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Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/05/2011 11:08 PM

The hotel room was littered with flowers and favors--glamorous retirement gifts that ranged from the thoughtful to the extravagant. Kyrie sat at her vanity mirror and picked up each gift one by one to give them a quick once-over. She really wanted to look through them with Fi, however the airport was going to insist to have a list of the items for insurance reasons.

So the retiring model took each in item in hand and jotted down quick notes about each before delicately packing them away in the new suitcase she had needed to purchase just for them. Though it should be a sad time--leaving the industry with so many good years still ahead of her, Kyrie was all smiles. She was leaving it for the man she loved, the one who had agreed to this whole crazy thing in the first place.

It had been a hard talk--the young couple had spent many a sleepless night talking about the possibilities. In the end they came to a firm decision; Kyrie would go on a final world tour that would take two years to complete. It would be her farewell tour of sorts...but it would also bring in enough money that the pair wouldn't have to have financial worries for the rest of their lives. Maybe even their children's' lives if they played their cards right, and if they ever had any.

One week. One more week and she would be able to see him again.

She'd tried to attach a photograph of herself to each days' letter, just to help him keep up with her looks over the long time spent away. Likewise, the reason for the smile at this particular moment happened to be because the mail would be arriving any moment.

Just as she took a tri-layered diamond necklace in hand and began to write her description of it, as if on cue, the postman knocked on her door. Kyrie nearly squealed as she hopped from her seat (expensive necklace clattering loudly as she discarded it on the desk) and darted towards the door.

The door swung open to a box of mail rather than the postman's face.

"I sure will be glad when this is over, Miss Kyrie." The older gentleman hidden behind the letters said with a laugh. "You certainly are making me earn my salary!"

"Oh, Dennis! Here, put that down, you know you shouldn't be carrying that!" Kyrie said as she hurried the man inside and moved back so he could drop the box inside the door. She looked at it with a bit of dismay.

"Don't you worry your pretty head, Miss. I took the liberty to fish yer man's out before we got here." Dennis said with a bright grin as he pulled Fi's letter from his breast pocket. Kyrie took it with a gleeful look about her and quickly replaced the letter with a generous tip. "Dennis, you are the best fan mail carrier a girl could ask for!" She chirped as Dennis just smiled like older men often do and bowed his way out of her room.

Locking the door behind her, Kyrie fled back to the desk and carefully tore open the letter to see what Fi had to say. The contents, however, were rather disturbing. Her smile faded quickly to a look of disbelief as she continued reading. When she finally let the letter fall from her hands, she brought her fingers to gently massage her brow. "Ok, Maddi came back. This is good, this will be fine. This...oh no, I have to tell Paige..."


The night was a sleepless one, and in the morning Kyrie showed up to the dressing rooms with a size larger coffee than usual, but let that be the only indication that something was on her mind. With a sigh she hopped into the hairdresser's chair and let the ladies start to work. Paige wouldn't be in until later, when she would undoubtedly have the model custom-made gowns and other clothing with her.

Kyrie took a large swig of coffee to hide the nervous gulp. Just how was she supposed to break this news?

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/05/2011 11:38 PM

(Paige Ref)

Paige hummed to herself as she put the last, finishing touches on the dresses for the show that evening. It was the last big one before she finally got to fly home and spend time with Nia and her niece and nephew. She was also looking forward to seeing Kade again, but she wouldn’t ever really admit it out loud. She and Des’s bodyguard friend had really hit it off, and she’d even gone so far as to hire him to work for her while she was back home. He didn’t complain in the least. In fact, Paige liked to think he enjoyed spending time with her, if his rare smiles and holding her hand was any indication. Paige stopped her work, pressing a hand to her stomach at the sudden smattering of giddy butterflies that had popped up. In all her years, she’d never felt like this in the least.

No show had ever made her nervous, no contract had ever made her sweat, and she certainly never lost her cool over any of the rich, expensive men who tended to try to get on her ‘very good side,’ from time to time. But Kade was different; he was like the Fi to her Kyrie, metaphorically speaking. Her aunt and her aunt’s boyfriend were the perfect example of what Paige wanted; marital bliss without even being married was hard to come by, but if Nia could manage it, then by golly, so could she. Paige brushed a stray lock of hair over her shoulder, smiling to herself and continuing her work, a happy tune falling from her lips as she hummed quietly to herself. She glanced up at the clock, and squeaked; oh shoot, she was going to be late! Gathering the dresses in her arms (and careful not to wrinkle any of them) she carefully hung each of them on the portable rack, and exited the small room she’d been given for her personal study/touch-up room. Wheeling the large cart out, her boots clicked against the linoleum floor as she turned a corner to be met with the chaos that could only be the prep for a fashion show.

