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In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2012 1:50 AM

They had finally gone and reached the twenty-four hour mark in their relationship; the same time frame also marked how long that they had known one another. Already Lolita and Kurohi had more on their plates than anyone could have ever expected or foreseen in the existence of all the worlds. They'd gone and become mates in what could be considered a freak accident, though Lolita held her own theories as to why a blacked out Kurohi would have chosen her, and, in the same instant, she'd gotten all that she needed to become the mother of his children. It was surprising what one little bite could do to turn both of their lives upside down!

Most of their venture to the little flower shop was done quietly, aside from Lolita insisting that she wanted to hold her mate's hand while they traveled the night. For the sake of easily keeping up with him, she was hovering with her feet just barely off of the ground. It definitely made sense now how she could always wear high heels without having any issues. Back in the forest, before they had set out, she had replaced her masquerade mask back over her face, concealing her specific identity. As she had told him, such a thing was only for his eyes to gaze upon.

"Oh, look!" Her voice was excited as the shop came into view, though it was surely no surprise to her demon counterpart, whom had been the one to lead them all the way there. Without a second thought, she leaned toward the door, knocking with her free hand at a normal, polite level. "Excuse me," she called, feeling at least a little guilty about having to wake up her mate's friend, Kina. It had ultimately been Kurohi's decision to travel at night, so as not to draw attention or to have to deal with meddlesome humans.

When no immediate answer came, she knocked on the door again and again, growing considerably louder each time. Of course, she did stop, finally, when she thought that there was no way in hell that the woman inside could still possibly be asleep after all the racket.

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/02/2012 11:40 PM

Kurohi hadn’t thought much of the journey; he’d been fairly reasonable in allowing his mate to hold his hand, he believed, and traveling at night, with his speed and abilities, wasn’t any huge difficulty. He just hated being in the human world, in their towns, which reeked of trash and choked with pollution. It was enough to make him gag, but he’d been here many times, and he wasn’t as disturbed as he had first been by the smells of the city.

An excited voice called out from behind him as they snuck towards the shop, and Kurohi thought she was a bit too loud for two people who were trying to be stealthy, but he let it go. He didn’t know how well Kina would take to night-time visitors, especially since he knew she always woke up at dawn to open and prepare her shop for the day. He groaned at the thought of listening to the fox’s quiet lectures and chastising words; no doubt, he’d get an earful.

Inside, however, after the last few repeated, and quite loud knocks, kina was most certainly awake. Groggily, she glanced at her clock, and scowled darkly. Whoever it was, they’d better have a darn good reason for waking her up. She scratched the back of her tousled red hair and reached over to the chair beside her bed to drag on a night robe, standing and tightening the belt around her waist. If it was Kirin at her door, she would quite happily boot the spirit detective back out onto the street, and maybe throw a potted plant at her for good measure. Grumbling to herself, Kina strolled from her bed to the staircase that led down into her shop, trying to shake the sleep from her eyes and wake up her too-foggy mind before she reached the lower level.

When she did, the silhouette beyond the glass doors was most certainly familiar, and it was most certainly not Kirin. But who was the second silhouette? As far as she knew, Kurohi had no other friends who she was unfamiliar with, nor did he have some kind of ‘girlfriend’ (the term sounded weird when used in context with the little fire demon). So who was this? Her fox’s curiosity perking, Kina lifted her head slightly, an interested gleam entering her gaze as she unlocked the door and pulled it open, the bells jingling softly in the quiet of the night. “Kurohi. What a pleasant surprise.” She blinked warmly at the smaller demon, and stood back to usher him and his friend inside. “And who is this? I didn’t know you had any other friends besides Kirin and I. Truth be told, I was beginning to worry you’d be anti-social forever.” She chuckled when the spiky haired demon shot her a cross look.

“Kina, this is Lolita,” he growled, motioning to the woman behind him who still had a hold of his hand. Kina’s eyebrows rose when she noticed, but she said nothing. “She is…my mate.” Kina’s eyebrows promptly disappeared as her eyes widened, confusion, curiosity, and astonishment flitting across her normally impassively placid features in rapid succession. “Oh indeed?’ the woman asked, her eyes darting from Kurohi to Lolita and back again. “Well, then you’d better come upstairs.”

She turned to Lolita with a warm, kind smile. “I am Kina Minamoto,” she introduced. “A friend of Kurohi. I am pleased to meet you, Lolita. Do you like tea?” She led the way to her stairs, and Kurohi gently tugged on Lolita’s hand as they ascended, silently asking her to follow him. Kina glanced over her shoulder. “So, may I ask why you’re here?” Kurohi silently shot Lolita a look, as if saying ‘you tell her,’ as Kina pushed open the door to her modest, well-styled apartment and set about putting on some tea.

((-Drags feet in- So…tired…XD Forgive the crappy-ness of this post. Kina's human and demon form. ^^))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/03/2012 12:20 AM

When Lolita's eyes met with Kina, she had to admit, the female demon didn't quite look how the fairy expected her to. That, however, wasn't what instantly perked her interest. Just like with anyone else, she could sense Kina's death clock. Like with Kurohi, she was unable to accurately read a date of death, but she could see that the other woman's soul and body had very different times when it came to the years of their existence. How very peculiar...

With Kina's remark about her mate being anti-social, she desperately had to hold in her own giggle, using her free hand to hide the smile that may have given her away. In her short time with Kurohi, it had become plainly obvious that he wasn't the best at social interactions, but she felt that they were doing reasonably fine, given their circumstances. She was quiet as she was introduced, swallowing hard when things were so quickly put out into the open, and she stared at Kina, attempting to gauge her reaction. There were a whole lot of expressions on her face and they went by so rapidly that Lolita couldn't decipher what she was thinking.

"And it is a pleasure to meet you, as well," she said, however, when the attention was put entirely on her. The fairy dipped her said slightly, a polite gesture, as a warm smile lit up her features. "Yes, tea would be wonderful. Though, I do apologize for the racket that I caused. I admit, I was rather excited to meet you." With her mate being the first demon she encountered, getting to meet a second in quick succession was definitely an exciting thing for her.

