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@@ The Best Kind of Lust [P, Shrewd + I]

Postby Chayden » 12/05/2010 1:34 PM

[is blood lust. The only thing I could think of, don't shoot meee! D:>]


Was it wrong to be impressed by brutality? The tearing of skin, the rushing of blood, the cries of the wounded... Were they not meant to be enjoyed? Was each break of a bone not supposed to send shivers of euphoria down his spine?
Did he even care?

G was past the point of being judged by others. Those who disagreed with him feared too much for their lives and for their sanity to even consider rebelling against his rule. He did not demand much; only a few females here, a couple youths to massacre there. With all the terror he generally instilled upon others, he could have asked for more. Much more.

It's a beginner's mistake to assume that he does so out of mercy, or sympathy. The last fellow to suggest that has his head displayed on a battered cross in the center of G's little town, should you care to see it. The cross holds only trace religious meaning in this area, but G still chose to place the skull there. And who would have the guts to disagree with the whims of such a fanciful sadist?

G did not look at the thing as a cross at all. Instead, it appeared to him as two bones, propped up against each other (and, in fact, that's what it was. Two rib bones from an immense Turkezilla skeleton that G lived in as a pup). He liked the fear it radiated; it felt like home.

So that's what he made it. He built his very own Bone City around that centerpiece, forcing friendlier creatures to invite others to live there with him on pain of death. But, naturally, it also collected a vast variety of wrongdoers and heretics, blasphemers and crooks. Bone City became the most feared name for miles around, and yet there were still those who came. They came in search of favors, or of power, willing to "sell their soul to the devil" if only he would help them somehow. G was disgusted by those who groveled at his feet, begging for him to save their sick child or dispel demons from their fields. That was not who he was! He massacred. He did not save; he was no damn messiah.

The method of dispelling them was simple: kill them.
He and his followers splattered their entrails on the dirt of the streets, and that was where they stayed until the families of the dead came and scraped the guts from the earth.
Currently, G was searching for new minions to kill a particularly meddlesome vampire. The ones who sided with him previously had proved sub-par. The Tali was forced to do away with them in favor of new talent.

And so he strolled the streets of the neighboring village of Fame, shrinking in on himself and dragging his tail so as not to attract any attention. When he saw somebody worth noticing, he would make himself known, but it was safest to go incognito for the moment.

G scanned the crowd with sharp eyes, scenting the air carefully and scrutinizing everyone that he passed by. They seemed so self-absorbed, ignoring the rest of the world in their single-minded ventures. He saw wit and skill in a select few, sure, but none so good as to bring on his mission. Luckily, G was patient; he'd spend days here in wait, if necessary.

(Ughh... This is rather helter-skelter. I apologize, Shrewd! I wasn't sure what else to put; I actually kept coming back to this and changing it. Feel free to, er, sic something on me. o^o; And do you prefer the paragraphs spaced like this, or is it alright to leave them a bit more mashed together? I don't know, there's too much pressure~ TmT)
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Postby Jaykobell » 12/05/2010 8:31 PM


His name was Kaiser, and his job consisted of assassinating specific victims.

Today was his day off. It was to prevent putting too much strain on his mind. It was in case he started feeling guilty for killing complete strangers in cold blood. However, his days off often proved to be job days as well. Kaiser started killing when he was no bigger than three apples. It was nearly impossible for someone who had always killed to ever see it as something "wrong." His mind was numb with the idea of killing. It was like buying groceries at your local store. It was like washing your dirty clothes. It was like cooking food. In his mind, killing was simply another little hobby amongst the hundreds of thousands available from the list.

He was pale for a human, but not too much. His hair was a short natural russet-red, drawn back and slightly spiky. His eyes and expression were frighteningly placid, and his movements followed suit. The calm attitude was almost terrifying. Quite often, his victims wondered why he was after them, and how he could kill them without even a second thought. He never had any answer to those questions, to be honest. They were very existential. Why? How? What? Is the gun really loaded? Yes, the gun is really loaded... and now it is not.

His list of victims was long. It lasted several pages. He could kill his victims very quickly, and so when he reached the end of his list, his employer would tell him to take a day off. During that day, their job was to find him more victims. He was okay with that. All in all, it came to a rather simple conclusion: death was very banal. Perhaps that was to answer to the previous question: why? Because Kaiser saw nothing wrong in someone dying. Why do people cook? It is so they can eat, so they can live on. It is banal, and humans must do it every day — preferably. As for Kaiser, taking life was his job. It was a little like cooking: it was just as normal.

