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Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby clackno1 » 10/20/2010 7:55 PM

She blew on the hot cup of cocoa before taking a sip, watching the steam disappear into the air. It was cold outside, but not cold enough for her liking. It hadn't even snowed yet, for Pete's sake. And people called this cold. The season was going to start soon, and a little snow on the ground was just what she needed to make it feel real. It was so close to winter, and yet still autumn. She hated autumn. It's like the world had created another season just to make her wait longer. She just wanted it to end already.

Vera took another sip of the cocoa and moved her pinky finger around the rim, deep in thought. Zizi was sprawled out on the run by the fire, chewing on her favorite toy, a chocolate cuniflare plush. The thing was shredded and Vera had had to sew it's limbs back on multiple times over, but Zizi loved it and Veradis didn't have the heart to throw it out. Vera's long dark hair poured around her shoulders down to her elbows. the only reason it was that long was because Vera didn't bother to cut it. Her bangs were already falling into her eyes. The only reason she had bangs was because she'd taken scissors one day and chopped them off. She hadn't done have bad of a job either. They framed her face and her light hazel eyes nicely. She really didn't care, though. As long as she rode good she was fine.

She had one leg pulled up to her while the other hung over the edge of the plush chair. The monks were nice enough to let her stay a while, and had allowed Zizi in the temple as well. Vera had promised she would break anything. Zee was a good dog, after all. Vera just wanted to get away for a while, to have a little personal time away from her team mates, her coaches, and just about everything that stressed her out. Her snowboarding gear was tucked under the chair, though. That always went with her. You never knew when a good opportunity would pop up. Vera needed a vacation desperately, and Zizi probably wanted one a good amount.

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Re: Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/20/2010 10:17 PM


Well this was a nice, quiet place. He liked it here. Walking down the halls of the Temple, Starlight took off his long, thin cloak, revealing a starry black t-shirt and jeans. He ruffled his black windblown hair as he inclined his head to a monk in passing, the two front golden locks falling into his eyes as he did so. His figure was tall and well-built, and pretty fit too. He had been called handsome on many an occasion, but usually hid in his cloak, even on the hot days of summer.

He was always allowed here in the Temple, mostly because his quiet personality did not disturb the tranquillity of the Temple. Even when he spoke, it was so soft it often went unheard. Heading for his normal room overlooking a creek, he caught a glance of a strange person in one of the spare rooms used for guests. Well, not a strange person herself, just a stranger to the Temple. As much as the monks did not mind offering shelter to others, not many people came around these parts. He stopped and looked back into the room, taking in the sight of the woman and her companion lounging by the fireplace.

Before he knew it, he had already stepped into the room, perhaps because he was a bit lonely. Just a bit. Not that he would tell anyone. He wasn't the proud type, just the type who preferred to keep to himself. Another reason he probably didn't mind speaking to her, was probably because there wasn't anyone else around. Less people for Starlight to block out, less headache, less hassle; it was bearable to make conversation...if he could get a word out.

Noticing that he had paused, he continued, his steps soft on the floor. Slowing almost to a stop when he reached halfway between her and the door, he brought a small, gentle smile to his features.
"...Hello..." he said, in his soft voice, quiet even in the quiet of the room. Surely the woman would hear...unless she was deep in thought.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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6.4, 6.4

Postby clackno1 » 10/21/2010 2:57 PM

Zizi heard the footsteps coming down the hall long before the person was even near the room. She assumed it to be one of the monks and barely took any notice, but she still made sure the person walked by the door. Which it didn't. She stopped chewing her stuffed cuniflare and lifted her head, ears perked, when the footsteps stopped right by the door. She examined the person standing there. Male, well-built, and possible threat. He could be an assassin come to hurt her master. Or some crazed psycho looking for his next victim. He could just be some nice guy looking for a conversation, but Zizi wasn't one to take chances. She always assumed the worst.

A low growl in the Kirund's throat made Veradis pull herself from her thoughts and look at her dog. Zizi tended to get worked up easily, but her warning were something to pay attention to. Seeing her dog focused on the door, Vera looked behind her chair to see a figure standing there. Not a monk, another traveler perhaps? "Can I help you?" her tone was threatening or offended, just polite and curious. Of course she wanted to know what this stranger was doing in her room. He didn't look like a threat, just another person. But a lot of killers could look like everyone else. Not that he was a killer. It was just a thought.

Disliking how far she was from her master, Zizi got up, toy in her mouth, and moved to sit next to Vera's chair. She kept her eyes on the possible assassin/psycho, making it obvious that she didn't enjoy him being there.

