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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/25/2011 8:34 PM

Nina slept peaceully by comparison. Her dreams were more of a practical nature, with themes such as "My Next Big Project" and "Do We have Enough To Eat This Month". However, she too found her thoughts straying to the cake kuhna, and she felt sorry for Fudge. "How can they do that- to anybody, but especially to a baby! She slipped off into sleep, still muttering and murmering about Fudge and what her plans for her were. She was going to make sure the little kuhna never went without anything ever again.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/25/2011 8:41 PM

Nina woke up first, as per usual, and went to make breakfast. The smell of baking cakes was too much to ignore, and soon she was joined by both Nox and Fudge.

"You've got hair sticking up in all directions", she giggled at him, "what would you like for breakfast?"

Nox didn't have to think very hard. "Pancakes" he said decidedly, and chuckled as Fudge's ears pricked up.

"Do you want pancakes too?" He asked her in a gentle voice, and she nodded with her eyes as wide as saucers.

Nox laughed, then called to Nina: "Two plates of pancakes please" in a loud voice.

"Coming right up" Nina called back, delighted. Pancakes were her speciality.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 4:26 AM

Nox watched Fudge as she ate. "She's so cute!" he thought to himself, and felt his heart glow with affection. Fudge, on the other hand, thought that there was nothing more important than food at that moment, and ate with gusto.

Nina took away the empty plate, and Fudge jumped off the table and onto Nox's lap, and curled up, sighing contentedly.

Nina smiled. It was lovely having Fudge around, she seemed to bring a joy to their lives.

A few weeks later, she thought the exact same thing, whilst painting with Fudge sat on her lap. Fudge, in herself, thought it looked fun and wanted to try it, but didn't want to spoil the picture.

Nina seemed to understand, and she put a clean canvas on the easel and handed Fudge a paintbrush. "Here, why don't you have a go?" she said whilst smiling at Fudge.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 5:19 AM

Fudge took the paintbrush and started painting. "What shall I paint?" she thought, looking around for inspiration, before an idea struck her. "I know" the thought to herself, and smiled.

Nina watched with interest, at first in the subject matter, and then with growing wonder at Fudge's technique. "Wow!" She said, looking at the painting. It looked like her style, but slightly different.

"It's amazing Fudge!" she smiled down at the kuhna who looked up and wagged her tails. "Would you like to do this as a job? I could take you on as my apprentice at the shop!" Nina's eyes glittered with the thought of teaching Fudge her art. Fudge liked the idea of pain ting more, and doing something to help, but then her face fell and she frowned.

"What's the matter Fudge?" asked Nina concerned. Fudge lifted her head and met Nina's eyes. Making a whimpering sound, she looked at Nox's place at the breakfast table.

"You wouldn't have to go every day, just a couple of hours every few days... and Nox could take you there and pick you up, what do you think?" Nina said, wondering what Nox would say. Fudge, for her part, looked like she was smiling and started wagging her tails again.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 8:12 AM

"I think that's a great idea." Said Nox. Nina had explained about wanting to take Fudge on as an apprentice as soon as he got home. "And I don't mind picking her up, just let me know when to go for her." Nina was startled. Nox hated crowds, and the town was always packed to bursting. Then, she thought of a problem. "The shop is in The Bazaar in The Holy City of Aldrecht. How on earth am I supposed to let you know when you're here?"

Nox grinned wolfishly and pulled out three metal collars. "I went to see ratchet today, and promised him the next creature I find for an assistant in exchange for these. They're like long-range thought senders, but mechanical and you can speak through them. Life phones, but telepathic."

Nina nodded her understanding, then stopped. "But they're too big!" She exclaimed. They would never fit her, much less fit Fudge.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 9:02 AM

"That's the best bit. Ratchet told me that they'll automatically adjust to fit the wearer, then adjust again when the wearer pulls it off. Only the wearer can remove it though." Nox said, liftine one up. "I'm going to try it out."

"You mean you haven't tested it yet? Has he?" Nina exclaimed, while Fudge looked on in interest, and pawed at one that seemed to have 'Fudge' engraved on it. "Of course he has" replied Nox, adding "at least I think he has" under his breath so she wouldn't hear. "Be careful" Nina said warily, "you remember the toaster".

Nox couldn't forget. "It's a simple toaster. Works perfectly. Take it, free." Ratchet had said. That really should have tipped him off. Ratchet always charged you something, even if it was just a free meal.

