With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:09 PM

Velia stood up, glaring over at Talbot and Otiephu. "I have my own reasons for zipping up my cloak and they should know better then to throw me in the water. Someone could have just splashed my face and I'd be up."

Ida let out a grunt. "Oh yeah? Seemed like that would have worked oh so well. Talbot even rummaged through your belongings and you didn't wake up." Hearing the fellox's words, the woman twitched.

Otiephu looked back at the sleeping magma creeper and then over at Velia. "Don't blame him... We've tried waking you and nothing happened."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 12:10 PM

Martin would have pointed out that Velia had been pretty much out cold, but he said nothing. His eye twitched as water dripped from his ears, landing in the water with small little noises and gentle circles. He seemed to be having a small breakdown. Oh well. Maybe the water evaporate in the hot sun before he snapped.

Barikor began to wonder if his plan had a fatal flaw in that Ida was completely ignoring him...

Sarah was busy hiding behind a sand dune, while Sethor continued to ponder, another thought sparking in the back of his mind.

[[Barikor: 21 | Sethor: 16 | Sarah: 16]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:34 PM

Velia waved her hand in front of the neko's face, wondering what was up with him. After all, she was soaked from head to toe and wasn't putting too much of a fuss up about it. "You okay..?" she asked softly.

Ida drew back from the water and looked over at Velia. "I really wish you'd take that cloak off for a while. No one cares if you look ridiculous in shorts and bandages or not." His words just received a growl from his owner.

Talbot yawned and looked over at the sight. "Well... At least Velia is somewhat happy... I guess she really does know this guy."

"Know him or not.. if he gets too close to me again he's going to be losing more then just a hand." Otiephu muttered.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:36 PM

"I... don't... like...getting... my...ears...wet..." hissed Martin, still unmoving and tensed up to no end. It was the cat in him- there was a reason that people stayed away from wet cats. And Sarah was still hiding because of it.

"He may know her, but we don't know you." said Sethor coldly, and Barikor was forced to agree. "It's true. We barely even know your names, however friendly our caretakers may be."

[[Barikor: 22 | Sethor: 17 | Sarah: 17]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:38 PM

"Well just shake it off." Velia said before slowly climbing out of the water, her body dripping water onto the sand below. "Yuck... Now Sand is going to stick to everything." she exclaimed.

"No need for a fight to break out." Idzuna spoke as he let his body lay down to rest under the shade of a tree. "With this heat you'll probably die before you can even kill anyone."

Otiephu let her head rest on her plushie before saying, "I'm not looking for a fight... I'm just saying he shouldn't come near me." Talbot gave a small shrug. "Seems nice enough to me." he muttered.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:39 PM

Martin's eye twitched again. Sarah sneaked out from behind the tree and laid down next to Sethor, smiling happily.

"That wasn't an invitation to a fight. It was an invitation to introduce yourself further." said Barikor, sighing in exasperation. Sethor glanced over at Idazuna. "You. Why don't you smell like a normal Fellox?" he asked suddenly.

[[Barikor: 23 | Sethor: 18 | Sarah: 18]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:47 PM

"Oh come on!" Velia exclaimed, looking over at Martin. "Just get over it already. It's just a bit of water. Not like it's going to kill you."

He gave a small shrug. "I seem like a normal fellox, don't I? I am what I am." It didn't seem as though he cared to talk about it.

Talbot sighed. No one knew Ida's past except maybe Velia. Otiephu looked over at Barikor and said, "Good luck getting info out of him..."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:48 PM

Martin glared frostily at Velia. "It could!" he snapped, scowling. "I could catch pneumonia."

Something seemed to dawn on Sethor. "Ahhh. That's why you smell like- right. Of course you wouldn't want to talk about it..." Said Sethor, making a slightly disturbed face and turned away from the Fellox abruptly, surprising Sarah who'd been staring at Martin. Barikor let out an annoyed noise. "Oh for the- WHAT ARE YOUR-" Sarah squeaked and covered her eyes at his next word "-NAMES, YOU STUBBORN IDIOTS?"

[[Barikor: 24 | Sethor: 19 | Sarah: 19]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:49 PM

She rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah... Like you're going to catch pneumonia out here in the desert. Usually has to be cold for that." She just couldn't see why it was such a big deal.

Idzuna rose to his feet, snarling. "Go on mutt. Say it. What do I smell like to you? I dare you to say it because you're probably wrong anyways!" Bad idea to have spoke out like that... The fellox wasn't too happy now, which would most likely upset his owner.

Talbot jumped, falling off of Otiephu and into the sand. The Khimera let out a deep growl before speaking out, "Shut your beak already. No one wants to hear that horrid squawking."

The magma creeper pushed himself to his feet and shook himself off. "I'm Talbot, the Khimera is Otiephu, and Idzuna is the fellox."
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:50 PM

Barikor glared at Otiephu and took flight, heading back towards the pen. If no one was going to be in the least bit sociable, he'd leave it to Sethor who seemed to prefer it when everyone was rude and unkind.

"Nothing, nothing." said Sethor hastily, coughing again. "Never mind, forget I said anything." Sarah watched Barikor go worriedly. Normally he was the last to get angry about anything...

[[Barikor: 25 | Sethor: 20 | Sarah: 20]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:51 PM

Talbot watched the creature fly off and blinked. "Oh well... I guess we made him mad..." He didn't seem to really care though.

Otiephu gave a small shrug. "Doesn't bother me any..." she muttered.

"What? Afraid that you might be right?" Ida asked, glaring over at Sethor. "You might as well speak now that you've opened your trap.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:52 PM

"Afraid that I might be wrong and that I'd have to say something like that for no good reason." said Sethor, standing and starting at the Fellox. Sarah look confused. "What are you talking about? She looks normal to me..."

Martin hiss and flicked a drop of water off his ear, stalking out of the water in a fury, sword bouncing against his hip as he walked past Sethor, ignoring the Lucain.

[[Sethor: 21 | Sarah: 21]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:54 PM

The fellox let out a snarl and forced himself not to lash out at the kuhna. "I'm a male! You will address me with the word HE, not SHE!" His tails were flicking behind him in anger. It was bad enough that Sethor had been making assumptions about him, but now he was called a female?!

"Oooh!~ Now they've gone and made Ida really mad!" Talbot chimed out, seeming rather cheerful even in this situation. Otiephu gave a nod and put in, "Maybe we'll see him knock around a few people."

Velia walked over to Idzuna and bent down, wrapping her arms about his neck in a hug. "Calm down Ida... Don't be reckless..."

He let out a sigh and looked the other way.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:55 PM

"S-sorry! I just knew a girl named Ida once!" squeaked Sarah, cowering behind Sethor. "I d-didn't mean to offend you, really!" she added, peeking out at the furious pet as she gulped. Sethor rolled his eyes. It was seeming less and less likely that these people were fri-

Before he could finish his thought he was interrupted by Martin flying into him from the top of sand hill, sending him rolling into the oasis in a distinctly undignified manner. Sarah stared first at Martin, who was sitting the the sand where Sethor had been, then at Sethor, who was lying upside down in the spring, bent against the mound of sand and looking confused, then burst out laughing.

[[Sethor: 22 | Sarah: 22]]
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Postby Kyrit » 01/28/2011 5:56 PM

Idzuna was extremely quiet now as his owner just sat there, hugging him. He couldn't bring himself to be angry anymore and just closed his eyes.

Talbot blinked, looking over at Martin. "What'd ya do that for?" he asked, seeming rather puzzled by the humanoid's actions. Otiephue let out a small laugh and shook her head. Humans...
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