“Dresses here!” Paige called, motioning for a hassled looking young woman with a shock of pink hair over to her. The woman immediately leapt to attention and scurried over, something soft and purple clutched in her hands. “Miss Skirata!” she squeaked, her pink eyes wide. “I’ve brought Sequin, miss!” She held out the little fluff ball, who yawned and stretched it’s mouth wide. The little Drakel blinked sleepily as it stared up at Paige, and then, seeming to recognize her, squeaked happily and launched itself into her arms. “Oh, my dear little Sequin! Who’s mommy’s little baby? You are, yes you are!" Paige cooed, before she turned briskly back to her assistant. “Ursula, if you would please begin handing out the wardrobe to the models who have their hair and makeup done, I’d like to make sure everything is fitted well enough for the show.”

Ursula nodded quickly, rolling the cart away at a jog, and Paige turned back to face the mirrors, realizing that it was Kyrie who sat in front of her. “Small world,” she said with a grin as she slid delicately into the seat in front of Kyrie. Her pretty yellow dress was tied off with a ribbon beneath the bust, and her delicate black heels were a lovely accent to the cutesy summer outfit. Paige took one look at Kyrie’s extra large coffee and frowned, settling Sequin over her lap. The little Drakel purred and draped itself over her knees, tail wagging happily as the light from the vanity glinted off it’s diamond collar. “Is something up, aunt Kyrie? You look…well, nervous. I’ve seen that face on enough of my models to know when someone is worried about something.”


(I couldn’t resist replying before I hopped off to bed. I’ve been neglecting sleep for Evelon today; but it’s worth it. XD)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/06/2011 8:54 AM

As Kyrie heard the call for dresses she took one more large gulp of coffee before setting it back on the table in front of her. She had no idea what to say, or even how to bring it up. Her mind whirled with true-life reasons as to why she could be nervous, concocting a list in her head so that, perhaps, the mention of Paige's mother wouldn't stir things up too much. If she had tons on her mind (which she truly did) then maybe that one small mention of Madeline wouldn't be so hurtful. Of course, she wasn't going to mention that she had come back home just yet, maybe just test the waters...

"Small world indeed; there's my favorite designer." Kyrie said brightly as Paige sat down. It was hard not to be bright around her--she loved her nieces, possibly even more so since her sister had up and abandoned them. A light smile graced her face as Paige asked her the question she knew was coming.

"Lots of things to think about. It's my last week--these are the shows that will stick in people's minds. It's a lot harder to have fun when you're being judged more critically than usual." She began--opening with something from 'their' word that she knew Paige could relate to easily. "And, of course, I'm excited to go back home to Fi and a little nervous about how much progress he's made. All his letters sound positive, so hopefully I'm just worrying myself about that for nothing. I'll be glad to see everyone, my folks, Nia and her children...but it makes me think about my sister. I know she would be so proud, I only wish I could see it on her face."

She looked more pointedly at Paige and suddenly got a wry grin. "Of course, my biggest worry is how much my house might look like a bachelor's pad after I've been gone so long. Who knows what Fi and your uncles have been doing there." She laughed a little and found herself not wanting to reach for her coffee again. The seed was planted, now to see what it would grow into...

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/07/2011 2:36 AM

Paige shot Kyrie an amused look, running her fingers through Sequin’s fur. The little creature purred contentedly, rolling over onto it’s back for a belly scratch. “You’re just saying that because we’re related,” Paige teased, flashing her aunt a wry smile. “I won’t be a ‘real’ designer ‘til I snag the Lennox deal.” She sighed wistfully, thinking about the tense and oftentimes heated negotiations her and her clothing company were in with the Lennox Corporation, the biggest fashion design and modeling agency companies in Evelon. It was run by a woman named Desma Lennox, one of the richest, and most influential models, actresses and businesswomen in the world. Paige envied her and her talents; all she had to do was land a contract with their corporation and she’d be set for life. In fact, her children’s children would be set for life.

“I just hope they like my dresses; they said Miss Lennox was going to be here tonight. To be honest, it makes me ten times more nervous than I should be.” She quickly wiped the nerves from her face, and leaned forward a little in her seat, her eyes wide and her smile bright. “I bet you’re excited to see him again. Oh, aunt Kyrie, it’s so romantic! You and Fi are absolutely the perfect fairytale romance! I hope I can have that someday with-” She quickly cut herself off, not wanting anyone,, especially Kyrie, to jump to conclusions about her and her beloved bodyguard. “-with someone someday,” she finished, her smile no less bright, though her eyes somewhat uncertain. “I’m sure he’s doing great. If he’s related to daddy, then he’s more resilient than steel.”

