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So, you want a Diosol? ((Winner Chosen!))

Postby Jessari » 06/25/2011 9:14 PM

When you first walk into her living room, the dark-furred Imeut doesn't notice you, her nose buried deep in a thick novel. Bookshelves line the walls, every shelf crammed full of books ranging from psychology texts to urban fantasy. There is no overhead lighting, but lamps are spaced about the room, providing soft lighting that works with the crimson walls to give the room a warm, cozy feeling. After a moment, the Imeut pauses her reading to reach for the ornate teapot resting on the rosewood coffee table beside her. Hazel-colored eyes find you, widen as she realizes she is no longer alone. Immediately, they soften, and a smile curles around her muzzle.

"Welcome to my home!" says the Imeut in greeting. "I'm glad you could come. Would you like a cup of tea before we begin? I've got Tropical Sunrise today, a wonderful infusion of rooibos tea with lots of good stuff added in: cinnamon, pepper berries, citrus, and a bit of lemon grass. Simply wonderful..." She trails off, sniffing the aromatic blend with a slender, delicate nose.

Then she laughs lightly. "But I digress. You must be wondering why you are here. The reason is simple. I've found myself in possession of a Diosol which, while beautiful, doesn't quite fit in with the others in my home. I've invited you here today in an attempt to find a good home for this sweet little ball of fluff." As she pours you a cup of tea, motioning to the sugar bowl in the center of the table, she smiles warmly. "I do have a few rules that need to be followed. Nothing too bizarre, I assure you, but not following them will disqualify you."

The Prize

The Rules
1. You must NOT own a Diosol at the time of your application!
2. You must roleplay your entry. Please try to make it interesting, as the quality of the post will play a large role in who gets chosen. I'm doing this for entertainment, not profit. I'm not looking for any particular theme or mood, so simply go with whatever tickles your fancy at the time. :)
3. The winner will be chosen on July 9th, which gives you two full weeks to compose your post. Posts may be edited as many times as you feel is needed until I judge them and pick a winner.
4. If you didn't win, please don't complain. There will always be other opportunities, I'm sure.

The Entrants
Kitsumi Mahon

The Winner
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@@ Luca.

