Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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:.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Kyrit » 11/24/2010 10:34 PM


"Hey. You. Yeah, I'm talking to you alright. You're out on a day like this? You must be one brave soul, not afraid that the Turkezillas will snatch you upon sight." The voice seemed to come out of nowhere at first, until the figure of a Kuhna stepped out from behind a nearby tree, his features becoming more clear as the sunlight reached him. For a moment he stopped talking, possibly waiting for a reaction. He didn't wait long though before going on to say, "You do know that they do live out here as well.... right? Well, if you're really looking for some excitement, I could bring you to it. It just so happens I know where a bunch of Turkezilla tend to hang out. For a price I could take you there. Never know, you may be able to find quite a few interesting things left behind there. Things that belonged to some poor sap who got caught by them. Of course, you could lose something as well. It'd be quite a risk, but it may be well worth your time."

.:The Game:.
In this game, much like the Haunted House of the past, you may find yourself going home with quite the awesome pet. This game is far different though. The prizes are great, but so are the risks. You may find yourself dropping a ton of KS on your way out or losing a precious pet. No customs can be lost from this game, but almost everything else(including items you own) is fair game. Of course you could also win something as grand as a pet never seen before, a custom of your very own, or something like a breeding room or a Kuhna. I won't list all the prizes to keep it a bit of a surprise, but it will be well worth your risk.

.:How to Play:.
- To join, please begin by Role-Playing your pet meeting Rysiav, the Ghastly Kuhna.
- You will need to pay Rysiav an entry fee of 75KS.
- To complete your Risk, you will need to post 25 posts. This will refund your entry fee.
- After your entry post, please do not post again until Rysiav, your guide, replies. After which you may either stick with unfortunate companions (RP in a group), or you might decide to go solo (RP alone).
- Please only join when a slot is open. Once a slot is free (or slots, if a group finishes), you are free to join.
- Once you have reached 25 posts, please PM me (Draiz).
- Once I receive a PM stating you are done, I will roll your result and tell you whether it is a gain or a loss.
- Once you receive your result, you may type your exit post.
- If you are entering the Docile Version, you may not join this one.

1. Krypto
2. Closed
3. Soriana
4. Closed
5. Closed
6. Thunder
7. Closed
8. Closed
9. Closed
10. Firetra
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Redd » 11/25/2010 1:22 AM

X wasn't one to fear easily, he was trained to put aside fear, should there be danger but it hadn't dampened his sense of common sense and respect for foes... just made him over confident and excitable in ordinary situations. Really, the Paragon was extremely loyal and level headed, when the going was calm anyway.

The risk didn't bother the Paragon, as he excitedly skittered up to the Kuhna, and come to an abrupt halt, just inches away from the Ghastly Kuhna's face. Respectfully, he backed off a bit before bringing his head down to address the Kuhna.

"I think the risk would be well worth it. I really don't have much to loose." He nodded his head once, as if assuring himself that this was the right option. "Can you sign me up? I'm X, the Paragon. Uh... Under the ownership of Krypto. I think. Here's the Keystones."

He handed the Kuhna a small pile of Keystones, and glanced around to see if there was anyone else coming.

... Boy, I hope I don't have to go in there alone. It would be so lonely.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Sappheara » 11/25/2010 1:32 AM

Common Gyrraptor entered Idalani Falls with nothing on his mind. Songs birds were in the trees singing their love songs. How Azul hated those annoying creatures. The Gyrraptor growled in the back of this throat hoping that the birds would stop. That didn't stop the birds from singing there happy tunes. He looked around, bright color flowers blossomed everywhere, it looked more like spring, instead of winter. How odd. Azul shrugged the thought a side as he continued on the path. How did I end up in this horrible place? This place was more for dreamers or couples that were in love, no for anyone like him. He continued on the path, Azul saw a cat-like creature not to far ahead of him. As he got closer, he could see that it was a Ghastly Kuhna. Apparently the Kuhna was the one he was suppose to meet for this Risk game. Walking up to the Kuhna. "I would like to take the risk, here is the 75ks to enter." Azul handed the Kuhna the keystones and step back.
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Soriana » 11/25/2010 1:41 AM

It was only appropriate that he was the one to take up this challenge. A "Risk for a risk," so to speak. But it wasn't the outright irony of the similarities between his name and what was at stake that drew him here, it wasn't the coincidence or superstition--it was, as always, the adventure. What else could be expected from a man like Triskelion Nephthys?

