A wide open area of flat, grassy land and rocky trenches, supposedly a wide range of ancient civilizations once lived here. Species that like wide, open areas, such as Gyrophants, Serraptors, and Sahound, thrive here, though only the agile survive. (+3 Speed)

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The Sahound Packs (open)

Postby Terris » 12/09/2010 7:35 PM

The plains are home to many different creatures, none quite as versatile as the Sahound, living alone or in packs, these creatures are adapted perfectly to the plains.

(basically this is a roleplay where people can start packs, or have 'loner' sahounds, whatever you want really, its just for fun)
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Re: The Sahound Packs (open)

Postby Terris » 12/09/2010 7:42 PM

Image Saudis

Saudis yawned expansively as he opened bright blue eyes on the new day. Rising to his cream-coloured paws, he stretched, cat-like, a small pink tongue protruding between his teeth.
He padded slowly around the rock formation he called his home, making sure all was in order before he moved out to patrol the border of his territory, rubbing his head on a tree, or scentmarking a stunted bush as he went.
He was a young fellow, only recently matured and sent from his birth pack, but he had done well for himself, more out of sheer dumb luck than any skill, the pack that had lived in this territory the previous year had grown too large, and had moved on to find more abundant hunting grounds. He was just the first lucky hound to come along.
He just hoped he was up to the challenge of defending a territory, and hoped that he would not be on his own for long, there was safety in numbers, and numbers he did not have.
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Re: The Sahound Packs (open)

Postby Terris » 12/09/2010 8:00 PM


Tarn moved cautiously through the plains, his glowing eyes darting every which way as he stalked through the territories.
As a roving male, Tarn was often on the sharp end of a territorial male's claw or tooth, so he was always wary. This was a life he had chosen for himself, however, preferring not to be under the paw of some self-important Alpha, where he would constantly be patrolling the outskirts of a territory, or raiding rival packs.
If his life was going to be on the line, it was going to be on his own terms, and though the life of a roving male was a lonely one, he didnt mind whatsoever.
He stopped for a moment, scented the air, noting the familliar smell of the pack that had lived here the year before had faded, replaced with the scent of another male, but as yet, no females.  
Probably a newly matured dog just out of his birthpack he thought to himself. Still, he moved a little quicker, unwilling to once again be attacked by a territorial male if he could help it.
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Re: The Sahound Packs (open)

Postby Terris » 12/09/2010 9:25 PM

Saudis stopped in his tracks, having caught a scent on the breeze, his rounded ears flicked forward as he drank in the scent....which was unmistakably male. Padding toward the interloper, his paws made no sound on the earth below. He moved slowly, so as not to draw attention to himself, and when he finally spotted the other Sahound, he held back, if this intruder was just passing through, he would not attack, for it was better to avoid confrontation, and conserve energy for real threats, rather than attack any beast just passing through.
If, however, this other male was hunting on his land, or indended to claim a chunk as his own, the fight would be on.
He stayed just out of sight in the tall, golden grass, and watched, knowing his scent would be easily picked up by the other male, and knowing also, that the beast would be well aware of his presence.

Tarn knew the other male was  watching him and stopped a moment, his whole body tensing, waiting for the first attack. He took a defensive pose, glowing eyes darting around for any sign of the terriorial male's whereabouts, but he saw none. When no attack came, he visibly relaxed.
This one obviously has more sense than a stone he thought to himself, before giving a nod of acknowlegement in the direction he thought the other male might be.
He did not hurry out of the territory, for he did not want to be thought of as a coward, but at the same time, he did not linger, and he was soon past the border of Saudis' territory.
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Postby Wyvern » 12/09/2010 9:56 PM

(Joining for fun.)

A black, sinister-looking Sahound walked freely around the open plains- Vintage knew this was the day to visit her brother, Ventus, which was some distance away from her home at the other side of her territory. After running around the field in her search, she came across 2 Sahounds, one seemed to be a oddly coloured one that was attacking the other one´s territory. She stopped and backed off, she knew that it is not good to interfere with other Sahound´s problems.

Ventus, on the other side was too, looking for Vintage. They have been living in different territories for a few months, separated due to other Sahounds invading their homelands. He hoped he could go back with his sister, but he was very wary of other creatures that could attack him.

Zoo Pen
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Re: The Sahound Packs (open)

Postby Terris » 12/10/2010 4:31 AM

A scent on the breeze alerted Saudis to the approach of yet another Sahound. The bright blue eyes narrowed momentarily as he attempted to determine what he could.
This could be a rare opportunity. He thought briefly.
Quickly, he groomed his coat, removing the larger patches of dirt, before padding toward the dark female. He stood a respectful distance away and nodded his head in greeting to her, the intruding male forgotten for the moment.
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Postby Wyvern » 12/10/2010 10:31 PM

Vintage turned at the innocent-looking Sahound, she knew he wanted to show...respect. She smiled, also knowing that the Sahound was trying to protect his territory from a strange, cursed presence. Wondering, she knew that the other one would try to show respect as well.
No need to be afraid...
She said to herself over and over again, walking away from the evil-looking Sahound.

"Vintage!" A yell was heard from afar. "Be carefull!" Ventus ran to the Void Sahound. "Its dangerous here, sister. Lets move out." He said as the two brothers started to carefully walk away.

EDIT 1/24/2011: This RP is dead. Vintage and Ventus have left. Thank you.

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