends.

Maybe with Starlight? Or anyone else you think might be interesting. I just really really want to give her character a try. And maybe somewhere where I could try RPing her snowboarding? And Zizi who is her pet Angriff Kirund will be along for the ride as well~

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Mousen » 10/20/2010 2:24 PM

I think Kaitou would get along well with a character of mine named Jack Malkin. I don't have his personality written up yet, but I can give you the back ground stuff.
He was a famous pickpocket in the Victorian era, he was actually a famous thief, he was one of those the police at the time could never catch. Though Jack Malkin's 'death' made him more famous than the crimes during his life. Jack was painfully  brutally attacked and murdered (judging from the amount of blood found at the scene), though the police never found the body. Many claim in the years following his death to have seen him, even spoke to the supposedly deceased Jack Malkin. Many rumours and stories circulated straight after, infact there's even been a couple of books written about the illusive character.

As you may have guessed Jack Malkin is a vampire.

In life he was a very charitable character, more of a Robin Hood than a Jack Sparrow if you will. He took in several orphans saving them from a life in the work house, he's always loved children. He used to teach the older children the basics of being a successful pick pocket. Making sure once they wre out of his care they didn't fall into the work house.

I was thinking that Jack could take Kaitou under his wing for a little bit, as such? She could have heard some of the stories about him, perhaps, she could then eventually figure out the truth about him, or something like that? Of course, she wouldn't figure out straight away, she could just assume that's his alias or something. X3 We could start in the slums perhaps?

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/20/2010 6:13 PM

Clackno: Sure, that's sounds good. Is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go? I'd rather Starlight not go to Vast Plains though, 'cause I like my characters to go to new places whenever possible. :)

Mouse: Hi thar ;D That oughta be interesting!~ I love your reference to Robin Hood and Jack Sparrow <3 Kaitou's kinda a cross. She wouldn't steal from some poor people, and might give them money instead, but she steals more for herself. I wanna make a Jack Sparrow charrie now D: The slums sounds good! You wanna start, or should I?
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Mousen » 10/20/2010 6:16 PM

XD thanks, I'll have to keep that bit in when I write his up his full personality. Don't get me wrong though, Jack certainly has a darker side, he can be quite the nasty thing at time. XD;

I'll start, ^-^ I haven't really got muse for many of my characters right now, so having muse for Jack is kinda the highlight of my day. XD;

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby clackno1 » 10/20/2010 6:42 PM

Hum, Nu'san sound alright? A peaceful encounter with each other sounds nice enough, yes~

Would you like me to start it?

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/20/2010 6:58 PM

Mouse: :P Okay~

Clackno: Nu'san is good! :) Go ahead and start~
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby clackno1 » 10/20/2010 7:57 PM

Link~ I made it long cause I'm working on making my posts a little more detailed. You don't have to reply that long, though. I just have a lot of muse x3

One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Mousen » 10/21/2010 4:25 PM

Here'sthe the link~ O.o;; My muse seems to like the Victorian era. ODO;;

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby AuroraSky » 10/22/2010 3:23 PM

Kind of fell in love with Zero XD. I would like to offer Sophie, since she'll have an obsession for befriending and helping him despite his curse. I haven't really developed her that well yet, so here's just a rough, very rough, personality.

Sophia Susanne Bradley


Nickname(s): Sophie, Sus
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: Best friend to Drew, Sophia is always keeping her foolish friend out of harm's way, even though that task seems to be nearly impossible! Ever since they were young Sophia has used her quick wits in order to spare them a whole mess of trouble.
Sophia has never really liked outdoors much, and instead prefers to curl up in a bean bag chair with a book nestled under her paw. In fact, the only reason she seems to be going out a lot is because Drew forces her to. Although she's not exactly the most fact she can be quite sarcastic at times, Sophia prefers to move through life slowly and consider all possibilities before making a decision.

I know you
I walked wi
th you once upon a dream
I k
now you
That look in y
our eyes is so familiar,

a gleam...

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Re: Mah RP control center {Looking to RP, etc}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/22/2010 7:52 PM

Ahah, I'm looking forward to seeing how an interaction with Zero will go, poor boy. :P
Is there anywhere you'd like to go?
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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