"Guess I'll find out the hard way" he muttered shrugging, and pulled the collar on.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 10:01 AM

The collar adjusted to fit perfectly, Then a voice spoke from the collar.

"Ah! I see you've put the collar on. Jolly good. You can communicate with me and other collar-wearers by pressing the green button once and then speaking freely, or turn off the transmission by pressing the red button once. Have a good day! Ratchet out."

Nox and Nina looked at each other and laughed. "Good old ratchet, he gives us a way to contact him immediately just in case anything goes wrong!" Chuckled Nox. "I only hope it's only a precaution" giggled Nina. "Otherwise- oh! Fudge!"

They both looked at Fudge, who had just managed to get the collar around her neck and was watching it shrink to her size.

"Oh, they're engraved!" exclaimed Nox, looking at the last one. "Here, Nina, this one's yours".

Nina took the collar, took a deep breath, and put the collar on.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/26/2011 10:25 AM

"Oh, I just remembered, Fudge did a painting of some Pancakes. I'm just going to take it to the shop." Nina said, and she went to get the painting.

"What a clever little girl you are" Nox said, giving Fudge a cuddle. He was so glad he had found her. "You really brought light into my world" he told her quietly.

Light. Fudge smiled, she knew that word, and what she was supposed to do when it was said. She held out her paws facing upwards, and concentrated. A little witchlight popped out of thin air, casting a green glow around the room.

Nox stared in amazement. This wasn't just a little cake kuhna, this was a very special cake kuhna. "Nina, get in here!" He called, excited.

"Coming, com- oh my god! How did she do that? I know Ratchet can do it, but I always assumed it was a torch or something!" Nina's face was priceless.

Fudge looked from one to the other, suddenly unsure of herself, and let the witchlight disappear. She whimpered a little bit, and hunched her shoulders. "Oh, no, we're not telling you off" Nox said, smiling. "We're just surprised, that's all." Nina agreed. "It was totally unexpected, but it's great! We never have to worry about blackouts now!" she giggled.

Fudge, happy that she wasn't in trouble, smiled and snuggled closer to Nox.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/28/2011 8:38 PM

Later that evening, as Fudge was snoozing on his lap, Nox watched Nina paint. She seemed to be having trouble concentrating, and after a while she threw her brushes down in frustration.

"What's the matter? You seem really wound up tonight" Nox asked, concerned. She really did look tense.

"I'm fine, I just can't get the proportion right... I've had to blot out the same line four times, and every time I try to re-do it, it gets worse. Maybe I need to relax for a bit." Nina said. Nox could see that she was in need of a break.

"Why don't we go outside and stargaze for a while?" Nox suggested. It's a clear night and the air is warm..."

Nina smiled at her brother. "Sounds good to me. We haven't done that since we were really young..." They grinned at each other, remembering, and left the house.

Lying on the grass later, Nina couldn't remember what she had been so tense about. The soothing sounds of the forest at night coupled with the fragrance of nocturnal flowers relaxed her better than anything else.

She watched Fudge chasing a moth, and smiled. This was it, this was paradise. Being there with Nox and Fudge just felt so... perfect. She couldn't imagine being any other way.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/28/2011 9:09 PM

The next few days passed by quickly. Nina was busy in her shop, and Fudge was still practising her art. Nox generally disappeared into the forest while the others were working, but always came to pick Fudge up when called via the collars. Fudge, for the most part, simply concentrated on enjoying herself.

Then Ratchet called. "I need some bio-phosphorescent moonmoss from the lake in the forest. Would you be so kind to fetch me some? I would be very grateful." Nox sighed. He didn't really want to, but he couldn't refuse. He still owed Ratchet for the collars, and the others hadn't called yet, so he couldn't say he had to go and get Fudge... "I'll be there as soon as I can" he said.

Nox set out with a bucket and a knife, (to scrape the moonmoss off the rocks). After a little while, he heard what sounded like whimpering. Looking behind a fallen tree, he came across a sugar kuhna kit!

"Where did you come from, little one?" He asked gently, picking it up. The kit whimpered a bit, then clung to him, shivering. "I know just the place to take you to." Nox smiled. The little kit was in for a surprise.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/28/2011 9:16 PM

Nina was working frantically in the shop. She had just been commissioned to paint a backdrop for a play that was going to be put on in the town square, and she only had three days to do it in. She sighed. It wasn't that she wasn't enjoying herself, It was just a lot of work for such a short space of time.

