Post your Scavenger Hunt topics here! ONE (1) TOPIC PER PERSON! Put your answers in your topic and DON'T look in other people's topics! No cheating will be tolerated.

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Sapph's Scavenger List

Postby Sappheara » 02/18/2012 10:18 PM

1. Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)

2. Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)

Wanted Dead Or Alive. It's not best but it's more detail then my older RPs.

3. What are you playin’? Play a computer game or a console game, then take a snapshot or a photo. The quality of the photo doesn't matter, as long as I can discern that it's a game. Use url tags. (10 KS) @

Battlefield 3

4. Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS) @

~* Medal Of Honor (X-Box 360)
~* Call Of Duty: Black Ops (X-Box 360)
~* Battlefield 3 (X-Box 360)
~* Red Dead Redemption (X-Box 360)
~* Deus Ex: Human Revolution (X-Box 360)
~* Left 4 Dead 2 (X-Box 360)

5. But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS) @

~* Resident Evil 6 (X-Box 360)
~* Silent Hill: Downpour (X-Box 360)
~* Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (X-Box 360)
~* Devil May Cry 4 (X-Box 360)
~* Tomb Raider (X-Box 360)

7. Jump in the IRC! Make sure to use your username. Say hello, make some new friends, and don’t forget to take a screenshot! Use url tags. (10 KS)

Does this count. XD

8. Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)

Chimerantula and Praymantis

9. Kuhna-Nip! Create a fake Evelon product! Give it a name, a one line slogan, and a small advertisement description. Written only. (10 KS)

Scale-A-Way Shampoo
Have flaky scales? Have scales coming off your scaly body for no reason? Have no fear, we have a product for you! It's Scale-A-Way, use it every time you take a shower for a week. You will have no worries about losing your scales anymore. Warning: Sappheara is not responsible if product doesn't work or if something happens.

10. Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character. (25 KS)

Darkness has come
And washed over her
Will she see light again?

(I totally suck at haikus.)

11. Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)

Jesper Slade

12. Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)

~* Aries
~* Albie
~* Gyrophant
~* Penticorn
~* Tuskow

13. Fyoooshun! Find images of real animals online. Photo manipulate and splice the images together to create an existing Evelon pet. Use url tags. (25KS)


14. What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS) Ex: Image


These colors remind me of myself because I believe I'm calm, cool and collective. Not anything else to say about it.

15. Like #14, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)


16. Mwahahahah! Your character now rules the entire world. What will your character do next? What would he/she do with this new seat of power? Write about it or roleplay it. Post the image of your pet. Must be at least 5 sentences. Use img tags. (30 KS)

Abooksigun walked through the long mable hallway, his borther, Baekheo walked on his right side. "What should we do next? You are now the ruler of the world" Baekheo picked up his paste as he tried to catch up with his older brother. "Abooksigun, will slow down? We need to figure out what you need to do." Baekheo spoke worried. Apparently his older brother was lost in thought. Baekheo grab his brother left and stopped him in the middle of the hallway. Abooksigun finally spoke in a soft deadly voice. "We shall destory everything Linch as done and rebuild our village." Abooksigun shook his brother's grab loose and continued down the hallway.

17. Create a colored image of one of your pets in MS Paint (or the Mac version of it). It doesn’t have to look good, lawl. Use url tags. (30 KS)

(It's horriable X_X)

18. What are you eating? Take a photo of some food that you’ve munched on. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Chicken & Rice

19. Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)

Desert Nagi

20. Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)


27. Your head’s in the clouds! Take a photo of a cloud(s) that is shaped like or resembles an Evelon pet. Provide the species name. Use url tags. (30 KS)


28. Unusual medium! Sketch an Evelon pet on something in real life, other than on paper. Be creative! No digital art, no paper. Take a photo of it. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Langerine on a dry eraser board.

30. Connect the dots in order in this image and guess the pet. Post the image using url tags. (30 KS)


33. Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)


35. Don’t be camera shy! Draw, paint, or draw a mustache on tape and take a picture of yourself with the mustache on. (50 KS)

Does this count? XD

36. Lovely Lucain. Design five new markings for the Lucain species, using this template. Markings may be minimarks. Briefly describe each marking in 1 to 2 sentences. Use url tags. (50 KS) %

Candy Cane (Main Marking) - Living in the coldest mountain areas of Evelon. Travailing in a pack of 2-4 Lucain, they are a calm breed.

Red Panda (Main Marking) - A solitary creature, these lucain inhabit the forest of Tengal. There main diet is bamboo leaves as well as berries, blossoms, bird eggs, and various of smaller animals.

Swrils (Main Marking) - This breed are highly aggressive, they spend some of their time proctoring their homes. The only time you see these lucain living with other, is when they are mated.

Guardian (Main Marking) - These guys live in a large pack, usually consisting of blood family members. They guardian their pack with aggression, not letting strangers get to close to their young and the willing to die to protect their pack.

Hunter (Main Marking) - These lucain only travel in twos, they usual are lifemates. They get their name by hunting 12 hours of the day. Usually a clam bred, the males will be aggressive towards other males when it come to protecting their females.

39. Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)


41. Rorschach time! Take a sheet of blank white piece of paper, fold it in half. Reopen it. Take some black paint and pour some into the crease of the paper, then close the paper. Press it together with a book. Take a photo of this, or scan it in once dry. Use url tags. (75 KS)

My rorschach.

44. Find those reptiles! Complete this crossword puzzle by finding all of the species from the Scales ‘N Tails pages. Use url tags. (75 KS)

Reptiles Corssword Puzzle

45. Be friends~ Write a nice, friendly PM to one of your fellow Evelonians (do not PM Baalsbaby. That’s too easy. X’D). Tell them why you appreciate their work, their personality, or even just them as a whole! Screenshot the resultant message from either your Outbox or the Sent Messages tab. Post it here, using url tags. (75 KS)

Friendly message

49. Oh gods, math. Color in this image correctly, using the table provided. Solve the math problems to find which color to use. Here is a clean version of the image, if you wish to color on this instead. All colors must be correct (does not require shading). Submit your image here, use url tags. (100 KS)

Fully Colored

51. Cross the dimensions. Take a photo or use an old one. Digitally draw an Evelon pet into it. Make it look as real as possible, as if the pet were actually there! Image must be colored, photo must be your own (or may include you in it). Use url tags. (200 KS)

Angst Ball in Tahoe

53. Evelon food fun! Create an edible depiction of an Evelon pet in real life. Cook it, bake it, make an arrangement of cheese cubes. Use your imagination! Take photos, use url tags. (200 KS)

Angst Ball make out of bread.
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Joined: 01/01/2010 1:00 AM
Location: In limbo waiting for judgement.
Status: Always busy with some free time here and there.

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