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[* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 03/16/2011 9:26 PM

In the busy streets of the city, things were strangely slow. Ironic, perhaps, since the streets were so crowded that it was difficult to get to any store, and even though it was still chilly outside, moving alongside so many people was enough to make you sweat waterfalls. It was very uncomfortable and very frustrating, too.

Shopping wasn't going so well, and sighs could be heard from many people. Even the shop owners were displeased, what with clients being so disorganized and even rude because of the circumstances. Things were a mess on both sides; things had to get done, but it felt like people didn't really want to get things done. It seems the end of winter, and thus, the beginning of spring, was a very hard time on the city of Jawan. Fishermen had to get back into a work schedule, but they didn't feel like it. Things were hard every time spring showed its nose.

But, among the busy, apathetic streets, was a huge building, hidden in plain sight... At the back of the city, the dome shone from the sun rays, and fighters were attracted to the place as if it were a magnet.
As you approach it, you notice the sign at the entrance: "Battle Dome of Awakening Spring."

Were the tournaments finally getting back in business? Ever since the crisis over how to manage the battles on a fair level for every species had begun, the Evelon Zoo had asked for the tournaments to close their doors until the issue was resolved. After so long, it seemed like one was finally ready to open its doors once again.

"Welcome welcome welcome!"


A child-like human-form Suncheeka suddenly rushed towards you, arms flailing and a smile plastered on his face. "Yay! A fighter, a fighter!" Without telling you any more, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you all the way inside the dome.

Clearly, this one had taken advantage of the crisis to renovate. The thing was huge, with an enormous screen at the entrance to display the grid, along with countless corridors leading to separate battling arenas. Did this mean battles would proceed more quickly? There were so many arenas to battle in now...

"Welcome welcome!" the kid greeted again, this time handing over a bunch of sheets for you to fill out. "This is our brand new battle dome for the Spring Seasonal Tournament! Now that the Evelon Zoo settled for a system that's pretty much functional, we got the A-OK to start a new tournament after so long!"

He gesticulated excitedly as he spoke, and you couldn't help but feel like his smile would rip his face apart, so big it was. "Since it's been a while, please make sure to go over the rules! Not to mention, we've added a few, so please check them carefully!"

[* Explanation:.

Welcome to the Spring tournament! In this tournament, you will have your pet pitted against the other challengers for ultimate victory!

When you are matched with another fighter, you can start your battle right away. Since the displacement rule doesn't exist anymore, multiple battles will happen at the same time! No more waiting in the corner for your battle to roll!

We will now have a a Bank of Stats. When you start your battle, please simply start initiating attacks right away. Do not bother to repost your stats for good measure; this is what the bank will be used for. Please refer to the bank to know who is supposed to attack first, however. To know who attacks first, the pet with the HIGHEST SPEED attacks first.

Keep in mind you have THREE (3) days to post in the battle; if you do not post after three days, you will be disqualified. Also be aware that we now have a set number of FIFTEEN (15) rounds per battle. If both pets are still standing at the end of the fifteenth round, the pet with the highest percentage of Endurance wins.

[* Rules:.

- 1 fighter per person!
- RolePlay your entry!
- In your entry, include: Your Stats | Your Traits | Your Level | Your AP Bank | Your Element (if applicable)
- No whining

[* Restrictions:.

- EIGHT (8) Fighters!
- The pet's DEFENSE Stat must be between 10 and 20 (inclusive)
- Traits are not counted in the above restriction.

[* Prizes!:.

1st Place -
ONE (1) Editless Non-Breedable Custom (Markings Accepted) OR ONE (1) Alonia Ranch Pet OR 1000KS

2nd Place -
ONE (1) Elder Kuhna OR 750KS

3rd Place -
ONE (1) Seasonal Pet (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas) OR 500KS
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Tournament Grid :.

Postby Jaykobell » 03/16/2011 9:26 PM

Tournament Grid :.

The fighter whose name is bolded is the one who attacks first.

:. Round 1
:. Round 5

:. Final Round
Freezair (2nd)

:. Round 2
:. Round 7

:. Round 3

:. Round 4
Shieba (1st)
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Stat Bank :.

Postby Jaykobell » 03/16/2011 9:27 PM

Stat Bank :.

Please refer to this bank for your stats. Do not repost anywhere else.
It is in alphabetical order by owner.

Freezair's The Attobeast
Level: 12
AP: 20
Element: Ice
Diet: Omnivore
Offense: 26 (+4 Extended Claws)
Defense: 17
Precision: 18
Endurance: 27 (+3 Fame)
Speed: 16
Fame: 15

This pet is strong against Air, weak against Fire, and fed by Acid.

