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A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P, L]

Postby ajforpresident » 09/26/2011 3:50 PM

It was a beautiful day and a couple was sitting down on a bench enjoying each others company. They were making goo-goo faces at each other; they were a typical, young couple. This was also a great opportunity for a certain prankster to ruin this tender moment.


Loko was busy hiding behind a bush, his tail swishing with excitement with the simple, yet effective prank lodged in his mind. His music, usually loud and booming, was down low. He didn't want to give away his position now, did he?
"This is going to be too easy," He said to himself as he pulled out a box. "Good thing I know that woman's weakness: Spiders!"
Before this whole idea was set up, Loko was just walking around, minding his business. Then he happened to find that couple walking through the park holding hands. They were talking to each other and telling one another a little bit about themselves. Loko managed to overhear them as they walked past him.
"So, what's you greatest fear?" The man asked the woman.
"Hmmmm....I'd have to say...spiders. I can't stand those things; they're so gross! I'd freak out if one landed on me."
Just as they were out of earshot, Loko couldn't help but snicker. "This'll be fun...." He was already hatching up a prank as he stood there.

And here it was. Loko had searched everywhere for the biggest spider he could find. He eventually found one; a big, hairy one at that. He planned on sticking it somewhere on the woman. And then when the woman saw it.....well, you should know the rest.
The Palowockee opened up the box and revealed the spider. He'd have to throw it on her, since he was a little far away from her. He then said to the big spider. "Okay, big guy. Be free!" He then tossed the spider into the air and it wound up landing right on her shoulder.
Loko snickered again, watching the spider crawl down her shoulder and onto her arm. He waited patiently for her response.
The woman was busy holding the man in an embrace when all of sudden she felt something moving on her arm. She looked down a bit and saw the biggest, hairest spider she'd ever seen.
She shrieked and jumped up and down, swatting at the spider. "GETITOFFGETITOFFGETITOFFFF!" She screamed as she continued her weird dance.
After watching the woman dance around a bit and the man try to help her out, Loko couldn't help it anymore. He had to let it out. He ran out of the bushes, away from the couple, and got as far away as he could. Then he fell to the ground and burst out laughing.
"BWAHAHAHAAAHAAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!! That was the best! It's not one of my best pranks, but it still got the job done, HAHAHAHA! The look on her face was priceless! BWAHAHAHAA!!"
He continued to laugh until he grew bored of laughing and got up.
"Ah, that was fun for a bit. I wonder if there's anyone else to prank? Or better yet, any women around....?" He turned up his music until it was blasting and walked off in search of a woman or another potential victim.

((You get to see the prankster side of Loko first. And a bit of his womanizing side. :P Enjoy it!))
[Loko: Level 1; 1;]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/26/2011 5:49 PM

"I know he's here..."

Kukoni studied his surroundings, his face frozen in a mask of emotionless disdain. His little brother was here somewhere, and Kukoni was going to find him. And then, he was going to kill him. "He deserves it," Kukoni said quietly. "After what he did to mother and father...and Terra..."

Images of his younger sister caused Kukoni to look down, tears filling his eyes. Terra had been the sweetest, most talented, most beautiful younger sister that had ever been born. When their mother became sick, and their father had to work extra jobs to pay the hospital bill, Kukoni had taken care of Terra, taking her to the park to play, dropping her off and picking her up at school, going to all of her piano recitals, and tucking her in at night after reading her a bedtime story. He had been more than an older brother to Terra; he had been her best friend, her confidante, her guardian. He had done and been everything that she needed of him, and he had always put her first.

Shadecaster, on the other hand...he had been to busy with his stupid, childish pranks to see how much Terra needed both of her older brothers to take care of her. Anytime Kukoni had asked Shade to do the smallest of tasks, he would claim that he was "too busy" and then lock himself in his room, plotting for his next, probably harmful, prank. That was how they had all been murdered by him...that was how his precious Terra had was all Shade's fault, and now Kukoni would make Shade pay.

