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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 12/20/2010 4:29 PM

Emerald nodded. "Then lets investigate. I'm sure what ever it is, we can take care of it ourselves." The smell knocked Emeralds head into a loop. She was unable to think straight. She closed her eyes for a second, then turned toward the sky. Where had she smelt this sent before? It brought back old memories that didn't please her one bit.

Berry looked at Amina. "I say we back track from where we started. I'm sure we can find them by sent." She acted more confident then she felt. She felt the doubt engulf the inside of her. She turned quickly in the air and sped up. "We better hurry just in case..." She trialed off, not wanting to say what she was thinking.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
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From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
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Postby Sappheara » 12/29/2010 12:54 AM

A small wind current swept pass the flying creatures. Making Amina flow in the air with without her flapping her large golden wings. As they headed back to where they started from. The Treasure Hollowheart looked around to see if she could spot their two smaller companions. She was unsure what the odd smell was and it made her worry like a mother hen. Getting worried that something happened to their smaller companion, Amina spoke. "Berry do you see them anywhere?" The odd sent was getting stronger as they continue on their path. "What makes me even more worried is that I'm not sure which direction they went. I doubt that Adohi would call us if anything happened" The wind current disappeared making Amina flap her large wings to keep afloat.

The Sheilupe become dizzy as they walked towards the sent. It smelled worst then a sewer, raw rotten eggs, rotten corpse and wet moldy cloths combined. Being around one of those smells was bad enough. The problems was that curiosity got the best of him, he need to find out what it was. His head started to swim as the sent got stronger. "Emerald, how are you doing? The sent is making me dizzy. I smells like something dead or close to it." Adohi looked at Emerald after he spoke, making sure that she was ok. He was glad that the smell couldn't kill them, or both  Emerald and him would of dead 15 minutes ago. It smelled so bad that it felt like he was eating whatever it was. The smell got into his taste bud, making Adohi want to throw up.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 12/29/2010 1:52 AM

Berry looked around. She sniffed the air. The stench made her eyes water. "How about we head toward the stench and hope for the best?" She turned her head toward the stench. The smell was utterly dreadful. The stench of the living dead you could call it. She looked at Amina. "Your choice."

Emerald trekked forward. Her eyes glowed with new strength. She looked at Adohi. "I'm feeling just fine. If your not feeling well you can turn around and I'll meet you back there. I can investigate by myself if you'd like." She wanted him to leave in the pit of her stomach. Her past seemed to be catching up on her. She turned toward Adohi. "Might be a good idea for you to do so, if your not feeling well and all." She hoped to not let him see the dark side of her that creeped around the corners.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 12/29/2010 8:14 PM

The sent was what distracted her the most. Amina had to agree with Berry. If they followed the sent, they would most likely find their smaller companions. The Hollowheart looked at the ground beneath her, to see if she could see them. So far, she wasn't able to see anyone or anything at the moment. Amina's nose started to burn from the fowl order. How she wish that they didn't have to follow that smell. "I agree with you on following the sent. If I know Adohi was well as I think I do, he would track where that sent is coming from." She stopped flapping her wings as she floated in mid air. The oder was so bad that Amina eyes started to water, making it look like she was about to cry.

Adohi had an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. Go back? Was the Serraptor crazy? He came to far to head back with his tail between his legs. "I'm perfectly fine, it's you that makes me worry." The Sheilupe twisted his head to one side. What was going on with Emerald? She was acting a tab bit strange. As the thought crossed his mind, he deiced to ask her the question. "Emerald, what's wrong? I don't know you long, but now your acting a bit odd. A few moments ago you were happy and now you stiff." Would she tell him the truth or beat around the bush?

(You didn't give me any time to respond to me other RPs. ^_~ LOL)
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 12/30/2010 2:22 AM

Berry quickly followed Amina. The smell that grew stronger made her stomach churn. It made the anxiety that was already there, grew stronger. The realization of doom fell upon Berry. What if the rumors I heard back in the forest are true? What if she does turn? I didn't know anything about her past, yet I took to her like a true friend. Was this the biggest mistake of my life? Berry quickened her pace. Please, Please, Please, let the rumors not be true... Berry was practically running. The fear that surged through her body showed through her eyes.