Postby Chayden » 06/26/2011 3:19 AM

She was tiny.
Her colors were pale and her coat dull, although she did not look unclean. Great grey eyes shone, terrified, from her skull, altogether much too big for such a small thing. She was busy pressing herself into the ornate carpet, attempting to become invisible and melt into it as she shook uncontrollably.
"Lunt... Lunt..." she called in a voice halfway between a moan and a sob.
She had never been alone before in her life. Belittled, beaten, experimented upon, hated, and run from, but never once alone. The female's shoulders shuddered and her tattered wings flapped with tremendous effort - what was she doing? Whatever it was, she panted with exasperation and terror at her failure of doing it.
"H-how shall Luca... What will Luca... What will m-mother...!"
Luca's childish habit of referring to herself in the third person developed when she had first learned to speak. She had kept that habit only because it was absolutely necessary: there had to be some way to differentiate between herself and the monstrous blood-twin who came forth from between her shoulder blades when it pleased him to. He had been there ever since she could remember, tormenting her ceaselessly. It was the combination of his treatment of her and her mother's experiments that had given the girl such haunted eyes.
Most normal people, upon learning about Luca's life, would yearn to swoop her up, spirit her away from it all and tell her that everything was going to be all right. But that would probably do more harm than good; Luca had never known anything else. Even now, she was completely destroyed by the lack of her Lunt. True, he may have hated her and tried to make her life miserable with all of his might, but he had kept the voices at bay.
The voices were what powered her urge to kill. She wanted them to all go away, wanted to use her blunt claws to bash them from her own brains and leave them spilt upon the floor, wanted to jump, to end her own life, just for a moment of quiet...!
And that was why she so desperately needed Lunt back.
He was her connection to pain, and therefore her connection to the world. To life.
She wanted to breathe normally again, but first she needed to feel him, to know that he was once more running through her veins. Without him, she was only a doll, damaged and long forgotten.
But Luca could not speak to the strangely motherly Imeut whose hospitality she had intruded upon. Words she had heard repeated so many times rushed back into her mind, inhibiting her.
You will never be strong enough... You will never be good enough... You'll never be...!
The fear of her mother was so fierce that, even in her absence, she would always obey. Her mother's word was law, and if she broke the law, then there would be hell to pay.
That was something she knew all to well.
Now, nearly paralyzed in her terror, she struggled to forge on. One paw after another, she staggered forward. It seemed to take ages, but she pressed on nonetheless, tears building in those vast grey eyes.
Luca threw herself at the foot of the chair upon which the Imeut sat, not daring to believe that the offer of tea could possibly be for her. No one ever fed her, or clothed her, or bathed her. At home, the focus was on Lunt; she was invisible. Elsewhere, the focus was on strangers. Luca was invisible, and Lunt did not exist at all.
She was kept tightly in that psychological bondage, and so could only speak what was meant for the Imeut's ears to the emptiness around them.
"L-looking for Lunt... My Lunt, my Lunt, my Lunt!" her previously airy voice had risen nearly to a scream, and she took several moments to calm herself with deep breaths. "Eh-if you've seen him, p-p-please, t-tell him to... to come back... to his L-Luca...!"
The poor child's face was distorted with grief, and by now, she could barely keep it under control. Her entire body was still wracked by those awful tremors, made more obvious with her current position: her back to the floor, with her wings splayed out haphazardly and her paws curled loosely to her chest like roadkill.
"Hhhhhuhh-hh... I d-don't know what you l-look like when you're aw-away from me, Lunt...! I just know... P-pale, mostly, with a l-little bl-l-lack... Almost l-like me,"-the Kuhna flinched visibly at such an audacious comparison-"b-but bigger. He's sk-sk-skinny-y, but h-he's muscular. And th-there's something in his eyes... Maybe the Xs aren't there...
"Oh, Lunt, Lunt, how will Luca f-FIND you...?! How will we c-come back to
guhgether?! Back into my bl-... uhh..."
Luca forced her panic down valiantly. She had to be strong, despite her mother's prophecies, while Lunt was gone... She just had to. For him, and never for herself.
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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby Kylo » 06/28/2011 8:26 PM

A rather large cat padded silently into the room and looked around curiously. His mangy body was covered with scars and huge patches of fur were missing from his pelt. His eyes shone with the intensity of a hardened war veteran and his lip quivered in anticipation. He listened carefully and heard the sound of his enemy from around the corner. Grinning maliciously he began to change form, growing larger and standing upright on his back legs. His claws and teeth grow larger and longer as his body became more bipedal than quadrapedal until the transformation was complete. He listened carefully and determined where his enemy stood. Then in a flash he rounded the corner and leapt at his enemy, his claws slashing and teeth bared. Alas he was too slow, too late, the enemy turned around and fired a shot just in time placing a bullet between his eyes.

Hans awoke with a start and panted heavily. Looking around quickly he realized that he was safe and sound in his bed. Collecting himself and willing his heart and breathing to calm Hans sighed and stretched. He then got up and stumbled clumsily into the bathroom and to the sink. He turned on the cool water and splashed himself until he was fully awake. He looked up into the mirror and frowned. His pale skin was stretched tauntly over his bones and his pale blue eyes sunk into his skull. His military cut wheat blond hair was in disarray and the scars that littered his face rose like garish mountains above a barren landscape. He turned from the mirror and grabbed his olive drab tank top and slipped into it. Turning one last time to look at himself in the mirror he scowled and sighed.

"Maybe I am getting too old for this. I know I've been slowing down and losing strength, but I want to keep fighting." Hans massaged his temples as he sat down on the edge of his bed. It had been almost seventy years since he had joined the secret militia and he had worked hard to rise through the ranks to get to where he was now. The leader of the militia still looked the same as she did the day Hans first met her and was just as strong, if not stronger. He knew that she wanted him to retire after he was done training the latest batch of soldiers and that she would not take no for an answer. Suddenly a knock at door ended Hans' silent musings and he got up to answer it.