She giggled a bit at the thought of her father, a man who had always seemed larger than life to little Paige. The man who had always been there for her and her sister, ready to tend to their scraped knees, or sew up their ripped clothes, teach them to ride their bikes, push them on the swings, tuck them in at night or help them braid their hair. Prudii had been their everything when they were little, and despite both her and Nia’s ‘rebellious stage,’ he was still everything to the both of them. At the mention of her mother, Paige’s shoulders stiffened, but her smile didn’t fade. She’d had enough practice schmoozing the big wigs not to show anything other than her cheery demeanor when faced with an unpleasant subject or situation.

“I wouldn’t know,” she replied faintly, wishing it was true; that Madeline would be proud of everything she’d done and that Paige could see it on her face. “She left us, remember?” She stopped scratching Sequin, leaning back in her chair, her smile finally fading. “Is there a reason you brought her up, aunt Kyrie? You know how I feel about that subject, so I don’t think you’d purposely do that today, especially not when it’s such a big show for me.” She stared down at Sequin, who was trying to tug her fingers back onto it’s tummy for some more rubs. She absently scratched her pet, before she lifted her gaze back to her aunt. “Something happened, didn’t it? I’m not Nia, you know. I’m not so stupid that I’d miss someone subtly pointing something out. So tell me, please. What happened?”

((Aw, Paige is mean. Nia isn't...that stupid. XD I added a ref pic of her in the above post. She needed a new one~))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/07/2011 12:50 PM

Kyrie leaned back a little (more out of necessity than comfort as her stylist began working) and grinned. "You shouldn't have any problem with Desma. I've been around long enough that I've gotten a sense of her tastes--I think she's just playing hard to get. Hang in there and we'll be seeing your name all over all the best shopping plazas." They had, after all, started out very much in the same boat. While not an actress or co-worker by any means, Kyrie could have had a run at the power her fellow model had. She had pull in the gaming industry, in the fashion industry...but she chose Fi over infamy. A choice she never doubted for one day since she'd met him.  

"Don't you worry about that--you work is looking amazing and you've got a class-act team under your belt. You'll dazzle tonight." Kyrie said with a wink before the subject quickly swung to Fi. The older woman blushed slightly as her grin grew wider. "Oh, we're hardly a fairytale..." She responded modestly, though internally she couldn't agree more. "Who knows, maybe you'll have some new babies to practice your motherhood skills on after I retire." She added with a small giggle. It was everything she'd ever wanted. Granted...not the twenty kids Fi had initially joked about, but children none the less. Maybe they could compromise at ten...

"Paige, if you don't already have someone's attention, you will. Someone like you has love just waiting around the next corner. I'm sure Fi told you how we met every day he got to see you--it's the little chance meetings that change the course of life. Remember that."

Ah, and the ripple effect took hold. Kyrie winced internally at Paige's words. She shouldn't have said anything, not yet. But she had, and she sighed a little but held her smile steady. "Now young lady, the last thing you should think to call yourself is stupid. I was testing the waters...but since now you already seem to know too much...."

She sighed again and this time the exhale took her smile with it. "In Fi's last letter...he said your mother had come back home. He saw her heading to your father's house. No one knows for sure what's going on just yet of last night she hadn't left yet. Now, I know my sister better than anyone in our family...if she's still there, there's something going on. I...just don't know what yet."

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/08/2011 10:18 PM

Paige stared at Kyrie with a skeptical look, one elegant eyebrow raised. “If finding the man of your dreams, and not only having him support you through your career, but finding someone who you love enough to give up said career for and live a life happily ever after with isn’t a fairytale, then there is absolutely no hope for the rest of us.” She tapped her foot against the director’s chair she sat in, looking faintly amused by her own statement. Her cheeks lit up when  Kyrie mentioned that there was ‘someone out there’ for her, and she quickly looked away. “Oh, uh, I know there is…somewhere…I mean, maybe I’ve already found him, but who knows, right?” she rushed nervously, feeling her cheeks burn with her blush. She giggled a little higher pitched than normal, then quickly regained her composure, straightening her dress and readjusting a slipping Sequin on her lap.

She shot her aunt a withering look, and leaned back in her chair, brushing a stray curl out of her face. “So no one even knows what happened, I assume? And daddy hasn’t called to tell me anything, and he hasn’t called Nia, because if he did, she’d have called me. Which means she’s either back for good, or he kicked her out on her bottom this morning. I couldn’t even begin to imagine which one it was. I don’t know what I would’ve done, but I might’ve given her a good smack to let her know how I felt on the entire matter.” Her bitter tone and the promptly defensive folding of her arms told more than her words ever could. Sequin looked up at Paige, sensing drama and one of her ‘fur pulling sessions’ where her emotions made her either tug little strands of it’s fur out, or pet it extra hard. Hoping to save itself from the pain, Sequin took a flying leap and landed in Kyrie’s lap, where she promptly curled up and sniffed disdainfully in Paige’s direction. Paige, however, didn’t even seem to know.