Suddenly, a piercing, frightened scream startled him, and Kukoni jerked his head in the direction that he had heard it. Before Kukoni could move to investigate, he heard the sound of loud, raucous laughter. Kukoni saw a Palowockee coming towards him, laughter still on his lips, and his music blaring. Somehow, Kukoni knew that he had caused the woman's scream, and that he was laughing about it. For some reason, this reminded him of Shade, and he found himself stomping towards the Palowockee without even thinking. He wasn't sure exactly what he was going to do, but he had to talk to this Palowockee.

Placing a hand on the other's shoulder, he said quietly, "Excuse me, but might I ask what exactly you did to make that young lady scream?"


((Haha, I love it! You'll get to see Koni's serious, brooding side xD))

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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 09/26/2011 9:26 PM

Loko was too busy laughing to notice the other Wockee behind him. Plus, his music was blasting out of his headset.
So when he felt a hand upon him he quickly whipped around to face the person the hand belonged to.

He noticed that it belonged to a Relowockee. The Palowockee was a bit comfortable to a common relative of his species, so he relaxed a bit. He lowered his music and said, "Jeez, man. Almost gave me a heart attack."
Then the Relowockee had commented on his prank. "Hmm? Oh, that? That was just a prank I pulled. Not one of my better or more original ones, but decent nonetheless. Not to mention effective."
He then snickered a bit from the memory. "Her reaction was the best. She was all jumping around and screamin' her head off. Priceless."
Then he looked to the Relowockee, who he still seemed oblivious to, and added with a grin, "Pretty something, eh?"

[Loko: Level 1; 2]
((Oh, Loko. What are you getting yourself into? Can't you see Kukoni doesn't like the prank? XD))
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/26/2011 10:24 PM

Of course the other hadn't heard him approaching, so Koni wasn't shocked at all with the way he spun around quickly, surprised. Koni stood, arms crossed over his chest, legs apart, expression like stone. He looked the Palowockee up and down, examining him, taking him in. Even though Shade was an Emowockee, this guy reminded Koni of him. He had the same mischievous gleam in his eye, the same cocky smile. And obviously he had the same love of pranks.

Koni did not admire that. For a moment, he debated on whether or not he should simply punch him in the face and leave. But no, Koni would give him a chance to redeem himself. Of course, he wasn't sure whether or not this guy would be able to redeem himself, if he were the prankster type.

"Heart attacks are nothing to joke about." Koni said in a monotone voice. "And neither are childish pranks that could possibly harm someone. What type of prank was it that you played? Are you sure that nobody was hurt?" Koni's searching gaze rested squarely on the other, unmercifully gazing into their depths, searching for the truth while at the same time admonishing.

He was being harsh, but at the moment, he didn't care. It's not like he had to worry about making or losing friends; he was constantly on the move. So unless someone decided to become a traveling companion, which wasn't very likely, given Koni's attitude, he had to get used to being alone. Which, of course, he was quite good at.


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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P]

Postby ajforpresident » 09/27/2011 5:14 PM

"Tch." Loko gave a roll of the eyes. This guy wasn't fun; he was just gonna reprimand him and say what he did was childish and rude, yada, yada yada. He just didn't want to hear it, he'd heard it enough in the past.

"I had overheard the woman was afraid of spiders and decided to toss one on her. Big deal. The spider wasn't poisonous and I'm sure that the creature is off of her by now. I mean, there's no one screaming right now, right?" The prankster said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Then Loko stared deep in Kukoni's face with out flinching at his glare, crossed his arms in a mimicking way to the Relowockee and added, "Besides, what's it to you?"

Then the Palowockee smirked, "Ah, I see. I struck a nerve with that prank, didn't I?"
Loko was really pushing it with this guy, being cocky and all. He was completely ignorant of the other Wockee's hostile look. And it was going to take a lot to for this guy to redeem himself.

"Look, man. I don't know you and you don't me. So, unless magically you have a book printed with every single thing about me, don't go trying to get into my business.  I love pranks and hell, I don't mind when I get pranked myself. Half of the time. I'm just an ordinary fun-loving prankster so don't get upset over that. None of my pranks harm anyone. Just piss 'em off. That's about all the damage they do. I'm not into those serious, hurtful or dangerous pranks or anything. Never was. I just enjoy a good laugh or two." He explained to the Relowockee.
"Now, if you don't mind I've got better stuff to do then talk to you. You're no fun." Then Loko stuck out his tongue like a disrespectful child would to an adult, and started to walk off.