Without any complaint, she followed along with Kurohi, using his hand for support as she was now walking normally, with two feet on the ground. "Well, you see, things are a little more complicated than us just being mates," Lolita started out, sharing a glance with Kurohi. If he wanted her to be the one to say it, she would, and she wasn't going to beat around the bush. "You see, I'm pregnant."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/03/2012 1:04 AM

“That’s quite all right. I don‘t mind in the least. My neighbors might complain tomorrow, but it wouldn‘t be the first time I‘ve had unexpected visitors that they‘ve gotten grumpy over,” Kina replied amiably, switching on the burner of her quaint little stove and rummaging around one of her cupboards for her tea pot. She cast a glance over her shoulder at the two. Kurohi hadn’t released Lolita’s hand, even though they’d already entered her apartment, and he looked more and more uncomfortable as he stood there, fidgeting quietly. Kina thought he was taking this remarkably well, but she wasn’t sure how many things he’d blown up or destroyed before he’d gotten to her, so maybe he wasn’t taking it as well as she thought. “Have a seat,” she instructed, and Kurohi had known her long enough to know that she wasn’t giving him a suggestion.

Almost grudgingly, as if unsure, he haltingly pulled out one of the chairs from Kina’s small dining table, and motioned for Lolita to sit in it. His expressed was one of discomfort and he seemed unsure as to whether or not he‘d done the right thing. Kina mentally cackled; oh, this was just too rich. As if he’d caught what she’d just thought, Kurohi snapped his head towards her and fixed her with a burning gaze that said ‘Voice that thought, fox, and I’ll chop your ears off.’ Kina wisely kept her mouth shut, but turned around with the teapot in her hand, raising one eyebrow at Lolita. “More complicated?” she questioned, before the fairy finished her sentence. The teapot dropped from her suddenly nerveless fingers as blatant shock flittered across her face, and before she could think to reach for it, Kurohi flashed to her side and caught the kettle, setting it on the counter with a scowl.

“Clumsy, fox,” he grouched. “Don’t look so surprised.”

Kina closed her gaping mouth, and shot him a narrow-eyed glance. “Kurohi, I have known you for many, many years, and not during a single one of them did you ever express an interest in a mate or a family. And now you show up at my door, in the middle of the night with…” She turned to glance at Lolita, suddenly looking puzzled as she sniffed the air. “I’m sorry, my dear. I’m afraid I have no idea what you are. Your scent is very unfamiliar to me.” She smiled apologetically, then turned back to Kurohi. “Anyway. You show up here with a woman with wings and tell me you’ve not only gotten yourself a mate, but potential children as well! And you tell me not to look surprised?” She turned and snatched the kettle from the counter, filling it with water and dropping it onto the hot burner. “You’ll have to excuse me if I find that a bit ridiculous.”

Kurohi mumbled something under his breath, looking vaguely uncomfortable as Kina strained to hear him. The fire demon carefully walked back to his mate, standing in what, for Kurohi, was a protective stance at her side (Although for anyone else, he’d look as nonchalant and uncaring as ever). “What was that?” the fox demon demanded, looking vaguely amused as her eyes glinted with curiosity. “I didn’t quite catch it.” if she didn’t know any better, she’d said Kurohi’s ears had turned red. Was he…blushing? Would the miracles never cease?

“I said, we need your help,” the fire demon repeated, his voice sounding strained. “With…you know…the children. I-I don’t know anything about demon children.”

Kina’s eyebrows once more disappeared into her hairline. Ohohoho! So that was why they’d come! Forget the social visit, this was much juicier. Her fox’s instincts were never wrong. Kina schooled her expression into one of sage wisdom, and leaned forward slightly. “And you have questions.” She turned to pin Lolita with a warm gaze, her golden eyes catching the light and flickering like a cat’s. “What exactly are you wondering, my dear? Or is it Kurohi who has all the questions?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/03/2012 3:01 AM

"Thank you," Lolita uttered when Kurohi pulled out a chair for her, sitting comfortably within it, though regretting the fact that she had to let go of his hand in order to do so. What minor contact they had was primarily initiated by her so, if she wanted it, she was the one to have to make the move to get it.

She was politely silent during most of the exchange between the demons, only left to marvel at Kurohi's speed, and try incredibly hard not to laugh at them, not wanting to upset or fluster either of. From what she could tell, they were very good friends, with the way they behaved together. Kina was rather the exact opposite of her mate in terms of social abilities, though, which made it all the more amusing to observe.

A brief glance was spared toward Kurohi as he came beside her and she had to wonder just how much information she should divulge to Kina. She could sense his feelings but, more importantly, could see the blush on his face. 'I suppose I shouldn't worry about it.' He wouldn't have brought her to meet with the other demon if he didn't trust her, right?

"I've never met a demon save for Kurohi and you, now," Lolita began to explain without missing a beat or seeming shy about the subject. "So I hardly know what I am getting into and, according to Kurohi, he really knows nothing about this. Children and pregnancies are not, well, new to me, per say, so that isn't exactly the issue. This wasn't something we planned, at all, but Kurohi didn't know anything about my species and what that... entailed.  I'm what is referred to as a Respawn Fairy, I have powers over life and death, to put it simply. Not of the world, either." Which was why Kina had no idea about just what the hell she was. "My kind is able to reproduce by very simple means, so that our kind doesn't go extinct - by somehow exchanging DNA. Something as simple as blood or saliva will do, if it manages to enter my body. Which, quite obviously, happened because of... um, the mark."

"Given that I can sense death clocks, something like a counter of days that every living or once living thing has, I became aware of the pregnancy almost immediately. It is difficult to really tell, but I have reason to believe that I am carrying twins." There was still room for error in this, since she had no idea how her body was going to handle the pregnancy and there was no readability to a clock on a creature that wasn't really... anything at the moment. "I should also include that the gestation period of my kind is normally incredibly fast paced though I cannot say that I know how that is for demons or anything about a demon infant's development. Given their mixture of species, we don't know what to expect, but I would be grateful for any information that you may have pertaining to demons in this situation."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/05/2012 12:00 AM

((-Dies a little inside- I nearly wrote two pages... I just love writing for Kina and Kurohi~ I hope none of this demon repro sounds like I’m pulling outta my ass. XD ‘Cuz I totally am.))