“What could daddy be thinking, letting her back in the house? And to stay the night, no less! No, wait, don’t answer that. I know what he was thinking, and it didn’t involve his brain. How can he just forgive her so easily and let her back into our lives? Doesn’t he know what she did to us? No offense, aunt Kyrie, but your sister doesn’t deserve our family. Not after what she did.” But deep down inside, a very small, still young and yearning part of Paige cried out desperately for her mother, wanting to see her, wondering how she’d react, hoping for a hug, or a word of praise, or just some time spent talking. Her father had given them everything, but he couldn’t replace her mother; no one could.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/09/2011 12:44 PM

Laughing at her nieces explanation, Kyrie shook her head. "Oh there's plenty of hope! I'm just too nervous to agree. My stomach is tossing like never before to think it's only a matter of days before I finally get to see him again. Besides, I'm not quitting on careers completely. We agreed to drop this one because of how uncomfortable it makes him; but it makes a nice little nest egg for when we finally get to start a life together. I'll still do some of my game developing, but only because I can do that almost completely from home."

In truth it worried Kyrie to quit all forms of jobs completely, even if they were set for life. There was so much unexpected that could happen, new dreams that might need fulfilling, unplanned grandkids someday...she felt a dire need to be financially ready for it all and then some. At least with that worry out of the way she could focus on the many other fine points of panic that came with all of that; it would be nice not to worry about losing their house to an insurance company or something though. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously and playfully at Paige's shifting eyes at the mention of her 'someone'. "You know you can't hide it from me..come on, who is it? Someone in the industry? A big wig? A makeup artist?"

That would have to wait until later, though.

"No, not yet. Fi's next letter might have something more in it, but I have my doubts that he'd go over to snoop things out. Even if it is for the greater good of a family." The older woman smiled sadly. "Maybe your father needs time to let everything sink in before he worries you girls. You know he wouldn't leap on the phone to tell you the instant Madeline showed up at his door. Those things...they take time to process. And if I know your mother like I think I do, she would have taken that smack without a word."

Kyrie's eyes seemed suddenly heavy and encircled by the telltale signs of sleeplessness as she reached out for her coffee again. Sequin had other ideas, and as the tiny creature hopped into her lap Kyrie gave a tiny jolt, coffee now forgotten with the stressed diamond-clad critter in her personal space. She reached down a hand and gently smoothed out the little one's fur soothingly.

A sigh escaped into the open and Kyrie nodded. "It's hard to tell what's going on. Maddi hides so much inside that it's hard to tell what she's ever thinking. I don't even know why se left you all, or where she went. But the sister I grew up with wouldn't have ever come back. But she is back; that's a start. All we can do now is talk to her. This is a part of my sister even I haven't seen before."

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/10/2011 4:57 AM

Paige kept her gaze studiously turned away from her aunt, determined not to let her emotions get the best of her. It had been years since anyone had even mentioned her mother. It felt like longer. When Paige was a little girl, she remembered asking her father where her mother had gone one night, as she and Nia were being tucked into bed. She’d asked him this on many occasions, and his response always was ‘She’s just on a really long vacation.’ But Paige had never been stupid, not even when she was four years old and still suffered from bouts of wetting the bed, forcing her father to check the closet for monsters, and sleeping with a mountain of her stuffed animals, who she insisted all had names and loved tea.


After Nia had fallen asleep, Paige had forced her father to sit on the bed and stared hard at him with her large, gold-green eyes. She’d asked him the question again, but this time, she’d phrased it a bit differently. She’d asked him where her mother really was, and in response, Prudii had sighed, and crumpled backwards onto the bed. Paige had been alarmed, and in her unassuming, four year old way, she’d promptly tucked her favorite teddy bear into the crook of Prudii’s arm to make him feel better, then crawled over her blankets and hugged his neck tightly. She remembered looking up into her father’s face, no longer stern or happy or smiling, but upset, distraught and destroyed. She’d wondered at the tears coming from his eyes, confused by the fact that her father, of all people, was crying; daddy didn’t cry. Daddy was…he was daddy. He just didn’t cry.

