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Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I] -Fin-

Postby Flame » 12/20/2010 6:06 AM

[Just to let you lovely readers know before-hand, Sam and Shades are lifemates. <3 This is their story.]

The soft click of heels heralded the presence of a rather unusual visitor on base, the sound not quite fitting into the usual hum of background noise which permeated the atmosphere. Then again, it seemed that everything she embodied didn’t exactly fit in here to begin with, from her classy style of dress to her long, golden-blond hair and fair skin. Well, and the fact that she was a woman. But still. Today, she made no attempt to hide herself from the questioning eyes of those who inhabited the base; it was actually all part of her plan. She’d found that hiding in plain sight worked wonders, and as long as you looked like you knew what you were doing and as if you could make any person who crossed you regret it, you could pretty much do anything you pleased.

With her smart, light-pink blouse, a dark skirt, and a black leather portfolio, she certainly looked like she meant business. If anything, she could easily be mistaken for some sort of official, perhaps doing some sort of standard inspection of the base. Her expression – bright, rose-hued eyes set dead ahead as she walked and each step purposeful and unwavering – brooked no questions, and any person who had half a mind to ask her what she was doing here soon thought better of it and let her go her own way. Despite her appearance of self-assurance though, she still silently breathed a sigh of relief each time suspicious eyes drifted over her before moving on once again without comment. This method was proving to be somewhat more nerve-wracking than she had anticipated it would be; perhaps she would stick to sneaking around next time instead. If nothing else, it at least drew less attention to herself.

Despite how much time she spent here on a regular basis anyways, it always caught her by surprise to see that same, familiar face pass her in the hallway every few minutes. However, despite the uncanny similarities (or more like ‘identicalities’), she could somehow always tell that whoever it was that just passed her by was not the person she was looking for. Call it a sixth sense of some sort, but whatever the case, she continued walking, her feet taking her on a course which they were obviously familiar with. She’d been here a lot; much more than she should have been, and definitely much more than she was allowed to be. Before she’d met Shades though, she hadn’t known a thing about this base, or those who lived here, and if it hadn’t been for him, she likely would have lived the rest of her life completely ignorant to their existence. And as many good friendships go, theirs had a story behind it.

For Sam, the day they met had started with rain, heartbreak, and tears. It wasn’t in her nature to cry, but even the strongest of people had their moments of weakness, and this was hers. That was the day she met a stranger who leant her his coat and sat out in the rain with her to console her, and that was the day that she met her best friend. Despite the fact that she was bedraggled, had mascara streaming down her face, and was a complete and utter stranger, he hadn’t cared. He had taken her under his wing, and that day had forged their lasting friendship, which still persisted to this day. Regardless of the odds that faced them due to their differences, she had found a way to come and visit him at base when he couldn’t get away to come and see her. She told him everything about herself, her past, and her present, and he, in turn, offered her an open, sympathetic ear, no matter what the subject, even when it came to her repertoire of failed relationships. Come what may, he was the only true constant in her life, and was always there to pick up the pieces when she needed him to be. Although they were somewhat disapproving at first (namely Adate), his squadmates had come to accept her presence, thanks to her unyielding stubbornness when it came to the things which she saw as being important to her.

As usual, she was here today to visit Shades, and for the most part, it seemed that her disguise was holding up for the time being. However, the less time she spent out in the open, the less chance she could be identified as an intruder, and therefore, the more time she could spend with her friend. Pulling up short at a familiar doorway, she paused outside of it for a moment before knocking softly, fidgeting slightly as she watched for any suspicious gazes turned her way.
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/21/2010 3:50 AM


“How’s that cleaning going?”

Shades looked up as Adate bent over his work, eyes skimming over the multitude of blaster pieces scattered across the table on a cloth. Shades paused in his work, cloth stilling as it dusted the internal mechanisms  that held the blaster together. A gummed up weapon meant death on the battlefield, and every good solider knew it was essential to keep their armor and their weapons and themselves in perfect malfunctioning order. Shades chuckled good-naturedly, leaning back to tip his orange sunglasses down his nose. “All good, sarge. All good. You don’t need to check up on me. I’ve done this a billion times.” From the corner, a soft chuckle had both clones glancing over at Torrent, who sat patiently on his bunk, legs folded as he ‘meditated.’ It was something he’d picked up from one of the Jedi generals, and Torrent seemed to quite enjoy his daily meditations. He cracked open one eye, tilting his head as he observed his brothers. Please, you two. Not another quarrel. I’d rather not listen to another edition of ‘you’re not doing it right’ courtesy of one sergeant and his subordinate. So please.”

Adate raised an eyebrow, and chucked one of the cleaning rags at his brother. It bounced harmlessly off of Torrent’s head, and said Medic shot him a faintly amused glare. “A cleaning rag? Really sarge, that’s the best you can do?” Shades, meanwhile, had gone back to his cleaning, whistling tunelessly while he worked as the sergeant and medic began a good-natured argument over what should have been thrown. He hardly noticed when they started a wrestling match, both spouting off nonsense and false insults about each other as Adate grabbed Torrent in a headlock, and the medic flipped him over backwards. The commotion in the room didn’t seem to bother Shades; he’d already drifted back into his own little world, lost in his work and his thoughts. He wondered when the next time he’d see Samantha would be; he figured it‘d be soon. He saw her almost every other day, or whenever he was stationed on Coruscant. Shades remembered very vividly the day he met her; the sad little wisp of a woman crying in the rain, sobbing her broken little heart out. He remembered offering her his jacket, of soothing her with sweet nothings and a comforting embrace. He remembered how she’d looked up at him with beautiful, strangely captivating eyes, and how Shades had fallen head over heels the instant she‘d leveled him with that hopeful, tearful look.

From then on, he was her friend and confidant, willing to listen to her troubles and always there when she needed him. He listened to her stories about the men she dated, good naturedly nodding his head and smiling while inside, his heart was breaking. He’d do anything in the world to protect Sam, and she deserved so much better than him. She deserved someone who could always be there, who wasn’t destined to die on a battlefield, someone who had a long and full life ahead of them. Shades didn’t dare breathe a word about his affection for her; he didn’t want to scare her or frighten her off. He didn’t know if he could live without her, and he didn’t dare to try. As long as she was happy, then Shades could pretend to be happy for her. Sometimes he hated himself for being so afraid, but he would never do anything to compromise their friendship. If it meant smiling softly, and consoling her with a friendly hug while she poured out her heart to him, then so be it. He wouldn’t lose her, he couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. Shades didn’t notice that his hands had stilled in their work, or that he was no longer seeing his weapon. He didn’t notice that Torrent and Adate had stopped fighting, and were shooting each other understanding looks, identical frowns on their faces as they watched their brother struggle with his feelings and his heartbreak.

It was killing them as much as it killed Shades to watch him, day after day, put on a fake smile and treat Sam as if she meant nothing more to him than a friend. They knew very well that he’d given his heart away to her the moment he’d met her, and they knew, as much as anyone, that Shades would never, ever compromise Sam’s friendship, or put her in an awkward situation by telling her how he felt. He’d suffer in silence, and he’d do so with a smile and a hug for his best friend. It broke their hearts like it broke Shades’ heart, and they saw the sadness creep into his eyes when Sam left, or the despair that wrung him out into a shadow of the man that he once was when she told him of her latest male acquaintance. Adate opened his mouth to say something, to console his brother in his heartbreak, when a soft, barely perceptible knock sounded on the door to their shared quarters. Before either Adate or Torrent could respond, Shades was up and out of his seat, weapons forgotten as he rushed to the door. He palmed the lock, and it whooshed open with a soft hiss. Shades’ face instantly brightened, his smile so wide it looked like it might hurt.

Sam!” he exclaimed happily, swooping down and scooping her up into a gentle embrace. “I was wondering when you’d come by. Come on in. Uh, I was just cleaning my weapon. We just got back from a particularly long stint out on Geonosis. Got a lot of sand in the barrel; gums up the works. Don’t want it exploding.” He rambled slightly, excited to see her after such a long deployment and the heartbreak it had entailed; anything to forget the pain of loving her and losing those who were closest to him. Torrent and Adate exchanged looks; it had been a particularly difficult deployment this time. They’d lost their fourth member, Strike, on Geonosis. Sam would, no doubt, notice that the somewhat surly demolitions expert was not among them. The loss had hit the team hard, and they were all busy recovering. Laughing, joking, cleaning their armor and weapons, talking to Sam; it was all just to distract themselves from the loss of someone they’d lived their entire lives with. A brother in arms, and a good one at that, who’d been stolen from them by the war.