(EDIT: I'm gonna mark this "L" for some language, since I can already see where this is going. Especially with Loko's attitude.  :oops: ))

[Loko: Level 1; 3]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby Kitsumi » 09/27/2011 10:51 PM

After what the insolent creature had said, Koni wasn't just going to let him walk off like that. Grabbing Loko's arm, he spun him around, grabbing his other arm and crossing both of them across his chest, holding him there in his iron-tight grip. After all of Koni's training in various fighting styles, he knew that it would take quite a lot of effort on Loko's part to get out of the hold Koni had him in. And unless Loki had some training as well, he wouldn't be able to escape at all.

"Listen here, you brainless little punk." Koni moved his face so that there was barely inches between his face and the other's, so that the other wockee could feel Koni's breath as he spoke, spitting out the words like they were venom. "No pranks are harmless, not a single one. I've seen people die from seemingly 'harmless' pranks." He bared his sharp teeth at the Palowockee, looking intimidating as hell with his eyes alight with rage.

"I watched my parents and baby sister burn to death thanks to a prank my brother played, one that he assured me would be 'harmless'. How did you know the spider wasn't poisonous? Or what if the poor girl had been given a heart attack from the fright of a spider on her?" Koni gave the guy a small shake. "Think, you immature little idiot. You don't know for sure that a prank is harmless, do you?"

He let out a harsh bark of laughter when Koni said that he was no fun. "No fun, eh? You try having fun while tracking down your murdering brother, knowing that he's the only member of your family still alive, and yet having to kill him because he's the one who killed the rest of you family."

Koni suddenly let go of the guy's arms, shoving him backwards. "But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? You've never watched your entire family die before your eyes. You've never had to hear their tortured, dying screams, and been unable to help them, too badly burnt by the fire that was killing them to even move without passing out from the pain. You see this?" He pulled up his shirt, showing a large, angry scar from where the flaming beam had landed, partially on his chest, partially on his stomach, pinning him where he lay. "This is what I got from a 'harmless' prank. And I was the lucky one. So think before you act like a childish little moron."


((Ahaha, he pissed Koni off BAD! Lol!))

((EDIT: Just realized that I kinda switched him to human form xD Hope you don't mind...?))

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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby ajforpresident » 09/28/2011 3:52 PM

((I know, right? XD Oh, and I don't mind human form; in fact, I like using it a bit more than quad form. :) I'll change Loko into his human form soon enough to end the confusion.))

Loko wasn't expecting for the Relowockee to grab hold of him like that. And he wasn't really trained in fighting like most of the other pets back home were so he kind of struggled with getting loose from Koni's grip. Not that he'd be able to though. This guy could really do some damage!

Loko listened to the Relowockee's story and now understood why the Palowockee's actions pissed him off so bad. Loko never thought of a prank going that far awry. I mean, he never killed anyone because of his pranks. But apparently this guy's family died because of one his own brother pulled. And now this guy was out to kill him, and he's the only family that he's got left. Harsh.
When Loko got shoved he fell to the ground on his backside. He just laid there quietly and thought for moment about what was just told to him. "Okay...." He said to himself as he got up slowly.

"I'm hear what happened to you." This was shock to hear Loko say sorry for anything and really mean it. He was even  surprising himself. Oh, if only Kiki and Kiyu, those two Kuhna siblings were here to see this....

"And...I know that a sorry from me won't make it better or change the fact that that happened. I've never thought of a prank going that bad. I mean usually some one gets a little roughed up, a broken arm or something at the least."
Loko looked down and continued, "But to actually die from a prank? I never thought they could be that dangerous."
He looked at Koni and said, "Again, I'd like to say I'm sorry. For pissing you off. And I hope that lady's okay, too."
Loko sighed and started to walk off solemnly. "I might as well check she's okay or something. Geez, never though that a prank could make me feel shitty in the end..."

Loko then stopped and turned to face Koni. "Hey, you mind comin' with me? I know you probably won't want to go. Especially 'cause of the way I treated you. But I'd feel kind of awkward if I went to her myself. Besides, you were the one who shook some sense into me. Literally."

