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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 8:32 PM

The Lucain pretty much ignored Areion's words now. He wrapped himself up with eating his food and sipping contently on sparkling apple cider. When he finished his dish as he liked, he moved onto one of the several pastries, so he could at least get some verity into his meal. "This discussion is going to have to close for now." he eventually stated, somewhere between the first few bites of his treat. "No matter what you say, every living thing has the same roots, if you trace far enough. Concepts, in some sense, are all the same. If you'd like, we can discuss are opposing views at another time. But we're just wasting what time we've been given, by force or otherwise." With that, he looked over to the Fellox and smiled. "Have you finished up?"
Toxicosis wasn't eating much anymore, just nibbling on a small piece of melon. Lowered the fork from her mouth, she nodded. "Yes, I've had my full." Though much of her fruit salad, and much of the other food the pink male ordered, had still went untouched.
"Very good then. I'm sure the others will enjoy this." he replied, taking the last bite of his food. With a small, inconspicuous swiping gesture of his hand, all the extra food vanished into thin air.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 8:44 PM

During the moment that Areion turned around, just after the magic had been worked, Zelosis' eyes met his momentarily before returning back to Toxicosis. Having not really given anything away from that. Not like he cared about it too much, he was what he was, big deal. Once the Albie came back, the Lucain stood up. "We have no time to waste." He announced to them both, with an expression somewhere between a pleasant grin and a smirk. "Time doesn't wait for us, and we should attempt to have a little bit of fun while we can." He added, scooting his chair into the table.

The Fellox woman stood up, silent and swift, scooting her chair in as well. "Refrain from arguing too much." She said, clicking the nails of her thumb and for finger together. "And we shall also refrain from over crowded lines. Understood?" Though it wasn't an arguable question, but much more like a demand. She doubted either would object, each for their own reasons. Basically, her attitude was a 'just lets get this over with' type.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/07/2007 9:59 PM

Making sense of Areion's comment or not, Zelosis just went right on in his calm and/or cheery manner. "I suppose that's something I'll have to do, dearest Toxicosis." After glancing around for a spare moment, he gestured out one way. "We'll start that way. There is bound to be some rides which have more minuscule lines." He began to walk again, adding a comment on the way. "If either of you attempt to sneak away," - this was more directed toward the chaos male - "I'll know. So don't try it and let us get through this night."

"No. I'm not making anything of it. Simply pointing out what there is to see and that its clear that you have other, more important, reasons for that choice." Toxicosis remarked back to Areion once Zelos got out his bit. Of course she'd see the false bits in his truth. Know that he had a deeper reason, because she, too, did. She started on her way to follow their 'baby sitter'.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/08/2007 11:16 PM

Zelosis went about on his path, eyes darting around to take in information, looking for something. Due to the silence between he and his 'adventure' partners, he began to hum a little tune. At the moment, it was either from Fall Out Boy or Danic! at the Disco. In fact, it was a mix between two of their songs, as he couldn't decide on which one he liked better at the moment.

Silence, on Toxicosis' half, of course. Though her ears would twitch every now and then, listening to the Lucain's humming,

"Ah, here we are!" Zelosis declared, breaking from his little version of musical entertainment. He bolted for a line, a line for little tickets that served as ride passes. You know, so many tickets for one ride and all. Leaving Areion in Toxicosis' oh so capable hands.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/09/2007 1:48 AM

"Zelosis wouldn't let us go, even if we tried." Toxicosis replied, eyes shifted sideways to look at Areion. She had her arms crossed as she waited, her two tails wrapped around her own legs, to keep them from everyone else. "Plus, I'm doing this much for Yanora. I owe her enough to fulfill the simple little wish she had for me to come here." So she saw the same way, in a sense, as Zelos did. "I shouldn't be here either. Definitely not." She appeared slightly uneasy as anyone passed too close to her, pushing her comfort. She knew that Areion wouldn't fail to notice that she'd make small steps away from anyone she saw as too close. "Sometimes we just have to push ourselves a little. Try to get better, or mellow down what gives us reason to be so uncomfortable here."

