Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/15/2012 7:27 AM

(Mind that this roleplay takes part in a sort of parallel realm, and that the original was written in 2007.
The character is female, despite the male animal form.)

The day slowly transformed into a rather bleak reflection of itself as the minutes ticked by on the clock and all the beings of the city droned along with their pitiful lives. Soon the sun began to set, the orange sphere poking out from just behind the distant towers and all else that found its way into the background. The pale blue sky was washed over with several shades of pink, purple and orange. However, regardless of how pretty it was and it being a normally calming setting, the sky was also a bit darker than usual on this day. The air was growing cooler and the wind felt like tiny slivers of ice against one young woman's bare arms.

A shiver crawled up her spine, causing her whole frame to shake slightly from her position sitting against the rough bark of a tree trunk. The cold breeze rushed along, sending her bright hair to dance and tangle in the wind despite the pointed hat which adorned the top of her head. As if to make matters worse, it caused the frills of her obnoxiously bright purple dress to ruffle. Some of the orange and pink ribbons that were used for decoration on her outfit also became untidy. Her slender hands, covered in delicate, black netted gloves, rested just below her knees, for she hand pulled her pink and white stocking covered legs up to her chest. Her chin was resting against her knees. Black eyes seemed dull and lifeless as she stared out at the empty scene before her.

It wasn't all that exciting at the city park today. Most people must have seen it fit to stay indoors on a day that seemed to be the sign of later rain and gloom for the following days. Quite a tragic thing really, since she'd been hoping for some sort of fun on her day off. Usually the park held a concert or something interesting on these nights, weekly, but not this time. The only people around were either couples smitten with each other's presence, one she dared not to intrude upon, or others that seemed rather sad for one reason or another. That, as well, was a thing she didn't want to bother with. The fact was, however, she probably looked just as depressed as they did, for she was a good bit disappointed and was growing notably bored with the outcome of things.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/16/2012 12:29 AM

(Character was not originally roleplayed by myself, but he has been modified, as has the written roleplay.)

Though it was slowly but surely growing darker and darker as the time passed, something remained pretty bright in the growing gloom of the park. Bright white, it was, and dancing around without a care in the world, spinning round and round in unusually graceful circles.

After a short while, it was clear that this figure was in fact a young man with noticeable rabbit ears, all off him hot pink or brilliant white which stood out against the dark grass like a sore thumb. This young man was wearing a long white robe, it akin to something that a samurai may have worn, that billowed out behind him as he went about showing off what he wore underneath, which was nothing more than a pair of white pants. With his chest shirtless, this went to show off the three bright pink stripes going down his chest, the last going beneath the pant's line. Despite his attire, he did not appear to mind the cold of the evening.

Hot pink eyes scanned the park when he finally stopped his turns. There were so many people willing to do so much for what they wanted, all around him. His nose did, however, crinkle slightly when he noticed the amount of love in the air, which was not so good on his part.

He ran a hand through his somewhat short, bright pink and spiked hair before something caught his interest in the distance. There was someone here who was not quite right, to put it in the most simple of terms. He could just feel it, and he just had to find them. Without a moment to waste, he headed off towards the trees. Surely, the interesting thing was in that direction.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/17/2012 1:26 AM

The woman still didn't move an inch as the seconds seemed to last for hours. Her stare never diverted from their path straight ahead, into the area that seemed so much like a tamed forest. It was a sad thing, being all on her own. She was very, very far from her usual demeanor - bright, unbelievably cheery, and constantly radiating with a pleasant feel that lifted the spirits of all those around her. Only, today her radiation didn't wander, it stayed right in her own little area and was of no help to no one, not even herself.

Her plans were ruined, so what was she supposed to do with all her free time? She was left to think about this, only to find no conclusion. She had no school, no work, and her roommate was taking part in college night classes. She wasn't her normal self, obviously, and it was a very odd sight, indeed. It normally took a lot to bring down her mood, but she just so happened to have some reoccuring issues recently. Now, after days of little issues, she felt a little too far over the edge.

