Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Looking For: Ship + Crew. Must Enjoy Adventure + Treasure(P)

Postby Moofius » 06/20/2011 4:33 AM

"You sure will work?" The beetanke said as he loomed over his partner who had tacks in her mouth while one hand held up the poster and the other nailed a tack into the corner of the paper.

The two were at Nabias' center, people milling around the large, paved area. Cars couldn't even come through here and had not been allowed to a long time ago. It was a great place to get information out, if the boards around didn't make it obvious. Grid wasn't even sure if she was nailing her poster into wood, or just more posters.
"Not 100 percent sure," Grid admitted, talking through the tacks in her mouth, "But it's a start. There's an ad in the paper too... Do you think it makes sense?"
" 'Nough sense for him." Lusrd shrugged, "But you already know I against boat. Not a water person I am. Would much prefer land. Whatever Grid want though, I go and help. Always fun, water just... less fun."
"... Dude, I didn't ask for your autobiography." Grid laughed, giving the poster a gentle tug as she did, "Is this good?"
Mandibles clacked in irritation before he gave her a firm, "Good 'nough."

Ship + Crew

Adventure + Danger + Treasure if we haven't grabbed you by now this is not the job for you. Otherwise please contact
Grid and Lusrd at:

For more information

Grid dipped her head to the side, looking it over.
"You sure it's not too... Uh... Hey!" The world around her brightened as the shadow Lusrd cast followed him out of the square, "You jerk! Gawd! We have more of these to post!"
"Then good 'nough. Post posters, print ads, wait. No more wondering. Just your fah-worite activity. Waiting."
"Shud up, Lusrd."
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Rini1.2, Delt0.1

Postby Ander » 06/25/2011 2:01 AM

Image Image

"Get more soap while you're in there! You can even grab the fancy stuff if y'like, we're runnin' low." Headband strapped jauntily around pale hair, Rini danced around the other shoppers in Nabias' streets. Her eyes sparkled as she glanced behind them, gazing with triumph upon their conquests and critically at the stores they hadn't looted- uh. Bought anything from yet.

The Lucain beside the slender female sighed, shaking his head. If he didn't know better, he'd think she was joking. On the one hand, Delta would never frown at a chance to get his bit of fancy - but on the other, all this shopping they were doing was wasting time! "Can't we buy soap later? There's a lot of folk with ships around here, Rin. If we want this Grid and Loose- er, Luser... Loser?" He paused briefly too look at the newspaper crumbled in his fist. Nope, the spelling was not going to help. "If we want these peoples' business, we really need to call 'em sooner than later."

"Sooner, schmooner!" Rini laughed at her first mate, his arms laden with bags in the sun of Nabias' marketplace. Though bright and whimsical, the parcels held nothing but necessity for a life out at sea; Rini and Delta, part-time privateers extraordinaire, needed every bit of it. "We're out supplyin', Delta. Vittlin'! Whether we answer that ad or not, we need the stuff we're gettin' out here."

The larger male's frown deepened as he looked into the closest bag, hanging precariously off his bicep. "I don't think new bandannas are something we need."

"'Course they are! Can't pilot our new vessel with sweat in my eyes, now can I?"

Delta rolled his. The pair were approaching the center of town, the bustle of shopping wearing down as they neared the paved square. Despite being her temporary pack mule, he had to smile at Rini. He was the brawn to her brain, the ground to her flights of fancy. First mate to her captain. If it took a little bit of work to keep her focused, well, it was all part of his job. "Well, sweaty miss, I'm going to make this call. I won't carry a single bag more until I do." He knew she wouldn't waste her time on something so menial if she didn't have to.

Sure enough. "Oh, fine. Let's head into that store there an' ask for their phone; see if we can't get these adventurers on the horn."
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Re: Looking For: Ship + Crew. Must Enjoy Adventure + Treasure(P)

Postby Moofius » 06/25/2011 2:52 PM

"You're a jerk." Grid huffed, messily posting the last poster on the window of a bakery that stood next to a shop that sold many perfumed soaps. It was a strange mix of smells, fresh bread and the sharp scent of mixed perfumed smells.
"You're being stupid. Ah, wait..." Lusrd clacked his mandibles, watching Grid who looked shocked, "Wrong word. Silly. Sorry." which seemed to be more or less the right thing to say, Grid simply rolling her eyes as they passed their future crew who were, at the moment, laden with bags of all sizes and colours.

"I don't see how I jerk though." This earned Lusrd another roll of the eyes from his partner.
"You could humour me. I'm just nervous. What if nobody wants to go out with us? I've wanted to go out on the water forever now! Do you know how many maps I have that involve the sea?" Lusrd just shook his head; he really couldn't have any idea. Grid's house was, floor to ceiling, maps.
"Neither do I, but it's WAY more than land based ones. At least, that I haven't used yet, hahaha."

Just talking about her maps had given Grid a very obvious bounce in her step. She didn't seem to notice and Lusrd had grown quite use to this level of excitement.
"Oh man, it feels like we're really close to finding our crew! I can feel it in my bones!"
"That's good. Wary good. Any sign danger for us? That is what need to know." Lusrd said, already looking around. If Grid sensed anything at all...
"Pfft, no no. We're good for now Lusrd. This isn't danger treasure sensing. Just a feeling that we're close to finding our crew. Lets get back to the hotel! If they phone the cell I'd rather be some place quiet!"