Adate sat down heavily on his bunk, looking worn as he smiled weakly at Sam. It’d been nice not to think about Strike for a few hours, but with Sam here…explanations would be in order, and wounds barely scabbed over, would be ripped open to start healing anew. Torrent moved forward and swept Sam into a hug as Shades led her inside. “Hey there, little sister,” he said fondly, ruffling her hair lightly. “Did you get all dressed up just for us? You look pretty formal there. What’s the occasion?” Shades smiled beside Torrent, flicking his orange shades up over his eyes as he looked Sam up and down, glad of the small reprieve he got with the sunglasses; they hid his gaze from view when he least wanted her to see it. “You look nice, Sammy-girl. Come on, have a seat. Tell us what you’ve been up to.” Torrent pulled out a chair for her as the two hovered around her, as if waiting for her to give them a command. Torrent only hoped she wouldn’t mention Strike’s absence; the loss was telling on all three in their strained smiles and sad, faraway eyes.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 12/21/2010 8:28 PM

As usual, Sam didn’t have to wait long before the door slid open to reveal the face she knew and loved, Shade’s bright smile instantly warming her heart and bringing an answering smile to her features. “Hey, you,” she replied affectionately, clearly excited to see him again after what felt like an eternity of separation while he was deployed off-planet. Her expression was delighted as she hugged him back tightly, relieved that he was safe and sound. She always worried herself sick when he and the rest of his squad (who she had also come to be extremely close to) were sent off on some ridiculous and impossibly dangerous mission or another, and she would fret constantly until they finally returned, which they always did, to her great relief.

She grinned at Shades as he went off on a tangent; he always seemed so excited to see her when she showed up, a feeling which she reflected. “I know…I missed you something terrible while you were gone. Of course I had to come and see you as soon as I heard that you got back.” She squeezed him lightly again before allowing herself to be led into the room, the door softly hissing shut behind her to block out the rest of the world. Her warm gaze swept over rest of squad who were as close to her as any brothers could be. However, it immediately hit her that something was amiss; only three of the four-member squad were present, and although that normally wouldn’t be of concern (he could have been training alone, or something), it was glaringly obvious that their last brother wasn’t coming back anytime soon.

Although she made a valiant attempt to keep her expression smooth, her smile slowly faded as reality hit her, her pink eyes flickering with sorrow for the anguish which she knew they shared before she managed to slip her mask of cheerfulness back on once again, although her enthusiasm seemed slightly dimmer. It wasn’t hard to tell what had befallen Strike; the worn, troubled looks of the remaining three brothers, their faces lined with grief, the untouched bunk in the corner of the room…She could feel her heart break for them, even though they were doing a courageous job of staying optimistic in the face of their loss. Of the four, she had known Strike the least, due to his somewhat more gruff attitude, but still, she had liked him, and she knew just how much he meant to his brothers.

Her own troubles suddenly seemed so trivial and inconsequential in comparison to what they were currently dealing with, but it would obviously be a healing process for them, and if they didn’t want to bring the topic up, she wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence and pour salt into an open wound. As she took the proffered seat, she took up the usual, happy chatter she kept up when she was with the squad; despite how insignificant it might be, she would do anything within her power to distract them from their current burden.

“Yes, actually,” she replied to Torrent’s question with a charming laugh. “I did. Apparently, as long as you dress formally and look like you wouldn’t hesitate to stick a stiletto where it hurts, you can get a lot of places in this world.” She chuckled lightly, her eyes glimmering with faint amusement. “Even a base which frowns upon female presence. Oh, the things I do for you boys.” Sam grinned, but her gaze was fond as she glanced from face to face, finally settling on Shades'. “Well, not much has really happened since you guys left. I’ve been to a few meetings here and there, settled a sizeable deal with a customer, and attended a pageant. Oh, and some relationship…issues. But what else is new?” She shrugged lightly, seeming to brush it off as if it meant nothing (which it did, in comparison to the troubles that the squad was coping with), but it was clear that the fact still hurt. “So, what’s Geonosis like? I’m a little put-out that you guys didn’t send me a post card.” Her tone was teasing as she spoke, her personality just as bubbly and charming as it always was.
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/22/2010 3:36 AM

Shades felt his heart flip-flop when she smiled at him. “Yeah, we got back just yesterday. Long…mission,” his voice fading slightly. He cast a hesitant glance at Adate, watching as the sergeant lowered his eyes, hands clasped tightly in front of him. Torrent and Shades exchanged identical looks, shaking their heads. Adate blamed himself for Strike’s death. It had been on his orders that the demolitions expert had gone in to secure a hangar while his other brothers fanned out to secure areas of their own. Adate couldn’t have known that the Geonosian warriors had taken refuge in that very hangar, or that they’d already decimated two squads before they had time to warn the battalion. He couldn’t have known that he’d practically ordered Strike to his death. Despite assurances to the contrary by both Torrent and Shades, Adate blamed himself. He hadn’t spoken a word on the ride out of the battle zone, and when they’d reached their temporary quarters back at the base, Adate had practically shut himself off from the world.

Adate sat on his bunk, flinching at every small sound in the impossibly silent room. Torrent was leaning against the wall, and Shades was stripping off his dust covered armored with a distant, pained look. The clatter of armor plates somehow roused Torrent from his state of shell-shock, and he slowly moved over to the bunk where his sergeant sat, closed off from the world. “Sarge?” Torrent croaked, his voice feeling raw and hoarse as if he hadn’t spoke in years. “Sarge? Adate? Hey, talk to me, vod.” Torrent reached out and gently touched Adate’s shoulder, but the sergeant stared straight ahead, eyes unfocused and unblinking. Shades, having stripped off the upper half of his armor, carefully wandered over, an anxious expression on his face. “Hey, sarge, it’s okay,” he murmured comfortingly, moving to stand beside Torrent.

“It’s…it’s all right. Stirke…he’s…he’s in a better place now, ya know? He doesn’t have to fight anymore. And I bet…I bet he’s real happy now.” Torrent kneeled down, and Shades looked on cautiously, still watching Adate’s face for any sign of change. “Sarge,” Torrent murmured. “Sarge, look at me. Look at me.” Adate’s empty eyes turned slowly towards the medic, and Torrent breathed a small sigh of relief; Adate wasn’t too far gone yet. “Listen to me, Adate. It wasn’t your fault, you know. It wasn’t-” but the words never left his lips. Adate had sprung to his feet, knocking Torrent flat on his back and forcing Shades to leap backwards as he swung a punch at him, half-heartedly trying to hit his own brother. Adate stumbled, a sob wrenching free from his lips, and it was only then that Shades saw the tears streaming down their sergeant’s face.

Torrent and Shades were both in a mild state of shock; they’d never expected their sergeant to cry, let alone swing a punch at them. “Sarge-” Shades began, but Adate swung his fist, and Shades had to leap back, words hanging in the air between them. “Shut up!” Adate had screamed, holding his head as though everything had suddenly become too loud. “Shut up, both of you! You don’t know anything! You don’t know what it’s like! It’s all my fault! I ordered him to his death! I ordered him to his death! I killed him! It was my fault! I killed him!” Shades and Torrent had regained some semblance of coherency, and shot each other twin looks of horror as Torrent shot forward to catch his sergeant just before he crumpled to the ground.

“Shut up…” Adate murmured weakly, tears falling in rivers down his cheeks. “Just shut up…my fault…I killed him…I…I…” Torrent embraced his brother, as Shades knelt down to offer a comforting hand on both his brothers’ shoulders. “It’s all right sarge,” Torrent was saying, his voice deceptively calm. Shades glanced over and felt something wet trickling down his cheek. He reached up, and realized he was crying as well. Torrent caught his gaze and he saw tears shining in the medic’s eyes. Everything is going to be all right.”

They’d returned to Coruscant, shaken, heartbroken, but still together; they hadn’t been out of each others sight for more than a few minutes at a time since then. Shades and Torrent both took seats at the small table in the center of the room, Shades sitting across from Sam, and Torrent to her right. Adate was still sitting on his bunk, head down, hands clasped tight together, eyes unseeing. Shades smiled shakily at Sam, trying desperately not to think about Adate’s predicament. He just wanted to focus on her. He reached out and set his hand gently on top of hers, using her strength as an anchor to reality. He didn’t want to lose himself like his sergeant was slowly doing. He didn’t want to slip away like Adate. “Relationship issues?” Shades asked with a faint tilt of his head. His heart cracked a little at those words; just once, he wished it was their relationship she was concerned about. But they were nothing more than friends; why worry about something you didn’t have, right?