Emerald smiled a ghastly smile. "Nothings wrong. I suggest if you have any hope of living, to back away from this place and pretend that you never met me or saw this place," Emerald hissed. Her teeth showed, glistening. She looked at Adohi. "Never forget your true self." She smiled and turned back around, breaking into a run toward the scent that seemed to waft stronger and stronger as time passed.

(Haha Whoops. XD)
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 01/03/2011 4:11 AM

An odd feeling floated in the back of the mind of the Treasure Hallowheart. The odd feeling went from the back of her mind down to her spine all the way to the tip of her tail. She looked beneath her, she couldn't find their smaller companions. Amina twisted her head towards Berry. The odd facial expression on the Tarnished Garagnir face made the Hallowheart more nerves. What was going on with their new friends? Was Adohi and Emerald in danger? Why do I feel like Berry is holding information from me? All these questions bounce around Amina's mind, making wonder what was happening. In stead of thinking, she deiced to ask Berry. "Berry, what's going on? I have an odd feeling that this smell is connected to our smaller companions." Amina wasn't what the smell had to do with their companions. She just hoped that they will be ok.

Go on living? Pretend I never met her? The way Emerald was acting was something Adohi never thought he would see. "I'm not going anywhere." He said though clenched teeth. The Bleached Shielupe came into this world as a broken pup and if he had to dead in the same fashion, so be it. "I'm still going with you. If I die, you should at least tell me what's going on." He continued to follow behind Emerald. His pawed feet crushing the dusty clay ground. Adohi doubted Emerald would tell what was happening to her. Every time he question, she would beat around the bush. It didn't help him with his situation, how he hated going into a situation blind folded. That's was the way of life. Some times you get blind side when it come to friends. The good thing was that he was prepared for the worst, even though he didn't know what the worst is.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 01/03/2011 10:55 PM

Berry looked up at Amina. She was catching on rather quickly. "There's not enough time to explain everything. I'm sorry, but if we want to make sure everything is alright..." Berry gave Amina a worried glance. She closed her eyes and ran forward, flapping her wins to propel herself forward faster.

Emerald smiled at Adohi. Didn't I just tell you something? Do you want to live?" She took a step forward, towards Adohi. She looked at him in the eyes. Her eyes seemed to glow. "They say knowing is half the battle. So the other half is living. I suggest you stick with the other half. Living is good..." She trailed off and gave an even more grimacing smile. "Your choice," She whispered in his ear.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 01/08/2011 3:00 AM

Doesn't have time to answer a question? That was the one thing that made the Hallowheart scared. "Well...uhmm..." There was no words that came into Amina's mind. She continued to look beneath her. Getting disappointed that she still hasn't found their smaller companions. She looked at Berry for a moment, then back on the ground. The fowl odor became worst in this area. Where they close? Was this were the odd odor started? What did this odor have to do with their companions? All those questions formed in her mind with no answer to them. She wasn't sure if Berry was going to answer them anytime soon. Amina continued to the scan the ground. She was about to give up, when she spotted paw prints going the same direction as they were headed. "Berry, I found their paw prints." Amina stated with some form of relief. The Hallowheart continued to fly with millions of questions floating in her mind.

Emerald was starting to scare the hell of him. It was a feeling he wasn't use to. As Adohi continued to follow behind the Serraptor. Every time he asked her a question, she keep going around it. Emerald keep answering with if you want to live, go back. or stay here and I'll come back. Why wouldn't she answer him with the truth? It hurt Adohi's feelings that she didn't trust him enough to give the truth. The Sheilupe had to push his pride to the side and try to figure out a way to get Emerald to answer his questions. "Emerald, I you at least answer some of my questions?" He asked with worry. "Going around my questions isn't helping any of us." He starting praying that he could at least get her answer something. "That least answer this question. What's happening with you? If you answer that, I will turn back." Adohi wasn't going to turn back, he just hope that she would answer him.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 01/09/2011 1:42 AM

Berry looked at Amina relived. "I'm really sorry I'm being so vague, but there might not be enough time to explain everything before something happens. Please forgive me." Berry flew down toward the ground quickly. She ran following the small paw prints on the ground. I really hope were not to late. I hope everything will be okay. Berry closed her eyes and wished that the rumors that spread so fast through out the forest  were lies. Let them be lies. Let them be lies. Let them be lies. Berry chanted over and over in her head.