“That’s quite understandable,” Kina replied diplomatically, carrying the three cups over and setting them on the table. She set one in front of a third empty chair, and motioned pointedly with her gaze towards it, catching Kurohi’s eye. The somewhat-vertically-challenged fire demon probably would’ve grumbled and complained about being silently bossed about on any other occasion, but now, much to Kina’s surprise, he amiably sat in the chair, a docile, if not nervous, expression on his face. My, my. she thought with a wry twist of her lips, which she hid by turning back to the kettle, which was, by now, whistling quite shrilly. Who’d have thought that finding a mate would’ve settled him down? I suppose miracles happen everyday. This whole thing will be quite good for him. And I can say the same for his mate. They already seem to be rather…fond of each other. Not that Kurohi has ever been fond of anything, but at least his expression towards her is less murderous than it is towards me. That’s the kindest I’ve ever seen him.

“We demons,” she continued, picking the kettle up and taking a couple of teabags from a jar near the stove. “Are fairly solitary creatures, for the most part. Unless of course, we’ve had shared experiences the likes of which Kurohi, our friend Kirin, and I have. Life and death situations tend to bond people very closely. And many demons aren’t exactly fond of humans, or the human world. You might’ve already picked up on Kurohi’s unease at being here. He was once confined to this city for a lengthy amount of time as punishment for-” She caught the little demon’s warning look as she glided towards the table, tea and kettle in hand. “-Eh, ah, a past transgression, so he isn’t all that thrilled at having to come back here for anything, except maybe a few visits with Kirin and I, and another friend of ours who lives in a temple up in the forest.” She poured the boiling water into each cup, then set the bags of tea into them, allowing them to steep as she moved back to the refrigerator to grab a small jar of honey and milk. She set them on the table, and gracefully took a seat in the vacant chair, across from Lolita.

“It comes as no surprise that Kurohi isn’t educated in the reproductive abilities and specialties of demons. He did have a rather unconventional upbringing, as it were; didn’t you, Kurohi?” The murderous glare he sent her way very loudly stated ‘I will kill you the next time we meet, fox,’ but he gritted his teeth and curled his hand around the mug. Kina could hear a faint bubbling coming from the liquid inside the cup as his anger heated it past it’s boiling point.

“Unconventional is one way to put it, I guess,” he agreed, voice sounding tight. “But we didn’t come here to discuss my childhood, fox. Tell us what you know, already. And stop dancing around the subject like you always do.”

Kina looked faintly amused, and folded her hands demurely in front of her, refocusing her attention on Lolita. “I can honestly say, I have never heard of a Respawn Fairy, and I have been alive for many centuries. Since you are not a demon and, as you say, not of this world, it’s not wonder I’ve never heard of you. I’m guessing you’re not from the Spirit World either, otherwise, I might’ve at least heard mention of your kind.” She stroked her chin delicately, looking thoughtful. “Those are quite interesting powers you have there, Lolita. But I imagine it must be difficult to sense death on either Kurohi or I, am I correct?” Her golden eyes flashed a dark amber in the dark, and it was clear that more than just Kina was listening in on this conversation; she was, after all, two souls and beings trapped in a single body. “Which would be understandable. While we are, by no means, immortal, we do have a longer than average lifespan. More than any humans, and because of our powers, more than most demons as well.”

She sat back in her chair, staring hard at the tabletop as she thought about all she knew about demon pregnancies and birth. She’d been around for many centuries, but she’d never had children herself. Coming from a large family of kitsune, she could say that some of her sisters and brothers had kitted at some point, but she wasn’t entirely sure if Kurohi’s type of demon would be different than her own. He was, after all, half ice apparition and half fire demon. Ice apparitions had reproduction specialties all their own, after all. “Well, I don’t know entirely all that much, but I can tell you what I do know. First off,” she held up one finger, ticking off the points on her hand. “Demon gestation is incredibly quick. I would say no more than five or six months, whereas the average humans is around nine. Given that you say your kind only experience your pregnancies for a short time, I can estimate you won’t be carrying the children long. Perhaps four or so months, depending on how quick a Fairy’s gestation actually is.”  

She held up another finger. “Second off, your children will be born with powers all their own. They will most likely take after their mother and father in some respects. I have absolutely no idea what they will inherit from you, Lolita, but Kurohi here has both ice and fire in his veins, so I imagine you might see a bit of one or the other, or possibly both. Considering how powerful he is, his children will be equally powerful once they’ve matured, but as children, they will be a handful. Strong, and capable, and with an incredibly quick growth period. It should not take them more than ten years to reach their adult looks, but it will take close to one hundred, in demon terms, for them to be considered adults.” She ticked off another finger. “Third, they will be capable of speech and thought all on their own within their second week. They will appear as very small children, but will have advanced intellects. As long as they are taught properly, you shouldn’t have a problem. The birth itself should be fairly quick and easy, though not entirely painless.”

She leaned forward them, her mouth clicking shut as she reached across the table to spoon a bit of honey into her tea, and add a dash of milk. It was cool enough now for her to drink, and she indicated that the other two should do the same with a wave of her hand. Kurohi didn’t touch either jar for himself, but he pushed them gently towards Lolita so that she could reach it, his eyes casting over her worriedly, before snapping back to Kina with a glare when he caught her amused smile. “This is all quite fascinating,” the fox remarked, earning a scowl from the fire demon beside her. “I must say, I would love to hear how it happened. And how you came to be here, Lolita. I’d also quite like to hear about your world. I am intrigued to know of something beyond the spirit, demon and human realms, as I’ve never heard of there being more worlds out there. I would be happy to give you any information you seek in exchange.”