She pressed the green button on her collar and said "Fudge, please bring me another set of paintbrushes. Thank you." She frowned and rubbed her temples. How was she ever going to finish this?

Just then, she felt Fudge tugging at her sleeve. She turned to the kuhna and smiled. Maybe there was hope after all.

She grit her teeth and dipped her paintbrush in the paint. "Not finish in time? Over my dead body" she muttered to herself, and dove back into her work.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 06/28/2011 9:48 PM

Fudge was hungry. She had been running around all morning, helping Nina, and her tummy was rumbling. But Nina was so busy and had so much work to do, that Fudge didn't want to disturb her. Quietly, she slipped out of the open window and went to find something to eat.

She wandered across the rooftops until she came to the bakery roof. She could smell cakes baking and freshly-baked cookies, and her mouth began to water. She was paying so much attention to the smell, that she didn't realise she was too close to the edge...

She slipped! It was a long fall, but she landed on a giant...marshmallow???

Fudge licked her lips. The marshmallow was wrapped in some sort of plastic and was outside the bakery in the alleyway, so she supposed it was alright to take it. But how would she get it back to the shop? She had to hurry, Nina would start worrying, but the marshmallow was three times the little kuhna's size...

Making up her mind, she pushed herself off it, and pushed at it. It rolled like a ball! Fudge smiled. What a treat it would be for Nina and herself!

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 08/16/2011 10:50 AM

Nox carried the sugar kuhna kit to the lake, then put her down on his foot so he could scoop some moss off a rock into a jar. Picking the sugar kuhna kit up, he turned and strode into the forest...

"Come in!" called Ratchet in answer to the knock on the garage door. "I won't be a moment, just sit down and try not to touch anything."

Nox slipped into the garage and sat down in a corner holding the sugar kuhna kit. As his friend finished up, he took a good look at the clockwork yonyuu. Image

"Now then, did you bring me my-oh! Who's this then?" Ratchet could hardly keep the excitement out of his voice. Surely it couldn't be!

"A deal's a deal, Ratchet." Nox said, grinning. "Your very own assistant. I found him alone in the forest. And here's your moonmoss." He handed the jar over and held the kit up so Ratchet could see him properly. The kuhna kit wriggled to face Ratchet properly, then, seeming to know he was being evaluated, extended his paws towards the yonyuu and said "Da-da".

The yonyuu's eyes flickered. For a moment, long-forgotten memories attempted to surface, and he had a fleeting glimpse of an adult yonyuu's face, before coming back to reality. Smiling, he said "He'll make a perfect assistant. Thank you."

Nox looked at his friend. Never before had he heard Ratchet's voice so choked with emotion. Excitement, yes, frustration, often, smoke when one of huis experiments decided it had had enough of being poked and prodded and promptly exploded, yes, but never emotion. He smiled. Maybe this would work out better than he had hoped. "Don't mention it" he said.

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/06/2011 10:12 AM

Nina heard the shop doorbell chime and sighed. She was never going to finish at this rate!

"coming, coming" she said, as she put her paintbrush down and got up off the floor. "How can I help-Fudge? What on earth have you got there?"

Fudge was so excited, she was pushing the marshmallow ball around and her smile seemed to glow.

"Where did you get this?" Nina said in awe. She had never seen a marshmallow so big! Fudge just grinned.

"Come on, let's get it into the back of the shop. It's in the customers' way here."

Fudge obediently started pushing the marshmallow ball round the counter...

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Silence And Serenity (SELF)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/05/2012 12:13 PM

Ratchett stood and looked at his new assistant. The sugar khuna kit looked back at him, with big, dark eyes that seemed to sparkle with intelligence, even in this dim light. He (a quick encounter with one of Ratchett's experimental hydration pills which had seen to a very necessary bathroom rush had confirmed that the kit was male) had been watching with interest as Ratchett tinkered with his latest gadget. He was sure it would work this time - almost sure, he corrected himself. He never commited his 100% certainty on the small chance that sometimes things did decide (completely spontaneously) to either explode or burst into flame. Nevertheless, he was sure this one would work perfectly.

He stood back to admire his latest creation. "Hmm, I need a guinea-pig..." he muttered. The Sugar Khuna kit seemed to know what was required, and belted himself into the contraption whilst Ratchett turned away in thought...

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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