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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby wave3girl » 10/17/2010 3:42 AM

Eatting pickeled cabagge, one of the many foods that makes me sick. It's very tasty in a sandwhich.

What food aren't you suppose to eat, if there is any, can you tell us one of them?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 10/17/2010 6:03 AM

I used to be allergic to just about everything (wheat, milk, corn, soy, eggs were the main ones) but anything with loads of cream and milk (aside from ice cream strangely enough) that make me feel really sick. (Like Lindor chocolate eggs and cream of chicken soup).

What would you least like to be allergic to?

(For me, it's rice. I live on rice.)

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Sappheara » 10/31/2010 3:40 AM

I'm unsure what you mean by that question.

What is the one thing you can not live with out?
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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 8:51 AM

The stars. As much of a double entendre as this may seem, I mean the ones out in space, not the celebrities--although life without them would be miserable.

What is your least favorite TV show?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 8:56 AM

Um... Anything with the Disney tweens in, because the theme songs get stuck in my head and I look like an idiot when I hum them. XD

What's your favourite character that you've come up with lately (as in the past few months or so)?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 8:59 AM

I would say Senkar, but he's from more than a few months ago. I think it would have to be his son, Ahmesseker. (Cuz, you know, I prefer canons to originals, but whatever.)

What annoys you no end? And I mean really ticks you off.

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 9:03 AM

Those narrow minded people that are under the impression that believe you have to 'go out' (as in a town center or a club somewhere or at a friend's house) to have a life.

Has any movie ever made you cry/cry the most, if so, what?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 9:28 AM

I FREAKING LOVE THIS QUESTION. Mostly because it's so impossible to answer--Sori doesn't usually feel the need to display emotion in public, you see.

First and foremost would be Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. When Spock sacrifices himself to save his crew and his friends. That gave me a good three hours of liquid drainage. Next up would be Ice Age. I--and the rest of the theater--thought Diego was a goner, and then he came back at the end! I was so happy; the curse was broken! My favorite character from something didn't die! The Lion King, for sure. When I was younger, I cried at Mufasa's death. Now I cry at Scar's. What does that tell you? XD The Man in the Iron Mask earns a spot, as well. D'Artagnan didn't die in the book, nor was he the father of Louis and Philippe or the secret lover of Queen Anne. Needless to say, the utter brilliance on the writers' parts had me in shambles. The other thing that made me cry was the death of Athos' son, Raoul. Oh. My. God. That one scene where he's training Philippe to be king and showing him how to properly hold a goblet, and Philippe keeps screwing up, and then the conversation leads into Raoul's death, and Athos' voice falters once, and then again, and then he leaves the room weeping... John Malkovich. You. Are. The. Man. Eragon, even though it was a craptastical adaption. Brom's death. Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. QUI-GON! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! The Killing Fields. Um, lots of reasons. I can't really explain them. Just watch the movie, and you'll know what I mean. Monsters, Inc. As a kid, I would always cry when Mike and Sully had to leave Boo in the human world. Of Mice and Men, the 1990s version. If you've read the book, you won't even need me to tell you which scene made me lose it completely. The final scene. Technically the penultimate scene, but still.

There's more, but I don't remember the rest offhand.

What is your biggest regret so far?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 9:51 AM

Uh... Gawd, this is hard. XP;; I suppose there's a couple of minor things that I wish I'd done differently, but I suppose it would be not standing up for myself as much as I should have done in primary school, I guess. XD

Do you have anything you consider lucky? (Like an item or something, a lucky necklace or lucky under garments or something. XDD)

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 10:05 AM

Kelly green underwear. Say whut? Actually, I have a lucky finger. It's the pinkie on my right hand, and it's slightly "deformed," some people would say. It's just larger and hooked like Snape's nose. I have a theory that it might be a mutation left over from my Scandinavian ancestors, who were a people of the sea. Fishermen.

What is your least favorite word? /totally just went James Lipton on everyone

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 10:12 AM

Anything that's really hard to pronounce, like abominable, or really awful to spell.

Word you over use the most/a lot?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 10:52 AM

I have a wide vocabulary. I tend to favor diversity. But I do say 'epic' much too often.

Is there a stereotype you fit?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 10:56 AM

Yes, I'm a stereotypical Aquarian. I'm completely absent minded, and I'd say I fit the crazy/genius side of Aquarius pretty well too. x3;; <33

Do you have an aspect if your personality you dislike, if so, what?

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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Soriana » 02/06/2011 11:00 AM

Everything. Other people (who know me) rather dislike everything about me. I like the way I am, personally. Well, minus the social ineptitude. But that comes with the territory, doesn't it? Nerd and all?

Actually, I sometimes compare myself with Psyche--admired by all, but loved by none.

Do you like the texture of batteries?

The King beneath the mountains,
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His crown shall be upholden,
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Re: Twenty Questions? Maybe more.

Postby Mousen » 02/06/2011 11:05 AM

Erm... Not really. XDD

Your favourite font?

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