Kurohi snorted, pushing his mug away from him slightly. “Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable, fox. Just don’t stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong.” By that, he meant, ‘don’t ask about my mating, and I won’t slice you open.’ Kina took the hint, and brought her cup to her lips, amber eyes glowing in the dim lighting of the kitchenette. Kurohi seemed satisfied that she was silent for the time being, and turned to Lolita. “Do you think that’s enough information?” he asked, sounding somewhat nervous and reluctant to leave anything out. “Will it be enough for you?” He’d dropped the barrier between them a while ago; he found he didn’t quite mind her being able to read his emotions. But now he pushed his words into her mind, a skill he’d mastered long ago with the use of his third eye, but which, he knew, she would be unable to respond to quite yet. They hadn’t been together long enough. ‘Will you be all right? You know I’ll be here if there’s anything else.’

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/05/2012 7:36 AM

(( xD; I was originally going to say that I didn't mind the long replies, even though mine probably weren't going to be as long. Boy, how I was wrong! So now shall toss a long one back at you~ Just know, I love reading about both of them and how they behave together~ <3))

"Thank you," she spoke again, this time as Kina prepared her tea and placed it before her. At the time she made no move for it, waiting for it to cool, and preferring stronger tea over weak. Her flavor palette, in particular, preferred strong tasting foods and drinks; something, which, no doubt, would be enhanced through her pregnancy for the next handful of months.

As the female demon spoke, Lolita was careful to store every bit and piece of information away, even that which didn't include what they had come here for. Being unable to fully exchange everything with Kurohi prior to their arrival, any mentioning of him continued to peak her interest more and more, her curiosity no doubt evident to to him through their bond, while Kina was likely to pick up on it through the sparkle in her eyes. "I see," she commented, idly. In the sense of sociability, her kind was the opposite of demon kind, though her kind had never bothered to meddle with any other kind, save for the mortals that the resurrected in combat. Even then, the fairies were not permitted to show themselves to the mortals, less they put themselves in immediate danger. Some glimpses of them had been seen, over time, though, which left them revered as something akin to Gods. No other logic had come to the men as to why they would be killed and brought back to life over and over again.

"I imagine that isn't particularly his fault." The woman interjected gently, though with presence. No, Kurohi hadn't told her about his childhood any of the like, but she had to casually defend him. If what they said was true, then there had to be a reason for it, and she doubted it was something which he could have had control over at the time. "In all respects, my childhood wasn't conventional either." At least, not conventional by most standards.

"That is correct, I didn't come from this... Spirit World, of which you speak. Though I cannot say just what my world was referred to. It never occurred to any of us to want to know..." Beneath the mask, her delicate eyebrows furrowed together. They were far too busy, endlessly, with their tasks of 'respawning,' to be bothered with trivial facts. She nodded her head to Kina's second question as well. "Yes. I can sense both of them from you, but I cannot read a date or cause of death for either of you; a date that you came into existence, yes, but not a death in sight. You're a very interesting case, though, aren't you?" With her question, she wore a smile. "You have more than one set of hands on that clock of yours. It's quite intriguing."

From all that she could gather, despite the difference in their kind as a whole, the fairy found that she and the demons had more in common than she had expected. Perhaps, then, Kurohi was her perfect match. She gave a glance to him, smiling faintly. Though, at that point, it was difficult to read what she was thinking on expression alone. "Oh, um, yes. That works well enough. Being a unique case, there is no way to say exactly how this is going to go, we can only assume, make educated guesses." Yes, Lolita was probably every bit of nervous that Kurohi was, but another part of her remained incredibly calm and rational, which she tried to project to him more than anything, if only to bring him some comfort. "Please do not worry so much. I know that you'll be beside me, and that is enough." His words, however, brought comfort to her. While she had already experienced two pregnancies, three births in total, the first a set of twins, as well, she could still recollect the fear that wracked her during the first. It had been unlike anything else, filled with uncertainty, an incredible lack of knowledge, and she had been entirely alone. On more than one occasion, her first pregnancy was the cause of several break downs.

Her gaze returned to Kina, not openly acknowledging that she had allowed the other demon to witness something that Kurohi had probably intended to be a little more private. "I do not mind telling you about myself and what I can of my kind, but I cannot think of any other pressing questions to ask of you at this time. Perhaps I will save the favor for later?" Carefully, she stirred honey into her tea, though she ignored the milk. "Kurohi, how do you like your tea?" Not missing that he had gone and ignored his tea, she figured that she may have had a better chance at getting him to drink it. Maybe.

Before speaking further, she took a long sip of her own tea, the warmth of it feeling wonderful, and then she jumped right in. "Surprisingly, as far as things go, my kind seems to hold  much in common in terms of having children." Lolita was explaining this for both Kina and Kurohi. "Any child of my kind, seemingly regardless of what they are mixed of, have always aged at an incredible rate, mentally and physically. In terms of my kind, it may not even take two years for them to reach young adulthood, physically, though they never do stop learning - we absorb knowledge like no other. Our powers almost always seem to pass onto our children. To which degree, it can vary, but I am nearly sure that they could almost fully inherit my powers, even if not... consistently usable, on top of what they receive from Kurohi."

"In my world, at least as far as I know, there were only two kinds of... people. There were the Respawn Fairies, which were all female, and human soldiers, which were all male. Our world was wrought with a never ending war. The soldiers would die over and over again, while my kind resurrected them over and over again without normally being seen. My kind did not take sides. We were unbiased and, for the sake of our sanity, entirely unfeeling." Lolita paused for a moment, bringing the cup of tea back to her mouth, such action used as an excuse to gather her thoughts.

"I have never spoken a word about my world to anyone else, save for my children," she reveled, closing her eyes. "I once spent a lot of time trying to forget everything..." The memories were painful and, to this day, that remained the same. As she spoke now, she had fallen back to her old ways, attempting not to feel, in order to not relive the pain.

"I was born and raised inside what we called 'the compound,' which no Respawn Fairy ever left unless it was breifly to revive a fallen solider. I do not know the name of my mother or whom she even was, for every one of my kind that was born was raised by everyone within the compound. Having children was primarily considered a means for the survival of our race and done for our own practicality. I've never witnessed one in love, though some fairies would make partners amongst themselves for the sake of it. Occasionally, one fairy would fall in love with a solider and dedicate her time specifically to reviving him, though the feelings were unrequited, even if she stole his DNA at one point to birth his child. Our existence was not supposed to be known. Though, eventually, enough accidents happened that we were seen here and there, and they began to consider us as gods."