Shades longed to be the one to comfort her, to take her into his arms and kiss her senseless, to make her feel safe and protected and loved, but he dared no more than a hug or a simple gesture; a brush of the hand, a smile, a wink, a laugh. It was all he could offer her when she came to him with her troubles, even though he longed to give her so much more. He forced a cheerful smile on his face, and leaned forward a little. “Geonosis is…desert as far as the eye can see, and it’s hot and full of bugs and they have these sandstorms you wouldn’t believe.” He swallowed thickly, glancing at Torrent as if asking permission to continue. The Medic nodded imperceptibly, and focused his gaze on their sergeant., ready to leap over the table if need be to stop Adate from breaking down a second time. “Sammy-girl…we lost Strike. You probably noticed…he’s not here. He was…k-killed…shot down…He…Well, he…” He couldn’t say anymore past the lump in his throat, and he looked down at the table, at their intertwined hands; hers, so small and delicate, his, so large and strong. He gripped her hand tightly, closing his eyes briefly, before the fake smile returned and he forced his sadness aside. “Tell me about what’s been going on Sammy-girl. What’s this about relationship troubles, eh? Do we need to beat the bacta out of someone for you? Maybe do a little intimidating? We’re good at that, you know.”

((First time I’ve delved into what happens to my squads and my boys when they lose a brothers. For anyone reading, they’re a tight knit community, and they trust and love only their brothers, and it’s difficult for them to open up and admit other people. They’ve literally grown up with the same brothers for their entire lives, and been through heck and back with them. To lose a  brother is like losing a part of their soul; it’s a pain and a gaping wound that can never really be closed, and can haunt them for the rest of their lives. I actually find it difficult to write about them losing a brother, because the pain they feel is unimaginable and hard to convey through simple words. It’s just…hard for people to understand, but it’s literally like losing a part of yourself when they lose a brother. And this is just a very brief look into what they go through.))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 12/23/2010 4:57 AM

Although the squad was doing a valiant job of trying to hide it, Sam could almost feel the raw heartbreak and strife which permeated the atmosphere, seeming to crush the very spirits of the men who she was so used to seeing cheerful and relaxed. She chanced a glance over at Adate, who had opted to sit out on this conversation and brood alone on his bunk instead, but it was his blank, unseeing, and unfeeling expression, masking a vast ocean of grief which lay underneath, that troubled her. Although he had always been a little more staid than the rest of his squad, she had never seen him in a state like this before, and distressed her. That same pain was mirrored on both Torrent’s and Shades’ faces, but they seemed to be doing a slightly better job of coping with their loss, although a small voice inside her screamed that it was a loss no person should have to bear.

Sam would be the first to admit that she could not begin to understand what these men were put through every day. No person could possibly do so; not unless they had lived a day in their shoes. She both respected them and shared the pain of the unfairness of the life for which they were created, despairing in the fact that there was nothing more that she could do to help them but try and distract them from their world of violence and despair for as long as she could. As Shades took her hand, she automatically curled her fingers gently around his, a gesture which seemed to come completely naturally as she squeezed his hand lightly, her small hand seemingly delicate in a careful grip which could just as easily have crushed it.

When he echoed her last phrase back as a question, she simply shrugged lightly, as if it were of little consequence. Sam was completely oblivious to the conflict which she roused within him every single time she was in his presence;  she was unaware of the feelings which he felt for her, his longing, yearning to be more than ‘just friends’. It was evident that she had no idea what effect the smallest things she did had on him, every brush of her hand, every warm embrace, every little smile…She had never considered him as anything more than a friend, and a best friend at that, but perhaps it was because she hadn’t dared to. Some subconscious voice told her that Shades deserved more than just her, a young woman not even capable of coping with her own relationship affairs. He needed someone more down-to-earth, someone who could take care of herself, someone who wouldn’t be such a burden upon him to add to the weight which he already bore.

Sam had had her fair share of relationships in her life, but most, if not all, had ended rather badly and after only a short period of time. She just happened to be one of those types of women that many men automatically latched onto, but only for reason which were not necessarily in her best interests. As a lady of considerable class, she was young, pretty, charming, and soft-spoken, which automatically made her an easy target for any male; however, it seemed that most of the men she had met had only liked her for the prestige which she brought them. After all, dating someone like her acted as an automatic status-boost for any man, and although she was unfortunately blind to that fact, she still felt its sting when all was said and done, and she was soon cast by the wayside to be picked up by yet another self-absorbed man. Somehow, she just seemed to be an unfortunate magnet for bad news, a fact which she had come to accept as unalterable and inevitable.

However, those were not the thoughts on her mind as she listened to Shades continue, her expression growing more solemn and pained with each word. She had thought that maybe, just maybe if she hadn’t considered the ugliest possibilities, they might not have come true, but it appeared that such luck wasn’t with her today. Her grip on his hand tightened as he spoke until she held it in almost a vice-grip, willing his words not to be true, although she knew the cold, hard reality of what he was telling her. Her eyes were pained as she stared down at the floor, still trying to come to terms with the undeniable facts. “I…I knew,” she finally said, her voice shaking slightly as she fought to keep her emotional turmoil under control.

“I mean, I guessed…but…I just…” Her voice dwindled off into silence. She just what? Wanted to avoid the topic and act as if nothing had happened? Pretend that Strike had never existed, and that everything was just as normal? There was a quiet moment of somewhat tense silence, then Sam stood up, pulling her chair around to situate it next to Shades’, then sat down once again. Her one hand still held his in a reassuring grip, her other arm wrapping lightly about his waist to hug him close as she rested her head on his shoulder, providing warmth and contact for what comfort she could offer as she leaned against him. “Do you want to talk about it?” she finally asked softly, her voice and gaze gentle as she glanced up at him and over at Torrent. “I can cope with my own troubles. They’re…not that important.”
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/23/2010 6:52 AM

Adate’s knuckled had turned white, his heart racing. Every moment that passed was another moment closer to reliving the awful pain, the overwhelming guilt of losing Strike and being responsible for it. He took a deep, shuddering breath, and closed his eyes tightly, before he jerked himself up and off his bunk. He cast a look at his squad, and his face darkened with the shadows of his haunting memories, and then he looked at Sam. “Hey Sam,” he said in a soft, strained voice. “Sorry, ad’ika. I don’t think this is a conversation I should be in on. I’m going for a walk. I’ll see you later vode, Sammy-girl.” He turned on his heel and palmed the door open, slipping outside and practically running to get away from the tension and stifling despair of the room. Torrent rubbed the back of his head, looking a little lost. He glanced from Shades to Sam, then to their interlocked hands, and sighed. “I’d better go make sure he doesn’t do something stupid,” he murmured, politely excusing himself as he slid his chair backwards and strode towards the door. “Be good you two,” he said with a faint smile and a half-hearted wink.

Shades watched his brothers leave, a sinking feeling of sadness settling into the pit of his stomach. Adate was so torn up over losing Strike, he could hardly function, Shades was heartbroken and constantly fawning over Sam, while trying to deal with his sadness at losing a brother, and Torrent, ever reliable Torrent, was trying his best to keep them all from going over the deep end. But Shades heard Torrent in the middle of the night as his brother’s wounds bled and he sobbed out his sorrow. He never said a word, but he knew they had all been hit hard, and it would take a while for them to recover from this, if they ever truly did. Shades watched Sam move her chair towards him, leaning into her when she wrapped a warm, comforting arm around him. He enveloped her in a nearly stifling embrace, crushing her against him as he breathed in her faint, vanilla scent. He clung to her like she was his anchor, which, in a way, she was. Sam meant everything to him; she was what kept him grounded, what brought him crashing back into reality when the world threatened to overwhelm him.

She was the reason he fought; to hell with the Republic. He didn’t fight for them. He didn’t fight for the senators, the politicians, the generals, his superiors. He fought for Sam. She was all that was good and wholesome in the world and he fought to protect her, to keep her the way she was. He’d die if it meant keeping her safe and happy, and he would do it without a second thought. He loved her, probably more than he did his brothers, and he’d give anything for her to just be happy in life; even if it meant playing second fiddle to her myriad of shallow, useless boyfriends and their flippant wants and needs. Shades closed his eyes, sorrow and sadness momentarily forgotten as he just…breathed. He breathed in Sam’s sweet scent, breathed out the despair. His heart pounded in his chest, and he momentarily entertained the idea of telling her exactly how he felt about her. He gently ran a hand through the soft curls that tumbled down her shoulder, staring at them in silent fascination, and then pulled back slightly. No, he decided. He couldn’t tell her; he was afraid. He couldn’t lose this. He couldn’t lose Sam, and he didn’t want to push her away by telling her things she didn’t want or need to hear.

