Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Return to Terrace Park

Postby Kyrit » 05/16/2011 11:05 PM

"It's possible that they didn't think about that while organizing these events. People tend to forget about the wildlife these days as civilization encroaches on their land. The most we can do is hope that they checked the areas or that nothing tries to bother us. I'm pretty sure most creatures wouldn't think to attack a grown man and Fellox traveling together at least." Though he would feel bad for anyone else who might not be as safe as them.

Once they were close enough to the stream Draiz began to look around the bottom, easily seeing through the crystal clear waters. He also began to feel around some of the rocks, making sure there weren't any large gaps that could be missed.
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/16/2011 11:11 PM

"Yes, we're probably safe, as we're too large to be easy prey, unless we stumble upon a creature's home and it feels threatened." How did Teigras live? Rosy didn't know and didn't want to find out. "Well, I was safe during two egg hunts already, so let's hope my luck lasts some longer. And I'd think there would have been stories about if someone else had gotten hurt." So hopefully, it was all safe.

Rosy could do little to help with the rocks with her paws, so she looked into the beautiful water. "I'll follow the stream a bit to see if there are any eggs hidden in the water somewhere along while you check the rocks. I won't follow it into the high grass, though, so I'll be within talking distance."

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 1:46 PM

"Well... If we were to run in to any sort of trouble..." As he spoke his hands continued to moved about the rocks, actually pushing some out of the way to get a better feel of others. "I won't let anything happen to you. Your knight in not so shining armor shall be at your side in an instant." As he said that last bit he had another goofy grin on his face, obviously joking around about the knight part, despite meaning that he really would protect her if anything attacked them.

Suddenly, he jumped up holding something in his hand. "Rosy! I found one! But.... it was just one. For some reason there was just this one egg... Do you think it maybe got swept down the stream closer to where you are?"
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 3:47 PM

"Oooh!" Rosy giggled happily and flapped her wings. "Now I feel like a princess! Though I would be that kind of princess who fights next to her knight in not so shining armor to kick some butt." She had dark powers, after all, and wouldn't leave Draiz alone in times of trouble, even if she disliked fighting.

"I'll look!" Rosy made her way down the stream, looking into the water. Any colorful egg should be pretty easy to spot. She was halfway down between Draiz and the high grass when she found was she was looking for: An egg stuck between two rocks in the stream. However, said egg was also not stuck there for sure and was about to get swept away further at every moment. "Oh no! The egg's here but is about to get washed away!" Rosy tried to place her paws in front of the egg, but that movement only caused the egg to get loose. "Nooo! Egg on the run!" The egg swam past her paws. Rosy splashed and hurried after it, water flying everywhere, but was gereally pretty unsuccessful at stopping the egg.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 5:13 PM

In his rush to get over to Rosy and the egg before it could get free from the rocks, Draiz almost lost the one he had already gotten his hands on as he quickly dropped the basket off to the side of the spring, dropping the egg in it and almost missing his goal. He paused for a split second, doubling back to make sure he hadn't dropped the egg back in to the water. Once he was sure it was safe on dry land he began running after Rosy.

"Just keep after it! Don't let your eyes off of it!" he shouted after her, water splashing under his feet and soaking up his pant legs. "I'll be right there!" Hopefully he'd be able to catch up to her and the egg before it drifted off down the stream and they weren't able to find it.
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 9:42 PM

"I try!" Rosy was splashing after the egg, soaking her ribbons, which ultimately dragged her tails down, making her cause even more ripples in the water and causing her to lose sight of the egg more than once. She managed to find it again, though, and continued to try to stop it with her front paws from drifting away even more.

Not for the first time, she wished she wouldn't at least wear a mask so that she would be able to pick up the thing with her teeth like probably every Lucain would have done. But no, she was completely out of options to solve this herself. She tried to push the egg back or even out of the water with her paws, but Fellox paws weren't made for that, either, and all she really made was a really big mess with water.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 9:57 PM

It was starting to seem like they were just going to end up losing the egg at this point. They had come all this way, gone through thistles, gotten themselves soaking wet, and they were about to lose one of the eggs because Terry hadn't thought to make sure that they wouldn't get swept away by the current. Draiz wouldn't allow that to happen though. He wasn't going to disappoint the young Fellox when she had come out here to have a good time.

Eyes narrowing, Draiz rushed forward and to the side, picking up speed and passing by Rosy. He continued for a few feet to get ahead before spinning around and... falling. Straight in to the little stream. There was no telling if she had seen the look on his face before, but now as his body blocked the path of the egg, which stopped as it ran in to his chest, he looked at Rosy with a smile and soft eyes. "Looks like we got it, Rosy."
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 10:09 PM

Rosy was blinded by all the water, so she missed the look on Draiz' face indeed, but stopped pretty dumbfounded when the man was suddenly lying in the water. Had he done that on purpose or had he stumbled once again with lucky results? She was unable to tell, having been so busy with trying to stop the egg herself.