"Hello Hans. I need you to review my plan for the latest attack." His commander stood in the doorway and as always went straight to business. She nearly took up to whole doorway as she was unusually tall for a women. At six foot she stood at eye level with Hans. "Alright Mitternacht, come in." Hans waved her in and she immediately plopped down on his bed and made her self comfortable. "Vhat do you vant to review specifically?" he asked as he sat down next to her. She laid out several papers and maps out on the bed and began to explain her plan. Hans listened closely and carefully until she finished then gave his suggestions and opinions. She smiled and gathered her papers back up and looked at him for a long while. "You know Hans the plan is a suicide mission," she said suddenly. Hans blinked in surprise at what she was suggesting and then smiled. "Thank you Mitternacht." She smiled back and patted his shoulder then left. Hans sat alone on his bed and smiled to himself. She knew all along what he wanted and now she was giving it to him. He just prayed that he did not fail her.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby Indigo » 06/29/2011 1:10 AM

[This came out much longer than expected. Hope there's no length limit?]

The curious phenomenon of the pyramid city's bombardment by natural disasters and magical beings alike can possibly be traced to the high concentration of magic in the area. This concentration has only recently been observed by scholars, but explains many strange occurrences, such as the incredible lifespan of the local god-kings and the building of the pyramids, the method for which remains undivulged by those present for

Nyah Afia suddenly found herself glancing around her chambers, although whatever had drawn her attention had not registered consciously. A pause, a twitching of her ears, and she heard it again: the faint rustling of feathered wings. Too large to be Kwadwo, from the sound of them, and in any case she could clearly see the scarab sitting on her desk with his feet in the inkwell. She knew only a few other feathered fliers, and none would come so close to the scribes' wing of the palace--apart from Khal-Et-Ra.

She was standing almost before she reached her conclusion, striding across the limestone floor to fling open the glass doors that filled most of one wall. A quick scan of the horizon revealed the approaching form of the young god-king, the direction indicating that he had come from the city center. He drew nearer swiftly, probably due to the direction of the wind, so Nyah Afia returned to her desk. Kwadwo had begun making marks on her paper, probably unnecessary corrections of some kind, but he abandoned them as she sat down. "Your tone is far too serious!" he warned, hovering at eye level. "It may be suitable for a scholarly journal, but the general populace of the pyramid city won't have any interest."

"I'm not writing for the general populace of the pyramid city. They can read it if they want to, but my aim is to reach one of those important journals in a proper city. The constant siege of the city deserves some analysis. And I'm sure Ker will be interested."

"The Great Khal-Et-Ra is far too interested in explanations for a god-king. He should be more accepting of long-standing traditions, rather than questioning everything."

"Good thing he's not seeking your approval."

Kwadwo would probably have continued their one long-standing argument, had Khal-Et-Ra not chosen that moment to land just inside Nyah Afia's window. As it was, he merely contrived to look affronted while the god-king crossed the room to stand in front of the desk, not bothering to close the window; clearly he did not intend to stay long. "Nyah Afia!" he said, with forced enthusiasm. "I'm sorry it's been so long since I've visited, but one of the priests was having trouble and I had to work a few things out--"

"You're leaving again."

Khal-Et-Ra simply stared at her for a moment; he had been spending too much time among the nobility, who would never dare interrupt him. "Well...yes. I'm afraid so."

Nyah Afia sighed. "I barely get to see you anymore, between the courtiers and the priests and all these disasters. What is it this time?"

"Some kind of sand creature, I think. The scout said it looked something like a dragon, and apparently it's massive. Gargantuan."

"And you're not bringing any backup."

"I couldn't endanger innocent lives."

"At least let me come with you. I've studied fighting techniques, and some magic, so I can be of help."

