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[Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/18/2011 9:31 PM

Just don't flood me with people, you guys. Anyone is free to come in, but I can only keep up with so many people at once.


Talbot sighed. Finally, some peace and quite. He had been busy all day, both sides of him. Niobe had visited earlier, so violent Talbot had had a job for the day while passive Talbot fought to regain control. Now he was guilt-stricken and exhausted, not to mention unable to look himself in the mirror. Not now, at least.

The Destrie Kuhna padded along the path rimming the temple's outer gardens. Here was calm. Here was what he needed after a day like today. He contemplated staying for a while, a week maybe, to stay away from the prying eyes of others and hopefully out of reach of Niobe. Though there was nothing he loved more than that female, he was beginning to think that he couldn't regret his own existence just for her. Maybe next time, he would try to say no. Maybe...

The Kuhna's gaze drifted over the trees and back up to the temple building itself. This was a beautiful place, really. He was surprised he had never come here before. Indeed, the complex seemed rather deserted, save the monks who lived and worked in the temple. He wondered if there was anyone else around. Even though he would have hated the company, he mused, he would like a warning before someone just sprang on him.

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Mousen » 12/18/2011 10:44 PM

It had been almost a year and a half since James Raynsford had died, and to tell you the truth he didn't really feel much different, despite the rather shady deal he'd made with that Barghest. He still appeared the same, he'd always been much taller than that cousin of his, Dorian who was really rather... petite. There was a slight lankiness to his frame, though it was quite clear that James had not been a person unused to work. He'd been a smuggler after all, heaving heavy crates of whatever they could get their hands on had been no easy task. His hair was a light straw-like colour, almost verging on strawberry blonde, though it was hardly red enough for that. It was funny, he and Dorian were complete opposites in a way, despite the relation. He was short with dark hair and olive skin while James was far paler, despite being rather tanned through years of working in places like Sa'fir though they both had the same brown eyes.

Ghosts didn't feel the heat or the cold, or atleast, James didn't tend to. He was wearing the same white shirt and long-dark coloured jacket as the day he died. There was no particular reason why he'd come to the temple. Infact, he really wasn't sure why he was here at all. He'd never really thought about the place when he'd been alive, and he certainly hadn't changed his view of the place now he was dead!

Still, he was more apt to wandering these days. There wasn't really much for the dead to do around Evelon, except perhaps... rotting. James looked around the temple with vague interest, though it was only when he came across the site of a rather pensive-looking man did his curiosity really peak.

Trying to look as opaque as he could. (Which wasn't very, but you had to give him credit for trying.) He made his way over, a smile on his face. "Penny for your thoughts, sir?"
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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/18/2011 10:57 PM

The gardens were old, but they were still filled with life.

Many people overlooked that when they visited the temple, the woman reflected. The bright, colorful flowers were a stark contrast to the cool air around them. These were Winter Lilies, which bloomed in some of the most adverse conditions Evelon had to offer. The woman who tended the garden was their keeper, and the keeper of all the plants that littered the grounds. She smiled primly as she kneeled down to water the white and blue flowers that sat along the edges of the old stone garden. She was clad in a robe similar to the monks, swathed in ancient, expensive looking fabric that wrapped around her body like a comfortable blanket.

The only difference between herself and the monks was the cloth that ran over her head, covering her bright, pale orange hair from view.  She wore a multitude of golden bangles around her neck and arms that jingled when she moved, and her skin was a dark, bronzed tan. Her eyes were a deep, teal green, meshing wonderfully with the orange hair beneath her veil. A piercing stud was on one side of her nose, and a small, red dot was centered right between her eyes. The robe she wore was a deep burgundy and gold, with golden embossing along the sleeves and the hemline. She was as much a stark contrast to her surroundings as the flowers in the garden she kept.

At the sound of footsteps approaching, she glanced up near the wall of the garden, and saw a Kuhna padding along morosely, a faint look of contemplation on his face. And following, just behind, was…a ghost? The woman had spent her life in this temple, and she’d never seen a ghost herself. But she knew many lost souls frequented this holy place, whether in the world of the living or the afterlife. Who was she to begrudge him? Smiling faintly to herself, the woman picked one of the lilies and held it between her slim fingers as she slowly glided around the garden towards the Kuhna and the ghost. As she reached them, she stopped, and proffered the lily to the Kuhna.