Walking through some gawking passerbys, the other male joined them once more. Around his wrist was a ring of the little tickets. "So, I see you both stayed put. I'm quite impressed with you two, I must say." The 'pink' Lucain complimented. "Now, lets go carefully select some of the rides for us to go one. The rides that happen to be contact-free for all the passengers." That would be good. Worked for both of the uncomfortable too, even if he only knew he was accommodating one. He started prance-walking off toward the mass of rides.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/09/2007 2:09 AM

"Oh look at this!" The 'goody-two-shoes' seemed to be bursting with excitement as he ran back to Areion and Toxicosis, having been just ahead for a bit. He gestured quickly to an odd rollercoaster, where there did happen to be some of a line. Still, it was designed that people were in groups next to each other, but were placed in their own little seats, so there was no touching. Seemed like a wise choice. "This is perfect for you two and your issues with getting near people. Just hang back in the line and things will be A-ok!" He as so pleased with himself right now. "Come along." He moved to step behind the others and made shooing motions with his hands toward the ride.

"Ehh..." The Fellox sighed softly, but complied. Going on and stepping forward. "I'd like to point out that I'm placing myself as a barricade between you two." She commented. In line, she'd stand between them. That was her excuse, but the real reason was that she couldn't have any contact with anyone, anywhere. If worse came to worse, and she touched either Zelos or Areion, she could at least shove the antidote down their throats and things would be fine. Just explain, if it was Areion. You couldn't easily explain that to a total stranger though. "I feel like neutral ground." She added in a half grumble.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/11/2007 12:21 AM

As they took to the lines, Zelosis somehow managing to keep the people around them at bay. Perhaps his magic was in use? That would be the logical choice. The women took this time to reply to Areion. "As much as I hold certain distaste for him, I fear that I couldn't allow you to kill him." She spoke with utter seriousness. "You may very well be surprised about what [/i]this women[/i] can do." She offered the Albie no other hints then that. No, she couldn't allow anyone to kill anyone. Repent, repent. She wasn't a killer! She wasn't! She often repeated that in her own secret thoughts.
"It would be kind of you not to talk about me like I'm not even here." Zelos interjected after a time. "No need to bite anyone's head off." His lame attempt at soothing them both. It, he was sure, was to be useless.
Toxicosis ignored the male from the same house as she, not speaking to him. "Scared." Was the single word she offered to Areion, in a way that Zelos couldn't very easily hear. Leaning close enough to rely the message to the Chaos male made her inner self nervous. Natural thing when close to anyone.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/11/2007 11:43 PM

Toxicosis scoffed. "Pah-lease." Well, she was becoming more talkative. That was something. Nothing short of a miracle, right? "I can kill Zelos quite easily." He wasn't the only one who could manage that.
"I'd like to point out that Yanora would and could killed both of you if you dared to try and tag-team me. Besides, you owe me for keeping these people back." Zelosis said back. Ah, the benefits of being Yanora's right hand man. For now, he wouldn't hint any more toward his own powers.
"Idiot." For once, the Fellox wasn't talking to Zelosis. She rolled her eyes at Areion. "Like I'd be scared of going on a roller coaster ride. No. I've lived through far more frightening experiences to let something like this get to me." For a moment there, her own thoughts traveled back into the past. But she had no friends. Ever. She watched all the people she'd sickened. All the people dying a slow, painful death. All victims of toxicosis, extreme sickness caused by poison. A shiver ran down her spin and made her tails twitch and fluff up. At the sudden reminder of intensity, she shook her head. "No, Areion, I was referring to you...you in these crowds."
Zelosis cleared his throat to announce a large movement of the line and started to move forward.  


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/12/2007 9:34 PM

"Okay, that's it! Areion, shut your trap!" Zelos growled at him. "Before I do call Bangori and chain you two together. He'd be more then happy to accompany us, I'm sure." Maybe saying 'Zelli-boy' was going a bit too far on Areion's part. But far enough that Zelosis would actually call the one person who truly disturbed him? And was the one who in fact came up with Zelli for his nickname? That was bad.