"Innocent lives includes you." In an obvious attempt to change the subject, he turned her paper around and read through what little she had written. "High concentration of magic? You're right, that does explain a lot. I wonder if this will convince Grandfather to tell us how the pyramids were built; if we say it's for scholarly purposes, perhaps--"

"You shouldn't go alone."

"You always say that, and I'm always fine. I've come back alive every time so far. Why should this be any different?"

"First time for everything." The ridiculousness of the statement, within this context, made Nyah Afia smile in spite of herself. "You should know by now that nothing you say ever stops me from worrying."

"I'll be back soon," Khal-Et-Ra replied, ignoring this. "And then I'll come back here, how about that? You can show me more of your research. Maybe we'll find something to get it published in."

"Maybe. I'll see if I can write anything else useful while you're gone."

"You do that." He crossed back to the window, waved his tail at her, and took off without a verbal goodbye. Nyah Afia watched her friend until distance made him invisible, then examined her paper. She considered, crossed out her comments about the pyramids, and began to write.

The god-kings of the pyramid city are known for their long lives, often spanning multiple centuries. Although they are far from invincible, they do have great resilience and all have been known to recover quickly from injuries--except for the Great Farai Kofi, who died of injuries sustained during battle approximately a century ago. No accounts exist of a god-king suffering from an illness, and most injuries heal over a matter of days, though some have been known to take longer than others. All but three recorded god-kings have possessed formidable magic-oriented skills in battle...

What are you looking at?

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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby Kitsumi » 06/30/2011 2:44 PM

His arm burned.
He wanted to scratch at the flaking scars, to make the blasted itching go away. "Ugh...damn cuts." He growled. Shade studied the series of angry red slices marring the flesh on the inside of both arms. "Hurts like hell." he muttured under his breath.
"It's your own fault, you know." As always, Flit came in, her wings glimmering iridescent in the light. "And scratching at them wouldn't do you any good, you know. Unless you want to get them infected and get your arms amputated, in which case go right ahead; that's the easiest way to get it done, I suppose."
Shade growled, showing his inhumanly sharp fangs. "Stop reading my mind!" he seethed, adding under his breath, "Damn quiksylph."
"I heard that!" Flit flew in front of his face, her rapidly moving wings sending small breezes of air into Shade's face. "When are you going to learn that being bound to you means I hear your every word, no matter how quietly whispered? And I can't help reading your thoughts, so deal with it."
The tiny quiksylph landed on his shoulder, leaning against his neck. "You know, you really should see some councelling." Her words were quiet; she knew that he hated this topic. "You're not just going to get over the death of your family easily."
Shade cursed loudly and attempted to look at Flit, which turned out to be impossible because of her position on his shoulder. "Listen, will you just let it go?" His eyes blazed with a mixture of anger, sorrow, and guilt. "Besides, it's my fault. I deserve to be going through the emotional turmoil."
Flit put her hands on her hips. "That's it, I'm not taking no for an answer." she said. "I'm bound to you, Shade. And everytime you hurt yourself, I feel the pain. Do you really want to put me through that?" She saw Shade open his mouth to answer, but quickly cut him off. "Of course you don't. So I'm signing you up for some sort of counselling or therapy or something. And there's nothing you can do to stop me."
To her surprise, Shade actually smiled...well, at least, a wry, half-smile. "Fine." he consented. "If it's so important to you, then I'll go. But don't blame me when it doesn't help."
Satisfied, Flit nodded. "Good. Now, I have to go make sure that everything is set for dinner tonight. Don't be late, alright?" She waited for Shade to nod, and then flew back towards the home they shared.
Shade watched her go. He would never tell her, but secretly he loved that little quiksylph. If it wasn't for her, he would have been dead. She was his best friend, the only thing he had left in his life. Even if she could be an annoying nit at times.
Still, it was worth it. She provided companionship, and was almost like a mother to him. Or perhaps a bossy older sister. Yes, that was more like it. An older sister who wasn't even half his size. Shade chuckled. His life was quite amusing at times, despite the depressing overcast.
Still, when he looked at his life...he was thankful for mostly everything that had happened. All in all, he had a pretty good life, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ooc: I hope you don't mind the slight profanity...I can edit it out if you want.

