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Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mature}

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 4:38 AM

"...and that is how the war was ended."

After a lesson that was entirely too long, Alice finally looked up hopefully. Was her mother done for the day? Would Alice finally be able to leave these boring lessons and go play outside, as she had been longing for ever since she had awoken that morning and seen that spring had arrived?

But no...that was too much to long for. Looking at her daughter, Alice's mother frowned. "Alice, darling, were you even listening to me? Don't tell me I'm going to have to read that all over again."


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 4:39 AM

Alice simply grinned, entirely unapologetic. "Don't worry, mother...I'll read all about it later. You know that I can't listen to any one thing for long. But I can remember it if I read it for myself, you know that I will. But are we done for today? It's finally warm enough to play outside, and I've been waiting to go play all day! I want to see if the creek has finally thawed, and if there are any new baby animals around. There usually are, this time of the year, you kn-"

Abruptly, Alice's mother cut her off with an angry look. "Young lady, you need to learn to respect your elders, especially by listening to them. You seem to have no problem with talking, though...if you keep rambling on like that, you're sure to bore everyone you meet. How will you ever get a man that way?"

Alice looked down, embarrassed and hurt by her mother's harshly spoken words. Sighing, her mother stood. "Go outside, if you wish. You're not going to learn anything more today. But we will have a quiz on the war tomorrow. And if you do not get every answer correct, you will be grounded and forced to stay indoors for one week. Do you hear me, young lady?"


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 4:45 AM

Nodding solemnly, Alice seemed quite close to tears. The happy, excited spark that had been in her eyes now faded, leaving them dull and empty. Twelve years of having everything that brought her happiness squashed by her mother had left Alice feeling almost as if life itself was meaningless. There were many joys in the world, and yet Alice's mother never allowed her to experience them.

A girl of only twelve should have been able to run and play during the summer months, instead of being cooped up inside all day. She should have had breaks from the long, torturous lessons she was forced to endure. And yet Alice never received a break. All of the reprimands that she received from her mother and older sister were beginning to wear down on Alice's very soul. What purpose was there to life, if she wasn't really living, she wondered.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 4:54 AM

As she walked outside, Alice's feet dragged, and her gaze remained on the cobblestone path on which she walked instead of looking about at this and that as she would usually do. Eventually, though, the sound of birds chirping and the sweet smell of various flowers from the surrounding garden began to cheer her. She slowly began to look up, and then started skipping instead of simply plodding along.

The sun felt just right on her exposed arms - it was warm, yet not uncomfortably so. And a slight breeze ruffled her hair, which she had let down from the braids which she was usually forced to wear. She squinted up into the sky, examining the clouds and the sun until it burned her eyes too much to continue looking up at them.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 4:57 AM

As she reached her favorite tree, an oak, she thought it might be, she sat, leaning against it and resting in its shade. All of her lessons had left her bored and slightly tired. A yawn escaped her lips, and her eyelids suddenly felt heavy. Perhaps she was more tired than she had first thought...

She didn't feel like walking inside to take a nap, though. Besides, she could surely stay awake until the effects of the lesson wore off, right? It wouldn't hurt to stay up just a bit longer. In fact, she could close her eyes and rest them for a while. She wouldn't fall asleep. There was too much around her to keep her awake. Smells, sounds, even tastes that drifted in on the wind.

She wouldn't fall asleep...


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 5:30 PM

Business hadn't been going so well for the white rabbit who was hopping along. It seemed that the girls in this area were all taught that they shouldn't speak to strangers. But more than that, they were taught that they shouldn't speak at all. 'Girls should be seen, and not heard,' one little girl had told Harvey. 'So I'm sorry, but I can't talk to you.'

How was Harvey going to bring any girls back to Mirlando with him like that?


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 6:09 PM

The area around him was all perfectly manicured gardens, and Harvey wondered what type of people lived around here. Obviously extremely rich people. Were he a lessor man (which he wasn't, of course) he would have considered robbing them. Business was going badly, and he could use the extra money. But Harvey wasn't that type of man, or rabbit, no matter what anybody said.

He prided himself in making a living in a much better way than being a common thief, or a pick-pocket. He would never resort to that, and never stoop to that level. Never.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 6:38 PM

The business that Harvey did deal in was just as illegal as robbery, though. Prostitution. Not only that, but he would kidnap young girls. He'd meet them, and entice them to follow him into Mirlando. Once there, they would be unable to escape; only a native to Mirlando could open the portal into the other worlds. They were trapped there...forever.

In Mirlando, Harvey would treat the girls as his personal slaves for a few years. As his slaves, their spirits would be broken, and they would learn how to obey and serve without question. Once they were ready, he would sell the uglier ones out as slaves, and the physically appealing ones as prostitutes.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 7:55 PM

Harvey himself never paid for prostitutes. He wouldn't indulge in them even if they were his own, and he could take them freely. He preferred having a pretty lady draped on his arm as a girlfriend. He'd buy them gifts, and show them spectacular nights of passion and more pleasure than they had felt their entire life. Then, when he found someone prettier or became bored with them, he would leave them.

