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The Burrows Adoptables [Open] [BOGOF Sale]

Postby Mousen » 05/05/2011 3:53 PM

The Burrows of Aeris adoptables presents:

Jackalope were (and still are) the main inhabitants of Aeris and they were here long before humans ever came to the Island. Jackalope are about three feet high from head to toe (excluding antlers) and they are widely known for being the only member of the Leporidae family with horns. The females have slightly smaller antlers than the males, and baby Jackalope (which are called kits) are born without their horns but they are usually fully grown by their second year. Young jackalope (still in their first year) are called leverets.

As old as they claim to be, the aures came here slightly after the jackalope. How they've managed to keep their existence a secret this long is something of a mystery. Many jackalope believe that any jackalope who found out the existence of the aures were sworn to secrecy, or that they're just simply the hide-and-seek champions of the century. Not so surprisingly, some of the older jackalope legends tell of bat-like creatures that used to be fond of telling riddles, most believe that the aures are the creature that this old legend refers to. Aures have very sensitive hearing and they use echolocation to navigate in the dark. The chattering sound they make is actually a sound of contentment, while the squeaks signal discomfort or panic. While they're stereotypically portrayed as having a very prankster-ish/tricky nature, many aures are not like that.

About The Art:
Lineart drawn by our very own haunting_ur_nightmares! All jackalope/aures are coloured by me. :3

Customs are jackalope/aures with a unique colouration of your choice. Feel free to request markings and small add-ons free of charge. Gradients are also free, and you can request gradient markings/add-ons too. :3

Jackalope Markings
There are certain markings that many jackalope have, these will turn up on randoms and you can even list a preference of marking when ordering a random. And they can also turn up on jackalope offspring if the parent carries the marking. :3

Fireworks | Mottled | Splash | Splotched | Star Spangled | Tech | Cupid | Zebra

Aures Markings
Techno | Panda

Custom: 15ks | Random: 13ks

Jackalope Custom Form:
Code: Select all
[b]Base Colour:[/b]
[b]Secondry Colour:[/b] (The markings on the chest and legs. Optional.)
[b]Antler Colour One:[/b]
[b]Antler Colour Two:[/b](Optional)
[b]Eye colour:[/b]
[b]Marking 1:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Marking 1:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Add-ons:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Anything else?[/b]

Aures Custom Form!

Code: Select all
[b]Main Body Colour:[/b]
[b]Mane colour:[/b]
[b]Stripes colour:[/b]
[b]Eye/tail gem Color:[/b]
[b]Head marking colour:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Nose colour[/b]: [i][/i]

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Postby Mousen » 05/05/2011 3:55 PM

Aelurs are a feline creature, mostly resembling a large house cat, save for a few points. The males are larger than the females and look more like wild cats or even panthers. They originally lived within the temple at Oddin's Peak, though many split away and they can now be found all over Aeris. Legend has it that many hundreds of years ago, they struck a deal with an unknown spirit and that they gave their eyesight up for the ability of foresight. Most aelurs display atleast a little psychic ability, even if it's just getting odd feelings at times. Oddly enough, they are not born blind but loose their sight over time and by the end of their first year they are usually entirely blind, however, their hearing is exceptional. Many aelurs actually use a form of echo location, hearing the slight echoes that normal ears miss. By the ochre plains, there is a set of caves that lead deep into the red earth. They're fairly cool and one of the few rivers in the plains runs right through them, though the water is never too deep. This is where all aelurs migrate to breed. Normally they have 2-4 cubs, though Priestesses can have up to five.

Priests and preistesses are aelurs that have stayed to study at the temple, they eventually gain a form of aura around them. To become a priest or priestess one must arrange a meeting with the elder Spirit Oddin who will grant the title. Otherwise, Priest and Priestess customs will be allowed at various points throughout the year.

Art Credits
The aelurs lineart (male/female/kitten) was drawn and shaded by Raito (#29718) from Mweor.com. I bought this lineart and have permission to sell adoptables using this lineart.

There are certain markings that many aelurs have, these will turn up on randoms and you can even list a preference of marking when ordering a random. And they can also turn up on aures offspring if the parent carries the marking. :3
Marbled | Tipped | Forest Foot | Priestess | Dreamboat (female only)
Marbled | Tipped | Forest Foot | Priest | Wildgrass (male only)

Custom Form
Custom: 15 | Random: 13
Remember to specify marking colour!
Code: Select all
[b]Main Body Colour[/b]
[b]Marking 1:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Marking 2:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Marking 3:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Add ons:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Anything else:[/b]

>>> <<<

Alley Cats
These are Alley Cats the humans brought them over when they first came to Aeris and since then the population has just about quadrupled, they're regarded as something of a nuisance in the town of Greystone. Most of them a flea-bitten mutts who've clearly come from a long and varied line of just-about-every-breed-of-cat-known-to-man. This, mixed with increased amount of magic that is floating around Aeris, has seemed to create a completely new breed of cats. The people of Greystone, as original and inventive with names as we all know they can be, seem to have christened these creatures alley cats. Possibly failing to realise that these rather chatty creatures may not take too well to that. In fact, at the time, I don't think they realized they could talk. These animals are used to living by their wits and are exceptionally sneaky as a general rule, much more so than the mischievous aures. They prefer to go unnoticed, keeping to the more populated areas of Aeris. Some of their ancestors, the regular cats, started to be bred for colour and exotic markings, hence why there's so much variation in the species. The more extravagant coloured alley cats tend to consider themselves not alley cats at all and often come with a pedigree to prove it. These creatures also seem to be a distant relative of the aelurs.