Blizzard - One-Hit / Ice - The target's Speed is reduced by 1/4, unless it has Snowshoes or Ice Element. If target's Speed becomes lower than the user's, the user now attacks first in battle.
Snowshoes - Ice - Negates Blizzard.
Blubber - Ice - Halves damage taken by Ice Elemental attacks.
Cold Front - Ice - Increases stats when paired with an ally of the Ice Element.
Freezing Touch - 7 AP / Ice - 15% the opponent will miss its next attack.
Frost - 6 AP / Ice / 6 End - The user attacks with an Ice Elemental attack.
Icicle Rain - 8 AP / Ice / 6 End - Deals Ice damage to all combatants (user and targets).

Krypto's Kapari
Level: 9
AP: 15
Element: Dark
Diet: Carnivore
Offense: 25 (+7 Powerful Jaws/Extended Claws)
Defense: 17 (+2 Guerrilla Fighter)
Precision: 19 (+10% Sharp Vision)
Endurance: 20 (+3 Fame)
Speed: 16
Fame: 19

This pet is strong against Light, weak against Light, and fed by Dark.

Spiked Body - Dependent - If the user is hurt physically, target takes 1 damage.
Chance Hit - One-Use - User has 25% chance of dealing damage equal to half the target's Endurance.
Healer's Chant - 4 AP / 2 End - The user may heal a target of its choice.

Shieba's Chaotic
Level: 9
AP: 15
Element: Dark
Offense: 17
Defense: 18 (+7 Tough Hide/Guerrilla Fighter)
Precision: 21
Endurance: 29 (+11 Combat Endurance/Fame/Veteran Knowledge)
Speed: 21
Fame: 11

This pet is strong against Light, weak against Light, and fed by Dark.

Shade - 5 AP / Dark / 5 End - The user attacks with a Dark type elemental attack.
Sonic Waves - 8 AP / Energy / Confusion - The target becomes confused for 3 turns. It has a 50% chance of attacking itself.
Spectral Strike - Automatic / Dark - The user can hurt targets with Go Ethereal.
Horrific Moan - One-Use - The opponent can only hit on 1-40 from a d100 roll. The opponent has +10% each turn to shake off the effect.

zapdragon555's Fuyuki
Level: 6
AP: 15
Element: Light, Ice
Offense: 15
Defense: 15
Precision: 15
Endurance: 30 (+7 Combat Endurance/Fame)
Speed: 15
Fame: 15

This pet is strong against Dark, weak against Dark, and fed by Light.
This pet is strong against Air, weak against Fire, and fed by Acid.

Flame Resistant - Fire - Halves damage by Fire Elemental attacks.
Inferno - Fire - Gains stat bonuses when paired with an ally with the Fire Element.
Pyro - 5 AP / Fire / 5 End - Attacks with an attack of the Fire Element.
Blade - 5 AP / Metal / 5 End - Attacks with an attack of the Metal Element.
Blinding Blaze - 7 AP / Light / 5 End - Attacks with a Light Elemental attack all combatants (user and targets).
Frost - 5 AP / Ice / 5 End - Attacks with an attack of the Ice Element.
Ray - 5 AP / Light / 5 End - Attacks with an attack of the Light Element.
Dodge - 5 AP - Target has 25% to miss the user.
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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Shieba » 03/16/2011 9:57 PM

Chaotic entered the huge dome and looked at the little boy in front of her! "Hellooooo there~!" She jumped up and down. "You are cleeearly chaotic! Like moss! Moss is chaotic!" She looked at the paper with the rules, but it was unclear if she really read them over. Humming happily to herself, Chaotic nodded. "Uuuuh-huuuh! I'm here! And jumping! I'm heeeere and jumping and for fighting!" Messily, she signed the paper. It seemed like she knew why she was here after all...maybe.

Name: Chaotic
Gender: Female
Element: Dark
AP: 15
Level: 9
Offense: 17
Defense: 11
Precision: 21
Endurance: 18
Speed: 21
Fame: 11
Battle Traits: Shade, Sonic Waves, Combat Endurance, Spectral Strike, Horrific Moan, Tough Hide, Veteran Knowledge, Guerilla Fighter

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Freezair » 03/16/2011 10:01 PM

The Attobeast: Male Frost Paragon
Level: 12
Posts: 59
AP: 20
Element: Ice
Diet: Omnivore
Offense: 22
Defense: 17
Precision: 18
Endurance: 24
Speed: 16
Fame: 15
Battle Traits: Blizzard, Snowshoes, Blubber, Cold Front, Freezing Touch, Frost, Extended Claws, Icicle Rain

"The Attobeast! Are we there yet?"