Marriage was something that Harvey didn't believe in. Tying himself down? That was something that he would never do. And while he had dozens of kids roaming about, he was no part of their lives. Unless, that is, they showed a talent for his business. Whether they were good at the luring of the girls, the collection of payment, the training, or the presentation of them to customers - Harvey would welcome them into the business with open arms. They were the ones that Harvey truly considered his sons (or daughter, in the single case of Amoria). All of his other children were simply 'accidents' to him.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 8:04 PM

Suddenly, Harvey paused in his hopping. A girl was lying underneath a tree, sleeping soundly. She was pretty, with long, curly blonde hair. Although she was young now, a child just beginning to blossom into a young woman, she showed a great amount of promise.

Flawless, creamy skin that appeared soft to the touch would prove incredibly tempting to many a man. Her figure, although unfinished, was already showing signs of filling out. Small, perky breasts stretched out the top of her dress ever so slightly. She had a youthful innocence about her, and that was something that his customers would surely appreciate.

Harvey had to have her.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 8:33 PM

An odd tickling sensation was torturing Alice's nose. Twitching her nose didn't seem to help, and every time she raised her hand to brush whatever it was away, she found nothing but air. Finally, she opened her eyes and sat up, looking around. For a moment, she saw nothing. She looked to the left and the right, but still...nothing. "What...what is going on?"

A sudden rustling in the tall grass behind her caused her to leap to her feet. "Oh, I wonder what it could be?" Unaware of the fact that she was purposely being led out of view of the house and anyone who may be looking out one of it's windows, Alice followed the rustling, trying to see what was causing it.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/25/2012 11:11 PM

Things were going splendidly. The girl was following the trail that Harvey was leading her down, away from the house and totally out of sight. He grinned, knowing that once she caught sight of him, she would end up doing anything she asked. Most people had never seen a rabbit in a full suit, complete with top hat and pocket watch. The people who had seen that, were usually either drunk or high off their ass.

This girl would be putty in his hand. Soon, they were completely out of sight. Still, Harvey kept leading her further. He wanted to build her intrigue just a little bit more...

And then, he finally revealed himself to her.


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 03/27/2012 5:30 PM

How far was Alice going to wander before she finally realized the potential danger she may be in? Obviously quite far; she was already far further than she usually ventured. The intrigue of finding whatever this thing was after a long time of searching was one that was by now too interesting to pass up. However, she did have her reservations, and this was going too far...

Just when she was about to give up and turn back, a white rabbit popped out of the undergrowth. "Oh!" There was nothing entirely too strange about the rabbit itself. Fluffy white fur, brown eyes, maybe a bit larger than the other rabbits she had seen. However, this rabbit was far different.

Donning a suit and glancing at his pocket-watch was something Alice had never seen a rabbit do before...until today. "Hullo, Mr. Rabbit," Alice said as if this were an everyday occurrence. "Would you please tell me why you were tickling my nose?"


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 04/11/2012 2:22 AM

The girl was obviously an idiot. What type of person would actually not wonder about a rabbit dressed up so? And who would try speaking to a rabbit, as if they could talk back? Of course, Harvey could talk back, and intended to - but the girl really shouldn't have expected it. Was she daft? Perhaps Harvey should find another...but no, she appeared to be fine. Perhaps she thought it was a dream, or some such nonsense. Or maybe she was just...a bit more of an oddity than the other girls that Harvey had encountered. Either way, at least she wasn't freaking out and running. Harvey hated it when they did that.

"Actually, the name is Mr. Lapin. Mr. Harvey Lapin, to be precise. But I don't mind if you call me Harvey, no, not one bit. All of my friends do it, and you are precisely the sort of girl that I would like to make my friend!" His little black nose, which many of the girls found adorable, wiggled enchantingly as he spoke. "You would like to be my friend, wouldn't you?"


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Re: Alice in Mirlando {Part 1} Meeting the Rabbit {Self; Mat

Postby Kitsumi » 04/15/2012 3:27 AM

Despite her asking the rabbit a question, Alice had only half expected him to actually reply. So when he did, she gave a small shout of surprise. "Oh, my! A talking rabbit! I do believe that you are a rather remarkable oddity," she said. "Who is it that taught you to speak, Mr. Rabbit."

Then, realizing what it had said, she said, "Oh, excuse me. I mean Harvey, of course." The rabbit actually wanted to be her friend! "I've never met a talking rabbit before," she confessed. "So I've never really thought about whether or not I would like to be friends with one. Would it offend you terribly if I had to think about it for a moment or two? Oh, please say that it doesn't bother you, Mr-I mean, Harvey. I don't mean it as a slight against you, of course. I'm simply not sure whether or not I would want to be friends with a talking rabbit."


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