So he contented himself with her embrace, and her comfort and silently forced himself to believe that he wasn’t in love with her, and that they were nothing more than friends. Shades tapped Sam’s nose gently, and smiled weakly, letting his cheek rest against the top of her head. “Don’t think for a moment, Sammy-girl, that your troubles aren’t important. They are to me.” He finally sighed, and seemed to deflate a little, pulling back to stare down at her with a pensive expression. “I know Strike didn’t talk much to you. He was a lot like Adate in that sense, I suppose. He liked his privacy, and he wasn’t even that talkative to us, to be honest. But you know, Sammy-girl, he sure did like you. He enjoyed it when you came to visit. He especially enjoyed those sweets you smuggled in the first time you visited. I think you cemented your place in his heart after that.” He patted her shoulder, rubbing soothing circles on her back as though she were the one who needed comforting and not him. Maybe she was, Shades decided. He knew Strike’s death would hit her as hard as it had them, and he couldn’t bear to see her sad.

“Adate blames himself for Strike’s death; he ordered him to secure a hangar he didn’t know was swarming with…Geonosians. Strike, well, he went out fighting. You know how he was. I think he blew half that hangar to kingdom come when he went. Took out…took out a lot of the enemy, and made a nice hole for us to get behind Seppie lines. He was a good man. A good brother. It’s…well, it’s hitting Adate the hardest. When we got back, he broke down. Tried to take a swing at me, but…he’s just so cut up about it, he can barely function. Torrent’s doing a good job of keeping us together, but I know he’s hurting too. We all are. I don’t know if we’ll ever get over this, but…well, all wounds are open so they can heal, and we’re not going to do anyone, leastaways Strike, any favors by moping around in a stew of despair. Best thing to do is get up and keep going. It’s what Strike would’ve wanted us to do. He’d have wanted us to…to keep…” He couldn’t speak anymore past the sudden constriction in his throat, and he pulled away from Sam to remove his signature shades, setting them heavily on the table. “He’d have wanted us…to m-move…on...” His eyes felt damp, and Shades covered them with his hand, shoulders shaking slightly as tears dripped down his cheeks and onto the table. “I’m so sorry, Sam. Y-you shouldn’t have to see this. You sh-shouldn’t have to deal with this. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. It’s just…I-I can’t…can’t seem to smile right now…But if you give me a while, I will. I'll find my smile for you, Sammy-girl. I p-promise.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 12/24/2010 4:39 AM

A soft stirring from behind her caused Sam to turn in her chair, watching as Adate stood from the seat he had taken on his bunk to make his way over to the door, his expression painfully strained. She could feel her chest constrict painfully for him, wishing that there was some way she could help him, somehow take his guilt and suffering away. If she could, she would gladly have taken all of their burdens of sorrow upon herself without so much as a second thought. They were the closest thing she had to a family, and their sadness was her sadness, just as their happiness was her happiness. “It-it’s alright,” she replied quietly, her eyes silently following Adate and Torrent as they took their leave. “I’ll…I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

With a soft hiss, the door closed behind them once again, leaving Sam and Shades alone in the room, the sudden, resulting silence a stark, abrupt contrast to the chatter which had filled the room just a minute ago. Sam left the silence untouched for a moment, letting it linger in the air, acutely aware of Shades’ anguished conflict as she sat next to him, his face tight with the strain of holding in all of the feelings which he fought to hide from the rest of the world…from her. As she wrapped a comforting arm around him, he hugged her back tightly, as if she were the only solid thing left in the world for him to hold onto. She could feel the rapid pounding of his heart in his chest and reached her free hand up to rest over it, as if she could soothe its quick, erratic beat with that simple touch alone. Her head, resting lightly against him, seemed to fit perfectly into the crook of his neck, as if they were made to go together, like two matching pieces of a puzzle.

Sam cared for Shades, just as she knew he cared for her, even if it wasn’t exactly in the way that he wanted her to care about him. However, she had no idea that he had dedicated his whole life and his entire cause to her existence, to the point where he would be willing to sacrifice himself for her. Perhaps he didn’t know it, but if he were indeed to die (on the battlefield or otherwise), especially if were in her name, she would never truly be able to be happy. In that sense, she could understand Adate’s torment and the heart-wrenching guilt which he felt for his brother’s death; she would rather her best friend live for her instead of die for her. She just hated feeling as helpless as she was, incapable of aiding them on the battlefield, unable to help prevent all of the hardship and heartbreak they were forced to suffer through. It made her feel utterly powerless, and the only thing she could do was watch on and be there to help pick up the shattered pieces afterwards and piece them back together.

Sam managed a small, sad smile when he made it clear that he did care about her troubles, no matter how insignificant they were in comparison. However, as soon as Shades opened up and began recounting the painful tale of what had befallen the squad’s fourth member, her expression was grave once again, even at the mention of their first meeting. Although she’d known Strike the least out of all of the squad members, it hadn’t been difficult to tell that through all of his taciturn gruffness, he had a good and kind heart buried underneath it all, even if he was less open to showing it to the rest of the world to see. Sam had taken to seeing him as part of her ‘family’, so she was almost just as devastated when she heard about his death as the rest of his squad was. “I’m so sorry,” she murmured softly, her own sorrow lacing the words with regret. There were so many things that she could have done differently while he was alive, but as all regrets went, it was only when it was too late that it became evident. “It wasn’t anyone’s fault…it’s just that…sometimes bad things happen to good people, and there’s nothing Adate, you, or I can do about it.”

However, even Sam was caught by surprise when she felt a tear that wasn’t her own splash against her hand. One glance at Shades shattered her heart into a million tiny shards; somehow, without his classic, signature sunglasses, he looked unexpectedly vulnerable, as if his true emotions were laid bare to the world. This was one of the rare times she had ever seen him voluntarily remove them, and she could feel her soul twist painfully for him as he battled with a sea of grief which threatened to overwhelm him with its sheer vastness. If anything though, it was the simple fact that he thought he was obliged to keep up a strong front for her benefit that most affected her and made her protest the sheer unfairness of his mindset. She drew back slightly, placing two steadying hands on either side of his shoulders as she fixed him with a firm gaze, setting her own grief aside for a moment to console him.

“Shades, you have just as much of a right to grieve as any other person. You shouldn’t have to feel sorry or apologize for your own emotions; you would be doing Strike a dishonor if you were to pretend that you aren’t affected by his loss. After all, mourning is all part of the healing process, you know.” Her voice was earnest and gently persuasive as she coaxed him out of his anguish by letting him know that it was natural, and that it was something to be embraced, at least for a while, and not pushed away. “You know that you should be able to talk to me about anything and everything, just as much as I come to you to tell you everything. You should never have to apologize for anything. Friendships are two-way relationships, after all.” As she spoke, she wrapped both arms around him, encircling him once again in her warm embrace, holding onto him as if she could single-handedly hold him together and keep him from falling apart in front of her eyes.

She sat back slightly a moment later, unwrapping her arms from around him for a moment and placing her hands on either side of his face instead, steadying him and lifting his gaze to hers. “No matter what, I’ll be here for you. I’ll always be here for you, I swear upon it. Through the good and the bad, the rain and shine, I’ll never leave you on your own.” She brushed away a tear with delicate fingers as it trickled slowly down his grief-etched face, reaching forward to kiss him lightly on the cheek in a surprisingly tender gesture, her gaze warm as she caught his once again. “And yes, I’m counting on seeing that smile again; not soon, necessarily, but sometime in the future, whenever you feel up to it again. I’ll be waiting.” A small, encouraging smile pulled at the corners of her lips as she glanced up at him, her expression gentle and affectionate. One way or another, she would see him through this, and she would do everything within her power to make sure that he came out of all this alright.
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/24/2010 9:55 PM

((Note to readers: Listen to this song while reading this, and you'll...well, you'll get a better idea of what the mood is.))

Shades closed his eyes tightly, taking a deep, shuddering breath. If only she knew that his heart was beating for Strike; it was beating for her. His hand reached across the table, bypassing his shades and lacing his fingers through her own, squeezing tightly. Friendship, his mind whispered sadly, and Shades forced a tight, strained smile onto his face, swiping away a stray tear that trailed down his cheek. That was right. This was what friends did for one another; they consoled, and they cried together, and they were there to make things better. Shades wasn’t sure if anything could ever take away this hole in his heart, the pain of losing his brother, the guilt, the anguish, the hurt. He didn’t understand the unfairness of it all. Why Strike? Why his brother? Why any of them? What were they all fighting for?

