In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Elektra » 12/29/2010 9:40 PM

The sound of waves could be heard as the delicate girl walked along the shore.  She wore a slim, strapless cyan top that stopped just above her stomach, and deep blue worn shorts that were three or four inches above her knees.  Her feet were bare, and her toes were colored with lavender nail polish.  Up her right leg was a spiraling navy tattoo that seemed to move as she took each step.  But even with her young look, there was something off about her.  

The look in her eyes said that although she wasn't even a young adult, she had experienced more than most had throughout their lives.  They were filled with hints of sorrow, and knoweldge that one of such an age should never have, as if she had seen things that weren't meant to be seen, and experienced events that one should never have to endure.

Cast out by her own mother after only three short years.  And it wasn't because she was a bad daughter, it wasn't because of what she did, or said, or looked like.  It was simply her.  When she was born, her own father disapperared, and not under mysterious circumstances.  He simply said good-bye, and left her mother all alone with a newborn pup.  He had said he wasn't the kind of guy to stick with any one woman, especially not her mother.  And although he never said it, it was obvious even to the girl that he resented both she and her mother for their powers, even if at the time he knew nothing of her own.  All he knew was that he wans't dating a normal woman, and didn't like to stick with any woman for a long period of time, much less one that could control fire.  

And that was when the problems started.  At first, she had shown no signs of possessing any powers like her mothers, and although they were both okay with it, she could easily tell that her mother wasn't.  And then, one day, when she came home to her mother who was mad at her for no reason, she finally lost it.  It hadn't been easy, the life she led.  She went to school, she worked, and she supported herself.  For Zu'hai's sake, she was a fourteen year old girl!  And most fourteen year old girls didn't have to fend for themselves.  But that afternoon, she found her 'gift', and accidentally used it.  And on her own mother.  Shaking her head, she threw her hands up, and water suddenly blasted out.  But because of the amount of power it took at the time, she fainted.  

She woke up to an angry, sopping wet mother.  Of course she wasn't pleased that her own daughter controlled the opposite of her own element, but that didn't call for the measures she took.  That night, she told her to pack her bags and leave.  It was a shocker, but it didn't really matter.  And from that day on, she wandered the lands, never stopping, never looking back.

And now, here she was.  Sa'fir Coast, world's largest pepper deposit, as many locals joked.  Cousin to the Dead Coast as well.  But it was one of the only places she felt at home.  Surrounded by her element, litterally.  Sure, there was Idalani Falls, Jawan, but none of those felt like where she was that moment.  At home, at a safe place.  That's how she felt.  

She was named Torrent, a well deserved name seeing as her element was water.  Ever since she was kicked out by her mother, she wandered aimlessly, practicing her element.  At least, that was until recently.  A few weeks back, she was in a local bar, and coming out, someone tried to mug her.  Not thinking, she make an arrow out of pure water, and launched it at the man.  It solidified on contact, and killed the man.  But, she didn't mind.  And now, she worked as a killer.  Why, well, that's not really an easy answer.  Perhaps it was because she enjoyed it, or because she just didn't have anything else to do in the first place.  Regardless, she was taking a break from it all, and had ended up here.

She sat down cross-legged. breathing in the salty sea air.  As the tide surged forward and washed over her bare legs, there was a look that passed over her face.  One that was rarely ever seen.  One that a person could only obtain when they were in total peace, with themselves, and the outside world.  And where she sat now, that was the place.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 12:41 AM


He surely was not the type of man that anyone would be happy to see. Even his human form was snakelike and foreboding; he was tall and slim, with a wide, sharp-toothed grin. His red irises held slitted black pupils. His skin sometimes pulsed a faint red, as if the evil inside of him yearned to break free and wreak havoc upon the world.

As if there wasn't enough evil in it already.

He hunched his shoulders into his knee-length black trench coat and kept to the shadows as he searched for his next victim. It had been weeks since his last real meal - he had to keep the villagers on their toes. It wouldn't be any good to give them a false sense of security, would it?