(( If you want Rini and/or Delta to sort of over hear and maybe catch on to their potential identity you can, or have them phone in. Either or. :D <333 ))
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Rini1.3, Delt0.2

Postby Ander » 07/16/2011 9:05 PM

"Gotta tell ya', though, I don't see the point of it. Bet they're not real adventurers at'all, you remember how our last boarders went. Three hours out they were caterwaulin' for shore. 'Oh, help us! Water's a scary thing!'" Rini's hands waved animatedly as she spoke, one lifting to her brow as she pantomimed a dramatic and foppish faint.

And while Delta couldn't deny that one of the couples they'd taken on as passenger had been rather...dainty for a Garagnir his age, he couldn't let Rini go on so. "As I recall, that was the time you insisted on taking boarders in that little dinghy we had. Tugboat, wasn't it? Paint chipped to speckles and taking in more water per day than we were?"

The piratess puffed up at him, a slender finger hovering not far from the human-shaped Lucain's freckled nose. "The Slobberin' Seawinder was a fine vessel, thank you very much! My very first boathaul, that one - that old fisherman never saw it coming." Her voice lilted upward with a sense of snooty pride. Of course, she had often heard that the fisherman she'd stolen the tug from had, in fact, seen her coming from a mile off - and what's more, let her get away with the shabby old ship; Rini chose to ignore that. Couldn't believe everything you heard, after all.

Delta rolled his eyes. Where he not besieged with purchases, that finger in his nose would have been gently pushed away. As it was, the male was considering biting it instead, when- "Rini. Hush." Delta's head twitched, ears still lightly coated with the soft beige of his hair - and fur in his true form - toward the soap shop he'd wanted to enter earlier. Even when not in his own form, the boy was incredibly perceptive. Had that been something about finding a crew?

On a hunch, the larger man turned toward the voices he'd just managed to catch. They belonged to a rather pretty female, and a male who looked exceptionally formidable. His name sounded similar to Loser... Lusser...whatever. But they didn't look a thing like gentle passengers, or normal seafarers. They did look a great deal like...well, like genuine adventurers. Delta ignored Rini's protests as he followed his eays and his gut, moving toward the odd pair. "Hey! Hallo, you two! Miss," he called out to them, "you, with the Beetanke! You two wouldn't happen to be the ones looking for crew, would you?"

Almost as an afterthought, and belatedly catching on, Rini snatched the newspaper out of her first mate's fist and smoothed it quickly between her fingers.
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Re: Looking For: Ship + Crew. Must Enjoy Adventure + Treasur

Postby Moofius » 01/29/2012 8:18 PM

Her feelings seemed to be quite accurate, Grid spinning around quickly already jumping in the air, "You should have called earlier!" She yelled with perhaps a touch to much excitement. Though the excitement would hopefully keep back any worries of not getting the job since that sentence was usually followed by the seeker having already found what they sought.
"Now I have to tear down ALL the posters!"
"Why bother? Probably most posted over with band or some flyer ready. Is Nabias. We get any calls we tell them job found... If job found." The beetanke said looking the man up and down. Maybe he didn't look exactly like the average shopper, but his bags were fruity and... were those bandanas?

"Of COURSE they're our crew!" Grid was practically squealing, "I'm Grid and this is Lusrd," She said, pronouncing his name a bit like Luhs-ird, "And he doesn't want us to find a crew because he's scared of boats."
Grid laughed and bounced as Lusrd  shrugged his shoulders, wings vibrating and buzzing with irritation at the accusation.
"Lusrd scared of nothing. Nothing. Just... Less comfortable on boat. Bugs and water... We don't mix well."

Grid simply waved him off, still laughing and and feeling quite giddy, "I suppose he does have a point. A certain amount of formalities have to be at least faked. But you're my crew, I can tell. Or at least... Captain?" Grid's face became a little more thoughtful as her eyebrows knit together, but quickly let go of the thought. Why think so hard when you were going to finally go on an advbenture? "Oh well we'll get that sorted out in a bit! We should sit and talk, I'm sure you don't want to be holding all that stuff while we discuss business. Eee! YES! Lusrd I get to use my SEA MAPS!"

She'd been bouncing around a bit as she spoke, finally gravitating to Lusrd to grab his arm and lift both feet completely off the ground in her excitement. Lusrd tipped sideways a little before replanting his feet a little wider apart before he was still.
"Yes, got it... You are going to scare them off. We'll have no crew for sure then."
"Sorry," Grid gasped, setting her feet down on the ground, "I'm just... So, so excited. You have no idea how long it has been... The sea, Lusrd!"
"Yes, Grid." He replied mockingly, earning him a kick to the shin. Exoskeletons had their uses, no pain was felt but that didn't save Grid from an icy glare and a quick, warning buzz from her bodyguard.

"So, crew," Back on track Grid, come on, "if you want the job we can talk about it over lunch? We'd pay of course. And we could uh... Do it now or we could meet up since, I guess you guys were shopping. I wanna' look over my maps anyway. I think I have one in mind but we'll have to talk about what kinda' boat we'll have and everything. We gotta' talk about everything...!"

There was so much. Cost. Pay. The adventure itself. They were going to go after... Well there were a lot of maps and stories associated with them. For now though something concrete. Grid had just the treasure in mind.
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