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Re: Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 10/21/2010 4:29 PM

Starlight's eyes followed the Kirund as it moved over to its master, raising an eyebrow slightly. He knew such canine creatures were protective, but did he really seem like a threat? Despite that, he was undaunted by her obvious dislike of his presence. That was simply because he knew quite a bit about things, and the Kirund did not look like she wanted to hurt him just because he was there...that would be a different matter if he did anything to appear like a threat.

His gaze flicked back to their initial spot, on the woman. He smiled again, soft and kind, coming to a complete stop.
"No...a new face is unusual here...that's all..." he spoke in his man-of-few-words way. He hoped she would not mistake that trait for something...bad. That wouldn't be good, nope...but it also wouldn't be the first time it has happened. Footsteps came in the hallway, only to recede again, leaving only the crackling of the fire to keep the room from silence.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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7.0, 7.0

Postby clackno1 » 10/21/2010 4:52 PM

Vera glanced down at the Kirund and then back up at the stranger and noticed his discomfort. It was understandable that he would be afraid. Zizi was a big dog, a very big dog, and tended to act a little...vicious around people she didn't know. It wasn't uncommon. "She's harmless." Vera assured him, scratching the Kirund's head. She smiled to reinforce it, and patted Zee to make her calm down. Zizi moved her eyes off the stranger and down to the floor. She'd do as she was told, but she wouldn't like it.

Zizi laid down on the floor, crossing her paws and laying her head on them. Her tail swept the floor and she tucked her toy into her jaws. She'd tolerate the stranger's presence, but if he got too close so help her. Vera turned her attention from the dog to the stranger once again. "You can here for something, didn't you?" it was unlikely he'd just wandered in here. She had left the door open, but still. It would make more sense if he had a goal.

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Re: Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/15/2010 8:43 PM

((Sorry about that :P By the way, I had said Starlight wasn't frightened of Zizi (it's not really his character), but it's no big deal, just pointing it out.))

Starlight nodded lightly to the woman's statement as he calmly watched the kirund go back to her place. Returning his eyes to her, he blinked at her question. Was he a...suspicious character? Did she think he had some sort of motive in approaching her? He didn't quite understand why she would think that one wouldn't simply want to say hello. Would it have been different if one of the monks had approached? Was it his appearance, or was it simply something she thought of everyone?
It was amazing, true, that those were alot of questions conjured up over a single question. Most people would have just answered, but Starlight wasn't one of those people. Since he hardly ever spoke, he had more time to think, which led to...well, this. Realizing that he needed to answer, his mouth opened and shut slowly, repeating the motion, until his voice, as soft and quiet as usual, spouted from it.
"...no...just hello," then, he forced himself to speak aloud one of his questions, "I...need one?" he asked, blinking. 'One', of course, referred to reasons for approaching another. This was a strange thing, to be sure...he never had anyone speak to him in this way, only simple conversations ever occurred, as if in passing.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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7.1, 7.1

Postby clackno1 » 12/16/2010 4:15 PM

(Oh man, sorry, I must have read that wrong x3 I don't want to take away his masculinity or anything x3 also OHMYGODITSSNOWINGOMGOMGOMG <33 Well, it's been flurrying for a few days now but nothing big so now it's sticking and I'm SO excited xD)

Vera pursed her lips as she waited for him to respond, calmly twirling a lock of her black hair around her finger. She'd gotten the impression that this guy didn't talk much already, so she just waited. She wasn't about to rush him or anything. Zizi turned her bright blue eyes off of the newcomer for a moment to watch her owner. She carefully read Vera's face for any sign of fear, discomfort, or anger, no matter how miniscule it may be. She'd lived with Vera for a few years now and knew her owner well, well enough to read her emotions.

Vera relaxed back in the chair at his response. Now it was her turn to ponder a little. "I suppose you're right." she shrugged and glanced at Zee. "I guess I'm just used to everyone always expecting a reason." that was easy to do when everyone did have a reason, and then anyone who didn't was an outsider and a weirdo. This guy wasn't a weirdo, just quiet was all. Well, that's what it looked like at least.

"So, if you're not doing anything at the moment, mind telling me a bit about yourself?" It couldn't hurt to get to know the guy a little. It was hard to really know people, especially after they found out you were an Olympic snowboarder.

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Re: Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/16/2010 10:55 PM

((Ah, :P Snow. I love snow too, but not quite...THAT much. We had a snowstorm, pretty much, the other day. About an hour out of the city I live in, 300 or so people were stranded on the highways, and one died like 5 meters from his car. We got a state of emergency and everything around us (not in the city luckily), so yah, we got it BAD.))