Loko then turned out of his Palowockee form and into his human form. He wore a dark blue, sleeveless shirt with his mask marking in the middle of it. He wore baggy pants and sneakers that looked new but were a little dirty. He was a little thin; not bone thin, but thinner than most guys his age. His hair was grey with blue and white highlights on the tips and was strewn all over the place. It made him look a bit like a punk, but he liked the look it gave him a bit. His headphones were placed around his neck, music still low.

He gave a weak smile at the Relowockee and asked, "By the way, my name's Loko. Was gonna be Loki, like the God of Tricks or something like that. It would've suit me better, but whatever. Mind if I get your name?"

((See? Loko can be a nice guy. With a little persuasion. ;D))

[Loko: Level 1; 4]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 6:10 PM

Koni was slightly crouched in a defensive position, totally prepared for the other wockee to launch himself up off the ground to return the damage that Koni had done. Of course, it would have been a foolish act on the other guy's part, but Koni had seen enough people try it, even after seeing what Koni could do, to be wary. But as the guy just sat there, looking thoughtful, Koni began relaxing, although he was still ready to defend himself on a moment's notice.

To his surprise, the guy rose slowly, and then started...was he apologizing? Now that was something that Koni had never dealt with. In fact, he found himself grudgingly giving the other guy his respect; it took a lot to fess up to your mistakes, take responsibility for them, and then want to make amends. And obviously this guy wanted to make amends, to the point that he was even willing to go face the woman.

His face lost a slight bit of its icy quality, and Koni's body relaxed, losing the stiff, board-like quality it had been stuck in a moment before. This was about as 'friendly' as Koni ever got, so this guy had better appreciate it.

"What happened to me is in the past, but I accept your apology." He sighed. "I understand that many people believe in harmless pranks, and I suppose that there could be some amusement in doing so. I don't see any harm in doing small pranks, but it's hard to tell exactly what is harmless and what isn't." He looked up in surprise when Loko asked him to come with him, and a phantom of a grin settled, for the briefest of moments, on his face when Loko spoke of literally shaking the sense into him. "Alright, I suppose I can come, as long as the young lady knows that I had nothing to do with the prank."

Koni examined Loko, now in his human form, and nodded. "I suppose it could possibly be a pleasure to meet you, but I'm not sure yet. I'm can call me Koni, if you wish."


((Haha yay! No more fighting!'ll be funny once Loko starts rubbing off on Koni, and he starts realizing that pranks may not be so bad, provided they're harmless. And ooh, I have a great idea for him asking Loko to join him in his hunt for his brother))

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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby ajforpresident » 09/28/2011 7:27 PM

"Thanks, man. 'Preciate it." Loko's smile grew a bit wider at the Relowockee's answer.

"Kukoni. Koni. Cool name." Loko said, saying it to himself. "Well, come on. We might as well get the 'woman and her boyfriend getting angry with me' part over with for today. Man, I'm pissing everyone off today....."

He started walking back to where the woman was and found her still there at the bench with her boyfriend. She was calm now; still a bit shaken, but at least she wasn't screeching anymore.
Loko heaved a deep sigh and muttered to himself, "Well, here goes." He walked up to the two of them and said, "Excuse me."
The man and the woman looked at him, making him feel like the center of attention. Even though it was only those two staring.
"U-um...I happened to see you today freaking out about a spider that landed on you. Are you okay?"
The woman blushed, "Oh my gosh, you actually saw that episode? That's a bit embarrassing.... But yes, I'm fine. I'm glad you were concerned."
Loko gulped. Now he was really feeling guilty, what with her being all understanding and everything.
"Well, I'd like to confess that I was the one who put the spider on you."
"What?" The man was getting defensive now; he had an angry look and tensed up. "You mean you did that on purpose? You scared the living daylights out of her!"
"Now, now sweetie. It's all right. It was a bit of a fright but I'm okay now." The woman reassured her boyfriend by putting her hand on his arm gently. "And the good thing is that he's apologizing right?"
The man started to relax a bit. "I guess...."
"And that proves that he didn't mean to hurt me on purpose. It was just a silly trick. Right, dear?" She turned and looked at Loko with a gentle smile.
"U-uh, y-yeah. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just playin' around...." He looked down at his feet and shuffled them a bit uncomfortably.
"Alright....But what about that guy next to you?" The man said darting a look at Koni. "Did he plan this too?"
"No, no, no! He had nothing to do with this. Actually, he was the one who gave me the courage and sense to come back and apologize."
The man was quiet but then he gave a look that said that he believed him and added, "Fine. Just don't go around doing that to people. You piss them off that way."
"Derek!" The girl said in shock at her boyfriend's choice of words.
"Sorry, Melissa. But it's the truth."
"Don't worry," Loko said with a look to Kukoni. "I know what he means."
Then after that Loko started to leave the two by themselves. He hummed a little tune to himself, content with what he did.