She sighed, finally breaking her statue-esque look and showing some slight sign of vital life. Her overly fluffy, bright orange tail twitched slightly, just a reaction to a distant crashing sound created by two tree branches colliding. But as soon as a calm settled over the area again, she went back to her motionless position. Just what to do? She was unable to decide.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/17/2012 1:46 AM

Soon, the man stopped within a few yards of the equally bright appearing woman and looked down at her. Yeah, there they were, the one he could feel the presence of, there was no doubt in his mind about it being her. He liked people to be different, he liked to have a bit of change in the people he spoke to, if he could. Certainly, he didn't want to hear the same stories over and over again until his brain wanted to melt and run right out of his ears.

Then, slowly, he moved toward her, more like an animal stalking its prey than anything else. Though, his intent was not to actually harm this peculiar person. His curiosity had been sparked and, now, he wanted to satisfy it before doing anything else. He just had to speak with her. If he could learn what made her different, that was even better.

"Now why does such a lovely young lady look so sad?" He asked coolly. Naturally, his voice was calm and confident. "And choose to sit out here all on her own when there is so much that can be done with the time that she has?"

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/17/2012 2:01 AM

Once the other being became present, it was like she suddenly became all too aware. Her head lifted up and her hands moved to sit in her lap, fingers interlaced. It was a more reformed position. Her dark eyes changed slightly, showing more life than before as she looked up at the man before her. With a quick assessment, she decided that he was unquestionably different and perhaps worth the time of conversation. She always enjoyed being around people that were different than the usual ones that surrounded her in every day life. It had always been that way, really, especially if her roomate was used as any sort of proof. A man that she practically picked up off the streets because he had a curse? Yeah, it fit the bill, all right.

"Its not quite any of your business, sir, but I find that I lack anything to do with time at the moment." She replied. Her voice was clam, but a little uplifted, as her words sort of challenged him to keep on talking. At least now she wasn't left to wallow in her own depressing thoughts. Yet, she felt she should also be weary and she couldn't shake it. With differences usually came secrets. "There just so happens to be too much time at the moment and nothing of interest to fill it with."

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/18/2012 12:06 PM

"To be perfectly honest, never in my life have I been totally bored so long as there are other living, breathing people within the same area as myself," he countered, though he just shrugged at the thought and leaned against the closest tree he could find. Idly, he crossed his arms. "Therefore, quite impossible in the middle of such a big city. It would take a lot more to wipe this place out." The way he said it, though it wasn't all that clear, was almost as if there was already something shrinking the size of the city's population.

His eyes stayed locked onto her as he tried to get a feel for her personality and, far more importantly, for him to discover what was off about her. There was only so much he could tell about a person at a mere glance, even if he knew that she was special.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/18/2012 12:11 PM

The young woman huffed gently in return to his words. Her eyes locked on his in return, not planning to break their gaze and back down, showing any sign of weakness. Just with him being around, she felt tense, though she couldn't say why. "Entertained so long as there is a living thing, huh? Well, many people of the city are as good as dead as they are living. Too many of the city dwellers drone on with their lives like empty little shells, not really living. However, everyone deserves a chance to live, even if they waste it..."

Then, she took to standing up, dusting off her dress and straightening out what the wind had messed up. Her eyes returned to his again once she was finished. "By any chance, am I supposed to be your current entertainment?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. "What exactly is it that you like in any and all living, breathing beings?" The way she questioned him wasn't just out of curiosity, that was clear, but also a suspicion, like she was trying to get at something that she knew wasn't quite right.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 12:56 AM

"Oh, I already knew what other people would tell me." As he said this, he turned and looked around the rest of the park. Not all too far away there was a lone figure sitting on a bench, their eyes clearly on the ground before him. The young man pointed to them. "He, for example, recently lost someone dear to him. Not by death, though, just a loss in a relationship."

He then looked back at her, a slight smile on his face. "Not like it really well and truly matters, but I came and spoke to you just because you are not quite normal in the typical sense are you?"

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:00 AM

Her eyes followed to where the man pointed, all while she listened to his short explanation. It didn't make any sense how he would know that sort of information, but she guessed it was because one of those secrets of his that she suspected. Of course, how many people sat alone in the park looking depressed if they hadn't lost something? Well, her, technically, but that was different.

"Neither are you, clearly." She retorted simply, crossing her arms across her chest. "But, you're fully correct. I'm not normal, I'm not even normal among those who aren't normal."

By now, her tail had perked up and the tip of it flicked idly, showing that she was actually taking some sort of interest in the conversation they were having and that she wasn't quite so bored anymore. "But you have no idea what my story is, so you're even more interested for that reason, correct?"