As to why his days off usually turned into work days... His employers simply added to his list. This meant Kaiser still had victims to finish, even as he was strolling through a nice mall, or placidly watching a street show. Whether life had made it this way or not, he often encountered a victim or two during his days off, even though he had not been looking for them. He had to admit it was very convenient.

That is what happened today. A man was seen running through the streets, arms thrashing and legs almost floating as he tried to get away. He wasn't screaming, but the man was certainly panting from the exercise, and his expression was plastered with terror. He knew he was done for, and he knew that his death was right around that corner; he knew he'd finally be found and that there was no escaping it.

Following the run-away man was Kaiser, running fairly quickly for such a placid, uncaring young man. His unusual golden eyes stood out amongst the blues, grays, greens, and browns, and his lithe body showed that he probably didn't eat very often or very much. After chasing the man for a few streets, Kaiser eventually stopped running, and he even stopped moving altogether. The man, a little ways ahead, kept on running desperately, looking over his shoulder many times in the hopes he'd lost Kaiser. Seeing the younger man standing still some ways away, the man figured his luck was finally turning, and he couldn't help but grin.

While Kaiser had two guns wrapped around his thighs, he also had a pair hidden under his jacket. He withdrew a gun from under the jacket, and he pointed it in the direction of the running man. At this point, the two were far from each other, and the distance kept getting bigger as the man continued to run and Kaiser stood in place. Passersby, who were trying to avoid getting involved, remained quiet, but they all thought the same thing: at this distance, the man would be safe.

There was a click, and then a shotgun rung out. Kaiser remained in his shooting position until he saw his victim received a clean gunshot to the head. Those at Kaiser's distance probably hadn't seen it hit the man, but those further ahead had probably seen it. After making sure the man had truly fallen, Kaiser put his gun back under his jacket and headed all the way over there to check on the body.

A middle-aged man, now with a hole in his head. He had the generic short brown hair, and he was starting to lose it at the back of his head. He was facing the ground, on his stomach, his arms and legs sprawled in his blood. There was only a little bit of blood, however. Kaiser forced the corpse to roll onto his back with his foot. After that, he kneeled down to look into his pockets. He wanted to find a wallet or a piece of identification. He eventually found a wallet, containing cards and some pictures of children. He probably had a family. He looked back at the man, and asked with a flat voice: "Hmm... Were you on the list?" They were all very similar. Oh, well...

[ Hope this is okay. xD; And my replies won't be near as long, ever, so you know. This is just the intro and I'm trying to check his char, so I might ramble a bit, but. ]
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g // 2

Postby Chayden » 12/05/2010 11:24 PM

[OhShrewdieilu <3]

G didn't so much hear the commotion as sense it, nearly in the same way that elephants are rumored to sense natural disasters. Maybe that was because he, too was an animal - but only on the inside. Being the day and year that it was (although he did not know what, precisely, that was; calendar-reading was too fussy and average for his tastes. He lived off of excitement and unexpected change), going around in one's animal form was not meet. Most preferred the dexterity of a human body. There were surely still those who lived "naturally", but this place was strictly business. No room for moral mumbo-jumbo here.

That being said, he was not too particular about his human form. He let it do as it pleased, so long as that did not include becoming frail or kind-looking. G was tall, gaunt and broad-shouldered, but that was easily changed with a little willpower. Bend the back here, furrow the brow there, and you have some scrawny pushover instead of a formidable young man. It could be grueling to contain himself so, but G had simply grown used to it over the years. He learned the tactics of those he hunted down and improved upon them until he was nearly undetectable in the sea of common faces.

The "commotion" G had felt was a repeat of a scenario he had taken part in countless times: quarry tries foolishly to outrun and/or outsmart intelligent predator. This man thought that he would be able to escape his end in a city where stupid people died each day. Well, it may not have been much of a city, but you get the point. It was such an idiotic notion that G couldn't help but laugh. Did he honestly think that distance could save him from that type of assassin?
He must have thought that. But he was wrong.