“Your mother is gone, sweet pea. Far away from here. She doesn’t like your daddy anymore, so she decided to leave.” He gently stroked Paige’s hair, and she’d snuggled against his chest, feeling tears spring to her own eyes. “Does that mean she doesn’t like me and Nia either?” she'd asked in a trembling voice that Prudii only heard when she suspected there was something hiding under her bed. Prudii had cradled her to him, and sat up, tucking her teddy bear into her arms. “Of course not, Paige. Your mother loves you and Nia very much. More than anything in the world. It was just daddy she didn’t like, so she had to leave. I’m sorry, Paige. I wish I could bring her back, but I can’t.” Paige knew, even at that age, that her father would’ve moved heaven and earth for his girls (and in their tiny minds, Prudii really could move heaven and earth is he so chose) but this was not something he could give them; he could never give them a mother.

“It’s okay, daddy,” Paige had told him, using her teddy’s hand to reach up and dab away the tears that had fallen down his cheeks. “Mr. Fluffy doesn’t want you to cry anymore; Mr. Fluffy says he’ll look after us! Maybe when mommy likes you again, she can come back, and we can be a real family! And she can braid my hair and have tea with Mr. Fluffy and me.” She patted her teddy bear’s head, wiggling him in the air as if he was dancing with joy at the idea of getting her mother back. More tears slipped silently down Prudii’s cheeks, but he had hastily wiped them away before she could see them.

“You don’t like the way I braid your hair?” Prudii asked, feigning shock and an affronted dignity. Paige quickly rushed to assure him that she really did like how he braided her hair, even if he had to do it over ten times because it kept coming out crooked. The conversation had quickly devolved into Paige happily chatting about all the things she and her mommy would do when she came back, and Prudii only nodding seriously, as if he was hanging on her every word when really, every word was breaking his heart.


“Even if she does come back,” Paige said slowly, blinking away the sudden tears that had clouded her vision. “What makes her think she can pick up where she left off? She missed out on too much, you know. She was never there to tuck us in at night, or read us stories. She missed our first day of school, and our graduation. She missed Nia’s wedding and the birth of her children. For God’s sake, she’s missed absolutely everything. How could she even think to come back and reinsert herself into our lives like nothing has happened?” She crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping heavily against her chair, and her breath coming in short, frantic gasps. She didn’t need this, not right before a show. She could already feel an anxiety attack coming on, but she couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of her lips.

Years of pent up hurt and frustration and waiting, waiting, waiting every day for her mother to walk through the door and give her a hug and say she missed her had been building up, and now it was flowing over as the dam slowly, but surely, split in half. “How could she think she could kill a part of my daddy, a part of him that made him who he was, and then waltz back into his life like nothing had happened? What the heck is wrong with her? What is wrong in that messed up head of hers that makes her think this is all okay?” She was breathing erratically, her chest rising and falling in shallow pants. “I waited for her to come home every single day of my childhood. Every. Single. Day. And now she comes back? What, did she think it was safer when her two children weren’t there? Was she ashamed of us? Afraid of us? Did she really hate us? I hope daddy kicks her out on the curb for good, because she sure as shoot doesn’t deserve him, or us!”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/10/2011 10:20 PM

Kyrie sat in silence watching Paige, her face loosing it's attempt at bright and cheery with ever passing second. Her niece was hurting, that much Kyrie had known since the day Madeline left without a word to her or her own family. But to hear Paige suddenly let the flood break break after all these was overwhelming. Waving off the hairdresser, Kyrie carefully scooped up Sequin to put the tiny creature on the vanity stand and moved to Paige, placing one hand on her cheek and the other on her shoulder.

"I know this isn't easy to think about, Paige, but we need to calm down. No one but Madeline and Prudii know what's going on right now. She may already be gone again, she may still be there trying to put broken pieces back together, but the bottom line is that we just don't know. And if she came back now...maybe she was afraid of facing you all at once. I don't know--we're so out of touch that I can't even imagine what she's thinking."

She sighed, kneeling down and letting her hands fall down to grasp for Paige's. "This is a mess she made, if she wants to try and atone for it, then all you can do is wait to hear what she has to say. Maybe she doesn't want to jump right back in, maybe she wants to learn about you all individually. And maybe she's still horrible person and she deserves double the slaps you want to deal to her."

She tried again to attempt a gentle smile. "But that's later. Right now, you are here to blow the minds of adoring fans with your new line. And no matter what your mom thinks, your 'favorite' aunt is not only wearing your dresses for the world but so, so proud of you for everything you've done with your life and the beautiful, intelligent young woman you've become. So come on, let's dry those tears and make today something great, alright?"

She didn't know how effective her speech would be or if it would really provide the temporary band-aid that Paige's heart needed to survive the day. All she could do was look up at her niece with deep emerald eyes and smile hopefully.  