"Our lifespans are long. It seemingly impossible for us to die of age. Consider that we could also revive other fairies if they died accidentally, which would make it seem as though our kind would become overrun. A fairy could choose to die, if she could no longer stand witnessing death left and right of her, day in a day out from the time she was old enough to walk. Many, before making that choice, would go outright insane, and they would have to be killed out of mercy." Witnessing such a thing was almost a day-to-day thing for her kind. Someone was always ready to give up their pathetic excuse for a life. "A Respawn Fairy can take life just as easily as she can give it."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/09/2012 6:20 PM

“Quite fascinating,” Kina commented, her eyes gleaming beyond the rim of her teacup. Kurohi shot her a look, as if warning her not to say anything more, but once the fox’s nose detected a interesting scent, there was no way she’d let her quarry escape. “Perhaps your world is one that exists outside of our dimensional plane. Mind you, such a thing is theory only, but if there is definitive proof that you come from neither Spirit or Demon world, and you are obviously not human, then in all probability, your world is one that is as of yet undiscovered. An interesting theory, and one I would be interested in pursuing.” Kurohi’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and the fox backpedaled. “At a later date, of course.”

The female demon seemed more amused by the situation than concerned, and she let out a short, elegant laugh. “Oh yes, I suppose you must have felt that, did you? You’re right. I do have tow death clocks, as you call them. But when the time on my mortal body runs out, I will simply resume living as a demon full time once more. Consider my mortality a type of…part time job, and I’ve been working overtime.” Her gaze flickered to the silent demon sitting beside her. “Yes, Kurohi. How is your tea?” Kurohi grumbled something unintelligible under his breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘baka fox’ before he took an obligatory gulp of the strong liquid.

“It’s fine,” he managed. He’d been rather close-lipped through the entire meeting, and Kina wondered if perhaps this entire this was affecting him more adversely than she would have thought. She detected a hint of strain around his eyes, and she knew his mind must be a jumbled mess of turmoil and roiling thoughts. Even as they listened to Lolita’s story, it seemed the lines around his eyes and the stress deepened in his gaze. She wondered if it was the stress of an almost forced mating, or the fact that what Lolita was telling them sounded extraordinary, and terrible. “Enough,” he said at last, much to Kina’s surprise. He had an irritable look on his face, like he wanted to scowl and snap but didn’t dare do so. She had no doubt that if it had been the two of them, he’d probably have already gotten fed up with everything and drawn his sword. But with Lolita there, he was visibly restraining his irritation.

Kina knew the fire demon had a short temper, a short fuse, and very little patience. Heaven help those children of his. I hope they grow up fast and learn to keep out of his way. Kurohi was placing a hand on his head, as if it pained him, and leaning heavily on the table. “I apologize,” he said after a lengthy pause, in which he could feel the weight of Kina’s curious gaze, and knew Lolita would most likely become concerned. “My head still seems to be…giving me difficulties.” Not to mention the fact that he still couldn’t remember the few days or weeks leading up to the accidental mating.

“Oh?” Kina asked, looking interested. “And why is it giving you trouble? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Her amused smile did nothing to improve Kurohi’s mood, and probably did a lot more to sour it than anything else.

“Shut up, fox,” he growled, closing his eyes and leaning on the table with one bandaged arm propped against it. “I can’t recall the past few days. Or weeks. Or however long I’ve been ‘out of it.’” Kina looked faintly alarmed, but beyond the fluttering of her eyes, there wasn’t much to indicate her surprise.

“That is a problem,” she murmured, half to herself, and half to the group. “That hasn’t happened since…well, the last fight you participated in had you out for nearly a week, but you weren’t conscious during that time. Were you conscious, you think, during this blackout?”

Kurohi hesitated, then nodded slowly. “Yes,” He explained, his voice a bit hesitant as he slid a glance Lolita’s way. “I wasn’t aware of what I was doing, of where I was. I don’t think I was even mentally conscious. My body seemed to be acting on instinct.”

“That would explain how this all happened,” Kina remarked with a vague wave of her hand. “Lolita, did he seem…conscious to you? When he first approached you, what kind of state was he in?” Kurohi was curious about that himself; he wasn’t entirely sure what exactly had went on. He knew he’d somehow wound up in the human world, he’d attacked her, and he’d bitten her. “Did his eyes have any particular look? Glazed over, perhaps? Were his movements jerky or uncontrolled? And did he have his weapon? What kind of state was he in?” She pondered this silently as she leaned back in her chair, her tea sitting on the table in front of her. “I may have something that can help, but I need to know what the primary problem is first. Obviously, you have memory loss. Perhaps a concussion that’s slowly healing itself. And imagine-” She chuckled, looking amused. “-You’ve been walking about with a messed up brain this entire time.”

“Watch it, fox.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/10/2012 4:02 AM

((Reposting this. It's a... prettier, more detailed version than what my spazzy self originally produced. I didn't feel it good enough to remain. xD;))

As Kina expressed her interest in Lolita's home world, the fairy's mind was distracted with something else, her eyes glazed over and in a far off place. The memories of her past haunted her in nearly every unwaking moment, and she couldn't keep them suppressed any longer, no matter how hard she tried.

An ear shattering scream had filled the main room of the compound, where all of the fairies were found during their "working hours." Lolita hadn't been there at the time, but just down the hallway, arriving for her shift after her meager three hours of rest. Many fairies had been mercy killed in the recent times and those that took to "replenishing," their lost numbers were still carrying the unborn children, the replacements for the lost workers. She ran into the room without a second thought, but what she beheld stopped her dead in her tracks in the doorway. Two of her kind were sprawled out, unmoving on the metallic floor. All of the others in the room were frantic, suddenly fearful when their lives normally lacked such an emotion. Just seeing everyone in that state made fear well up inside her, too. It had been explained to her as someone else had ushered her back out of the room. The first fairy had dropped dead for nothing that they could find a reasonable explanation for and when the second made an attempt to revive her, she, too, fell, just as dead as the first.