This assassin was one that G could appreciate. He kept under the radar, and the Tali understood that, even as these bystanders looked directly at his face, they would not remember much about him. It was obvious to the visitor from Bone City that this guy had been at his job for quite some time. If he hadn't been, then his expression could not have stayed so apathetic as he pulled the trigger.
Considering this, G fingered his own gun. It was ridiculously small, custom made, and he kept it tucked behind his ear. To anyone out of the loop, it would look like he was scratching his scalp. Maybe this new assassin would know better; then again, maybe he wouldn't. He kept his thoughts hidden enough that even G could not tell what was going on in his head. Morbidly, he played with the idea that this impressive fellow was only the puppet of some masked ventriloquist, but it saddened him. G wanted this talent for his own, another skill for his cause.

He worked his way through the crowd, following the other killer. Uncharacteristically, G just wanted to get things over with. He wanted to convince the sharpshooter to come with him so that they could murder the vampire that needed to be murdered. Then and only then would he be satisfied (at least until he found some other meddler to deal with).

G did not really bother to watch where he was going. All he did was keep his cold grey eyes locked on his target, and strangers parted to let him pass. It wasn't conspicuous or out-of-the-ordinary; he simply wedged his way through throngs of those walking opposite the way he was. This way, their paths could intertwine freely without obstructing one another. It just so happened to be one of G's favorite tricks, but he got no joy from it today. Today, he had a real goal. Today, he would make a great acquisition.
He didn't really see how his advances could possibly fail. He only had to find out what this guy would want in exchange for his services, and then give it to him. So simple, a child could do it. Right?

G felt that he had gathered enough rudimentary information on the assassin to approach him. He crossed the street and cleared his throat meaningfully, not waiting for the Shinzo to turn around before speaking to him.
"I could use the help of people like you. I can tell that you have skill; that shot said all I need to know."
G had straightened up to his full height and let his chest expand the way it should. By no means would he lower his guard, though, not here - he had seen the deaths of too many of his own that way. Dumb shits.
"I can pay you anything you ask, but you will need to focus for this job. Back there, you seemed distant. The man I need to kill is far more dangerous than your average slummer, I'll have you know."
G spoke in confident baritone, managing to keep an air of friendly conversation, although his words detailed anything but. He was trying not to seem as interested as he really was, but he couldn't help himself. This strange, golden-eyed man excited him... He could truly make or break this entire venture.

[And um. I don't know how long I'll keep up this post length. o3o My muse just seems to love this plot~]
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Postby Jaykobell » 12/06/2010 2:56 AM

As per his contract, Kaiser continued to search the body. He found: a wallet, and some jewelry. He liked jewelry. He was placid, yes. However, he had a few acquaintances. For holidays, out of politeness, he offered them little gifts. He knew a young woman who happened to appreciate jewelry. Thus, this prize would come in handy in due time. The wallet contained money. Not a lot, but it could buy a few little gifts. Beyond that, the corpse had nothing of interest. Kaiser slipped the wallet in his pocket before walking away. In his mind, nothing had happened. Maybe the man had not been on his list, but he did not mind. Mistakes happen.

He ignored the looks of the passersby. Most of them were simply homeless people, he thought. In this sort of town, they were used to killings happening. Kaiser knew this sort of town, too. His past was very foggy. He remembered only little pieces of his past. He remembered he was poor, and that stealing and killing had been hobbies. He got his job when he was very young. He had to juggle assassinating with studying. Biology 101 was replaced with Accurate Handgun Shooting 101. He was a little ignorant compared to those who had had education. However, he could count, write, and read. Everything else was obsolete for Kaiser's profession.

Some people walked away as Kaiser walked by, afraid the assassin might suddenly draw his guns and shoot. But, he was not the type to kill aimlessly. He only killed very specific people. Death was banal, but it was also a job. He would not have a job anymore if he killed everyone. Even the concept of leaving people alive or dead was banal to him. Whether people lived or died; Kaiser did not care. Perhaps it was because of his childhood. Before his employer took him in, Kaiser was alone. Others did not care about what happened to him. Perhaps this was why he did not care about what happened to others. This would explain why he did not mind having a say in their fate. He had since lost count of how many people had fallen under his bullets.

As he walked away, Kaiser took notice of something. Very often, bystanders would stare at him. Often, they were frightened bystanders. Other times, they were from amateur killers. Sometimes, they were from skilled assassins. With time, he had learned to distinguish them. He could feel a stare burning his back. However, Kaiser had nothing to do with this particular plane. He did not bother to turn around.