Not that he minded. It would only make things more fun when he decided to massacre again.

There were plenty of people that he had to choose from that day. The sun was fresh enough in the sky for even a true human to see well, but the Malice Wyrm had his eyes nearly completely shut. He didn't want to draw too much attention until the show started.

He stalked around the streets and alleyways for a while, scenting about. He wanted someone talented enough to satisfy his hunger and his love for chases theatrical. There was one young woman who he kept chancing across. Perhaps she would do the trick...

As Lokiliq walked silently behind her, he studied her more closely. The way she walked... She was feisty, that was sure. He licked black lips in anticipation of tasting her supple flesh...

Swiftly, he grabbed hold of her shoulders with one arm, pressing the inside of one elbow against her neck. The smile on his face might suggest to others that this gesture was only friendly, but the low chuckle he gave her told her otherwise.

"So, miss," he muttered darkly. "How do you feel about death?"

(:D I told you it'd be before New Year~ <3)
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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Elektra » 01/01/2011 12:53 AM

Torrent had been allowing the waves to gently wash over her feet when someone seemed to grab her from behind.  Although they only had her in the nook of their elbow, there was still a great amount of power behind the act.  But what was alarming was what he whispered.  "How do I feel about death?  Well, truthfully, I don't know.  But I sure hope you don't mind it." she hissed.  She hadn't thought to bring any kind of weapon, which made it almost impossible for any normal person to break free.  

Of course, she was far from normal.  The only question was if her attacker was normal himself.  Trying to summon a few liquid arrows at her captor, she found that she couldn't.  It was as if something was reaching inside of her, and sealing off her powers.  What kind of being could do that?  "Who...  Who are you?" she rasped as his hold seemed to tighten.  Or perhaps it wasn't tightening, and she was struggling so much she had made it worse.

Everything seemed to be disoriented, and although she normally would've cut the throat of anyone who dared to do such to her long ago, it seemed that there was something about the man that stopped her from doing such.  "Okay, knew question.  What the hell are you?" she rasped again.  If she was going to die, she sure as hell wasn't going to go without knowing what she had lost to.  

It just wasn't her style, dieing.  Perhaps all of the deaths she had caused herself made her like that, or perhaps it was the fear of her own death.  But it didn't matter what the source of her stubbornness  was.  She wasn't going to lose to a lucky man who got the jump on her.  It took more than just luck to kill her, that was for sure.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Chayden » 01/09/2011 6:01 PM

Lokiliq was glad that he was not the human she thought him to be initially. If it were not for the powers bestowed upon him by his black blood (and the cult who gave it to him), he would not have been able to live for as long as he had so far. One thousand years was a long time for a human...
He wanted to let out a cackle as the girl struggled foolishly against him. Really, she would be entertaining! Trying to use some sort of magic against him... It was laughable. He may as well have been a god! And she? He did not know what she was.

By touching her, the vampire had infected her with the disease that he carried, It would be entering her bloodstream as they spoke, moving faster the more she wriggled. She was only speeding her own demise...
"Don't try anything crafty, missy." he admonished, tongue snaking out to trail across her earlobe. "I've got you, now."

Lokiliq wanted to mess with her, to get on her nerves. He wanted to make sure that she could feel every little tear he would make into her soul... This one, he felt, should go out with a bang. It would be no fun for either of him if he just snapped her scrawny neck here. She deserved more than that, the death of the worthless.

"Do you really want to know what I am?" he muttered against her flesh, tugging her closer to his chest. Ah, what he would've given to hear what she was thinking! The way she set her shoulders suggested that she wanted him dead. Though who wouldn't, in her position?
"I am a vampire, my dear." the man said, mimicking a run-of-the-mill villain revelation. "I am a mixture of evil, disease and bloodlust - what more could you ask for? To die at the hands of a mighty, carnal being... It is nearly a blessing. Though I'm sure you won't be going to Heaven, ah?"
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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Elektra » 01/09/2011 6:23 PM

"Filthy beast!" she snarled.  It seemed that for the time being, she was unable to use any powers she possessed, even the ability to change back into her original canine form.  And that would certainly be useful in her current situation.  A vampire he said.  That was new, to say the least.  "So what do you plan on doing?" she said, suddenly coughing.  "What the hell did you do to me?" she said, jabbing him with her knee.  But when he didn't even flinch, she began to worry.  