Most alley cats have a small amount of magical potential, less than the other species of Aeris, but they do possess a great deal of natural talent. Many of them are brilliant at casting illusions, some can even appear human for short amounts of time. They never actually change form, as it were, but they just make other creatures see things the way the alley cats want them to see them.

Art Credits
The alley cat lineart was drawn and shaded by Faylen(#195) from Mweor.com (Also on DeviantArt here) I bought this lineart and have permission to sell adoptables using this lineart.

Patches | Siamese | Belly | Calico* | Cresent Moon | Dappled | Dusty | Half | Leopard | Okapi Legs
(*Remember to chose both colours for the Calico marking)

Custom Form
Custom: 15 | Random: 13
Remember to specify marking colour!
First Marking is the underneath the others and so on.
Alley Cats can have as many markings as you wish.

Code: Select all
[b]Main Body Colour[/b]
[b]Eye Colour:[/b]
[b]Nose Colour:[/b]
[b]Inner Ear Colour:[/b]
[b]Marking 1:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Marking 2:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Marking 3:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Marking 4:[/b][i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Add ons:[/b] [i](Optional)[/i]
[b]Anything else:[/b]
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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/08/2011 8:21 PM

Ooooh!!! Can I haveth a jackalope? Pweety pweez?

Base Colour: #A901DB
Secondry Colour: #5858FA
Eye colour: #BE81F7
Markings: Could you do something...kinda darkish? Like...something that makes it look evil?
Add-ons: If you can do emo hair, that would be fantastic!
Anything else? Just make it look.....evil!!! Mwahahahaha!!!!

I signed up for the Burrows :D

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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby amanda784 » 06/14/2011 1:00 PM

Base Colour: Black
Secondry Colour: Neon Green
Eye colour: Dark Purple
Markings: Arach (a lucain marking)
Add-ons: Neon Green swayed bangs, Silver Snake bite piercings (1 lip ring on both sides.)
Anything else? Tearstain or "X" Minimark. (Neon Green)
Feel free to leave out what you cant or don't want to do. I hope this is okay.
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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby Mousen » 06/14/2011 1:09 PM

Right, Kitsumi, Amanda I'll do your Jackalope in a couple of hours or so. <3 ^w^ I'll do my best with the Arach, but I make no promises with it. I hate drawing that marking. XDD

Also, I'll do my best with emo-type hair, I'm not sure how it'll turn out but I'll try. x3

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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/14/2011 5:08 PM

Oh...I also need a female xD I don't really care what she looks like. She's gonna be my evil male's torture subject o.O You can have free reign making her, and I'll give you 15 ks for her :3

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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby amanda784 » 06/14/2011 7:36 PM

I need a girlie too. O.o Haha fun. Here's your form: (sorry I'm so needy!)
Base Colour: Black
Secondry Colour: Light Purple (Violet)
Antler Colour One: black (at bottom)
Antler Colour Two: Light purpler (Violet)
Eye colour: Dark Green
Markings: Storm (Lucain Marking) or Feyline whichever is easier for you!
Add-ons: Minimark: Tearstain (the male look please!) Yes, I know It's on a female. Make that light blue if possible.
Anything else? A sterling silver chain. (around neck or ankle)

Okay, whenever I place an order feel free to leave out whatever you don't want or cant do. I may be picky with my form but not the results. Your work is GORGEOUS! Thanks so much!
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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby Mousen » 06/14/2011 7:48 PM

Right, I've done Kitsumi's first one, I just need to upload it. Unfortunately, the only computer with Photoshop that I've got is this really ancient rickety one, probably bought in, like, 2003 or something. X3 I was half done with Amanda's first when the layers decided to freak out on me, so I gave up. Don't worry, I'll get it done tomorrow, my best friend's coming over so it'll give us something to do anyway. XDD

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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/15/2011 8:17 AM

Haha yay! Can't wait to see my jackelope!

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Re: Jackalopes! [Open]

Postby amanda784 » 06/16/2011 6:22 PM

Two randoms! Please do markings (if possible). Hmm...that's 56ks coming your way donating now
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Re: Jackalope! [Open]

Postby Mousen » 06/17/2011 6:41 PM

We now have pre-made markings!

And I'd suggest making your way over to our Forums because some interesting stuff is happening... Very Interesting.

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Re: Jackalope! [Open]

Postby amanda784 » 06/21/2011 7:30 PM

2 randoms please!
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Re: Jackalope! [Open]

Postby jobiehanna » 06/21/2011 10:05 PM

Could I get two randoms please? And, I'd like to buy that black/green premade as well, if that's alright. ;) Um, I think that's...
13 +13 + 12= 38 ks? I think. Correct me if I'm wrong. :3

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Re: Jackalope! [Open]

Postby Mousen » 06/22/2011 6:52 AM

Yup! That sounds about right, Jobie I'll get them all done real soon. <3 Along with all the others I have to do. XD

I'm so pleased people like them. ;A; There's actually a new marking I haven't put up yet, so you'll have to look out for that. :3

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Re: Jackalope! [Open]

Postby amanda784 » 06/22/2011 8:51 AM

Really? I'm all excited for an upcoming new breed, my first litter of kits, and now, A new marking?!? I just don't know how long I can wait for all this stuff. ;) I'm so excited!!
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