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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby Firetra » 07/06/2011 12:01 AM

  A Male fine looking Lucain walked into the door. The air shimmered around him and made it look as though he had a wintery feel to him. "Hmm, nice place." Then he shimmered a bit more brightly and then snow began to fall. All around him in a radius of about 5 feet became burried in a centimeter of snow. "Hmm, just my taste. And now it is lucky." He then turned around and faced back toward the opening of the house. "Come on in shorty."
  "For the last time, stop calling me that." Said the small reptile that floated in. "I'm just haven't gotten into my growthspurt!"
  "Sure you just keep telling yourself that." Said the Lucain. He then turned back around. "By the way did he follow or did he get lost again?"
  "Hmm, well he was right behind me a second ago." The small Kodile then started to head out the door when he stopped and turned to the right. "Aha! There you are. Come on we are this way. Geez." He then turned back into the home and looked at the Lucain who had turned around again. "He's coming, as long as he doesn't get lost from the street to the home he shoud be fine."
  "Mmk, good to hear that." He then turned around again. "Not lucky, not lucky at all." Then all the snow melted around him and dampened the books that it had touched. "Oh bother. Don't worry, it will dry fast." He said to the Imeut.
  "Then there was a sound of someone tripping and a short follow of, "Oops." Then a medium sized Evercold walked in looking at a pile of books that he knocked over. "I am terrribly sorry mam, are these yours?" He then procced to pick up the books, which was very mundane in the case that once he put them in a nice pile he tripped over them agian. "Oh bother. Not again, this always happens when I leave the home. I get lost and trip over everything. Well thats what comes with old age I guess. Hehe" He finnished with a chuckle and moved on to the group.
  "Hello, sorry to make a mess miss, but us three are here to enter in this contest that you have so nicely set up." Said the Lucain, obviously the leader of the trio. He then took a gander of the rules and carefuly read them over. "I think that us three can agree on these rules right here. Am I right gentlemen?"
  "Mmm, yes we do certainly fit these requirements." Said the old Everfrost, some of his needles falling out when he spoke. His number also started to droop, but he carefuly slapped it back into place. "Now what do you say about this?"
 "Yep, certainly. But can we hurry this up. I'm so bored right now my eyeballs are freezing over." Said the short Kodile, makeing sure to wander back and forth to prove his point.
  "Well that settles it," says the Lucain, "we are entering this contest. please consider us in your choice." He then turned around to walk outside. "Come on you two, we still have a few more things that we have to do."
  "Okay, just wait up." Said the Kodile. Which to respond he quickly flew out the door.
  The Evercold then turned back to the Imuet and said. " Please don't mind that boy. He is just a bit of a brat. You know how it is." He then turned and went to walk with the lucain, and just on his way out mannaged to trip over the same pile of books. "Oh bother." He then put it back in its stack and walked outside.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby amapup » 07/09/2011 10:13 PM

Hiss. Hiss.
The floor rumbled underneath him as he glared out from underneath the seat. Wrong bus! Wrong bus! he bunched himself together, his red glow the only thing noticable in the dark spot. Not kids! Not little little kids! Older kids! The bus hit a speed bump, and he was momentarily lifted off the ground, landing again with an audible thump. Not like it would be noticed. With the noisy engine and unceasing chatter, no one would be able to hear it.

The Harbringer's head poked ever so carefully from under the seat. How to scare, how to scare...
Chomp, chomp, chomp.
His head lifted at the sound, tongue darting in and out. He tasted gum. Lots of it. There was a creature sitting in front of him, and they were covered in gum. A wickedly cruel smile spread across the reptile's face. Perfect.
~ ~ ~

Dale turned his head at a sharp pain in his tail. He was just in time to see a creature wiggle under the seat in front of him, a wad in it's mouth. "My gum!" the Teigu cried, leaning down and swiping under the seat. One of the girls caught sight of it and screamed. In the ensuing pandemonium, Dale didn't notice the bus stopping, too intent on looking around for the snake. Soon enough the bus driver tromping back. He grabbed the squirming Harbringer by it's head, walked it to the front, and unceremoniously tossed it out, the double doors slamming behind it. Dale's searching look turned from hopeful to disappointed. There was no sign of the missing gum anywhere. He sighed, scooting back into his seat as the bus continued to shudder along it's route. He spat the squishy wad of gum out, smooshing it on his tail in the place where the stolen piece had been before. The gum soothed his tail, but it didn't help his pride.

