A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Eunwon » 06/12/2012 12:49 PM

Though spring was mildly rotating into summer - the rain slowly becoming more scarce and the temperature raising to hotter degrees - Naomi still managed to find herself hunting for eggs yet again. Apparently, their were still a few left, ones that hadn't been found previously. Which was probably why she was sent to seek for them in the Tengel Rainforest, eggs would be easy to miss in such a densely forested area.

She was standing on the edge of the rainforest, where mild plant growth - where she was standing - suddenly turned extreme just a few feet away. The rainforest definitely would be an adventure, but she wished it wouldn't be as dangerous. Poisonous and quick creatures could bite her anytime, or big and hungry ones could look on her as a tasty meal. "Oh, stop it, you big baby!" She said out loud to herself, letting the words reprimand her thoughts. Besides, she was in her 'Cain form, she had more instincts and skill then normally."Your going in, wether you like it or not!"

Just after a few steps, her paws were already dampened by the moist ground. Her fur was getting that a tint of that 'wet-dog' smell as well, just from the humidity and wetness of the air. But it was just the start and she wasn't going to complain.. yet. Because their really was no trail to follow, she had to blaze her own. Naomi mostly just followed the largest shafts of sunlight, which shown through the rare openings of the many trees. After all, it would be easier to search for eggs in the light, right? As she went along she hummed gently to herself, while brushing leaves out of the way and checking in little holes or pockets in the ground or trees to make sure not a single egg would be left behind. This place didn't suit her and she had to admit she wouldn't be happy to come back, something she didn't say often.

ime to close your eyes
over look the darkness
and try to dream tonight

not so long ago
your world was bright
so take a breath and count to ten
and maybe you can dream again


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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Mousen » 06/12/2012 5:01 PM

Jungles had never been his favourite places to travel though. There tended to be a lot of mosquitoes and large, bite-y ants and there always seemed to be something making a noise. Drystan preferred moors, although equally filled with mosquitoes, these tended to be a lot smaller and carry less diseases. Woods were nice too, less humid. Still, he'd ended up here now and he really didn't feel like heading back. Jungles could be nice once in a while, there was only so many valleys you could walk through without getting a bit tired of it all. Once you got used to the humidity, the heat wasn't so bad either.

Drystan was always travelling, it was difficult for him to stay too long in the same place. Everything started to look the same shade of grey, and whatever he'd first seen in the place would vanish completely. Perhaps that was the point? He couldn't very well be the God of Wayfarers and Vegabonds and stay in the same place in a cushy little house somewhere. No, a god like him had to keep going, they had to trail through the mud with socks that were never try and kip under giant leaves after strange beetles had eaten the tent, that was what travelling was about.

The akail was hoping to find somewhere nice and dry. He was hoping to travel through the jungle, skirt around the edges of the slums and then walk on towards Jawan, spend a week or so there and stock up on stuff before heading over to Sa'Fir. And as far as he could tell, he was right on track. Well, he knew he was right on track. He was a god, and if a god was to be a proper god, then they shouldn't get lost. Ever. It was just embarrassing.

It was just then he caught sight of something odd in the undergrowth. Now, he'd seen an awful lot of birds eggs before, and he'd seen things that were bright pink, but never had he thought that the two things would ever end up together. Drystan paused, tilting his head to the side before walking over towards it, his tail swishing from side to side. Using a dexterous front paw he picked it up. "An easter egg? Here?"
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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Eunwon » 06/12/2012 6:38 PM

Her search was going well so far, she'd managed to pick up a total of four eggs so far, each brightly colored with it's own individual design. Whoever's job it was to decorate these eggs must've spent a good amount of time. She'd found them in a variety of places, hidden in branches or underneath fallen leaves and other debris. One she found hidden in an exotic flower, who's color and design matched the egg perfect, leaving it nearly invisible. A find that Naomi was quite proud of.

As she traveled onward, collecting an egg her and there, she stopped suddenly in her tracks. Not to far ahead of her was a reptile-like creature, colored very dark with strange markings and patterns. He wasn't the prettiest sight in the world, and easily scary enough for Naomi to spin around and leave as quickly as she could. He had spikes and claws and... She shuddered slightly. She knew she had heard of them before, somewhere, but the name was lost on her tongue. About to do exactly what her instincts told her - run away - she stopped, as one of his large front paws seized an egg from the undergrowth. Naomi heard as he talked to himself, and to her surprise, she could understand. Surely if he could talk he wouldn't be as bad as she had made him out to be? A vicious, hungry, creature of the jungle.

Well, now she was out of options. First, he had her egg, and secondly, it wasn't like her to turn down meeting new people (once she was sure they weren't trying to kill her) - no matter the shape and size. Putting on a brave smile, she padded up behind him, purposely making a decent amount of noise so not to scare him when she would eventually speak. "Hi," Naomi said, trying to make her voice as friendly as possible, "Uh, I'm Naomi. What's your name?"

ime to close your eyes
over look the darkness
and try to dream tonight

not so long ago
your world was bright
so take a breath and count to ten
and maybe you can dream again


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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Mousen » 06/12/2012 6:54 PM

Drystan heard the leaves rustle behind him, and turned his head towards the source of the noise- a lucain. Those creatures got about, didn't they? There was a time where they had been much less frequent within the lands, not that he could remember exactly when those times had been. Dates, he'd never been good with dates. Either sort of date, now that he paused to think about it.

