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.: RE2 Updates :. [I'M BACK!]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 09/18/2010 5:36 AM

So we needed a permanent place to put our announcements. So we'll post our random updates here every so often. These will include minor events, pet discoveries and the like.

But, we'll kick it off with this announcement~

So as you might have know, (if not, you're gonna know now) we've come up with a slightly modified system, to keep us more structured and active. Which is what we're hoping you guys want? 8D

So~ We'll make some sort of 'official' guide in the near future (and we'll officially post it), but we'd just like to notify you of the changes. o3 o;; We've decided to implement a RP marking system, which actually isn't much different to the old one.
If you're specifically hunting for a pet, simply put the word Hunt in the title of the thread. Don't bother about putting a specific species, if there's two kinds of species, you don't get to pick, heck, we don't even get to pick. It's randomly chosen for you. P=
And if you don't mind RE2 appearing in your thread, even if it's just to say you didn't get anything, put RE2 in the title of your thread.
If you do not have any tags in your title, then guess what? We won't be stopping by your thread any time soon.
While Hunts will be given more priority than the 'RE2' threads, we kinda figured it would be a good idea to work it this way~

We'll give you up to a week to change your tags accordingly (if you so desire) and we'll go from there.

(Gaiz, you can post here you know =3 )

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 09/25/2010 10:30 PM

Okay~ Well... We may have seemed a little... dead, right? That's because we've been planning up a cool game for you guys~

There's been sightings of a strange ship on the Dead Coast. I've heard that there's an assortment of Palmies kept on the ship, and there's rumors of Palmies with unusual colors! =O You want to have a look, right? Of course you do!
You should make your way over to check it out.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/01/2010 9:31 PM


I am TOTALLY on the ball! Anywho~ I bet you were wondering about that "don't join the other thread" rule, huh? Well wonder no further as I finally got my stuff together! 8D Here on The Amethysts Shadow we hope you have a pleasant stay, at least until we find a buyer interested in purchasing a slave that is. Before you ask, no, we have no advil or tylenol or ridilin or whatever it is you might take for a nasty bump on the head. This is a pirate ship, not a cruise ship!
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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/06/2010 2:22 AM


Well, well~ What do we have here? New Palmies? They've got to have names... right? Well... we are going to tell you them, but you've got to catch the Palmie first. Thankfully for you, Thunder has successfully caught the first of the Sa'fir Coast Palmies.
This Palmie is known as the Ash Palmie and is very common around the Sa'fir Region, and it uses it's dark colors to camouflage (or at least try to) in the black sands.
There's three more out there... so keep looking.

ALSO! This is regarding the Dead Coast thread~ After a bit of revision, I've put in two more areas and changed a few rules regarding those areas. Be sure to read up on the new rules if you're in the thread, or planning to join the thread.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 10/25/2010 1:08 AM


Okay~ I'm going to introduce another set of rules that applies to people in the Dead Coast thread. I've noticed some people haven't exactly replied for quite a while and to keep the game going, I'm introducing a new rule.
If you have not posted ONE WEEK after I've posted a reply, then I will kick you out of my thread, okay?
It's just to keep the game fair. Remember, this only applies to the thread in the DEAD COAST.
I'll give people FIVE (5) DAYS grace, before I start the counting down the week.
Oh~ And if you have any questions concerning any part of the thread, don't be afraid to post it here.

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 11/10/2010 10:45 PM


Regarding the above rule... Well, since I haven't been too active myself, I'm going to start the count from TODAY. So that means that you have a week to post before I kick you out. I'm hoping to speed things up a little now, so you all should be pleased about that =3

So what are you waiting for? There are still two undiscovered and one uncaptured (but discovered) Palmies out there~!

And again, this is regarding the Dead Coast Thread!

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 02/03/2011 5:16 PM


As the post threads start to wrap up, and Palmies are tamed, I can reveal to you another one of the new Sa'fir Palmies.


This Palmie here is known as the Wisteria Palmie and is somewhat uncommon around the region of Sa'fir. This Palmie species was first discovered then successfully tamed by Millie!
Now, that still means that there are two Palmies running around the Sa'fir region, and while one had been discovered but not tamed, the other is still a complete mystery!
However, there will be sadly no more discoveries of the new Palmies in the Event threads, so that means that you'll need to hunt for yourself for the last two yourself!