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/17/2011 5:02 AM

“You’re right,” Paige said thickly, swiping at her eyes and wincing in abject horror as her fingers came away with running mascara. She quickly swiped a tissue from the box on the vanity, and dabbed at her eyes, wiping away the traces of her emotional tantrum with quick, sure strokes, until the black was gone form her cheeks and around her eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to-to wait and see what daddy says about it all. Whatever happens, I won’t interfere with his happiness, and if having Madeline back will make him happy then…Well, then I have no say in that. I just don’t want him to be sad anymore and I’m worried that her coming back will make him…worse than he was.” If such a thing was even possible.

Paige had no way to know how her father would really feel upon being faced with Madeline; she’d never broached the subject of her mother with him after she turned 14 and realized Madeline was never coming back. She’d seen the haunted look in Prudii’s eyes, the sorrow when he gazed at Nia, who was nearly identical to her mother in looks, or the way he’d close up when Madeline’s name was mentioned by anyone. She didn’t know if he wanted her mother back, or if he’d really slap her in the face and tell her to get the heck away from him for good. Some small, child-like part of her wished he’d take her mother back so they could be a big, happy family, but the other, more rational part knew Madeline didn’t have a right to be part of the family, and it would take a lot more than an apology before Paige would accept her back.

She was frightened of what Nia might do if she found out; there would be no getting back into the woman’s good graces. Nia was a fright to behold when she was emotional. Paige was just glad she was halfway around the world right now. She sighed, her shoulders slumping, and smiled shakily up at her aunt. “Yes...yes. You’re right, Aunt Kyrie. As usual. Today is supposed to be a happy day. And I’m gonna go out there and show them what I do best.” She grinned, when her eyes suddenly slid over Kyrie’s shoulder and froze. Her smile faded to a look of abject confusion, and she blinked. “Is that my dad?” she asked curiously, but when she looked again, she realized he was smaller than her father, not as broad shouldered or heavy-set as Prudii. “Wait a minute…that’s…” Her smile suddenly returned, and she scooped Sequin off the vanity and hugged her to her chest, her eyes glowing as she squealed with glee. “Oh, aunt Kyrie! I told you it was like a fairytale!”

The object of Paige’s delight was standing in the middle of a group of models, looking extremely uncomfortable. It had taken a lot of explaining, some photographs, and a couple of phone calls to get him backstage (not to mention a lot of maneuvering by Mereel to get him halfway across the world in time for Kyrie’s last show). At first, he thought it was a good idea. Why not go surprise Kyrie by picking her up himself and heading home with her on the plane? Why not show up at her show for moral support? Yes, it had seemed like a good idea to Fi, up until the point where he found himself surrounded by a bevy of lovely, slender models all cooing and fawning over him and asking him who he’d brought the large bouquet of roses for.

The subtle trembling in his hands was masked by the bunch of flowers, and the other was studiously trying to fend the women off, unsure as to what to do. Enemies in armor he could handle, but women? Not so much. Actually, not at all. He felt his knees shake as the enormity of the situation began to take it’s toll, and face and hands were shoved towards him, smiling or petting or cooing over ‘How adorable!’ he was. “Ex-excuse me,” he managed in a very small voice, catching sight of Paige and Kyrie --Kyrie, his lovely, beautiful, amazing Kyrie-- over the heads of the many heads of the surrounding women. “I-I just need…I need to get b-by, please. I don’t mean to be r-rude. Just need to. Um…Go over…there…”

He tried pointing, but soon found himself swarmed again by questions and propositions (“You can give me those roses, handsome!”) none of which he knew how to respond to. He just wanted to get to Kyrie. He could see her profile from where she stood beside Paige, the way the light caught her skin and hair, and how the hair-dresser and make-up artists was already getting impatient because she was moving around too much. His breath caught in his throat; he hadn’t seen her in nearly two years, it seemed. He hadn’t held her, kissed her, hugged her, or been anywhere near her for so long. He just wanted to scoop her up into his arms (he was pretty sure he was well enough to do some scooping, but he’d probably want there to be something soft to fall onto, since he wasn’t sure how long he could actually hold her up) and tell her how much he missed her. If only he could get by this group of very persistent women…

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby Kallile » 10/17/2011 8:34 PM

Kyrie offered an understanding smile, much to the chagrin of the hairdresser behind her that had almost tamed a particular piece of hair into it's very stylized position. "Your dad will make the right choice for al of you and for himself. Just give it some time--there's always a lot of emotion over seeing someone again. Let that initial rush fade out and then they'll know what they're really feeling."

Kyrie had been prepared to say something along the lines of 'that's my girl' before she saw Paige's face fall. She closed her mouth in confusion, eyebrows drawing together. "Your dad? If Madeline just came back I can't see them traveling half--"

Paige hadn't even needed to finish her statement (likewise Kyrie hadn't needed to hear it) to know what was happening. At the raising commotion behind her, Kyrie's eyes suddenly got an excited glow to them before she even turned around. There, in the midst of women most men would kill for, was her man with eyes seeking out only her.