He was able to halt her powers, and seemed almost immune to any kind of attack.  And death?  She wasn't really sure about that one.  A mighty being?  Now that made her laugh, but also cough again.  He hadn't pricked her, injected her, nothing but touch her.  So how could he have done something to her?  She wasn't quite sure, but he had certainly done something, for even that moment something was going on inside of her.

"So what exactly do you plan on doing to me?" she asked, trying to make sure that even the slightest hint of fear didn't appear in her voice.  She minded death, but she minded the way she would go a bit more.  The way that he held her to his chest, that led her to be unsure of what he had in mind, and worried her even more.  But his final comment shook her.  She didn't know where she would go, but she wasn't going to find out in the near future, at least not if she could help it.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Chayden » 02/27/2011 12:48 PM

[o3o hai~]

Lokiliq's lips drew back from his teeth in an amused sneer. Those pointed teeth itched to sink themselves into her flesh, but that would ruin the fun! Ah, yes, she would be a long time dying yet...

"Do you feel it, then? My poison, flowing through your veins? I'm inside of you now." He gave her shoulder a little squeeze and ruffled her hair with his free hand. Of course, he threw in a pause for dramatic effect, letting her feel the effortless way in which he held her fast... Letting her struggle. Letting her know that she had lost.
"Do you feel... violated?"

The Malice Wyrm man ghosted his fingers against her skin, as light as the spray from the nearby waves. "I haven't really done much to you, no, not yet... Why? Did you want me to do something to you? Really, women these days are much too eager for the embrace of a man. But you have that already, don't you?"
This time, he couldn't help his laugh. It grated in his throat, hissing, snake-like.
He could feel himself turning into a predator...

Her pulse was all too evident, racing. It thumped against his arm, even through the fabric of his coat. Although she may have tried to suppress it, he noticed the gasp in each breath she took.

"Are you afraid of me... Torrent?"

Now he cackled insanely, throwing his head back, his chest heaving. He knew the breathless terror that came with the thought that someone evil knew more about you than they should... It led the victim's thoughts down a dangerous path. Lokiliq imagined that he could hear the voice of her thoughts, racing about, desperate...

What else does he know? What else does he know?! WHAT ELSE DOES HE KNOW?!!?

But he had heard that scream too many times before. By now, he was expecting more from her. She wasn't exactly the "vulnerable virgin" character, was she? She had too much foolish pep to fit into that category.
Well, not for long! He was going to break her, no matter what it took~
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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Elektra » 02/28/2011 8:07 PM

His last words struck at her core, and she couldn't help but shiver.  In fact, she was a virgin, and totally unexperienced in such things, and certainly won't be losing that to a p.o.s like him any day then.  She continued her struggles, even though she knew they were doing nothing to aid her.  She simply wanted to know that if she died then and there that she had put up some kind of a fight.

After almost ten minutes of that, she finally stopped, and managed to turn her head to get a look at her captor.  He wasn't even beginning to show any signs of tiring, even after all of her fighting, and she worried even more.  The fact that he knew her name didn't surprise her; in fact, most people knew her name.  She simply wasn't used to them attacking her.  They normally only knew her name because someone they were close to had been unfortunate enough to have her assigned to them.  But now, she was totally helpless.  The beach was nearly deserted, and she was so far down that she doubted anyone would hear her screams.  

"Please, what are you going to do to me?" she said, sighing.  Her body was beginning to weaken, and she put up another fight against whatever was flowing inside of her, but couldn't do anything.  After a few more minutes, her vision began to blur, and she collapsed in the man's arms.