That said we hope everyone enjoyed the event, despite the slight issues we had. ^__^

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 02/11/2011 2:50 AM


More and more Updates. =| Geez. We're...active?! What is this new thing happening? .... Well. I certainly don't know.

Anyway, I'm letting you guys know what we've posted an informative guide on the Random Event and how it/we work, in a way so that you guys know how to set up a hunt, where to hunt, and how we strive to make things completely random.
Said guide is right here on this clicky link~

So go check it out ^__^ I'm sure you'll all find it somewhat informative.

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 04/26/2011 11:42 PM


"Hey... hey! You there! Yes you. Come here, stop standing around like a stunned fish. I have a proposal here for ya. Do you like games? I bet you do. See, I have this COOL game that you must play. It's for Easter, y'see. And you can get all sorts of cool prizes once it's over! But I can't tell you what prizes they are. See, it's a surprise of course, I'm just the Cuniflare. How am I supposed to know, huh? I'm sure you'll all like them though."

Yes, thaaat's right. We've been quiet for a while setting up this event for you, and you may have noticed the new subforum laying around on the main page. Well, that's where the event is gonna take place, so why don't you swing around and check out the place?
And of course Happy (Late) Easter!
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/27/2011 8:48 PM

I must admit that I am rather confused about something regarding this event. I was under the impression that RE2 had to confirm who managed to get slots prior to someone making a thread for their slot. I noticed that one person has already started posting in their slot without it being confirmed that they had one, but for those of us still waiting for a confirmation, this doesn't exactly seem fair. Either way, I'm just confused.

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby Shieba » 04/27/2011 9:03 PM

Toxic, your name stands in the slot list in the first post of the introduction thread together with the ending date since yesterday. o3o You can start posting! There just wasn't a confirmation post below our posts, but the first post has been edited at 11:41PM, which started the counter. I certainly wouldn't have started posting otherwise.

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 04/27/2011 10:50 PM

Oh...? I hadn't actually got around to a confirmation post, sorry~ I can see it's not an issue now since you've all started, but for clarification for other people, yes. It pretty much just works just like the old breeding facility. You claim a spot and you pretty much start straight away, there's nothing in the rules to say otherwise? xD? The "* Do NOT make a thread, unless you have successfully claimed a slot. If you have successfully claimed a slot, you may start your thread as soon as you're ready." rule pretty much states that you're free to start? We thought anyway?
I can reword that if you guys don't think it's clear enough though.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 05/03/2011 7:08 AM


I just want to let you guys know that once I've worked out eggs, I'll move over your threads to Terrace park, so you can rename them and continue them if you so desire.
Also. If... you catch this before the issue has been fixed then I'll let you know.. I did fail in that, I forgot to unlock the threads before I moved them, so I can no longer unlock them. But they'll be fixed, I promise xD

EDIT: Also. Unprofessional but, I need to clear up a minor detail before I send the first round of eggs out, so you'll get them either later today or early tomorrow. Just so you guys actually know.

[ Shrewd Note: PM was received, topics unlocked in Terrace Park. ]

Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby Shieba » 05/09/2011 8:06 PM

Clarification issue: Does "you may only occupy one slot" mean that you can participate in other slots as the partner? Because that's what Moofie is seemingly doing right now, according to the thread titles. Doesn't that make it kind of unfair to the people who actually get the slots since they can't do that then?

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .: RE2 Updates :.

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 05/09/2011 8:20 PM

No, you're right. oDo; You can only occupy one slot, regardless of whether you snagged it or not. And
Thanks for pointing that out, I'll sort it out. It might have been that... it was pre-organized thing or a simple misunderstanding. But, yeah thanks xD

Also, an update for those who it involves~ I am working out eggs for those that I haven't got around to right now. My real life had sort of taken center stage for a little bit and I apologize for the delay.
Season in Effect: None
Activity: Active, awaiting hunts.
Most Recent Dossier: Lost Guardians
Discovered Pet Count: 40.9%

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