When a voice spoke to him, Kaiser still did not turn around. He continued to walk placidly. He was listening, but he did not react. Again, he had nothing to do with this plane. It was not his home. It was simply his shooting game. That is why he came to this plane. That, and when he had days off. The voice continued to speak, but still, Kaiser did not react. The words did not reach him at all. Even the words that could be understood as degrading. Kaiser had confidence in his skills. He always focused on his job... It was a little silly for the stranger to say that. It was silly, was it not...

Kaiser stopped in his tracks. He turned sideways to observe the stranger. The bulk did not faze him, but he observed G carefully. This place was not a touristic resort. Killers roamed this town. Kaiser did not react or speak, but he looked directly into G's eyes. His golden eyes were devoid of any fear or insecurity. He seemed to be giving G a chance to elaborate.

[ I HAVE NEVER RPED SOMEONE TO PLACID. Like holy crap. He even got his own boring, blunt, abrupt narration style. xD; I hope he's not too hard to RP with... he's extremely quiet so I think G will need to pull some monologues. 8c Stop typing long posts you make me look bad. >:| -jk- ]
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Re: @@ The Best Kind of Lust [P, Shrewd + I]

Postby Chayden » 12/12/2010 12:44 PM

(ohhh I'm so bad! D:> Sorreh Shrewd-luv. I've been deadified by school work, y'know, projects and the like. I'll work my butt of today, though, and Monday, too, because it sounds like there will not be school because of the weather! Oh, Vermont storms, how I love you <3)

G was stirred when the Shinzo looked into his eyes. The man's gold was nearly the opposite of G's own coal colored eyes, but they showed nearly the same amount of emotion. There was nothing there - it was like staring into a void.

"Yes," the Tali growled amiably. "I love your kind of killer."
He was silent for a moment, going over Kaiser's previous actions in his mind. There were lists that he kept ready mentally, lists of people and talents. They were absolutely essential, should a situation arise where he needed someone outside of his usual group. Some of the ones on the list did not know that G was keeping tabs on them. They lived out their mediocre lives in ignorance, thinking themselves clever for having avoided his clutches thus far. They were the people who did not last long alone in G's ranks. G had enemies who knew the magnitude of his power, and were equipped to decimate it. Some enemies had fancy weaponry; some had psychics meant to decipher what G's next move would be; some had poisons specially formulated to kill creatures from Bone City. Regardless of which they were up against, G had to give partners to novices he wished to keep alive. They were simply not skilled enough to fight on their own, usually.

But G knew that this one was different. Oh yes, this one was competent. Exceedingly so. G was impressed enough to wonder if Kaiser's abilities were even parallel to his own.
"Let me explain," he continued, moving infinitesimally closer to the intriguing assassin. He clenched and unclenched his fists, invigorated by the pain the points of his nails brought to his palm. "I have a vampire that I need gone. He is ancient, and he believes he's more powerful than my organization. He is overstepping boundaries that should never be crossed, trying to take my land and drain my peasants of their blood. The little b/stard's done so much damage in just a few months - it's ridiculous. My partners," (G loathed the word) "are not skilled enough to take him and the soldiers he's brainwashed on at once. I'll admit that. But you, sir, could help. You are essential to this win. With your talents added to the ones I have been saving, we will be victorious. We shall spill his filthy black blood and let it burn his own streets like acid. Once the vampire is dead, you can have whatever you'd like. Land. Money. Valuables. Women. Hell, even men. I can get you anything..."
G put a special effort into making his voice seductive. It was the deep, velvety voice that he used in the coercion of women that he did not want to kill. His lids were half closed, but his eyes remained trained on Kaiser's the entire time he was speaking. He moved his arms in little flourishes and tilted his head occasionally, giving the other hints at the strong emotions he kept inside. It was strange. G rarely felt this worked up about missions. It must have been the presence of this Shinzo that had him so pleasantly out-of-tune...
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Postby Jaykobell » 12/14/2010 10:30 PM

It was strange. The man looked very agitated when he spoke. Kaiser passively wondered if he was really dangerous. They were not under attack, but you should never lower your defenses. Someone might strike when you least expect it. Kaiser had learned it the hard way. His employer had not been pleased...