Lolita swallowed hard, about to open her mouth to warn Kina not to look where she shouldn't less such an awful thing befall her, but Kurohi had successfully cut her off, sending her eyes immediately to him rather than the other demon before her. As open as he had been with her, not blocking their link, she could feel his irritation, almost as if it were her own. She removed her hands from the table, clutching them together tightly within her lap, unseen. Mentally, she prepared for the worst - another unslought of his ill emotions. His apology, however, visibly surprised her, though she didn't make any effort to speak.

Being questioned by Kina was not something the woman was prepared for, nor entirely willing to cope with. Her pale gaze diverted away from them both, focusing on the hands in her lap, while clenched her teeth together and her hands clenched together even tighter. "I should say that I have been coping with my part in this very well." Willingly, she had reverted back to nearly emotionless self, but it was different this go around. Her tone did not betray her feelings, they were masked cleverly, yet that didn't prevent her from truly feeling. Never would things be so simple anymore, would they? She was uneasy, incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of so quickly mentioning her personal life, and fearful of betraying Kurohi by saying it, while almost... bitter and reluctant. All of this had been thrust upon her without a choice and here, she had been grinning and baring it like the best of them.

If Kurohi was going to be irritated, then didn't she have the right to be, as well?

Standing up abruptly with her hands open, palm down against the table top, she spoke again, "I do not appreciate you insulting him, Kina, if it is all the same to you." Oh, yes, and protective, too. That had flared up in her, and that came out plain as day or night in her words. "Not right now. It was because of his... blackout that all of this happened, but, regardless of how it happened, I..." Briefly, she looked to the fire demon, before her gaze returned to Kina. "You could say I have  a theory behind why he had chosen me, in that unconscious state of his, and it just wasn't out of an instinct to fight. He had dropped that blade of his before he had gotten to me, straight when he appeared, I am sure. Before I could turn to him, he had already gone for me, knocking me to the ground and biting me nearly all in the same motion. If he intended to fight or to defend himself against a potential threat, I highly doubt he would have bitten me so hastily, given what it means for a demon to bite and how terribly reluctant he is or was to have a mate. I fell unconscious quickly, but I am pretty sure that he did, too, in the same instant - when the bond had successfully been made. He was covered in blood, that much I know, but already my healing abilities are working on him brilliantly, so it does seem, with no sign of visible wounds."

Lolita had reason to believe that Kurohi had chosen her specifically. While the major part of him did not want a mate, an inner part of him must have, and probably found her suitable, if not possibly more than that. From what she had learned, the blending of their species was going to be miraculous and unlike anything else. If not that, than saving himself could have been an option, using her own self-healing abilities for himself by adopting them as his own.

"In case you didn't notice, Kurohi, all of the injuries I sustained from you last night are gone, too, aside from the mark. I'm designed to take a bullet and for my body to spit it right back out, like it had never been there."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/11/2012 9:39 PM

Kina didn’t seem to take any offense at Lolita’s words, and seemed, if possible, rather amused. Her lips didn’t so much as twitch into a smile, but her eyes betrayed her intrigue and bemusement with the situation, and gleamed a deep gold, a few shades darker than her normal eye color, indicating that there was second set of eyes taking in the situation in Kina’s stead. “I have known Kurohi for quite some time, Miss Lolita,” she replied placidly, closing her gleaming eyes and taking a sip from her cup. “And I am as worried as you are about his memory lapse. But this…blackout has happened before. Granted, not quite as bad, and he was unconscious for a majority of the last time, but sometimes…well, he tends to overdo it, and doesn’t learn his lesson. It was my job to try and impress upon him the seriousness of pushing himself so far, but I see you are doing a wonderful job of taking over, and I thank you for it. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I am worried. I am glad you care so deeply for him. He needs someone at his side who will smack some sense into his rather thick head and teach him how to desist with the recklessness. He’s found that in you, I see.”

She set down her cup, and waved her hand dismissively, a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Please, have a seat. You needn’t worry about me teasing him. It’s simply the nature of our relationship. However-” Kina stood slowly, taking her now empty cup back to the stove and setting it down in the sink beside it. “-your theory may be well founded. In some ways, demons are a bit like animals. Sometimes we need something that our conscious minds tell us we have no need for, and we deny ourselves our baser instincts. It is entirely possible that Kurohi’s instincts were awakened in his near catatonic state, and his subconscious found you desirable, or a suitable mate. It would explain the haste with which he marked you, and the fact that he was not aware of the situation. When he lost his own consciousness, his based consciousness took over, and brought him to a safe location. It recognized something in you, and wanted it for himself. He wouldn’t have done that with just anyone. So you are, indeed, special, Miss Lolita.”

Kurohi had been uncharacteristically silent, and when kina glanced at him, she saw his eyes were hidden by his unruly bangs and his cheeks were stained the faintest bit red. Interesting, Kina thought, hiding her smile as she ran water in her cup. “Now, as for this possible concussion and your memory loss, I believe I have something for that.” She cast a meaningful glance back at Lolita. “I will return in a few minutes.” She turned and strode towards her door, pulling it open silently and disappearing back down into her ship, presumably for the ‘cure.’

As soon as the door shut, Kurohi lowered his head, pressing the heel of one palm against his cheek and looking more morose than ever. He turned his ruby colored eyes towards Lolita, frowning thoughtfully. “You know,” he said at last, his voice very quiet. “What she said…it’s…probably right. I’m sorry for any pain I caused you. And…I’m sorry for…all of this.” The words were practically forced out through gritted teeth, and it wasn’t clear if it was the words themselves he found difficult, or the fact that he was apologizing, something he’d never done before. “But…I’ll admit…I’m not sorry I chose you.  If anyone, at least I know I have…someone who can keep up with me, and defend herself if I can’t. I’ll do my best not to…disappoint you in any way. All this is new to me. I’ve never had to worry about anyone but myself. I’ve never…had to bother with affection. I’ve never even had to hug anyone before. So if I do something wrong…just tell me.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/17/2012 2:00 AM

"I understand your friendship," Lolita replied, bringing a hand to her face and gently adjusting the mask there slightly upward to sit more comfortably, as if someone might have done with glasses. "I realized that you two have a very good friendship, otherwise it would impossible for you both to behave as you do with one another." In truth, their behavior reminded her of her children, the twin sisters that were known for innocent bickering and the exchange of insults, even as adults. "Though, I would appreciate your understanding, feeling irritated and it not of my own feelings can become rather... troublesome, as I am already fairly sensitive to what Kurohi feels. I must interject if it gets to be too much." Every drop of irritation or unease was felt by her as well, as long as he didn't shield them from her. Offhandedly, she wondered if it was normal to feel this close so quickly, or if their case was little unusual. It was definitely a first of a kind sort of mating they had.