Starlight had been listening quietly, with his general perceptive personality picking up on the movements of the woman and of her companion. Of course, he didn't read into them, since there wasn't anything to really read into, not to mention that he was not that calculating.
He nodded gently to Vera's statement but blinked when she asked for him to tell her about himself. He was unsure of how he should answer, a thought revealed by his ever-so-slight shuffling. Noticing that he had been standing quite awkwardly, he moved to the chair opposite from Vera, which wasn't too close, something Zizi probably would be okay with.
As he passed Vera, he picked up on something, a special voice. She wanted winter, she wanted snow. He tried to shove it to the back of his mind, since he disliked invading privacy where it was unnecessary. Sitting, he thought about it...where to start?
"I'm...Starlight...my name, I mean. I don't...know what to say...I'm not so interesting." It seemed he was getting more comfortable with being here, though it had only been a few minutes, a fact revealed by the way he spoke. Not that he really spoke more, just that he made his sentences more complete, and didn't pause...as much. Well, he did leave out one fact, about his...ability. But he never told anyone about that...at least, not yet.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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7.2, 7.2

Postby clackno1 » 12/16/2010 11:23 PM

(Oh...well at that point snow isn't so good Dx It's just the first snow that is really exciting to me. After a while I'm just irritated x3 In the last ten years it's only snowed about twice on Christmas so that's what I really look forward too~)

Vera didn't mind when he moved to the chair, Zizi certainly did. She didn't raise her head or take any immediate action, just moved her tail across the floor causing the bones that were revealed to skid across the floor. It was the only thing she really could do without being scolded by Vera. Her ears went back at the thought. She'd do anything to keep her owner safe, but would do even more to keep her happy.

He wasn't interesting? No way did Vera believe that. "Starlight? I'm Veradis, but Vera is just fine. This is Zizi." she patted the Kirund lovingly. Zee's ears perked and her tail started to wag a little at the small sign of affection. "I'm there's plenty you can tell, a mysterious guy like you. I'll go first, if it helps." she paused for a moment as she tried to think of a few random facts to tell about herself. "Well, first, I absolutely hate mushrooms, can't stand them. Um, I love to make snow angels, and I could stare at the moon for hours. I think it's just gorgeous. Your turn." she didn't mention her profession just quite yet in case this guy was a fan and would change completely once she mentioned the word "olympics".

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Re: Just a Little Vacation [P, Jaden]

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/17/2010 12:23 AM

Starlight listened quietly to Vera speak, nodding when he heard her name. Veradis. It was a nice name, very unique, since he'd never heard it, or anything similar before. Plenty of interesting things, huh? Well, perhaps. He never thought about it, really. There was never any need to, since no one ever bothered trying to understand him before. As she described herself, he laughed softly, surprising himself. Well, sure, he's smiled before, but it had been a long time since he had laughed. Out of some awkward gesture, perhaps out of shyness, he looked out the window, then after a moment, looked back at Vera.
"I suppose...you're right, perhaps. ...I like apples, and being in the forest...it's very calm and peaceful...like this place. ...I also like the sky...it always looks like a painting. ...the stars too," he paused, blushing slightly (wait, blushed?), "it feels like the stars hold our hopes and dreams as they look down on us...for lack of better words, it feels like there's another...world up there." As if looking at the stars, he looked upwards in a daze. Then he seemed to realize how much he had said, and well, what he had said, then blushed even more (yes, blushed) and looked down at the ground in embarrassment. He still did not say anything about that one topic, but...he had a feeling she was holding something back as well, though that was just a feeling, nothing more.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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7.3, 7.3

Postby clackno1 » 12/17/2010 6:47 PM

(Aww, he's sooo cute xD)

Vera raised an eyebrow at his laugh. So he found her funny, huh? Well, at least she was getting somewhere. Zizi had fallen asleep, actually. Apparently she'd judged this stranger as safe-enough-to-fall-asleep-in-a-room-with. She still had one ear perked, though. Any suspicious movement and she'd be up and at 'em. He wouldn't stand a chance.

"A painting, huh? Interesting." she could tell Starlight was really deep. He probably had a lot of time to think about things, not being rushed into life everyday and being able to slow down. "I suppose you're a night person, then?" oh, Vera loved the night. Not just the moon, but the mysterious feeling and the slight glow the moon gave everything, especially when it was full. Night walks were her favorite thing in the whole wide world, except snow that is. There was the feeling that you should be quiet and just listen. She loved how the stars looked like snowflakes, and she used to count shooting stars when she was little.

One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
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