"Oh my...excuse me!" She said as politely as possible as she jumped off the styling chair, hair half done, and took off at a sort of trot towards the femme fatale gathering Fi had found himself in. UNlike him, she was not quite so shy about making her way through the crowd, nor as hidden about the reasons she had for reaching her destination.

Squeezing her way between her co-workers tightly knit circle, Kyrie reached out a hand for Fi, wrapped her slender fingers around the hem of his jacket, and used that lifeline to wriggle her way into the center. Once there, whether Fi had managed to pry the latest strange hand off of him or not, he would find his face cupped between her hands and her lips pressed to his; her joy in seeing him again so alive that one could have sworn the kiss would cause actually sparks to fly between the two. The roses, the only thing between them, Kyrie slowly released a hand to slide aside to press herself more tightly to Fi.

"Someone's getting their retirement present early!" Came one voice followed by a whoop of womanly agreements from all over the dressing area. Their giggling and whispering went completely unnoticed by Kyrie, however, who finally broke the kiss and pulled herself back just far enough to see Fi's face.

"Fi!, nevermind!" She wrapped her arms around him tightly, not caring if she sent him off balance and they both toppled to the floor. "I've missed you so much..." Another collective "oooOOOOoooo" went up from the other women surrounding them and Kyrie laughed into his shoulder. "Maybe we should go to my dressing room to actually talk?"

Which, of course, gained an even louder "ooOOoo" from the crowd.

"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 10/21/2011 1:34 AM

“Kyrie!” Fi shouted, glancing around fearfully as she swam through the crowd towards him. “Thank the Manda you’re-” he was cut off as she used the momentum of her wiggling to practically glomp him and sweep him into a kiss (hey, wasn’t he supposed to do the sweeping?) that nearly had him losing all coherent thought patterns. In fact, he nearly dropped the bouquet of roses, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that the flowers were practically sandwiched between them, they would’ve already been in a heap on the floor. The sounds of the crowd gathered around them didn’t matter to Fi, as he wrangled his arms from being smooshed between them and wrapped them tightly around Kyrie, the bouquet still clutched in his hand. When Kyrie pulled away, Fi couldn’t help the disappointment that flashed across his face, but it was soon replaced by a giant grin, one that would be familiar to Kyrie, and anyone who knew him.

“How?” he repeated, looking entirely too amused for his own good. “I flew all the way here.” He leaned down, brushing his lips lightly against her ear, and whispered; “And boy, are my arms tired.” Pulling away with a laugh, he suddenly seemed to realize that they were surrounded by cooing women. “Uh…” he managed at last, his face heating up as a blush spread from his collarbone to his cheeks. “Y-yeah…d-dressing room.”

He felt his face burn as some of the girls giggled, obviously taking the comment in a way that it wasn’t intended, and old habits resurfaced as Fi immediately lowered his eyes and head, staring hard at his boots and reaching out to clasp Kyrie’s hand in his in a tight grip. He looked, for all the world, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and was currently being scolded for being a horrible child. But, as usual, someone came to his rescue (and he would later be thank Paige for saving him from such an embarrassing moment by buying Sequin a new diamond collar), and Paige, in all her flustered, sundress-y glory, stormed along in her heels and promptly chased off all the gaggles of girls. (“Get lost you harpies. He doesn’t need you giggling over every little thing he says! And don’t you have a show to get ready for?”).

She promptly turned to Fi, after saving both he and Kyrie, and wrapped one arm around his neck, the other holding Sequin close to her chest (the little animal promptly squeaked in surprise as it was smooshed in a hug). “Fancy seeing you here, ba'vodu; it's so good to see you. I've missed that overly familair face of yours,” she said with a wicked gleam in her gaze. Her eyes darted to Kyrie, and she winked, before motioning to the now deserted hall that led to the dressing rooms. “Don’t worry, aunt Kyrie. I’ll switch it around so you don’t have to go out until the very end. You go have some alone time with your man!”

She cackled gleefully, spinning Sequin around (the poor thing looked like it was about to vomit) in a circle, before she stopped abruptly, her dress still spinning around her legs, and made a shooing motion with her free hand. “Go on, scat you two. I have a show to get ready for, and you’re hogging up all the free space. Shoo, shoo!” Fi cast his niece a rugged grin, shrugging one broad shoulder faintly. “Nice to see you too, ad'ika," Fi replied, raising an eyebrow. "Well, how do you like that, cyar’ika? Here for no more than a minute and I’m already being shooed off. What a welcome. But the slightly psychotic dress designer has a point-” He pointedly ignored Paige’s scowl at the name. “-we should go to your dressing room. All these eyes are creeping me out.” He indicated the girls sitting at their vanities, all still ogling him in some way or another, and shuddered.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Postby Kallile » 10/23/2011 3:19 PM

The thought that perhaps Fi had wanted to make a grander gesture to her and play the part of prince charming never did occur to Kyrie. The simple fact in her mind was that he was here. Standing right beside her, his arms holding her tight, and she couldn't imagine any better way to really begin her day. She held onto his hand even when the kiss ended, her eyes flickering over the lines of his face and that token smile brewing there as he began to speak.