Toxicosis, however, was too busy mulling over what Areion had pointed out to take too much notice in Zelos. "...Why are you telling us this, Areion? Surely you don't want to consider a good hundred or so of innocent people, especially children, dying. And while all your calculations may be correct," - or so she assumed they would be with how sure of himself he was with those 'facts' - "The actually likeliness of anything happening to the roller coaster is noticeably slim. They cannot risk such things in these businesses, and therefore are checked daily, if not more often. I for one am not interested in seeing visions of death in my mind." She had them enough as it was.
"Oh, and Zelos, I ask you to refrain from that. Areion, wouldn't you say its best not to call him something so harsh when he's making some effort in keeping us free from the crowds. Its all him, you know."


[Note to self: Added Zelosis' stats with so far posts]

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/12/2007 11:50 PM

Toxicosis shook her head. "Not quite that, but something like it, I suppose you could say. Tell me, don't you feel a little different, like something in the atmosphere has changed in a slight degree?" Her eyes shifted over to Zelos, who had a sulky look in his eyes, arms crossed and not speaking. He'd given up his little passion of people (mostly female) pleasing in order to keep people at a safe distance from the other two. The Fellox gestured at him. "Have you ever seen him purposefully avoid people like that, back turned?" At least, she was sure, Areion would figure it unbelievable that he was doing as he was.
"You talk to much, Toxicosis." The pink Lucain eventually grumbled. Wow. She'd never been told that one before. Really. But Zelos didn't want the others to know of his skills as of yet.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/15/2007 10:04 PM

"You have no idea, Areion. Toxicosis and I made a deal upon coming here." Zelosis stated. "Just as I'm sure you would decline to letting your secrets be known to those considered strangers, I'm still just the same." His eyes then shifted to Toxicosis. "As much as she claims to have been forced, she doesn't mind it so much either. Do you? At least, not as long as our deal is kept, which I so politely have not let out. I still have respect for you, of course I do." Between what he was saying next, certain things were addressed to Areion and others to Toxicosis, his gaze moving to whoever he was speaking to at the time. "Not that it affects my choice of respect, but you were even the very first of us that our Era took in."
Toxicosis had looked at Areion with a slightly odd expression when he'd given her a nickname. That was another first. Tonight sure was an interesting one for her. She seemed indifferent to the matters which Zelosis and Areion were discussing. "I know. I apologies for saying too much." She nodded to the Lucain before turning to Areion. "I'm a little surprised because of that." That Areion was talking so much. Then again, arguing didn't really count as talking. Everyone spoke during arguments. "He is right, though, I've hardly talked this much in my life." In reality, that was true, as far back as she could recall anyway.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/21/2007 2:02 AM

Both Zelosis and Toxicosis shared a reaction to Areion, both taking a step back to his explosion, temper tantrum, whatever you wanted to call it. They were both giving it different names. "Ah ha!" Toxicosis exclaimed seeming mildly excited. As excited as excited as she got, anyway. Which we all know wasn't much. Heh, why was she even excited to discover that he had killing issues as well? She should be distasteful, like she always was when she thought of herself. She actually gave him a questioning look. "Feel any better now, getting some things off your chest? They say its not good to hold everything in all the time, or so I've been told. I don't much listen..." No, she didn't listen to the advice much. "No...I haven't harmed anyone this night." She spoke this slowly, with caution. Yet. No one had been harmed yet.

As for the Lucain, he was prepared to flinch when Areion began to address him, but was pleased to find that he'd been spared the absolutely terrifying nickname. He sighed in relief, feeling the sudden tension just wash away. "Yes! Finally!!!" He was excited too, just to hear that the stubborn, difficult, annoying, Albie finally accepted that they were out and about and that it was ay okay. "Hey, for you're information, I am royal! And I like cotton candy!" He shouted after Areion as he ran for the roller coaster. He mouthed a silent 'W-O-W' as he whispered to Toxicosis quickly, "I think he's lost it...." But he was darting off too. "Gah! I can't believe you of all people got ahead of me!" He complained to Areion, taking his own individual little seat and buckling himself in and waiting for the okay to pull down the over arm restraints.