For the moment, she seemed to enjoy standing, letting her wings flutter endlessly. Sitting in chairs was such a troublesome thing with her particular wing set, not like feathered wings that folded so gracefully away - like those that belonged to two of her daughters.

"Yes, of course." She nodded in agreement with Kina, hopeful that she-demon would be of help. "I would appreciate anything that you can do for him." His bouts of pain as a memory was recalled certainly wasn't a fun experience, not for either of them, and she was genuinely worried.

It was only when Kina dismissed herself that Lolita's gaze returned to her mate, her eyes gentle. A faint smile pulled at the corners of her mouth and stepped closer to him, on the side of his exposed cheek, leaning awfully close to him as she had done before. "I don't have any regrets, Kurohi," she whispered softly into his ear, ignoring any mischievous thoughts that swam up in the back of her head at their closeness, though they were definitely there. "So don't apologize. We'll just figure this out together, hm?" He wasn't the only one that hadn't been in a proper relationship. Her track record was all sorts of mucked up. "Besides... I like you, truly. I have every intention to keep you as mine, and would, even without this bond." Her smile turning into a sly smirk, she then closed the space between them, planting a kiss abruptly on the demon's cheek, it accompanied by a feminine giggle.

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/17/2012 2:38 AM

Kurohi grumbled to himself, massaging his temples with one hand and closing his eyes against the artificial, fluorescent light of the kitchen. The tea still remained relatively untouched, and the scent was beginning to irritate him. It seemed like everything was irritating him today, but considering what he’d gone through, it was really quite understandable. Not to mention the headaches. He was sure this wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the headaches. He jerked his head up at Lolita’s soft voice, very nearly smashing his head with hers and managing to spar them a painful collision with his quick reflexes. Jerking his gaze to the side, he came face to face with the woman - his mate- only inches away.

He sighed, her scent tickling his nose as he inhaled, and his heart and gaze softening marginally as he watched her. Almost grudgingly, he allowed a small smile, more of a smirk than anything, to curl over the corner of his lips. “I suppose we wouldn’t be here now if we didn’t both feel similarly regarding this relationship.” That was not a word he’d ever used or had to use in his life. Relationship. If that what this was? He was startled out of his thoughts by the feel of her soft lips pressing against his cheek, and for a moment, he was so stunned, he didn’t so much as take a breath. Then he blinked, and he breathed, and he slowly turned to regard her with an almost morbid curiosity and a gaze that clearly stated ‘You are really insane,’ because no one had ever been crazy enough to get that close to him without trying to kill him.

Then he chuckled, and the sound was warm and rich and wholly inviting, even to his own ears, and he marveled at the changes she had already wrought in him, and wondered what more she had in store. In a gesture that was completely out of character, and would not have happened had anyone else been in the room, Kurohi wound an arm around her waist, careful of her wings, his actions somewhat hesitant and halting, and gently pulled her against his side. He did nothing more than close his eyes and quietly rest his chin on her shoulder, inhaling her scent as the pounding in his head lessened and a sense of calm he was unaccustomed to washed over him.

His thoughts drifted across to her as he simply breathed, enjoying a peaceful, quiet moment of rest, something he had not had in he couldn’t say how long. ‘This is nice. I had not imagined the peace. Perhaps my soul had truly been missing something for so long until I inadvertently found it. For what it’s worth, I am sorry that I did not…do all of this properly. But I suppose if I had, I wouldn’t have had the nerve to approach you in such a way. Maybe fate had you in mind when it set everything into motion.’ He remained silence, inhaling and exhaling slowly, with the faintest of smiles on the edges of his lips.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2012 1:01 AM

His curious gaze on her invoked even more giggles from Lolita, these of a partly mischievous, partly unreadable nature. Out of everyone she had met, Kurohi was certainly the most fun to play with and she was getting so much enjoyment out of throwing surprises at him. If his character wasn't what it was, it wouldn't have been nearly as fun trying to tear some of the walls down and shake up his world. Yet, it was his laughter that really surprised Lolita and left her staring wide eyed at him. In less than a day from properly meeting one another, they had changed so very much in the way the behaved. They had nearly done a complete one-eighty, and it was marvelous. She was so very fond of being beside him.

There was no resistance on her part, allowing herself to be pulled against his body and finding her own comfort there at the intimate contact. She realized what her being there for him managed to do and it made her smile. If she could bring any sort of comfort to him just by being beside him, then she was very glad. They were beginning to feel the same.

"Didn't I tell you not to apologize?" She breathed softly, her words not even above a whisper with the two of them so very close. Lolita didn't necessarily want to interrupt the peaceful silence that had fallen over them, but she wasn't talented like Kurohi. In time, maybe, but not now. "I have accepted things as they are, and feel like I can trust you." Slowly, she reached out to take one of his hands in her own again, the gesture encouraging. All the while, his words had sent her heart pitter-pattering faster than it had before. In not so many words he had said something almost charming, and it had sent her for a loop, even if she kept her external composure."Though, I will be honest with you... I'll make you mine in every way possible. That should correct what we've missed." Despite everything that her words stood for and the sheer weight of them, her even regarding such intimate things that Kurohi probably couldn't even imagine himself doing, her voice came out without wavering. He was her mate and she was his, to her, that was enough. She had, evidently, made up her mind, and was pretty damn straight forward about it, though her grip on his hand had tightened as she had spoken. There were traditional things they had missed out on and, while she had no complaints about their peculiar path, the fairy wanted everything. In time, perhaps, but still at some point.