As Loko was walking, he looked back at Koni and asked, "Hey, Koni. What do plan on doing now? I mean, you obviously have other plans than hanging out with me...."

((Yeah! Stop the violence, increase the peace! And I can't wait for the idea to come up. :) ))

[Loko: Level 2; 5; Level up!!]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 7:49 PM

"No problem." For once, Koni smiled, although it was brief, and vanished almost the moment it appeared, like lightning. "Don't worry, if they try anything, I'll keep them from bothering you. You are apologizing, after all."

He followed Loko over to a nice-looking couple sitting on a bench. The woman seemed a Her skin had a slight pallor to it, and her movements were slightly jerky, as if she had just had a huge scare. Which, of course, she had. Koni heard Loko sigh, and grinned inwardly, although his face didn't so much as twitch on the outside.

Watching Loko talk, he gave a nod of approval. When the boyfriend tensed, however, Koni stepped forward, his own muscles clenching defensively. Even though he had only met Loko mere minutes ago, he was prepared to fight on his behalf if need be.

Luckily, it didn't come to that. The girlfriend was surprisingly understanding, and she calmed down the boyfriend, although he shot an accusing look at Kukoni and asked whether or not he had been part of it. Koni simply stook, stoic, and allowed Loko to answer for him. He kind of felt good when Loko said that Koni had given him the courage to apologize. Well, if Koni died before ever doing another good thing in his life, at least he had done this.

Once they were walking back, Loko humming, Koni glanced over at him. "Good job. It takes a real man to fess up to his actions and to apologize."

Koni actually grinned, a real, true grin, lasting longer than a second, when Loko asked what he was going to do. "Well, I have to keep tracking Shade, my brother. But actually, I have a little proposition for you, if you're interested...and if you don't mind leaving town with me for an indeterminable length of time."

{Level 2 Reached}

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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby ajforpresident » 09/28/2011 11:16 PM

Loko smiled when Koni congratulated him on a job well done. "Yeah. And to tell the truth it doesn't feel so bad neither."

Then when Loko asked what Kukoni was going to do next, Koni grinned. Loko stared a bit at him, he didn't expect the guy to grin at him. He didn't even seem like the type to smile at people at all. And he took note of that without really knowing him.
When Koni explained what he was going to do next, Loko started to grin himself. "Leaving town for a while, hmm? Sounds possibly dangerous and exciting. I'm listening....."

((Shorter post here. XP))

[Loko: Level 2; 6]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 11:33 PM

Koni gave a short bark of laughter. "Dangerous? Definately. Exciting? Well, that depends on what you consider 'exciting'." He smirked. "As you know, I'm hunting for my brother, a notorious prankster. Shade," Koni spat the name, as if it were poison. "is a total and complete mystery to me. I don't understand him at all, which makes it hard for me to know how to find him. I can track him, yes. But once I've figured out what relative area he's in, I don't know where to go from there."

Ah, now this was the part where Loko would be of great use to Koni. "This is where you come in. You know what pranking is like, and you remind me a lot of him, except for more mature and willing to man up when needed. If you came with me, you could be like the brains, since you'd be better at understanding him."


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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby ajforpresident » 09/29/2011 10:59 AM

"Hmmm...." Loko pondered this for a bit. Go on a dangerous and possibly exciting adventure? Now that suited Loko's tastes. And plus, it wasn't like he was doing anything else. His owner let the pets of her home roam freely as long as she knew where they were headed. She was protective that way; a bit of a mother hen. But Loko was sure she wouldn't mind him going somewhere else for a while. As long as he came back in one piece that is.