The women followed soon after, just walking at her good ol' pace. Ending with finding herself a seat in the same technical unit as Zelos and Areion, going about the proper procedure to secure herself in. "In this world, I never..." She spoke perfectly aloud, though only to herself.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/28/2007 12:31 AM

After the two were perfectly secure, Zelos anxious and Toxicosis ever calm, they both looked over to Areion. Both were amused by his new look. Goggles. Much better head accessories then they were eye wear. "Aye okay! This is gonna be fun." The Lucain exclaimed happily. He would probably have been bouncing up and down if he wasn't locked into his seat. "As ready as I'll ever be." Toxicosis replied when it was her turn. She was doing her own calculations too, though much simpler then what Areion had been figuring out. Simply, it was a calculation of the toxins that would emit from her in the speed which they were to be going. When the voice rumbled from the speaker about going an amazing 0 to 80 in 2.3 seconds, she knew that they'd be going fast enough that the toxins wouldn't even have time to collied with any of the other riders. She was thankful for that, but dreaded the speed. Hey...it would slow down some in the middle of it, for certain twists and turns.

It was no less then that the announcer told them to hang on that they were shooting out of the gate! Zelos, like the crazy man that he was, tossed his arms up even though they felt like they may have been ripped off at any second. Having not the time to stuff his hair carefully behind him, he looked like a pink mass was trying to devour his head. It was nothing short of hilarious especially when he gleefully started shouting with 95% of the rest of the riders. Toxicosis started laughing at the situation at how the others looked, even if it was impossible to tell. It just looked like she was screaming too. And she wasn't hanging on, she just managed to keep her hands in her lap, somehow. Due to her Fellox-ness, a green mist that looked more like flames right now, danced around her only to be partially sucked away in the air. Since it was attached to her body, they wouldn't leave completely.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/19/2007 11:33 PM

As the coaster came to the 'complete' stop, the lock of the safety mechanisms released. Zelosis undid his seatbelt and over arm stuffs and all, springing out with more glee. His heart was racing fast from the adrenaline, and for some reason, he loved it. As for the fate of his beautiful hair, it was stuck in its wild shape that the wind had caused; a bush monster trying to feed on his brains.
Toxicosis unlatched herself from her place, stepping out much more calmly, though the air around her seemed to be lifted some. She was slightly more...happy...then she usually was. The natural adrenaline was coursing through her too, but she didn't take much notice to. Yay for dreadlocks, her hair was still fine and manageable. But she was more worried how everyone around her was....

Both had turned to the third person in their party, eying him curiously once he laughed. Though the sound had been drowned out, they could both swear that they'd heard him screaming and his reaction now...Well, that was odd to say the least.
"Did you enjoy it?" Has The Lucain's question. "Are you...okay?" Was what came from the Fellox.


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Postby ToxicShadow » 10/20/2007 2:11 AM

"Ah, got stomach in knots then." Zelosis replied. If he and Areion were at it like they were before, when this odd little adventure, he would have said something more along the lines of poking fun at him for having a weak stomach or something, but he didn't. Though he still believed men should be able to handle loops. Come on, it had to be something other then that.
As for the young women, her eyes drifted to the tracks of the roller coaster. Wow. It was still quite an interesting thing to see Areion acted like that. Upon her observation, she also noted a sign that spoke of ride pictures. Oh goodness. They were doomed.
"Now why in this good world would we have to do that?" Zelosis inquired to the other's comment about the bathroom, suddenly flipping his mass of hair and it falling back perfectly into place, totally one of those 'shing, sparkle, sparkle' effects. It looked as if he'd never been on the ride, all perfect-like once again. He had a wide grin.
And for the information, he did take it Areion's reaction to his hair, just previously, quite offensively.


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