(Sorry, tiny post, but it'll get longer as we get more into this.  ^^)[center]

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Chayden » 03/07/2011 1:35 PM

All he had to do was wait. If he could be patient, Lokiliq knew that he could make her bend in any way he pleased... She would tie her bones into knots for him until she broke, and then she would die.
That was always the course that things took when HE was in control.

"Don't you understand?" he whispered huskily, tightening his grip on the girl. "I'm going to take you, and then I am going to eat you. There's no use resisting, child. I've been hungry for far too long."

The Malice Wyrm stood solidly through her struggles. He would probably have had more fun, should she have stayed conscious - they would have to go through the nearby town that he had walked through before in order to reach his lair. It was either that or go a few hundred feet below the water, but Lokiliq did not think that Torrent would be able to survive that.

And he liked his meals warm.

Instead, he dragged her limp body up the beach, supporting her on his shoulder as one might support and injured friends. He supposed that, in his twisted sense of the word, they were friends, although she did not know his name. As soon as she awoke, he would make sure that he told her what it was. It was only polite, after all.

Lokiliq had to use extreme caution while bringing her through the streets. He could not attract too much attention to himself, for fear of being found out, but he also could not afford to slacken his grip on the one he had captured. The balance was a delicate one, even with his centuries of practice. The vampire wondered, sometimes, how the hunt did not grow tiring after so many repetitions. It rarely took long to decide what he was going to do with his victims, though. Sometimes, he peeled off their skin, or pulled bits of their muscles out through holes that he made in their skin. That wouldn't be fitting for the Lucain, though; for some reason, he wanted her in one piece. Perhaps, when she was dead, he would suck out the good parts and preserve the rest of her body. Perhaps not. It was something to think about, at least.

I've left heem somewhere on the outskirts of the little town, because I didn't know what you wanted Torrent to do. o 3o;
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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Elektra » 03/08/2011 10:26 PM

(No worries, since here and there this RP might require some god-moding on both sides, so long as it's just little bits of it.  ^^)

You're nothing but a seeping wet pile of worthless fur! her mother's face shouted at her.  Even I don't want you, and you're my daughter! her father said to her.  "No, no, you aren't here!  This is nothing but a dream.  You can't fool my you son of a-"  Torrent jolted awake, and found herself slung over the shoulder of whoever the hell her captor was.  He had a stone like grip on her, and even if he wasn't so strong, she doubted she could even begin to escape from him in her current state.  It seemed that the poison he had spoken of wasn't going to be leaving her for a while, and had rendered her incapable of doing anything to aid herself.  

She sighed, and hung limply there, occasionally thinking of how she could murder this man if she ever made it away from him.  A simple gun shot, a cross bow, hanging, pulling him apart, limb by limb, or simply cutting his arms and legs and letting him bleed out.  But even then, she couldn't find the nergy to fight him.  "Let me go for Zu'hai's sake you damn s.o.b!" she hissed at one point, but after that, she was silent once again.

(Fail post...)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Red Water [P, Chayden, PG-13]

Postby Chayden » 04/23/2011 11:36 AM

"Well, your energy sure doesn't disappoint," Lokiliq commented, not bothering to concentrate on Torrent's struggling. She wasn't proving to be much of a threat. Her antics, however, were proving to be rather amusing.

"But look, Torrent, we've arrived." The snake-man turned to present her a hole in the ground about three feet across. "I'd say welcome home, but it's mine."

Slowly, while putting enough menace in his growl to let her know that there would be no funny business, the Slydra released his hold on the Lucain girl. He didn't want to mark her up too much before the real fun began, but he  would, if that was what it came to. In one of his many pockets sat a ridiculously large fang from his more monstrous form. The poison it carried would be enough to kill most any creature in under ten seconds. Lokiliq was proud of his venom. He would not use it needlessly. A bit of bluffing with it would do no harm, though.

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