He nodded hastily to the Kuhna. "Rysiav, right? I want to make sure my contact didn't screw anything up. This guy's gotten me pegged in some pretty interesting situations before, but this is strictly for fun." It was especially fun for Risk, as he didn't even have a cover to blow this time around. He lifted his coat to reveal the sack of KS he'd been carrying with him. "That said, I'm up for anything. I'm a bit of a gambler, as most of my friends will tell you. I'm willing to bet it all."


The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby SpringsSong » 11/25/2010 2:12 AM

Risk?  Now that was a word that Arlür was most decidedly familiar with.  After all, she'd dodged arrows and pitfalls and other various traps in order to get through an old, sacred temple, and she'd survived, had she not?

It didn't matter to Arlür that there were risks.  The only thing that mattered to her was the fact that it had the potential to be fun.

"Here's the money for this little excursion," she said in a level voice.
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Chayden » 11/25/2010 2:50 AM

Jekonah was bored. In fact, being the overdramatic "war hero" that he was, he thought that he would die of this boredom. The solution to this problem? Risk life and limb in some sick little game.
"Sounds like fun. I've been through plenty of gore and glory in many of my lifetimes- this will be child's play." he grumbled jovially, strutting over to the Kuhna who had spoken of this Turkezilla challenge. He thought that the mention of his 'nine lives' (which really was only insane luck) would get him on this stranger's good side.  "I expect you'll be wanting this as payment? Y'know, something besides my amazing looks?"
The Kamo tossed a sack of KS over his shoulder with one of his tails and winked, thinking himself rather dashing and impressive. If only he would lose some arrogance, then he might not be so bad...
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 11/25/2010 1:24 PM


Thanks for Life Day.

Adey wasn't really sure if she should participate in the festivities, seeing as she was technically dead, but hey, there was food, so why not. She could always use something to eat. She had heard from Azrael that there was a neat little event at Idalani Falls, so that's where she had gone in search of what she expected to be a party of sorts.

There was no party.

Instead, she saw a Ghastly Kuhna who seemed to be talking to some people and leading them deeper into the jungle. Some of those people had a brave expression on their faces, while others looked like they were scared to death. Adey started to wonder exactly what kind of event Azrael meant. She approached the Ghastly Kuhna and listened to what he had to say before pulling out some Keystones.

"I'll play," she said dully. Might as well have a bit of adventure, if she couldn't eat anything. No fear, no bravery, just boredom.

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Shieba » 11/25/2010 1:37 PM


Stella chased, as usual, after Chaotic, who had started to randomly bounce out of Whisper Forest and then just along the way. Or next to it. Or through a lake. Stella sighed, being still wet. Why was she cursed to watch after her insane sister? Well, it was probably better to have the insane-but-happy instead of the insane-and-a-killer version out right now, but Stella had to make sure Chaotic's random mood swings didn't happen in the middle of a city or there would be problems.

Unfortunately, you didn't have to be in a city to meet people. And so, Stella hurried up when Chaotic found a Kuhna. "I'm here! And jumping! Here and jumping in front of you!" Chaotic announced to the Kuhna.

"Sorry, I'll keep her in check." Stella stepped next to her sister. "What are you doing out here?"

And that was when the two Felloxes got a speech about 'Thanks for Life Day'.

"Oooh!" Chaotic continued to jump. "Let's dooooo this, Stella! It sounds totally chaotic!"

"And dangerous."

"And dangerous and chaotic! I'm doooooing this!" Chaotic bounced around her sister and the Kuhna. "Dooooing this! Dooooing this! I might find something random! And chaotic!"

"Surely not more chaotic than you..." Stella sighed, but handed over the KS. She didn't want to risk one of Chaotic's mood swings. "Seems like we're entering. Can't be anything worse than my sister, I suppose."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Elektra » 11/25/2010 1:43 PM

"So what do we have here..." Zeru said to himself.  In front of him was a group of five different species, more Kuhnas than others, but there was a Kihmera and Paragon there.  At least there would be someone his size.  He had left the Caves and came to the Falls to see if there was going to be any action around here.  This was where the Turkeyzillas tended to gather and attack other people.  He had been training in the Caves for a while, and was ready to see if it was worth it.  