As G spoke, Kaiser's expression remained the same. His head was running, but his face did not change. It was the first time someone from this plane had asked for his services. Usually, they were too afraid to talk to him. It was so strange that this man was talking to him. His deal was simple: kill a target. It sounded like a regular mission to him. The question was: should he accept it? He could not afford to work on a job that was not from his employer. If she had a new list for him, it was important for him to finish it as soon as possible. If his speed decreased in the elimination of targets, they would notice.

The rewards did not interest him very much. It would be nice, he supposed. However, one did not need to bribe him to get a killing done. "How long?" Kaiser asked, finally speaking to G. He was slightly interested. It would pass the time, if anything. However, he had to do it quick. If the job was really thrilling, he might juggle both jobs. Right now, he only had a few days ahead of him.
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Re: @@ The Best Kind of Lust [P, Shrewd + I]

Postby Chayden » 12/25/2010 5:58 PM

Okayokay kill meee. Sic Kaiser on me or something. I'm awful D:>
G cocked an eyebrow up, glad that he had finally pulled some interest from this talent. "Well," he drawled, even his speech more confident now that the bait had been taken. "It won't take very long at all, if you come on. We can get the others assembled by sundown and be there by noon tomorrow. The time it will take to get to Acolix and kill him all depends on how prepared he is for attack."
G shook out his hair a bit and made to turn away from Kaiser, then thought twice about it. If he put a stop to the pressure his eye contact was usually the source of, the assassin may be able to dissuade himself. The Tali had only barely gotten the other's attention; now was not the time to get cocky. With his experience, he should have already been aware of that.
Mentally, he went over all of the people he could bring, considering who he had already sent on jobs. Oh, how ignorant was it of him to have given Eurylochide the go-ahead to scout for new recruits on his own! There was no telling where he could have gone on his search; therefore, there was no rookie that G could send after him. He cursed under his breath and spat upon the ground, grinding it in with the heel of his foot.
He had to get over all of this illogical muddle quickly, if he wished to keep his life when he confronted the vampire.
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Postby Jaykobell » 01/07/2011 10:36 PM

[ Lawl, it's okay. xD I'm super slow myself, so don't feel bad. I won't eat you. ]

Assembled by sundown. Meeting by noon tomorrow. He had a few days ahead of him. He figured the plan could work. Kaiser still thought this was strange. The man looked nothing like a killer. He did not look anything like a dangerous man. Perhaps he would appear on his list? Maybe eventually. Only if G meddled with the wrong people. "A few days," Kaiser said, to inform G he only had a few days for this job. He would not participate any further if the mission took more time than his small holiday. "This is a hobby," he added, clearly stating that this mission that he had gotten out of the blue was simply a hobby. If it ended up being boring, Kaiser would most likely quit. He liked his missions to be eventful and exciting. Killing had become dull. It had to be exciting to keep him interested. "Where?" Kaiser asked, referring to the meeting place. He watched as G spat on the ground and cursed under his breath. Hmm. This man did not interest Kaiser very much. He was a little strange. He was also impatient, from what Kaiser could see; but the man was offering a little game. Kaiser would play along with it.

[ Oh GAWD, Kaiser. He's so hard to RP in conversations... xD; Sorry if my posts... don't give you enough material or something. 8|;; ]
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Re: @@ The Best Kind of Lust [P, Shrewd + I]

Postby Chayden » 01/09/2011 3:50 PM

G shrugged. "I don't care what you think about it, so long as it gets done," he deadpanned. Why should it matter if this man helped him kill Acolix for fun or not? All he wanted was someone who would get it done. And, if the prior display had anything to say, it was that it would happen, and swiftly, at that.
The Tali-man had finalized the list of people that he needed. There weren't very many who were notable; most were just meat shields that would be absolutely necessary the closer they actually got to Acolix. Although his graveyard and the village around it were only a few miles across, there were enough creatures there to decimate a normal squadron. It was then that G regretted not training his people in the art of sharpshooting...