Torrent fought to save the wounded. Adate fought to save his squad. Strike fought to avenge lost brothers. Shades? Shades fought for Sam, and he fought for the love he’d never have, and for the bright smile he dreamed of every night. He fought to get home to her, he fought to keep her safe, to never leave her alone, to make her happy. Shades fought for the hopelessness of his heart, and for the shattered pieces left scattered on the floor every time she walked away from him.

He felt another wave of sadness wash over him, and he hid his eyes behind his hand, shoulders shaking slightly as he sobbed quietly. The soft touch of her hands on his face startled him, and his hand fell away, eyes darting up to stare into her own, his red-rimmed, and bloodshot with lack of sleep and tears, hers bright and caring and gentle and full of sadness. Her words were like an anchor, her touch like a gentle breath of air when he needed it most. Shades lifted his hands, enveloping her own in them, and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He suddenly reached forward, and pulled her into another tight embrace, arms winding around her as his voice, broken and strained, whispered softly against her hair.Please, Sam. Please don’t ever leave. I don’t ever want to be alone. I don’t ever want to lose you. You-you’re my best friend. I can’t…I could never…go on without you. I wouldn’t have a reason to, Sammy-girl. I-I…” I love you, his mind whispered, and Shades closed his eyes against the words, heart and throat constricting painfully.

He didn’t dare imagine that the kiss she placed gently on his cheek was anything more than an affectionate, soothing gesture, and so, he decided not to think anything of it, and pretend it never happened. Pretend he didn’t care for her. Keep pretending…like he always did. “Strike can’t be replaced,” he whispered softly. “But they’re trying to set us up with a replacement already. I don’t know if I can…if I can do it, Sammy. I don’t know if any of us can deal with that. It’s too…too soon. Too fresh. Too raw. We just got back. We just got back! How can they replace him so easily? How can they just say ‘oh well, he’s gone. Let’s get them a new one!’ It’s like we don’t even matter! It’s like no one even cares! We’re expendable! We don’t mean anything to anyone!” His tears flowed freely, and he pulled away from her, burying his face in her hands as his body trembled and shook.

“We’re nothing anymore, Sammy. We’re just a broken squad. A broken family.” He took a deep, shuddering breath, and looked up at her with a searching, desperate gaze. “How easy people forget. How easy it is to overlook what we really are. We’re not droids; we breathe, we live, we think, we feel, we….we love…They just…they want to replace him so…so easily, so quickly. Shattered. We’re shattered.” He looked over at the fourth bunk, the one that lay untouched, pristine and white, as though it had never been used at all. “How can we ever be whole again? What am I supposed to do? What can I do? We don’t matter. None of us.” He reached out suddenly, and gently touched her hand, rubbing a hand over his own face as he lifted himself back into a straight-backed sitting position. “Sorry, Sammy-girl. Sorry…I-I shouldn’t be telling you any of this. You have your own problems to worry about.” He breathed deeply, and smiled faintly, though his eyes still shone with unshed tears. “Tell me about your day, sweetheart,” he murmured, and then touched her hand again. “Please, Sammy. Please...Help me forget all this...Just for a while...”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 12/25/2010 3:19 AM

Out of the entire time she had known Shades, Sam had never seen him break down; even in the face of pain and hardship, he had always put on a brave front and a warm smile for her benefit, to show her that even when the world turned dark and desolate, happiness was always just around the corner, as long as she tried to find it. Now, however, it seemed that even the always-optimistic Shades had lost his faith in life, and now, it fell upon her to return the support he had always been so willing to give whenever she needed it, to show him that there was always light, even in the darkest of times. She would be his beacon and ward off all of the shadows which haunted him and the tormenting thoughts which plagued his mind. Perhaps she couldn’t fix the cause of his pain, but she could help heal the wounds which it had created. She would heal the wounds which it created.

Suddenly, she found herself wrapped in a warm, secure embrace as Shades once again enveloped her in his strong, comforting arms, although this time, the gesture was laced with a hint of desperation, as if the simple act of holding her would ward off all of the fears and troubles of the world. Sam would gladly have given everything she owned to have that power in her hands, but all she had to offer was herself and her compassion. She hugged him close, one arm curling protectively around him while her other hand rested against the back of his head, her fingers trailing gently, soothingly through his dark, curly hair. “I promise,” she murmured softly against his ear, her voice quiet and calming like the ebb of the ocean tide. “Nothing and no one could ever tear me away from you. I could never do something like that to you.” Sam could feel her heart break with every broken word he uttered, wanting nothing more than to take away all of his fear and despair.

“I’ll always be here for you, as long as you promise to always be here for me. That you’ll always come home safely.” Sam fought back the sudden surge of tears which threatened to break through her façade of calm and spill out like an uncontrollable flood. The thought of Shades not returning, the thought of living in a world without him in it…it was more than she could bear to imagine. Strike’s loss had struck a deep-set sadness in her heart, but even more so, it planted an even deeper fear within her, the fear that one day, it might be Shades that wouldn’t come back; that regardless of how much they cared for each other, it wouldn’t be enough to keep him safe from those out there who would harm him without so much as a second thought.

A small frown found its way to her face as she listened to Shades continue, hearing for the first time a first-account of the horrors which these men had to live with. Her normally soft and gentle eyes had taken on a hard glint, reflecting her resentment for the government which claimed that its interests lay in what was best for the people. They did a good job of hiding the atrocities which they kept under wraps, and had it not been for the fact that she was so close to Shades (which in itself was against the regulations), she would likely never have known about what actually happened behind the scenes. The anguish which she felt over Strike’s death only served to add fuel to the flame of her simmering fury, but her turbulent emotions had no outlet save for frustration. As much as she hated it, she was powerless against the overwhelming dominance of the GAR, and she knew it very well. What kind of twisted society was built upon the sufferings of an army with no autonomy, and was treated as if they weren’t people, or even living beings, at all?

Sam could feel every bitter word he uttered sting her like a wasp, his pain hers as well. How could any person possibly be so cruel and heartless? These men fought and died every day for people who cared just as little about them as they did for used batteries. They drained them, and as soon as they had taken what they needed, discarded them, only to replace them with new pawns. However, regardless of how little the army valued them, Sam still refused to see them as nothing more than unfeeling machines, created to serve on purpose, and one purpose only. She knew them too well to ever believe that. “You know that’s not true,” she cut in, an undercurrent of anger coloring her tone as she spoke. “You know that I care about you more than the world itself, and that you certainly are not expendable.” This time, a tear managed to find its way down her cheek, although she ignored it, her penetrating gaze fixed on Shades. “I…I can’t fix what they’ve done to you…I can only be here for you and try to patch up the damage.”

It took her mind a moment to register his touch as his hand brushed against hers, but she curled her fingers lightly around his, squeezing it lightly both to comfort him as well as to ground herself once again. “I know that no one could ever truly replace Strike, and I don’t know if I’d even be able to come close to making you feel any better, but if there’s any way at all that I can help fill that void…just let me know and I’ll be there.” Her voice had turned soft once again, her expression losing a little of its anger-fed intensity as she watched him. “You and I both know that my troubles are so much more inconsequential compared to yours. It’s nothing that I can’t handle.” When he insisted that she tell him about her day, she seemed to consider it for a moment, studying him for a moment. Finally, she seemed to relent, and after a moment to gather her wits once again and set her turmoil aside for a moment, she took up her mantle of being a distraction from the troubles they didn’t want to face once again.