Her gaze shot toward him. "Actually... though the results say otherwise, you haven't kissed me." She was pregnant, but not from kissing her mate or any other typical occurrence in her book. It was strange that the mark was an incredibly intimate thing in Kurohi's book and was something they had already shared together, while intimate actions that fell under the 'norm,' and less important than the mark, really, hadn't been shared. "I've been... kissed by other people, but you're my mate, and the only one I will kiss..." She wanted to be kissed by Kurohi, for him to wash away every kiss before it, and that much was clear in her mind.

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/18/2012 1:52 AM

Kurohi sighed softly, breathing in the air around them, tainted with the spicy, sweet scent of the woman he now knew as his mate, subconsciously committing it to memory. She smelled different now; the impending pregnancy had an effect on her scent, tainting it with a sweeter aroma than when he’d first met her. As she grew heavier, her scent would alter even more, and to his chagrin, he actually found himself looking forward to the different variations that would come with the change. He allowed her to take his free hand, and twined his fingers with hers, his eyes still closed as he rested his chin on her shoulder, just beside the mark he knew that lay beneath her mass of hair and curls, hidden from view. ‘Yes, well, I did say ‘for what it’s worth,’ didn’t I?’ he quipped silently, his lips parting only to inhale and exhale gently against the side of her neck.

Her words sent something echoing in the back of his mind, and silently, he agreed with what she’d said. She was his, in every possible sense of the word, and would remain that way. He had never been the type of demon to let go of what he wanted or what he had, and she would be no exception. It would take him time to view her in the light of ‘love’ as she seemed to already view him. But he was managing well enough with ‘like’ and he decided he did like her. On an instinctual level, he knew he’d chosen the strongest woman, besides Kina or Kirin (Not that either was interested in him, and vice versa) to bear his children, and he was content with that choice. Perhaps, in time, he could grow to love her, but love was a difficult concept for Kurohi, and something he’d never felt or been given before. He didn’t recognize it, he couldn’t understand it, and he was struggling even with the simple concept of ‘like.’

Sure, he liked Kirin and Kina, but not in the way he ‘liked’ Lolita. It felt similar to the way he felt for his sister; a warm, deep feeling in his heart that drove him to protect. But even here, this felt different than what he held for Yukina. She was his family, his sister, and he cared for her, but Lolita was his mate, and the mother of his children, and he was still trying to figure out what it was he felt for her that made his heart warm marginally and the icy barrier he’d erected around himself to melt a little more. He was certain, in time, he could sort out all these strange new feelings, but here, in this moment, he felt it was best to just accept what he had and not question it. ‘So you want me to kiss you?’ he asked, his voice drifting across their link with a hint of curiosity and confusion. He didn’t see why it was necessary, and he’d never done it before. He didn’t move, but his eyes opened as he contemplated her request. It was a simple one, and one he could fulfill, but it made him unaccountably embarrassed to be so close and intimate with someone. The mark was different; he hadn’t been technically conscious for that. Kissing was another matter; they’d both be conscious, aware, and he had no doubt she knew what she was doing better than he did.

And he didn’t necessarily like that he was in the dark about anything. But still…the request was…simple. And he could feel her desire for him to fulfill it across their link, and the hint of curiosity, confusion, and a warm feeling that he was unable to identify. ‘Very well.’ He lifted his head from her shoulder, and locked eyes with her. He wasn’t the type of demon to lower his gaze to anyone, and he certainly wasn’t going to start now, even if his cheeks did feel a bit warm and his heart was stuttering in his chest.  This was ridiculously embarrassing, but she had requested it, and Kurohi leaned forward, bridging the gap between them and pressing his lips tentatively, almost hesitantly, to her own. The soft pressure was strange at first, and he found himself a bit confused as to what the big deal about things like this were, even as he deepened the kiss almost timidly, and moved his lips a bit more assuredly against her own.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2012 2:48 AM

'Isn't that much obvious?' She answered his question, though without the spoken words, and content with him not hearing her reply. She would not have brought it up had she not wanted it. Lolita had already gone and accepted things for what they were without seeing any reasonable sense to resist what 'fate,' or whatever force it had been, that had brought herself and Kurohi together. Though they had argued from the start, after weighing her options, she had discovered that she had much to gain in being with the demon of fire. Their relationship was beneficial, just as what she had related their unprepared, unceremonious relationship to - an arranged marriage. A mate that was strong was beneficial in many ways, better than with a mortal or even that mage she had once met.

And, in her world, nothing was more important than necessity. They had children out of necessity, they had their twisted forms of relationships out of necessity, they had even shut off their true emotions of out necessity. The practicalities of it all had been why Lolita had accepted things so easily, rather than perhaps how any other woman would have reacted and behaved, and it was merely the fact of them being mates as to why she could behave as she was. It was accepted to be intimate with him, and if it was what it was, then she was prepared to take advantage of that to ease her own curiosity. Rather she loved him now or not was not of question or of importance. The comfortable feeling and confusing fondness was enough for now, though she would admit, only to herself, that even those feelings were... surprising. Though Lolita didn't know it, she was likely a victim of 'love at first sight,' and just couldn't properly cope with, identify, or display it an obvious, normal sense.

As he lifted his head and met her gaze, a faint smile tugged at her lips. Of course he would agreed to it beforehand and it amused her, but she was happy, anyway, that he agreed. As his lips met with hers, her eyes fluttered shut, not yet brave enough to stare him down while they kissed or, in another light, trusting him enough to actually do so. There was no other option, she had to trust him. After hesitating just a little on her part, she leaned into him, untangling her hand from his and brushing her fingers first against his cheek before her entire hand came to rest on the back of his neck and firmly pulled him just a little more against herself. She deepened this kiss on her own accord, indeed, seeming fairly versed in the concept, while her other hand had moved to rest on his waist. A warmness had washed over her at their contact, something different than she had felt before, and easily guided her actions. Lolita wanted to keep him there and it was more than just her curiosity, even if she couldn't say why, but this was getting dangerous. They were even in someone else's house! If only she remembered that and acted on it.

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