"Aw, Gumbo lost part of his gum collection!" Dale didn't need to turn around to know who the patronizing voice belonged too. Allen, the bully that would not leave him alone. The Hydrolisk hung over his seat, looking at Dale. "He must be traumatized!" Dale shoved himself into the window corner of his seat, lowering his blue cap. He tried to drown out the mocking tones emanating from behind, as Allen clutched his tail, moaning "I'll never be a true GUM Teigu if I lose part of my collection! I just won't have enough GUM!" Several giggles ensued from the other passengers as Dale stared out the window. His bus stop couldn't come fast enough.

The Teigu stood on the curb as the bus drove away, leaving him in a cloud of exhaust. He sighed. Lonely as always. He turned to walk to his house when he saw the sign in his neighbor's yard. He stopped to read it. "Diosol needs home..." What was a Diosol? Some sort of toy? Looking at the rest of the sign, he decided it couldn't be. Seemed like it was one of those new pets they were always coming out with. He remembered the time he'd got one of those squishy eggs. He thought it might be a friend, but it had turned into some type of Lohlani. He'd tried to put it in the bathtub, but it barely fit and fussed whenever he tried to help it. He had to release it in the sea. Never even looked back at him. But a small, hopeful part of him told him to go inside. It wouldn't do any harm to just look. And he didn't have to keep it or anything. Stuffing his hands in his denim jacket, he walked down the path.

A sinking feeling filled the Teigu as soon as he stepped in. He must have been too late. The room's demeanor, and the way the Imeut didn't notice him, told him she wasn't expecting anyone. When she did look up and offer him tea, he shook his head profusely. "No thanks. I saw your sign in your yard - I just wanted to see if it would like me or not..." Dale ducked his head down. This was foolish.

Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture and blowing the Crows
to Smoke
You set your sights
So high
But this is beginning to feel like the bolt busted Loose
from the Lever

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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Giveaway!))

Postby Jessari » 07/10/2011 5:25 PM

As she had waited for more guests to arrive, the Imeut had again gotten wrapped up in her book. Even though the large clock against the wall chimed the hour, golden pendulum swinging rhythmically, she still did not stir. It was only after she'd finished the last page and closed the book with a sigh that she seemed to realize that she'd been neglecting her guests.

"Oh, my! I'm very sorry to have kept you all waiting." She lifted the book apologetically, then placed it on the table beside her. "As I'm sure you know, good books are always so hard to put down!" Warm brown eyes flickered with various emotions as she surveyed those who had gathered, a look of solemn sadness for some, light amusement for others, and barely-hidden curiosity for the rest. A long moment passed, where she did nothing but look thoughtful as she sipped her tea.

Then, she rose from her chair. Moving over to stand in front of the Kuhna who had first entered, she lowered herself down until her nose nearly touched that of the kit. "My dear, I believe this Diosol rightfully belongs to you. I pray his return will be of some comfort to you."

Turning to the rest, she gave a slight shrug. "My only wish is that I had a gift for each and every one of you, but alas, I cannot bear to part with any of my other pets. Perhaps the next time I need to find a home for one of them, you'll consider coming back?" The Imeut looked hopeful. Although she hadn't exactly been the best of company, considering all the time she spent with her nose in a book, she did enjoy having other people around at times, and as odd as this bunch had been, she would welcome the chance to see them again.
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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Re: So, you want a Diosol? ((Winner Chosen!))

Postby Kylo » 07/11/2011 8:45 PM

Congrats Chayden!!!!!!!! I loved your story as well.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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