“Well, today wasn’t anything particularly special, at least until I came to visit you.” She managed a small smile as she squeezed his hand lightly again before continuing. “I spent most of the day talking over some guidelines with the administration of the company; nothing interesting really. Then I got to pick out an outfit to come here in.” She chuckled lightly. “You guys never know what we girls put ourselves through for you. All of this get-up and disguising is a big deal, you know? Oh, and while you were gone, I found this delightful little coffee shop that I think you’d like. It’s a quaint little place, but I swear, it has the world’s best coffee and pastries. You’d love it, I’m sure.” This time as she smiled at him, it was a little warmer and more genuine, her bubbly nature once again beginning to reemerge, even in the face of their sorrow. “If you can get away, you and I should go visit it sometime. It would be a nice break from…well, everything.”
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/30/2010 12:31 AM

Shades wanted to forget. He really did. He wanted to forget the pain and the heartache. He wanted to forget the battles. He wanted to forget the death. He wanted to forget everything he’d ever seen. He closed his eyes, squeezing them shut against the harsh reality he had been thrust into upon his creation. The only speck of light in a dark, dark world was Sam. Granted, Shades loved his brothers, and he doubted he could go on if he lost them all, but Sam…Sam was never-ending. Sam was real, tangible. A reason to fight, to live, to win. Sam was his beacon; it was she who he fought to reach when everything closed in around him and nearly suffocated his life away. Shades took her hand in his, studying the soft, pale contours of her delicate hand against the dark, calloused roughness of his own. She was so small, so vulnerable. She needed him to protect her, she needed him to keep her safe. That was why he fought. He lifted his eyes to watch her, his gaze roving over her gentle, sad eyes, her soft, pink lips, the small, slightly upturned nose, and the rosy hued cheeks. He longed to reach out and gently brush his fingers along her cheek, but instead, he settled for tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“I need you to keep that promise, Sammy. No matter what,” he murmured quietly, his voice sounding loud in the dim silence of the room. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears, his mind whispering, urging him to tell her how he really felt. How many times was he going to have to battle himself to keep his feelings locked away? Why wouldn’t his traitorous mind just leave him alone? It poked and prodded and demanded that he tell her, unable to rest or be silent until he at least tried. Shades opened his mouth, but a sigh escaped instead of the words that tickled the back of his throat, and he smiled tightly, the lines on his face looking deeper and more worn. “I promise, Sam. You know I’d never leave you. You’re my best friend, and no matter what happens, I’ll always find my way back to you. Always.” He gently nudged her chin up, curling his finger beneath it so she was staring him in the face. He tapped her chin with his thumb, shaking his head weakly. “I know, sweetheart,” he said at last, gripping her hand in his own. “And all I ask is that you are here, Sammy-girl. It makes coming home worth it. Makes everything worth it.”

He leaned forward and gently knocked his forehead with hers, resting it there briefly before pulling back with a frown. He saw the tear trace it’s way down her cheek, and he reached up absently to wipe it away with a calloused thumb. A hand bred for war. A body bred for war. Created, engineered, not really a man. Maybe that was why the idea of him, ever being with Sam was impossible for him; he was no more than an expendable, replaceable, one of millions with identical faces. There was nothing special about him. Nothing even remotely remarkable. All he had were his brothers, his name, and his Samantha. “Don’t cry, Sammy. Not for me. Not for us. There’s plenty of other people that deserve your tears. I don’t want to see you crying over us. We’re not worth it. Strike would've wanted you to remember him with laughter, not with tears.” He smiled softly. “Just being there is enough for me, Sammy. No one can replace Strike, but…having you around eases the pain.” When she smiled, he did so in return, face brightening despite the lingering pain that constricted his chest and his throat.

There’s my smile,” he told her gently, reaching forward to tip her chin upwards once more. “I was wondering when I’d see that again.” Shades’ smile slowly became deeper, more genuine as she spoke. His eyes crinkled, the familiar glint of good nature and happiness returning to them. He picked his sunglasses up off the table and settled them primly back on his nose, tilting his head and chuckling at the woman in front of him. He shook his head in mock amusement, before he patted her shoulder. “And you look beautiful, Sammy-girl. Getting all dressed up to come see us; you make us feel like the most important squad in the world, you know that?” Like the most important person in the world…Too bad you don’t realize it, Sammy-girl. I wish I could tell you how happy you make me feel. I wish you knew just how much of an individual you urn me into. Shades smile widened, and he laughed outright, his chuckle deep and rich, like warm cocoa and sweet sugar. “I think I may have some time for that. We’re scheduled for another mission in a few days. But I could always manage to squeeze in a visit to your coffee shop when I get back. You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. What do you say?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 12/31/2010 7:30 AM

Sam’s gaze remained steadily fixed on Shades’ as she seemed to study his eyes, lacking their signature sunglasses, as if she could read his very thoughts if she stared for long enough. Her eyes just seemed to have that gentle, probing sort of nature, encouraging him to share his problems and feelings with her, regardless of how many there were or what their magnitude was. However, in reality, Sam could never tell exactly what it was that was going through his mind, even when he had his shades off and despite how long they had known each other. Sometimes, she felt as if there was a lot more going on beneath the surface than he let on, but until he felt it fitting to share, she would have to settle for being none-the-wiser to his thoughts. As his hand lightly held hers, her thumb slowly traced gentle circles against the back of his hand, the little gesture almost subconscious.

“I will,” she replied softly, her voice, although quiet, warm and genuine. “You know that I’d never break a promise to you, even if it meant the end of me.” And she wouldn’t. She offered a small, reassuring smile, letting him know that those weren’t just sweet words used to appease him, but a vow which she would gladly live by. Perhaps she just didn’t realize it, but Shades meant so much more to her than any of her boyfriends, current or otherwise, ever had. He was always the first one she went to whenever she needed a sympathetic ear, or simply someone to keep her company. He was the one who was always there for her, regardless of when she called; he would literally drop everything to be there for her when she needed him (other than when he was deployed, of course, but that was understandable). She worried about his safety on a regular basis, just as he worried about her welfare and happiness, and she spent just as many sleepless nights fretting over the condition and well-being of him and his squadmates, especially when they were on a mission.

As he gently tilted her chin up with a finger, she managed another small smile for his benefit, trying to be brave for both of them in the face of their shared grief. “You do know that I shall hold you to that promise, right?” A slightly choked laugh somehow managed to find its way up through her throat. “As long as you hold to your end of the deal, I’ll keep to mine as well.” As he leaned in to press his forehead gently against hers, she closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in his warm, grounding, and comforting scent and closeness. He represented everything that was real and unchanging in her world, and she couldn’t imagine – couldn’t bear to imagine – a life without him in it.

She stirred back to reality as her eyes opened once again, feeling his thumb brush gently against her cheek, wiping away the tear which still lingered there, as if it were just waiting for him to do away with it. Her gaze came to rest on his once again, both gentle and earnest. “Would you rather I cry for those who could care less whether you live or die? Or if I cried over my old, undeserving boyfriends? No, you’re more worthy of my tears than any other person I’ve ever met in my life. Because I care for you, and no one else will cry for you and your brothers, I save my tears for you.” Sam managed a weak smile, squeezing his hand lightly for emphasis. “In that case, I will be here for you whenever you need me. Together, we’ll make it through.” When that familiar smile finally came back out into the light once again, Sam knew that all of her effort was worth it, and she couldn’t help but beam back at him, his smile lifting her spirits like the sun on a rainy day. Just as he seemed to take strength from her happiness, she fed off of his, and together, they raised each other out of their shared sorrow.

“That’s because you are the most important squad in the world, at least in my eyes. You know I love looking good for you guys.” She winked lightly, punctuating it with a fluting chuckle. However, at the mention of another mission, her high spirits seemed to drop a notch or two, a current of worry rippling through her rose-toned eyes. “Another one? So soon? But you’ve only been back for a day!” Her voice protested the unfairness of the assignment, but she knew that there was nothing she could do about it, regardless of how much she wanted to. She sighed lightly and shook her head, knowing that there was no point in complaining over something that couldn’t be changed. “Please, please stay safe, for my sake? After all, I’ll be expecting you at the coffee shop, Thursday morning after you get back, 10am stat.” Although she was terrified for his safety, she hid her anxiety relatively well beneath her mask of excitement, which was half-genuine, half-forced. Grabbing a piece of flimsi and a pen from her clutch, she scribbled down the address for the little coffee shop before handing it to Shades with a smile. “That’s where you’ll need to be at that time.” She grinned lightly, reaching over to hug him again, a glimmer of happy anticipation flickering through her eyes. “It’s a date.”
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/01/2011 3:01 AM

“It’s a date.”

Oh god. A date.

Shades stared at the little piece of flimsi in his hand. It looked as though it was as old as he was. It had been folded and unfolded so many times, he was certain once more would send it crumbling into dust. Shades had spent the entire mission fretting over his ‘date’ with Samantha. He couldn’t be sure if she’d just said ‘date’ because they were having coffee together, or if she said ‘date’ because she felt the same way he did. Shades wasn’t very well versed on interacting with women; sure, he was with Sam almost as much as he was with his brothers, but that had always been purely friendship. This, however, was a date. Torrent had told him he wasn’t so sure, and that Shades shouldn’t take what Sam said to heart, but Adate had been skeptical of what Torrent was saying, and told Shades he should just go for it. Life was short after all, even shorter for them, and they never knew when the next moment would be their last. Shades decided it was best to just take Adate’s advice and go for it. He adjusted the glasses on his nose, looking up and down the busy street with a frown.