"I will give you two hours to get what you need. After that, meet us at the fountain about ten miles west of here. That will bring us closer to Acolix and his men..." He went on to describe in greater detail the directions to the fountain. One would think that such a thing would stick out like a sore thumb in the Vast Plains, but it was concealed so well by brush and corpses that no one would ever think that it was there. It was for that reason that G and his expansive crew chose to meet there - G had always had a taste for the distasteful.
"I shall have my people ready when you arrive. When you get there, ask for G, and I will make sure that you are let in."
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Postby Jaykobell » 01/14/2011 3:48 AM

Kaiser chuckled inwardly. Some killers were so unprofessional or impatient. Perhaps his message had not gotten across. It did not matter, however. Kaiser was used to harsh and emotionless comments. All that mattered was the job. As long as he did the job, it would be okay.

Kaiser nodded slowly when G explained where to go and when. Two hours was a long time. Kaiser only needed enough ammo to shoot for a while. He was not the type to shoot blindly. However, it was nice to have a good amount if he made mistakes. G talked about the target in a dangerous light. Perhaps the job would be interesting. It was hard to tell without seeing or knowing the target. Either way, Kaiser was looking forward to the mission a little. He nodded slowly again as G assured his men would be assembled. He only needed to ask for G at the fountain. It was simple enough.

With the discussion done and the details figured out, Kaiser left G to think to himself. He had to go home and get ready. It was not quite his home, since he did not live there all the time. He lived there when he had to stay here, so it was still home to him. He would reload and bring extra guns. It would be enough.


He had waited for the two hours to end. A little before an hour, Kaiser had been done getting ready. He left for the fountain early so he would not get lost or get there late. He followed G's directions and found the fountain without any problem. The scenery did not faze him. Since this was the meeting area, he looked for the nearest person. Perhaps there would also be an entrance or a guard. He had to ask for G. Kaiser walked around and kept his eyes peeled for a guard or an entrance of sorts. It was a very strange place.

[ Short second part~ But I'll let you describe the scenery and the details and stuff. :0 And then Kaiser can ask for G~ ]
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Re: @@ The Best Kind of Lust [P, Shrewd + I]

Postby Chayden » 02/27/2011 10:35 PM

[Yup, what did I tell you? I RAWK |D Hopefully this effort-post will make up for me being a slug a bit~? /puppydog eyes]

G didn't bother to make himself unseen as he stalked away from Kaiser, or bother to ask for the man's name, either. There were plenty of otherwise useless people to do that sort of mundane work; if anyone noticed him, they would be killed. Plain and simple. And as for Kaiser?
Well, he was the one stepping in on G's turf, was he not? There were not enough men or women observant AND foolish enough to want to approach the place. All he had to do was tell a couple brutish nitwits to keep an eye out for a man with mettle, and that was it.
If they did not know what "mettle" was, he'd snap their necks and find someone else.

The imposing man walked tirelessly, taking the longest route to the hideout in order to alert the hidden sentries that there would be an invited visitor. The sentries - a good 20 of them - were placed at strategic intervals around the tiny town and out in the vast emptiness of the plains. G didn't need to see them to know that they were there; he had stationed them himself.
And anyone who disobeyed the great [mortal] G was in for severe obscure punishment, and most probably death as well.
But this was a well-known fact. No one needed to be told twice about it; once was enough for them to be scared for their asses for the rest of their lives, generally. This pleased G to no end.

He found himself humming contentedly as he walked along, barely even noticing the presence of the slinky woman beside her. She was a prerequisite; any strange man spotted walking alone in the plains was like to arouse suspicion. With her, it would probably be passed as a romantic outing, just a few more teenagers out to make trouble for themselves in the scraggly bushes.
He didn't even know her name. As if he cared.

Nobody was going to be getting pregnant just then, though. The whole scenario was only a run-of-the-mill business facade. Even though G broke his own rules whenever he felt like it, there was not supposed to be any unnecessary sex on the job. After the job, however, there were no restrictions.

That whole matter couldn't be farther from G's mind at the moment. His head buzzed with premature euphoria. How ridiculously easy life would be when that damned black-blood Acolix had been eliminated! The Tali didn't even mind that he wouldn't go down easily; what was the loss of a few more meatheads in light of what had already been taken away from him? There had been about a thousand deaths so far in that worthless little town... Half from each side. The only thing was that Acolix's people were all zombies. No matter how many times they were gunned down, hacked in half, torn to pieces by the whirring blades of weed-whackers and lawn mowers, they would always come back. Endlessly.
Ah, the unfortunate downsides to pitting yourself against a psychotic, vampiric genius.