The two small Bandol swirled around The Attobeast with energy. But the great Paragon held himself with dignity. At least, he told himself that was how he should act. Inside, he was privately bubbling like a small child at the chance to participate in this tournmanet. It was just like old times! Oh, if only his Girl could see him now. It was going to be just like back in the Nanoverse! Not only would he show off how strong he'd gotten since coming here... Maybe, just maybe, from afar, She would take notice of him. He didn't expect to be taken back. He knew why he'd been outgrown. But perhaps, grown as she now was, she'd be proud of what her creation had accomplished.

And as a bonus, he might get to teach others about his desire to protect people. Excellent!

"I'm signing up," he said, trying not to sound too eager.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby zapdragon555 » 03/16/2011 10:32 PM

Human Form
Name: Fuyuki
Gender: Male
Level: 6 (28 posts)
AP Bank: 15
Element: Light, Ice
Offense: 15
Defense: 15
Precision: 15
Endurance: 23
Speed: 15
Fame: 15
Battle Traits: Flame Resistant, Inferno, Pyro, Blade, Blinding Blaze, Frost, Ray, Combat Endurance, Dodge

Fuyuki walked slowly down the sidewalk, keeping his eyes low. He gave a soft exclamation of surprise as man bumped into him roughly. "Pardon," the man said, briskly stepping past him. He sighed. The Kuhna man glanced sideways at his shoulder; it looked so empty without his Magma Creeper there. But the little reptile hated cities, so he was staying with Naomi for a bit. Fuyuki smiled as he thought of his daughter. My, how long had it been since he'd brought home a good story? There was that one about the pirates, but... Surely Naomi was bored of that by now, though her overall demeanor and pretending to be one of the seagoing rouges proved otherwise. Still, there had to be something fun to do in this city...

Fuyuki's eyes gravitated toward a huge, radiant building, with a sign that read "Battle Dome of Awakening Spring." Well, that sounded exciting! He fingered the hilt of his sword with a mischievous smile. "Well, why not?" he laughed to himself, walking into the establishment. He was greeted by a young-looking Suncheeka, and he quickly read over the rules by the boy's instruction. He promptly signed his name and waited to be matched with an opponent.

(Also, I'm new to the whole battling thing; do our pets gain levels while battling? I figure they wouldn't, but I just wanted to make sure. XD;;)

Note from Shrewd: They do indeed gain posts. Since the pets only faint, the posts count towards a level-up, unlike the war, where they died (dun dun duuuuun).

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Redd » 03/16/2011 11:31 PM

(Mmkies. Lets hope I've done this right. I did up Kapari's stats in like. 10 minutes so =|; )

"Haha, I'm not a fighter myself, but I do have just the fighter you're looking for." The stranger than stood before the Suncheeka, was dressed discretely but the wry smile on the man's face would have said a different story. He had heard about the tournament and hurried over to use it to serve his own needs; he'd submit his own fighter, though she wouldn't even know. Hah, how amusing. Hopefully she'd be injured too; that would be interesting.

Realising that he was hovering around not really saying anything else, the man flicked his crimson scarf away and hunted through the bag that he slung around his waist for the papers for the fight. "See, I've got all her information right here. I do believe that she'll add some.. interest to the arena. She's a pretty feisty one."

Yorutanekke shuffled through the sheets of paper, picked one out and placed it down on the table. It simply held the details of the Lucain in question, her stats and a picture he had snapped of her from a while ago. No, she wouldn't be happy that she had been put up to this and less happy that Yoru had remembered the Lucain. But, as he always said, if there were people you could manipulate... why not?

Name: Kapari
Gender: Female
Species: Feyline/ Dingo Lucain
Element: Dark
Diet: Carnivore
Size: (M)
Level: 9
Posts: 40
AP: 15
Defense: 15
Precision: 17
Endurance: 17
Speed: 16
Fame: 19
Battle Spiked Body (Racial), Chance Hit, Powerful Jaws, Sharp Vision, Guerrilla Fighter, Healer’s Chant, Extended Claws.

"This is her right here. And this should... be right? No?" He prodded the paper with a finger as if to emphasise his point. "Anyway. I'll round her up the day the fight starts. So, I'll see you later then, okay?"