Okay…So…where was this place again? Shades could navigate his way through a mine field, but he couldn’t even find a simple little coffee shop. He unfolded the piece of flimsi again to study Sam’s elegant scrawl, and scowled. Okay…This was the right street. SO maybe if he just went a few more blocks down, he’d find it. Self-consciously adjusting his glasses, Shades shoved his hands into his pockets and strolled along the sidewalk, carefully avoiding the gaze of any curious civilian. They had no idea he was a soldier, or a clone, and Shades felt consciously naked without his armor. He felt as if they somehow knew, even if they didn’t. Out here, being an individual, it made him feel free, but it made him uncomfortable. He was used to having his brothers around him for support, and he sure could use that support right about now. He couldn’t stop repeating Sam’s words over in his head.

“In that case, I will be here for you whenever you need me. Together, we’ll make it through.”

Shades couldn’t help but wonder if Sam really did feel the same way about him. Everything she said, every word, every hug, every whispered kiss against his cheek. And now a date? Maybe she’d felt the same way all along. Maybe she really did love him. Shades couldn’t help the goofy smile crossing his features at the thought that Sam really did feel the same way. All his inner turmoil and holding himself back from telling her how he felt…it seemed all for nothing now that they had a date.  Of course, Shades, being who he was, was naïve in the ways of the world. He had no idea that ‘it’s a date’ was simply a figure of speech, and Sam didn’t truly mean she wanted to date him. He, however, didn’t understand that; he hadn’t had enough life experience to know it was just a meeting between two friends at a coffee shop, and he had no idea he was in for a world of heartache when he found out. Shades passed by a large window, and he paused to smooth down his leather jacket, tugging at the dark brown leather as if it was trying to eat him alive. He hoped he looked all right.

He, Adate and Torrent had managed to win enough credits playing Sabaac with some of the other clones to afford some nice clothes; the only clothes any of them ever wore. They decided they might as well share then, since they were all the same height and weight, and since Shades had a ‘date’ today, he’d been given free reign of the clothes. The dark pants, cream colored t-shirt, and dark brown jacket complimented his dark hair and orange glasses. Shades studied his face, and tried to school it into an impassive smile, but all he managed was a nervous, jittery grin. And then he noticed…well, he was staring in the window of the coffee shop. Shades let out a startled noise, and quickly rushed to the door, pushing it open and jumping slightly when it chimed softly behind him. Yeah, this was it. He smiled brightly as he looked around the small shop, searching for Sam’s bright shock of blonde hair. It didn’t take him very long to spot it. She had her back to him, sitting in an elegant chair.

Shades didn’t seem inclined to order anything, his stomach too jittery to even think about eating as he crossed the shop in a few quick strides. He slid easily into the chair across from her, flashing her a warm smile. “Hey Sammy-girl,” he said, reaching across and gently taking her hand in his. “Made it just in time. 9:55 on the dot.” He leaned forward a little, and tilted his head. “To be honest,” he continued, scratching the back of his head nervously. “I hadn’t expected you to ask me on a date. I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” But she did, and that was all that mattered to Shades. Sam loved him, just like he loved her. And everything was falling into place.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 01/01/2011 11:07 PM

Sam was early. She had been here for at least a good half hour now, and a quick glance at her watch told her that it still wasn’t ten ‘o clock yet, regardless of how much faster she wanted time to go, so Shades wouldn’t be here, at least for a few more minutes. She was currently sitting alone at a table for two in the quaint little café where she had agreed to meet him this morning, and it was clear to the others who currently inhabited the little shop right now that she was obviously waiting for someone’s arrival. Her long legs dangled from the tall and elegant, if somewhat spindly-looking chair, delicate hands wrapped around a small cup of coffee as she gazed pensively at the wall, as if seeing something just beyond it. Long, wavy golden hair, worn loosely, framed her face and fell over her shoulders, accentuating the dangling gold chain necklace which she wore with the pale pink sweater dress that seemed to match her rose-hued eyes perfectly.

Since she had nothing else to do that morning, she had gotten to the little coffee shop early to wait for Shades. After buying herself a latte, she’d found herself a seat at a table a little off to the side of the café and sat down, finally finding time to be alone with her thoughts for a while. The original plan was that she was to spend part of the morning with her boyfriend before he headed off to his job and she to meet her best friend. However, he’d called in late last night to let her know that he had to leave early for work, so she wouldn’t get to see him, but tagged on a vague “maybe later in the day”, although she suspected that it was only to appease her. Nevertheless, she took it all in stride and let him know that it was alright, and that she’d see him later. However, she had no way of knowing exactly when ‘later’ might be; although she always made time to see him, even if it meant rearranging her schedule to better suit his, it seemed that they only ever saw each other on his terms. Of late, she had been seeing him less and less, presumably because work was taking up more and more of his time, which she understood. After all, he was allowed to have a life outside of her, right?

Sam sighed softly, shaking her head, as if she could shake the thoughts clear from her mind. She tapped lightly on the glossy white porcelain of the cup in her hands, watching the ripples form on the surface of the liquid and just as quickly dissipate. The soft jingle of a bell caught her attention for a moment, and she almost turned to glance at the door to see whether Shades had arrived. However, she quelled the urge, having checked several times before, only to realize that she was just getting her hopes up. After all, there were still a few minutes before 10:00 rolled around, and she knew her friend well enough to know that if he said that he would be there, she could count on him to be there on time. She took a deep breath to recompose herself, comforted by the warm, rich scent of freshly-brewed coffee that permeated the air.

Suddenly, movement nearby caught the corner of her eye and a familiar and much-welcome figure slipped into her sight. “Shades!” she exclaimed with mild but pleased surprise, a bright smile lighting up her features to greet him. She chuckled lightly at his comment about the time, squeezing his hand warmly, clearly delighted to see him again. He was just what she needed to lift her mood, and she beamed happily at him. “Of course you did. I know to always expect you early.” She studied him casually, taking in the civilian clothes she was rather unused to seeing him in. However, despite the novelty of the look, she had to admit that he pulled it off quite well. She was about to make a comment about his wardrobe when his next words caught her completely of guard, almost causing her to fall out of her seat with shock.

For just a brief moment, she seemed to lose her usual imperturbability, her eyes slightly wide as her mouth worked silently for a moment. Then, when the words finally seemed to sink in, she seemed to come to herself once again, snapping her mouth shut and glancing uneasily away for a moment. He…he thought that she ‘felt that way’ about him? Her brain struggled desperately to make sense of what had happened and where this unexpected notion had suddenly come from. “A-A date?” she managed weakly, becoming aware once again of the fact that her hand was still in his, but too worried about hurting his feelings to pull it away. What had once been such a common, simple gesture between them had suddenly changed into something completely different, with a million different layers of meaning. “You thought that I…” She glanced up to meet his gaze once again, and for the first time since she had met him, felt awkward in his presence.

Where had he gotten the idea that she had asked him out on a date? She wracked her brain furiously for an answer, replaying their last meeting in the hopes of finding some sort of answer. Was it something she’d said? She’d only…
Sam felt torn between slapping herself for her stupid mistake, or simply disappearing on the spot. She should have known better than to phrase her invitation the way she had…maybe “It’s a date” wasn’t the best way of asking him, knowing how little exposure he and his brothers got to commonplace expressions which occurred in conversation. Now she felt like an utter, absolute idiot, and she knew that in turn, she had probably mortified Shades in the process as well. Her eyes were apologetic and almost pleading as she caught his gaze once again, desperately trying to patch up the situation, talking purely out of instinct and not thought (although she might come to later regret that). “Oh my gosh…I’m so, so sorry, Shades!” Her voice was highly agitated as she spoke, and she had to consciously keep it down so as not to draw any unwanted attention from the rest of the clientele.