Walking up to the Ghastly Kuhna, he dropped 75 KS down, and turned around, heading over to the Paragon.  Nodding his head, he waited for the Ghastly to announce the start.  It was told to him that the risks were huge, but he was't one for caution, nor restraint.  He could easily take on one of those unrefined turkeys.  Even if he couldn't, he keep trying until he did.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby jobiehanna » 11/25/2010 2:19 PM


Ares was not a scaredy cat, no sirree. He was ready to take on the beasts he had only heard about. He could take anything. Well, most things. He hadn't been on the battle field in years, but he was sure he could take anything.

Once he found the kuhna he gave him a warm smile. "Hello there," he began. "I'm here to sign up for the event." He pulled out 75 ks from seemingly nowhere and handed it to the kuhna.

He couldn't wait to get away from the others and wonder through the forest on his own. He had to stay by himself, hunting was much easier that way. The only way he would talk to another was if they talked to him

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Firetra » 11/25/2010 7:19 PM

"Sure I'll join. I'm not stupid enough to fall for those turkezillas traps." He said with a smirk on his face. Fimantra was not afraid of anything. Well maybe water, but that was a different story. He went up to the Kuhna and looked down at him. " I'm game enough aren't I."

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Postby Kyrit » 11/29/2010 11:56 AM

(I apologize for the wait. My weekend was consumed by family clinging.)

Heh. Sorry suckers. It looked like he was going to make a killing off of them today. They could all run off in the woods thinking of treasures untold, while he would be sitting back and relaxing, going over all the money he had made in just this single day. He'd have to thank whoever came up with this idea. After all, it wasn't his. He had simply overheard the plan from someone else and then bumped up the stakes.

After he managed to get all 750 keystones stuffed away in a little satchel that hung around his neck, Rysiav looked around at the peculiar little group that had formed within the small clearing. A few of them appeared quite sturdy. He figured a Paragon could easily take on a Turkezilla if need be, but what perplexed him was the amount of Kuhnas hanging around. Sure, he could put up a fight, but he didn't exactly see himself or other Kuhnas as being very... battle fitted. Oh well, worst came to worse they could take to running. Wasn't any of his business, even if that Wynd Kuhna was quite the looker.

"Alright. Make sure you follow close behind. Wouldn't want ya getting lost before we even got to the right area," the Ghastly Kuhna muttered before making his way off deeper in to the rainforest surrounding the falls. He led the group for a good while through the misty region until he seemed to simply fade away, disappearing in the mist. It was unclear as to if he had ran off or was simply hiding, but what mattered was that he was gone, only the words of, "Have fun, suckers." lingering behind.

The area around the abandoned group seemed to be devoid of life. All the trees in the area had been trampled, tossed about and splintered all over the place. Tracks, from what seemed to be a rather large avian, or group of, littered the forest floor, tearing through flowerbeds and lush foliage. Obviously they weren't alone... but what would they manage to find?
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby SpringsSong » 11/29/2010 12:06 PM

Arlür looked around cautiously, her instincts of her wild ancestors coming into play rather fast as she looked around hesitantly.  Everything about this place screamed, "Run away--save yourselves!", but Arlür was not one to heed warnings, especially not with something as great as treasures untold being involved.  Sure, there was the exploration part of it, too, but the treasure was definitely incentive enough for her.

"I think we should form groups," Arlür said, her voice barely above a whisper so as to not draw too much unwanted attention their way.

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Soriana » 11/29/2010 12:20 PM

Normally, Risk preferred to work alone. It was more efficient, things would get done faster, there was less chance of there being any slip-ups. But it also meant no extra pairs of hands--or teeth, claws, wings, clubs, magic... you get the idea. Triskelion would be an idiot if he didn't grin and bear it. Man, I feel like I'm back at the academy all over again. I just hope most of these guys look sharp--I wouldn't want to march through a damn rainforest like a cadet review.

"There's ten of us. Five to each group, then?"


The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

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Postby jobiehanna » 11/29/2010 12:49 PM

Okay, so maybe he wasn't going to go it alone. The tracks were much bigger than he had imagined them, and the wynd kuhna had a good idea. He wasn't fond of going in groups, but he could bare it for this little excursion. He would rather be safer in a group than dead alone. "I think that's a good idea," he said, eyes scanning the ruined forest. Anything could be out there. He gulped, a little afraid now that he was out there. They would have to follow the tracks after they split into groups if they wanted to find anything.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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