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:06 AM

"Exactly." He nodded and ended up having to brush back a few stray strands of hair that had managed to fall down into his eyes and bother him. They always did that.

"However," he added as he straightened up in a minor degree. "It is rather rude of me to be wondering and wanting to hear such things from you when you have no idea who I am aside from, 'some guy who is not normal.'" A small laugh escaped him and he extended a hand toward her. "The name is Cerisathe, and that's all there is to it. No second names, no middle name or anything else."

There was a smile on his face, small as it was, as he studied her.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:10 AM

"Of course. It is rather rude to be curious that way, when one's haven't even truly met," she scolded the man softly, flicking her own hair to one side. Though, she took a step forward to shake his offered hand with a slight grin on her face. "Its a pleasure. The name's Magion, and likewise, nothing else."

When their hands were released from one anothers, she took a slight step back, her hand raising to the brim of her witchy hat and tipping it downward slightly - this being another form of her greetings.

"So, might I ask why you don't know what I'll say?" She then spoke up after the brief silence. "I mean, if you want to know anything about me, it's only fair I get to know things about you in return. You read that guy over there pretty easily, but you seem pretty clueless when it comes to me." Of course, she had a pretty damn good idea as to why he was having trouble with her. It was just like he had said: she was in no way normal.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:26 AM

"It's a pleasure, indeed, Magion."

He then stuffed his hands into his pockets, it nothing more than a habit. Looking at his expression, however, one could tell he was hiding the fact that he was concentrating pretty hard on something.

"Well there is this thing..." He said as he removed his hands from his pockets and began to wave his hands around in the air vaguely as he tried to think of the right words. Cerisathe seldom explained himself properly. "It surrounds you and every living thing. Though, to most, it is completely invisible." A small frown appeared on his face as he tried to remember what mortals called it.

"Ah yes!" he said suddenly. "Aura! It's your aura. Never seen one quite like yours before."

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:34 AM

Magion listened intently as he tried to explain, a smile spreading on her face and then laughing softly. One of her hands raised to her mouth in doing so, though, being polite and lady-like. This may not have made sense to him, like perhaps she was laughing at how stupid he sounded or something, but it was for a different reason.

"My aura is different. Of course it is! I am, after all, very different from the souls of many. But I'll thank you for noticing, I suppose." When she spoke her laughing had ceased. Actually, she never had a chance to thank someone for noticing her differences, for when an important group finally figured it out, it usually meant trouble for her.

She then stepped back once again, deciding to allow him to know her precious secret. What was the worse that could happen, aside from him possibly becoming her enemy? If necessary, she knew she could deal with just about anyone or find a means to get away.

Magion held out both of her hands in front of her, palms up toward the sky, like she was getting ready to catch something that was falling. Almost immediately, something seemed to fade into existence like a fog, forming into a solid object and falling right into her waiting hands. She caught the large scythe, which had a staff taller then herself and a curved metal blade that looked so heavy that she would fall right over. However, she twirled the object in her right hand with great ease, it stopping its motion with her having planted the bottom against the ground. Oddly, it even matched her, all adorned with a brightly colorful ribbon tied directly beneath the blade, matching the one tied behind her back.

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:39 AM

With curiosity evident on his face, Cerisathe watched as the woman took an unusual stance and the scythe appeared out of nowhere. He watched the spinning blade, looking quite amused by it and how effortlessly Magion manipulated it. Oh, this was going to be most interesting for him.

"Never met one of your kind before," he said, shaking his head and letting out another small laugh. "And I have met all sorts in my short lifespan so far. So this would be what that strange part was, of your aura, I mean." He nodded his head in understanding, though he didn't fully understand it at the same time. Not having met someone quite like her, there was a lot that he didn't truly know.

"So death would be your thing as well, would it?"

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Re: Just Another Day, Right? [Private] [M/L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/20/2012 1:45 AM

The woman nodded her head slightly, grinning at his reaction.


Yes, her spirit was lifting up. Already, she was feeling so much better than she had been without any company.


Her smile turned quickly into a frown. Her eyes shifted to examine the weapon of death that she weilded, brushing her fingers along the large pink bow that decorated it.

"Death is my thing, but I'd rather not have it be so. I'm supposed to be something along the lines of a soul reaper..." she bit down on her lip, trying to figure out the best way to explain it. "Lets just say that I wasn't meant for my job."

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