It was a second later he realized the lucain was speaking to him. "Drystan. Nice to meet you, Naomi." He dipped his head slightly. He hadn't been expecting to meet anyone today, maybe a few shrieking rengosetts and or loud, chittering bug-creatures(for the life of him, he couldn't remember the name), but not something capable of holding more than a five-minute conversation. "What are you doing out here? I hate to judge a book by it's cover, but you don't exactly fit the explorer-type that you usually find out here. Is it something to do with these eggs?" He didn't always look very sharp, but over the years he'd learnt to put two and two together.
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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Eunwon » 06/12/2012 7:14 PM

An Akail! She remembered now, Odovacar had brought one in to the laboratories a couple of years back. That's what he was, the darkness-dwelling creature of the Craiss Caverns. As he introduced himself in a pleasantly polite manner, all her doubts toward him vanished. "Oh, I'm not an explorer, and after being out here, I'm glad I'm not one," She chuckled lightly to herself before continuing. "But I'm searching for those eggs," She made a gesture towards the egg he was holding with her paw, "As you guessed. I'm supposed to gather the very last of this year's Easter Egg Hunt! They should be hidden in this area."

"And may I ask what you're doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the Craiss Caverns?" She returned the question he had asked her earlier with a bright smile. "Not something to do with the eggs, I'm guessing?"

ime to close your eyes
over look the darkness
and try to dream tonight

not so long ago
your world was bright
so take a breath and count to ten
and maybe you can dream again


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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Mousen » 06/12/2012 7:26 PM

"An Easter Egg hunt in the jungle? Did the Easter Bunny have an aneurysm this year?" He asked flatly. Why anyone would want to go looking for Easter Eggs in the bloody jungle was beyond him. Was this female lucain mad? Was there some sort of strange Easter Egg related cult that... traversed through the jungle looking for fake eggs because of some... ancient ceremony? Somehow, madness seemed more likely.

He frowned, slightly confused. It was difficult for an akail to frown, but he managed it admirably. "Why are you doing that? The world has gone mad. I mean, it was mas already, there is never not a world that is mad. You're not joking are you?" He glanced towards Naomi's face, it seemed perfectly serious.

At her last question, he pulled himself together a little. "Nope. I like caves, caves are nice. Y'know, they're... caves. One cave looks very much like the next one. It gets a bit boring after awhile, so I decided to travel. I'm travelling."
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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Eunwon » 06/12/2012 8:38 PM

Naomi giggled quietly at his flat comment, "Well, it would be rather boring for all the eggs to be in one spot, wouldn't it? I think they wanted to give the hunt - how do I say this - flavor?" She said, somewhat defending the event. As strange and absurd as it was, at least someone tried to spread the Easter spirit.

"Call it mad if you will, but the world wouldn't be quite as fun if everything was normal." Naomi said, "And I'm perfectly serious! But your not allowed to laugh at me. I know that adults going egg-hunting is a bit ridiculous, especially in a jungle, but when your bored..." She sighed with a little smile on her face. "Besides, I wasn't advertising it, just letting out some of that inner child in me. Plus, I here their is a little reward at the end - and who doesn't love prizes!" She jumped up and down twice with a cheerful smile, giving Drystan even more reason to believe she was crazy.

"Travelling, are you? Well, traveling is all about seeing and meeting and trying new things! So how about this, you come along and help me search and gather eggs, and I'll give you a little bit of the prize? They say two is better than one." She said in a sing-song voice, while flashing her hard-to-resist, almost cheesy, grin that she had perfected over the years. "And we'll keep it a secret, so no one will think your mad!"

ime to close your eyes
over look the darkness
and try to dream tonight

not so long ago
your world was bright
so take a breath and count to ten
and maybe you can dream again


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Re: S5 ~ Eunwon & Mousen |Tengel Rainforest|

Postby Mousen » 06/12/2012 8:59 PM

"It would be safer, imagine, a poor little florana out looking for Easter Eggs. Three minutes later it's being digested by a Venus Fly Trap. Not to mention what the death toll will be like for the Nori Volcano. What a way to get rid of the inlaws!" Well, he'd never said he was an optimist. After living with humans and the other creatures of Evelon (they were all pretty much the same underneath the fur and scales and slime), well he'd seen the worst of their nature. Though, even if he didn't really want to admit it, he'd seen the good, too.

The akail gave a slight shrug. "Well, normal is relative, I suppose. There's very little normality around any more, so I have to treasure what I get." It struck Drystan that he was saying this in the middle of a jungle, while the inhabitants whirred and buzzed around him. It was a little bit ironic. "Oh, I suppose so." He admitted after a pause."It's no different to scrapbooking, if you're into that sort of thing. Except it's infinitely more dangerous and there's always a chance of coming across lost Aztec treasure and vengeful gods." It was almost imperceptible, but as he finished his sentence, he froze for an instant. As if expecting said vengeful god to come bursting out of the trees. It wasn't wise to tempt fate.

He'd met a few people like this lucain before. They tended to be tenacious, they could carry on for miles in that horribly cheery tone of their's. Weighing up the options, he decided to agree. What doesn't kill you, and all that. "All right. I'll help you collect eggs if you like, Naomi. And I wouldn't worry about that, I'm sure the people that I meet think I'm mad anyway."

"Where should we start? I wouldn't worry about wandering off too far, I've got an excellent sense of direction."
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