“Greetings, traveler. From the look on your face, I would say you were in need of some cheer. Please, accept this flower. They are known as Winter Lilies, and are very, very rare.” Her smile was faint as she glanced up at the ghost, and then bowed deeply. “I am called Destrei. I welcome you both to the temple. Pray tell, what is it you are searching for, spirit?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/19/2011 1:51 PM

Talbot had seen no one for a while, so he assumed he was alone. His wandering was bringing his spirits back, though he still wasn't pleased with himself for his actions earlier that day. He had finally almost relaxed, though, but a voice behind him startled him.

The Kuhna turned around with half a mind to just glare at the stranger, but that thought vanished when he realized he was seeing through the man. The Kuhna let out a cry of surprise, stumbling back and tripping over his own feet, resulting in him falling to land on his side and looking awkward and distressed. The fur along his spine raised up, his tails fluffed in agitation.

No sooner had he been able to react to the appearance of the ghost did a woman approach him from the other side. If not for the fact that he was laying down, he would have backed up a step or two. Now, he could only roll on the ground. He resorted to rolling to his back, legs pulled close to his body, smiling sheepishly at the woman while still glancing back at the ghost in case it tried to do anything.

The name he caught for the woman interested him. That had to be coincidence, right? It couldn't be anything but, what his her name being Destrei and he, well, being a Destrei. "H-Hello..," he managed to stammer, gingerly reaching forward for the flower.

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Mousen » 12/19/2011 3:19 PM

James started to laugh as the man yelped, but he quickly turned it into a slight cough. He really hadn't expected the kuhna to be quite that surprised by his sudden appearance, but then again he came from a place where ghosts and spirits were generally accepted with no more than a curious glance. Next time, he might want to be a little bit more sensitive. After all, someone coming up behind you was a surprise enough without that person being a spirit!

The woman on the other hand, with her striking appearance appeared to be someone who tended the gardens? At least that was his first impression, James really wasn't well versed in the ways of the Nu'san temple. He inclined his head towards her, offering a slight smile. "Hell if I know." He replied, shrugging his shoulders a little bit. Well, dead or not, he'd still been brought up as a smuggler. As a general rule, they weren't the politest of folk.

"Sorry for giving you a fright, I can't really help this whole 'being dead' thing." He added after a moment, sounding faintly apologetic. "I'm James Raynsford, by the way, call me James, I guess. I'd offer to help you up, but I can't really help this whole 'not solid' thing either."
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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/28/2011 9:00 PM

“Oh dear,” the priestess murmured, kneeling down beside the Kuhna who had taken a rather amusing, rather alarming tumble upon catching sight of the spirit. Around places like temples, things like spirits, ghosts, or wayward souls weren’t necessarily an uncommon sight. Destrei hadn’t been bothered or startled by the spirit; curious, yes, but not surprised. She allowed the Kuhna to take the flower from her hand, and smiled faintly as she reached out the other to help bring him back to his feet and steady him.

“I’m assuming, from your reaction, that you aren’t used to seeing…spirits. They are a common sight around here.” She glanced up at James, amusement flashing through her green eyes. “I don’t think you would be here unless you had some kind of unfinished business hanging about. But if you don’t know, then there’s no reason to ask.” She turned back to the Kuhna, and folded her arms over her knees. “And you?” she asked quietly. “What is it you are here for?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/29/2011 1:43 AM

Talbot took the flower, and, with a grunt, refused Destrei's offer and hauled himself up to a sitting position in one action. As the other two conversed, he buried his muzzle in the blossom. The thing itself was beautiful, the scent wonderfully inviting. It was a kind gift for one to give such a stranger like himself, especially a stranger who had so much wrong with him.

He had half expected to overhear the two laughing at his reaction, but neither seemed to have such intent. Though the ghost was brash, it seemed friendly enough. For a ghost anyway. And the woman, too, kind and caring to both he and the spirit despite the curt response of the specter and his own near silence. She seemed to understand his reaction, even if she had no such idea herself. She really seemed to understand them both, so some extent, but that could have just been all the time at the temple speaking. Then again, that, too, would be understanding in itself.

Then she addressed him. The Kuhna raised his head slightly, nose drawing reluctantly away from the scent of the bloom. "Peace," he muttered, blinking down at the paw that held the flower, toes weaving around the stem. "Peace and quiet... And a bit of something normal."