Emerald smiled once again. She turned around then looked sadly at him. It looked as if she had a double personality. "I really don't have time to explain everything. Run! Run!" She slapped herself. "No. Make him want to run for his pathetic little life! Not for you!" Emerald smiled then the smile quickly faded. She saw the big dragon quickly forming a shape in the horizon.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 01/16/2011 4:25 PM

From the sound of Berry's voice and the worry on her face, it made Amina's nerves. Some times explaining a situation during an emergency can take time. Right now, they need all the time they have to get to their companions as soon as possible. The Hallowheart was curious to how the smell was related to their new friends. She lifted her head slight in the air, trying to get their companions sent. It was hard to differentiate other smells from the fowl order. This wasn't going to be easy for Berry and her, not by a long shot. "I understand that we have a large problem on our hands. Our small companions are in trouble, right?" Flapping her large golden wings as she spoke.

The Sheilupe stopped walking and took a step back. There was defiantly something wrong with Emerald. She was talking back and forth as if she had a split personality. Ok, so, this wasn't something he was expecting. Was she curse with something or was she joking? No, this couldn't be a joke. It wasn't a joke, this was something you don't joke about. "Ummm... Emerald are you still in there?" Adohi had to be cautious around his new friend. There might be a fight here, a bloody one at that. The Sheilupe had to figure something out, that didn't result in someone's death. He looked around the area, there wasn't much but large bolders that he could use for cover.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 01/16/2011 5:57 PM

"Amina, I'm really sorry, and I wish I could stop time and explain, but there are dark forces that loom everywhere in this world." Berry nodded then saw, out of the corner of her eye, the stripes on Emeralds biolune body, giving off a slight glow. "There! We better hurry. No blood will be shed today." If any blood, it should be mine. Berry thought to herself. She ran behind Adohi and saw Emerald. She gestured for Amina to stay in the air with her tail. She opened her wings full fledged to make her appearance larger than it already was.

Emerald looked at Berry who was looming in front of her. "Your too late! I have full control-" Emerald cut herself off by stabbing her claw into her arm. "Run! Please! Get out of here before someone else is hurt! He's danger- Silence puny Serraptor! Don't make me come over there and take care of this myself! You don't want your friends hurt, so I suggest you run! All run or I'll kill her!" Emerald put her hands on her neck. "I can snap it like a twig!"
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 02/03/2011 12:17 AM

At least she finally received some form of answers. Then Amina realized what Berry had said. "There are dark forces that loom everywhere in this world." The Treasure Hallowheart knew about the dark forces first hand, she just never had a friend that was part of it. Amina was lost in deep thought. Trying to figure out what exactly was going on with their smaller companions, until Berry's word cut through her thoughts. "No blood will be shed today." Oh good heavens! Adohi was in more trouble than Amina first thought. Looking in the same direction as Berry. The large Hollowheart could see that Emerald was glowing as bright as the sun. The Treasure Hollowheart understood why the Tarnished Garagnir became extremely worried about their companions. So... the Serraptor was the one with the dark forces. Did that mean that Emerald was the dark force? Amina flapped her wings faster and faster. She flow like a bullet shot out of a barrel. It felt like minutes, they were there quicker than what Amina thought. Staying in the air as Berry requested, she looked back and forth between Emerald and Berry.