With that, Yorutanekke gathered up himself and strolled casually back out and wandered off into the city. Oho, this would be interesting. Kapari was perhaps a pacifist... but if they put her in the arena with another male... well, well. He'd like to see how he fared.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 03/17/2011 1:05 AM

Name: Star
Posts: 10
Level: 3
AP: 10
Element: Metal
Offense: 14
Defense: 11
Precision: 13
Endurance: 23
Speed: 11
Fame: 4
Social: Defender, Independent, Track Cover
Physical: Dash, Evasive, Human Form, Night Vision
Personality: Focused, Polygraph, Intellectual
Magic: Dispel Illusion, Spirit Sense, Lifesense, Create Illusion
Healing: First Aid, War Medic, Disease Immunity
Passive Traits: Celestial Heritage, Night Vision, Scavenger
Battle Traits: Metal Plating, Powerful Jaws, Bomber, Combat Endurance, Extended Claws, Puncture

This looked interesting. Star had never been in a real fight before, but she most certainly wasn’t going to turn one down. The oddly colored Mekkayena stepped forward. She placed her entry sheet before the Suncheeka, and stepped back to survey it with a critical eye. Not as impressive as she’d have liked, but good it enough. Yes, it would do. Now to wait and see who else would enter.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Thunder » 03/17/2011 7:54 PM

Name: Sayashin
Level: 4
Posts: 15
Element: Dark
AP: 10
Offense: 12
Defense: 11
Precision: 10
Endurance: 16
Speed: 14
Fame: 13
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection, Arterial Strike, Deadly Precision, First Initiative, Combat Endurance

Sayashin entered the arena, dressed in her usual dark-colored cloak with the hood over her head. Her trusty dagger was strapped against her leg, concealed by the fabric she was wearing. Typically, Sayashin did not have much time to herself. She was, after all, an assassin, and was constantly tracking down targets. But today, this wasn't a job she wanted to get done. Recently, she had met a certain killer and became his pupil...and she wanted to make herself better to impress him.

She strolled up to the Suncheeka. "I am entering," she growled. Sayashin looked at the other entrants around her, and wondered how she could take each of them down...

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby amapup » 03/17/2011 10:09 PM

level 6 - 28 posts
AP: 15
Offense: 10
Defense: 11
Precision: 19
Endurance: 20
Speed: 13
Fame: 14
Diet: Carnivore/Insectivore
Passive Traits: Aerodynamic, Night Vision, Tree Climber, Witchlight
Battle Traits: Flyby Attack, Outmaneuvered*

The Drakelph wandered in, a witchlight flickering as it dodged behind her hat. she'd heard of these tournaments in the past, but she'd never had the opportunity to participate in one before. Maybe this could give her practice for her upcoming moonling hunt. She'd lost contact with the two Talis, despite her efforts, and the lack of companion had been the only thing keeping her from starting out.

She walked up to the desk, and began to fill out the forms. She paused at the name slot. The Drakelph didn't personally believe in names. But they really just needed something to call her by; not truly her 'name'. Witch. she wrote down, smiling. She looked around the area, adjusting her hat. So many hallways. She was curious how this would go.

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Nyxia » 03/20/2011 3:02 PM

Name: Kimi D'Aeth
Level: 8
Post Count: 40
Elements: Fire/Ice
AP: 15
Offense: 24
Defense: 14
Precision: 27
Endurance: 19
Speed: 15
Fame: 10
Battle Traits: Pyro, Frost, Blizzard, Flame Resistant, Extended Claws, Lunge

It had been far too long since she'd been in a good fight, and though she wasn't fully healed from her little "trip" in the jungle she couldn't pass this up. In this form the fight would be a bit harder for her, then again part of the fun was the challenge even if her faithful Dov couldn't aid her in this. Her dark eyes hid the amusement she had for the young man who greeted her, allowing herself to follow along behind him in order to get a better idea of this. "I'll enter." She finally told him once she felt she had a good grasp of the way this would be done; it wasn't much different than her training under Reima after all.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: [* Spring Tournament 2011!:.

Postby Jaykobell » 03/20/2011 5:14 PM

Finally, after a few days of patient waiting, the tournament was ready to start! Eight brave and strong and fierce fighters had appeared, ready to fight for the ultimate prize! The whole thing had the Suncheeka fired up to the max, and the kid was bouncing around excitedly. "Finally finally finally!" he squeaked as he got all the fighters together to officially kick it off. "Okay guys! Please make sure to check the grid to know who you're up against for the first rounds!" He stretched an arm towards the huge screen, which was now displaying the fighters. "Just to start you guys off this time, let me explain everything just one last time!

When you know who you're fighting against, don't wait up. Start the battle! If your name is bolded, it means that you should start the battle topic in this forum. Start initiating your fierce attacks right away!

You have THREE (3) days to reply to an opponent's attack! And you have a maximum of FIFTEEN (15) rounds in a battle! If both pets are still valiantly standing at the end of the fifteenth round, the pet with the highest percentage of Endurance wins!"

He put his hands on his hips after he was done with that. With a huge smile, he then clapped them together loudly. "So! Is everyone ready? Head off to whatever arena whenever you are! And most of all..."

"Good luck!"
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