Even before his skin was touching hers again she was giggling. She had missed that smile so much and the corny jokes that always came with it. She laughed with him, but instinctively her hand squeezed his as his head dropped and the oogling of the others got to him again. She could see Paige blustering in from the corner of her eye and smiled inwardly. It was time to let her niece do the saving for once. Leaning in close to Fi as she placed a hand on his neck lovingly, she whispered "Don't let them bother you. No one else here has what we do--they're all jealous."

Kyrie nodded to Paige gratefully, allowing the girl and her uncle some space to actually greet each other without actually letting go of Fi's hand. "I'd love that, Paige. Thank you!" She said finally before the young designer was off and running again. Her eyes flickered up to Fi with a right gleam of their own. "Oh, well that's just your formal welcome into the fashion world. You're in a whole different battlefield now, cyar'ika." She scrunched her nose and giggled as the word came out awkwardly.

"I really need to practice that more. It's so easy to write it I've almost forgotten how to say it." She giggled, giving his hand a light tug towards the hallway.

It wasn't long before they came upon one door that looked like a tsunami had left paper debris all over it. Kyrie stopped in front of it, the little gold plate with her name on it barely legible through all the goodbye and retirement notes from fellow models and designers alike. Granted, hardly any of these were more than chicken scratch and a signature, but it was the thought that counted. As the door came open, Fi would find himself in a very different world.

The room interior was even more plush than the hotel room she had first brought Fi into. The light walls coupled with the flashy colored pieces gave it the appearance of high class and comfort. On one of the closets there was a dress hanging in a bag--hers for the show.

"Well, here it is. My home away from home." She crinkled her nose again as she looked around. "I can't wait to not be in here anymore."

She motioned him to the small love seat and sat herself down on one side. "That was very sneaky of you, being able to keep this trip a secret and send me a letter yesterday.  I wonder what other surprises you have up your sleeve."
"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: Room With A View [P- Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 11/04/2011 5:33 PM

“Your Mando’a is getting better, cyar’ika,” Fi commented off-handedly as he watched Paige usher the models away, looking like a little yellow storm cloud of annoyance as she tried to wrangle ‘the girls.’ He heard a comment from her that sounded vaguely like ‘It’s like herding cats!’ before she tossed Sequin into the air. With a squeak, the little creature latched onto the nearest model’s fancy hair, and started chattering furiously at Paige, who chattered furiously right back as the rest of the models immediately froze and the unfortunate woman who’s hair Sequin had landed in tried very hard not to freak out. “This place must be loads of fun,” he commented with a bright smile, a mischievous glint creeping into his eyes.

He turned and dutifully allowed Kyrie to lead him away from the havoc Paige was causing and towards a hallway to a door that looked like it was made of paper mache. He leaned forward and pawed at the paper curiously, before the door was unceremoniously swung open and he was pulled inside behind Paige. His curiosity forgotten, fi wandered around the room until he stopped at the closet. “Are you wearing these for the show? How long 'til you're needed?” he asked, fingering the silken dresses that looked like something no average person would wear for a night out. These were thousand dollar dresses, the highest end in fashion, and Fi hesitated to even look at them. He knew Kyrie would look amazing in them, but the idea of him accidentally getting some kind of smudge or something on one of them filled him with dread.

He quickly yanked his hand back and studiously folded them behind his back, keeping his fingers locked tight together. This room was so clean and pretty, he didn’t want to mess something up by accidentally knocking something over or tripping. “I actually had hoped to beat my letter, but, well…You know public transport. It’s a nightmare. And I had to wear my armor so I wouldn’t fall over or anything. But my balance is almost as good as a normal person’s now, cyar’ika. And I don’t shake as much when I use utensils. I can even use knives now. And I can remember things a whole lot better; Prudii wouldn’t let me go until he was sure I could remember my flights and times and everything. He said it’d be easier to just take one of our own ships but-but I wanted to come on my own and I’m tired of everyone doing everything for me.” He smiled faintly, looking a little sheepish.

“Are you proud of me for making it so far, cyar’ika?” he asked hopefully, sounding like a child seeking the approval of a parent. He ducked his head away quickly, and stared at his boots, waiting for Kyrie’s praise or denial.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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