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Mousen » 12/29/2011 4:11 PM

James shrugged at Destrei's words. "Oh, well, y'know this and that. I think I left the tap running before I copped it, s'probably something to do with that. And I did never get around to getting some flea spray for the mimebones, never did like them... Creepy creatures they are." He'd always found that two mimebones who followed his cousin around were odd creatures. With their blank eyes and hollow-looking skulls, well they were just plain unnerving.

The way the kuhna spoke reminded him of one of his old friends. All they spoke about was finding enough money to finally give it all to go and live in peace somewhere. Somewhere normal with a few good books. "Normal. Good plan, 'normal', never really worked out for me. Mind you, I don't thunk it's going so well for yourself, sir." His accent was harsh, though not overly so. James had always been the down to earth type even in death, there was little elegance in the way he spoke.
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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/30/2011 3:22 AM

Destrei hid a smile behind her hand, her green eyes glinting with amusement. “Well, if peace is what you seek, then you have come to the right place. But I am afraid that if you’re looking for normality, you’re a bit off the mark.” She glanced up at James pointedly, and tilted her head. “He is not the first, not the last spirit you may see around here.” She rose to her feet gracefully, robes billowing around her legs. “There is a hall here where visitors can eat and relax, if you would like to visit it. Or perhaps you would be interested in my garden?” She didn’t miss the way he had smelled the flower, or his interest in the bloom. “We have many lovely varieties of flowers growing here in the winter.” She turned her gaze up to the ghost behind him, and her smile was a little more amused than before. “You are also welcome to stay. Perhaps you will find your reason for being here and it will help you to find peace as well.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Azura Rayume » 01/07/2012 12:10 AM

Talbot could tell that this ghost wasn't the kind of person to be subtle when he wanted to say something. He was blunt, and the Kuhna wasn't sure he liked that. Sure, he knew he wasn't having the best time at finding peace and quiet, but he didn't need to be reminded of that in such a manner. Time would tell, but had a feeling that he wouldn't end up liking this ghost unless his attitude changed quite soon.

He shifted his attentions from the specter to the woman. He certainly liked her better than the ghost. For starters, she wasn't see-through. And she wasn't sarcastic to him. She was kind and wonderfully attentive, just the kind of person who might be able to help him.

"The garden sounds lovely," he muttered. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to be embarrassed or excited, but he certainly would like to see anything she was willing to show him. He just wasn't used to making his own decisions when it came to where to go. Niobe typically just sent him somewhere, and he was expected to listen and go.

This afternoon was going to be different.

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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby Mousen » 01/08/2012 8:06 PM

Well, it seemed like he'd already managed to offend one of the two. Inwardly, James sighed. It wasn't as if he went around trying to offend people... they just all seemed to be rather sensitive. Or at least, simply weren't fond of him. Well, it wasn't as if he'd ever prided himself on his manners, smugglers weren't exactly supposed to be the... politest of people. "Oh, aye, I hope so. Well... I think it has something to do with a barghest... Big horrible, ghost-dog type thing with teeth and red eyes, y'know the drill. Looks like something from The Hound of the Baskervilles, except with a sense of humour. Anyway, I just hope I haven't accidentally sold my soul to the thing, or something." James decided there was no time to go into the schematics of his extended stay on Evelon, mostly because he wasn't sure of them himself.

"I'll tag along, I suppose. Unless anyone's against it, I'm sure I can find someone to irritate." He shrugged his shoulders a little, and grinned awkwardly. For whatever reason, he was beginning to feel more and more out of place.

((Sorry for the late reply, I didn't see this until now. x3;; ))
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Re: [Hunt] Normality [OPEN]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 01/22/2012 9:51 PM

A quiet breeze whistled through the garden, bathing both dead and alive alike. Some said Evelon had been wracked with certain chills recently that had brought mystical objects or strange happenings into light.
The monks weren't accustomed to the strange breezes that had come through the usually tropical and warm temple. As soon as they had come out to investigate they laid eyes on the specter and accepted that as being the cause of the chill. Most were only looking to discover one of the unique objects on the lands that was usually unearthed with an accompanying breeze, but unfortunately it seemed like this breeze was simply just a cool breeze.

((Sorry, but you were unsuccessful this time around. Keep trying though!))
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