“I hadn’t meant it-…well…it wasn’t supposed to be taken in…in that way.” It was entirely true, she hadn’t, but now that he brought the subject up, she realized that she had never considered him that way. At least, she had never dared to consider him in that light. It was just…they were from entirely different worlds, and they themselves were so different; where she was weak, fragile, and helpless, he was strong and always stood for what he believed and what was right. Perhaps she had always subconsciously believed that he deserved so much better than her, and she made it easier by never broaching that topic. It was a barrier she had set up and kept herself strictly behind, so as not to ruin the flawless friendship which they had and in fear that she might unintentionally chase him away. However, she’d never consciously even considered the possibility before, and now that it had been presented to her, she had no idea what to do. The only thing she knew now was that the precious friendship she had with Shades was in peril, and that she would do anything in the world to save it. When she would think back on the situation later, she’d wonder why she hadn’t just grabbed at the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which offered itself to her, the kind which every girl only ever dared to dream of.
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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/02/2011 2:54 AM


Shades smile slowly began to fade second by second, until it was wiped form his face completely.  She…she hadn’t meant it was a date? But she’d said it was and…Shades mentally groaned. He felt like such an idiot! Of course she didn’t like him that way! She never had, so why should she start now? It wasn’t a date. It was just a day out with a friend. That was all, despite what his mind and his brothers had told him. Shades resisted the urge to cradle his head in his hands, his face slowly morphing into one of embarrassed mortification. “O-oh,” he said softly, lowering his gaze. He withdrew his hand as if it was on fire, settling it on his leg and staring hard at the table. God, she even sound horrified at the thought that they could actually be on a date. Shades felt like a worthless idiot. Of course she didn’t want him, not the way he wanted her to. She just wanted a friend. Shades leaned forward, lightly smacking his forehead as he closed his eyes.

Shab, I’m so sorry, Samantha,” he said softly, using her full name instead of the many nicknames he’d given her. It was strange to hear himself say it; he hadn’t used it since the first day he’d met her. “I’m an idiot…When you said…Well, I thought…I mean…” He growled in frustration, and leaned back in his chair, arms dangling behind him as his head tipped back. “I thought you meant it was…a real date…I just assumed you…Never mind. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or upset you.” Shades felt like the biggest di’kut on the face of the planet. He was going to strangle Adate for his ‘relationship advice’ when he got back to barracks. But it wasn’t really Adate’s fault, Shades mused. It was his own. He’d wanted Sam to want him the way he wanted her so badly that he’d deceived his self-conscious into believing she’d asked him on a real, honest-to-goodness date. He knew, deep down, that she hadn’t really loved him that way. She was his friend, and that was all she’d ever be, especially if her horrified tone was anything to judge by.

She had practically yelled it for the entire coffee shop to hear. Everyone probably thought he was an idiot too. And Sam…Sam didn’t want him. That was what hurt most of all. It was one more knife twisted in his heart, one more piece shattering on the floor. Shades leaned forward and offered Sam a forced smile. “Sorry, Samantha,” he said quietly, finding himself unable to call her by her nicknames. She thought he was an idiot, and she didn’t want him. Shades memorized her features silently; this might be the last time he ever saw her. She’d probably be so uncomfortable around him, she’d never want to see him again. Great. He’d ruined everything. Him and his stupid, stupid ideas. “I just thought…Look, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I’m…I’m gonna go get a coffee. I’ll be right back.” Shades shot up out of his chair, eager to get away from his embarrassment and whatever searching, judgmental gaze Sam decided to level him with for his idiocy. As he ordered his coffee at the counter, Shades kept his head down, unwilling to meet the smiling face of the cashier-woman.

He was mortified, embarrassed and crushed. He resisted the urge to run straight out of the shop and back to the barracks. The whispered ‘I told you so’ in the back of his mind was almost unbearable, and he closed his eyes against the pain of knowing Sam would never feel the way about him that he felt about her. What had he been thinking? “I’m so stupid,” he muttered as the woman handed him his coffee and he handed over a few spare credits. Shades didn’t move though, and stood staring down into his cup, debating on whether or not he should return to the table and face Sam again after his stupid mistake. In the end, he had to force his legs to move, but he felt like he was walking through five feet of boggy mud, and his heart felt like it had been run through by a spear. Even breathing felt difficult. After what felt like an eternity, he finally made it back to the table, and sank down into his chair, his eyes studiously fixed on his coffee cup.

“So,” he began slowly, his voice soft; he barely trusted himself to speak. His throat felt like it had a vice like grip on it, and his breath shuddered in his chest. “How have you been lately? Everything been okay with you and your…boyfriend? I remember you said you were having relationship troubles. Uh…” He was at a loss, so he lifted his head and looked at her, hiding his pain behind the brightest smile he had. “Tell me about them. And how have you been? We’ve been good. Still…still looking for a replacement. But they think they have someone already lined up. Said his name is Gamma or something…Lost his whole squad on Geonosis. So it's like...almost getting Strike back from that shabla place and...Well, I hope he works out. He sounds like a nice guy."

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Hidden In Plain Sight [Millie and I]

Postby Flame » 01/02/2011 6:56 AM

Sam could almost feel the heat of the mortification radiating off of Shades as her words sank in, his hand snapping back so quickly that one could have believed that she’d bitten him or something. She withdrew hers just as swiftly, both hands settling uncomfortably on her coffee cup, her embarrassed grip so tight that it turned her knuckles white. He’d probably thought that he’d been humoring her assumed feelings for him, and had probably just been waiting for the right moment to break what he thought was the hard truth to her; that he didn’t love her the way he believed she loved him. She couldn’t think straight right now, her mind was so frazzled and confused, and it was all she could do not to turn into a bumbling, blabbering idiot on the spot. Her cheeks felt as if they might spontaneously burst into flame if they got any hotter than they already were, and she lowered her head slightly, as if trying to hide behind her curtain of hair, but to no avail.

“Shades, I-…I have a boyfriend…” Her voice trailed off feebly as she tried to justify her answer, feeling increasingly foolish, even as she listened to herself talk. She sounded just as much of the idiot as she felt, and she knew that his respect for her had probably gone down the drain, along with her composure. She was so agitated at the moment that she didn’t even seem to realize the fact that he was even more uncomfortable than her. Sam had no idea the extent of the devastation she had sent crashing and burning through his mind, and that she had almost literally crushed his very soul, the very essence of what made Shades himself, as well in the process. “I…I’m so sorry. This was entirely my fault. I should have known better.” And she should have, but now, she was paying the consequences for her carelessness, and it was a high price indeed. It looked like her blunder had come at the price of their friendship, a thought which shattered her from the inside out.

The pained smile that Shades forced for her benefit caused her heart to throb agonizingly, but that wasn’t the most painful part of his reaction to her words. But what hurt the most was when he called her by her full name, something she had never heard from him since…since, well, earlier than she could remember. She was so used to being addressed with the myriad nicknames that she’d been endowed with that this sounded…strange, foreign, stiff, formal. As if they were complete strangers, and knew nothing about each other. Perhaps in this sense, that was true. However, when she heard him address her in that manner, it felt as if a dagger with a blade formed of pure torment and sorrow had been mercilessly plunged straight through her heart. Through her embarrassed agony though, a sudden, jarring thought abruptly struck her out of the blue. “Did…did you…?” Did you want for it to be a date? Did you feel that way about me? Those scorching questions danced right on the very tip of her tongue, but for some reason, she couldn’t seem to force the words out of her mouth, no matter how hard she tried.

Before she found the chance to rally her courage and ask him, he quickly excused himself and made a hasty getaway, clearly dashing towards the line which led to the counter. “Alright,” she finally managed to force out, if somewhat belatedly. As Shades walked away, his back turned to her, she seemed to deflate, bracing her head on her propped-up elbows, her hands framing her face and hiding it from the world around her as she stared down hopelessly into the coffee cup which offered no answers, only a distorted reflection of her distressed countenance. It seemed that her earlier prediction had been true; he looked as if he were in a rather large hurry to get away from her after all, as if he couldn’t even bear to be in her presence for longer than he had to. Regardless of how hard she tried to salvage it, she could feel that comfortable friendship which they had shared just minutes ago crumbling to dust around them, and she could feel her heart shattering into a million tiny shards in response. She was devastated by how easily their friendship could be torn apart by this tiny little misunderstanding; a friendship which she had thought could transcend even the most daunting of obstacles…or perhaps she had just been naïve.

However, that didn’t meant that she was simply going to roll over and admit that the game was up and that they’d had a good run while it lasted. She lifted her head once again as she heard him return, somehow finding the will to put a small, if slightly strained smile on her face, trying to lighten the mood slightly and keep herself from losing it. At the mention of her boyfriend though, especially at this moment in time, her smile grew slightly tighter, another twinge of pain flashing through her eyes. She braced herself, taking a deep, steadying breath before she found her voice once again to reply. “He…well, he just hasn’t been around as much as he usually is, and when I do see him, he just seems…distant. As if there’s something more important on his mind than me.” She shrugged, as if it was no big deal, but simply the mention of it was enough to wound her. For a moment, she was silent, her gaze distant before Shades’ voice drew her back to the present once again, calling her attention to what he was saying. “Oh…I’ve no doubts you’ll all get along. After all, you’re all nice guys and so friendly that you could make anyone feel at home.” Even me, at one point…
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