Still, G was not phased. He was blithely imagining what Acolix's nasty Slynx head would look like as a wall ornament as he approached his cunning fortress.

The place was nearly undetectable to the untrained eye. After all, this whole area had a good, long massacre streak, didn't it? And what better place to dump a body than out in the middle of nowhere!
The blood of the lifeless had leaked endlessly from their veins, crusting into the tall, brittle grass and giving it a sickening brown color. When the wind rustled it, flakes of the dried blood were apt to be released into the air. It had been sent back to coat the bodies it had abandoned in this way, decorating their bulging eyes and decomposing flesh with brown snow. The smell was horrendous; that alone was enough to scare most meddling [read: horny] teenagers away. "Go find your own bushes," it said.
Some of the corpses had been there long enough that said bushes had began to actually grow from them. Perhaps the wind had carried seeds into their bosoms, and the seeds had taken nutrients from there. It would be a logical explanation for the unruly growth of the things. They were easily three feet tall in some places, and possibly taller in others. Mostly, they gave off a skeletal feel; they bore no fruit or flowers, and most of their leaves had been baked off by the sun.
They weren't really dehydrated, though. A fresh body showed up at least weekly; they could suck the blood from that. Plants do not really care where they get their moisture from, do they? Just a little CO2 and they are fine.
And yet this was another thing that G was apathetic about. If the damn bushes died, good. Then they would fit in even better with the "dead and disgusting" theme they had going on here.

His large feet pressed down the waving stalks of grass, mindless of the blood covering them. The Tali gave a nod to the boy sitting on a patch of earth worn lifeless from constant wear, not bothering to keep the expression of distaste away. Who the hell gave a child the go-ahead to take watch?!
G growled. If he didn't have bigger things on his mind, heads would be rolling then and there.

He lifted the corpse of something winged out of the way of a gaping hole in the ground. He was well aware that the entry was classy, but he didn't give a damn. It was effective.
G wriggled his way in head-first, crawling on his elbows until the hole opened up into the beginnings of a cavernous tunnel. Without looking, he headed to the right; he knew the entire system by heart, although he had not built it himself. It spanned for perhaps a mile or so underground to the North and the South, and two to the East and West. It was supported by massive pillars of metal and wood, and the floor was laid with red brick. The whole thing was actually lit electrically; it would be too dangerous to have torches, and too tedious to keep them lit.

G came upon his own private room. This actually had a door blocking it off from the rest of the tunnels, although it would be easy enough to dig around the thing or bust it from the dirt in order to gain entrance. No matter. G had things the way he wanted them, fickle or not.
There was even a bed in the center of the room, fixed with a silk canopy and pillows filled with down from Matches. He retired to this bed after speaking urgently to one of his higher-ups [by now, the woman, whoever she was, was long gone]. When he awoke, the motley army would be assembled, and, circumstances willing, there would be a suitable guard stationed to meet the brilliant Kaiser.
G eased into unconsciousness with this thought in his head and a sneering smile on his face.
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Postby Jaykobell » 03/18/2011 6:40 PM

[ Lawl, fail post is a-coming. ]

Bodies littered everywhere, blood painting the grass in a natural brown, the air filled with the stench of death. Kaiser was revising his first impression of G. If the man treated life as such, he was not an amateur. It seemed G had a bit of experience in the field. Perhaps this job would be exciting. Since killing was banal, Kaiser obtained his thrill from the chase. If the job was thrilling, the kill would also be thrilling. Thrilling or not, Kaiser always did his job, however.

Now he had to get inside. This was an area he had never been to. He did not go to a lot of places. His jobs were often in the big cities. He did not visit places on his own accord. This place was somewhat appealing. The stench of death was common to him, so it did not bother him. He now had to find a guard to be let in. Kaiser was always very apathetic towards the scenery. Only his job mattered. G had decorated the area well. However, Kaiser felt nothing more than that.

His attention was drawn to the little boy. He approached him casually and quietly. "I am looking for G," he said to the boy simply. The thought that it was a child did not occur to him. Enough training could make even a child a killer. Kaiser should know: that was the story of his life. He figured the child must have had training to be a sentry. Thinking very deeply about this was not his intention, however. He simply asked for G, as he had been told to do.

[ I hope that's okay... xD; If I derp'd anywhere, feel free to mention it and I'll edit. 8|; ]
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