"Heh, yeah. I guess I would appeal to his better nature, considering I'm a prankster myself." He crossed his arms and thought some more. Then his decision was made.
"Awight, I'll go with you. I could use a little adventure for my first time being outside the house and into the big bad world. I just hope my owner, Aya doesn't mind. She's a bit protective of all the pets that live with her. We're like one big family to her."
"I'll go with you, Koni. But on one condition," Loko said, giving a serious look. "And that's for you to have my back. 'Cause I'll have yours on this little expedition. I'm not much of a fighter so your either gonna, a) get used to saving my ass or b) teach me a couple of moves. Either, or, it's your choice. Though I'm sure you'd like choice b a bit better."

[Loko: Level 2; 7]
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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby Kitsumi » 09/29/2011 11:49 AM

Koni waited patiently as Loko thought it over. Of course, he knew that he was going to say yes. Part of the whole 'strong and silent' type that somewhat described Koni was that being silent meant he was usually observing the things around him for future reference or use. He had been studying Loko since the moment they met, and he could already tell that the palowockee had a weakness for adventure. It was only natural, for some people, to want to go out and explore, leaving their normal, boring lives behind. Koni, on the other hand, liked to stay in one place. But at the moment, he had no choice, so he'd have to suck it up like the professional he was and keep going. He would not go home, not until he had Shadecaster's lifeless body in his position.

He nodded, once. "I figured you'd say yes." At the mention of the owner, Koni shrugged. "Well, if you think it'd make her feel better, you could tell her before we leave. You'll have to pack two or so spare changes of clothes anyways, so you could talk to her then."

To his surprise, yet another grin made its way onto Koni's face when Loko told him of the 'condition'. "Don't worry, Loko, I don't intend to make you face anything alone. I actually wouldn't mind saving your butt, so long as you haven't done anything incredibly stupid that brought the danger onto yourself; and even if you did that, I'd still save your butt, just a bit more grudgingly. I don't know how much free time we'll have, but whenever we have some, I'd be fine with teaching you some self-defense techniques. If you can handle those, then we can see what else I can teach you. It'll probably be better that way, with you being able to defend yourself."


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Re: A Flirtatious Prankster and a Serious-minded Avenger [P,

Postby ajforpresident » 09/29/2011 12:50 PM

Loko nodded his head at the mention of his owner and said, "Thanks, I'm sure she'd appreciate it. It's amazing how she's so young but she's got this motherly air about her sometimes. Other times she might act childish. But I'm sure you'll get used to it."

Loko grinned and pumped a fist into the air. "Awesome! I'm gonna learn how to finally kick some ass! Everyone else at my home is some kind of powerful being or knows how to fight." Then he added sheepishly, "As for me...not so much."

"Man, I am so pumped now! I'm gonna be going out into the world, beating up the bad guys and possibly getting some ladies." Then he started to give a cocky look. "Not that I never got some attention from girls before. But that can wait a bit for now. And I usually never turn the thought of a woman down. But the real thing to worry about is my owner."

Loko then started to walk off. When he saw that he wasn't being followed at first he called out, "C'mon, Koni! The faster we get to where my owner is the faster we find your brother. Luckily, our house isn't far from here. We live here in Lambastia."

Loko continued to walk with Koni until they saw a house in the distance. Outside, they could see a figure near a tree.
"That's her! Her name is Aya, but sometimes she goes by Aj. Just call her Aya for now." Loko pointed out to Koni.
They walked up to the girl who now that you had a closer look, had cat ears and a tail. Her hair was dark and in a short bob. She was a bit short for her age, but never tell her that. She was quite young too; appearing to be in high school. She was sitting underneath the shade of a tree, reading a book.

"Aya!" Loko exclaimed.
The girl, obviously Aya, looked up and a smile spread across her face. She put the book down, jumped up and ran over to the boy.
"Loko! There you are! I was starting to get worried." She hugged Loko and then added, "Have you been behaving while you were gone?"
Loko was quiet for a moment, a look on his face.
"I'll take that as a no." Aya gave a giggle, obviously knowing what Loko had been up to. She then turned to face Koni who was standing behind the two of them. "And who's this here, Loko? A new friend of yours?"

((Now you get a peek at my trainer character. Made her up years ago. She's practically me.))
[Loko: Level 2; 8]
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