Adohi was perplexed by Emerald, she keep talking to herself. What exactly was going on? That was the problem, he didn't have anyone to give him the answer to his questions. The Bleached Sheilupe stepped back as he saw that Emerald started to glow brightly, almost blindingly. This was something he didn't expect. "Emerald, can you hear me?" He spoke in a soft voice, hoping that she would answer him. Adohi keep trying to think of a good plan, which would keep him and Emerald alive. Where in the hell is Amina and Berry when you need them? He knew that he couldn't blame them. It wasn't like they were psychic and knew that both him and Emerald would be in trouble. Adohi stood his ground, even if he did dead tonight. The Bleached Sheilupe pray that the Serraptor would survive this problem. He opened his mouth, before he could speak, Berry landed before him. "Adohi, come to me. Let Berry handle Emerald, she knows the Serraptor better than we do. If she needs help with Emerlad she will inform us." Adohi walked to his companion, watching Berry at the same time.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 02/03/2011 1:57 AM

"Your to late fools! Nothing can stop me now!" A maniacal laughter broke out from around the rock, and seemed to come from underground. "Blood will be shed! Run for your lives! Theirs nothing you can do!" Berry looked at Emerald. "Let her go! I don't know who you are, but quit it! You have no right to control her like this!" Berry's eyes started to glow. Their intensity grew stronger. "Theirs nothing you can do! You are all under my grasp! I'll kill every last one of you! Any one who stands in my way will be killed! Including Emerald! I've killed many and I'm not scared of this fact! My hands are stained with the blood of those who've come before you!"

Berry looked at Emerald. She closed her wings shut then shot off in a forward bullet, stretching her arms out in front of her. She slammed into Emerald and held her arms down on the ground. "Come out and show yourself monster! None of us are afraid of you! We can take you easily!" Berry turned to the others. "Are you ready? I wont make you do this. Feel free to leave if thats what you want."

(It amuses me greatly how my other character in the other rp we're doing together is gonna show up here. XD Quit possibly at least. XD)
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
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Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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Postby Sappheara » 03/28/2011 11:22 PM

Adohi sat to the left of her, watching as Berry confronted a not herself Emerald. What the hell was going on? Was this some messed up joke of theirs? That couldn't be, Amina, pushed that thought aside. This was something more disturbing, then some prank. There some form of Demon that took a hold of Emerald. The only reason Amina thought is some kind of demon, was because the creature keep talking as if it had a split personality. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't just stand their and watch the two companions fight each other, nor could they watch the demon take over Emerald's body. Stepping next to Berry, Amina keep her eyes locked on Emerlad.

Adohi was shocked with everything that was happening. Everything came at him all at one, the smell, the shadow, the two different voices that came from Emerald. He would of thought he was crazy, the only saving grace was that Berry and Amina saw it, too. Unsure how to help, Berry, he looked around the flat land for something that may help them. Adohi couldn't find anything that would be helpful. Looking back at his companion, he could see the confusion in her eyes. That was not something the two of the expected when they left the house this morning. He watched as Amina stepped next to Berry. Agreeing with his large companion, he stepped on the other side of Berry, if they were going to save Emerald, they would have to do it together.
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Re: Journey Of The Flat Land (P; Aunt & Sapph)

Postby auntslappy282 » 03/29/2011 12:57 AM

Berry tightened her grip on Emeralds neck, making her make a chocking sound. It wasn't the slightest bit what one would expect her to do in the slightest. Berry forced tears down. She didn't expect something like this. All she wanted to do was get to know Emerald better than she did. She always looked so lonely and sad. She just wanted to help! The tears came out of her eyes full force, dripping on Emerald and rolling down her cheek. All she wanted right now was to not see her new friend dead under her own weight. "God dammit! LET HER GO ALREADY!" Berry shouted, raising her head to the sky.

Emerald watched Berry loom over her. She felt the choke and she found it harder to breath. Air wasn't entering her lungs and she was fighting for breath. She knew there was no way that Berry would loosen her grip until she knew that Emerald was okay. But she would never be okay. Was she going to die right here? She felt the tears on her cheek, though she couldn't tell where they were coming from. She had already lost her sight and most feeling seconds ago. Please don't let me die... Please don't let me die... Release me... Please.... Emerald fell into complete darkness.

Berry felt the limpness of Emerald. She jumped back. She laid her head on Emeralds chest and kept crying. "Don't die...Don't die...Don't die..." Berry chanted. She didn't notice that the stench from earlier had completely gone away, and so had the ominous feeling. Nor did she feel the slightest flick of Emeralds tail.
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

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