She giggled, happy that they got the egg in the end. "We did, thanks to you! Though I am a bit worried, since this is the second time you fell down over the course of maybe fifteen minutes. You seem to have a tendency to do that!" He would end up getting hurt if he continued on with this, after all. She stepped out of the stream, soaking wet and her tails dragging on the ground.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 11:09 PM

After gently picking up the egg, Draiz sat up and let out a small chuckle. "Well... I guess maybe falling is turning in to a bit of a habit I suppose? But at least it's helping us acquire eggs though! Otherwise I'd just feel terrible about always causing your trouble." He wasn't going to admit it, but falling actually had been on purpose. One could say it was his way of acting... normal. He didn't like others to see himself in certain ways and such a goofy act was just what he deemed to be needed in order to get the egg in a way that he wouldn't seem abnormal. That wouldn't have made sense to anyone but himself though since very few people knew the other side of him as he called it.

After standing up he began walking back over to the basket, water trailing behind him on the ground as it dripped from his soaked clothes, hair, and fur. "So that means we've gotten six eggs so far. I don't think we're doing too bad, no?"
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 11:21 PM

Rosy stepped away a bit to shake out her fur, water drops flying everywhere. "That's true, though. Your falling has gotten us quite a few eggs." She inspected her super-heavy, soaked ribbons, sitting down to try to get most water out of them by trying to squeeze them with her front paws. "Though it would be nice to get some more eggs without you almost breaking your neck every time", she added with humor in her voice.

"Six is good so far! Let's hope we find some bigger amounts, though. During my last hunt, there was one time where there were eight at once. That was in the middle of that pond. Terry probably didn't mean to make this one here so difficult to get, so there were only two." There had been quite a lot of effort needed to get the six eggs they had so far.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 11:29 PM

"Oh wow. Eight eggs in one place? I didn't think he'd put so many in one place. Though I suppose in the middle of a pond wouldn't be the easiest place to see them, so that would be a good place to put quite a few." As he reached the basket he set the sixth egg down in it and then proceeded to take off his shirt to wring it out, tail shaking about wildly to get some of the water off.

Watching as the water poured from his shirt and down to the stream below, Draiz called out to Rosy, "Do you think he'd place any more anywhere close by? It sure would be nice if we didn't have to travel too far to find more after that." Though.. maybe traveling would be better if he wanted his clothes to dry. He just didn't exactly want to walk through all the tall grass and have it all getting stuck to his wet clothing.
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 11:34 PM

"It was more like I needed to swim through the muddy water and battle the water plants everywhere to get to them. Really not my favourite activity here so far." That had been really nasty. She was wet again now, but at least it was clear water this time. Not that it made the soaked ribbons any lighter.

"We should maybe check the clearing some more. At least until all our fur and fabric are decently dry again. I don't want to imagine all the dirt and grass that will cling to my fur and ribbons if I enter the grassy part again like this." Rosy seemed to think along the same lines as Draiz. Luckily, it was rather sunny and with the light reaching the clearing, it shouldn't take too long to get dry again.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 11:39 PM

A small nod of his head followed with the word, "Alright," signified that Draiz agreed that checking around one more time would be a good idea. He walked over to the closest tree and tossed his shirt over one of the branches to dry. He could live if his pants didn't fully dry since they were rather thick and could take some time, but it'd really bother him if things got stuck to his shirt. It'd mean he'd be itching forever.

"Would you like for me to check in the trees? It's possible that he might've hidden some in them if some of the branches could support them. While I do that you could check around the grass and the roots maybe?"
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Re: Slot 1: Shieba and Draiz

Postby Shieba » 05/17/2011 11:46 PM

"There have been eggs in branches before, so that's a good idea." Rosy got up as well, water trailing down behind her. "It's just difficult to get them down without breaking them if there are any. But that makes it likely there will be more than two as well!" Her old partner had used her dress to catch the eggs after Rosy had shaken the tree. She hoped that Draiz would maybe be able to catch really well if they found some this way.

"Alright, I'll check the ground!" Rosy looked around for a good spot to start. There surely wouldn't be any eggs in the grass like that, but roots and possible holes would be good places to look at again. She walked up to the nearest tree and made her way around it, checking.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/17/2011 11:53 PM

It seemed as though the two of them had two completely different ideas of how to check the trees for eggs. Though Rosy's old partner probably had the better idea in all honesty. Draiz had just been planning on climbing in to a tree and looking around that way, and well.. he still planned on doing that. That's the best way he had thought of to be able to get them without breaking them. Though.. a cracked Easter egg or two wouldn't be too bad. Terry had made sure to boil them... right? Maybe he should test that out.

"I'll make sure to be careful then. Wouldn't want to do hard work without any profit after all." He took the basket and put it through one of the branches before climbing up in to the tree himself to start looking around.
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