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The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I} (DONE)

Postby jobiehanna » 08/28/2012 5:05 PM

Another day, another city. The young woman with bright blue eyes walked among the streets, her thoughts tuned toward the people around her. Would there be anyone here today that needed her 'assistance'? Of course, there had to be someone somewhere. She twirled her wavy jet black hair with her pale, slender fingers and closed her eyes. It would help her to think better, after all. With her eyes closed she sensed someone nearby, an elderly woman caught in the heat of the day. She was all alone. A smile darted across Hela's face. The perfect target.

Hela straightened her black shirt and set off across the plaza she had found herself in. She walked leisurely across the area, her black converse barely making a noise against the hot pavement. The older woman was across the street now as Hela settled onto a cement wall outside of one of the large buildings. Oh, how the family would weep of the old woman's demise. But it wouldn't be all that hard to whisk away. A simple heart attack as she crossed the street would do. Hela twisted the sterling silver ring around her right index finger that allowed her to use her powers out in the mortal world. Then she directed her thoughts toward the old woman. Yes, a heart attack seemed perfect for a woman in her condition. Her own eyes glowed orange for just a second as she worked her magic. Hela watched as the woman stumbled and fell, not managing to catch herself before she hit the pavement. People came to her aid almost immediately. They called for help, but it was all too late now.

Her job done, Hela remained where she was. She crossed her jean clad legs, bouncing her one foot. She wasn't alone in her disinterest in the woman of course. She just hoped to blend in enough to not appear suspicious, at least not to the mortal eye.

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 08/28/2012 5:45 PM


Usually, he would have sent someone to do this kind of thing for him. As a demon, meeting, or even so much as searching for a godess was something that easily could proove fatal. but this...this was nothing he could trust anyone with. Neth watched the crowd arround the dead old woman grow, cruling his nose slightly.
Humans. He kept away from the group, suceeding in not sticking out from the average passerbies.
it took him...weeks, maybe longer to finally track Hela down. one would have thought that it would be a piece of cake to find a death godess doing her business. but, as it turned out, it was not quite as easy.
Now however, the young mans eyes locked at his target, slowly and casually wandering towards the woman leaning on the wall. while doing so, he allowed something of his...demonic presence to seep through. humans could not feel it usually, or only if he particularry shoved it into their face. but with a god, angel or other demon, it usually was a different story.

He was not going to surprise her. as much as he absolutely loathed the thought, he was far from as powerfull
as her. he had other tricks up his sleeve, sure, and he might would be able to survive should...something go wrong...on the other hand, she was a death godess....so it was not his intention to let anything escalade. he needed her, and he needed her to trust him...well. at least as much as a godess could trust a demon. so he openly 'admitted' to her what he was just by walking towards her, not even trying to hide it. keeping a polite distance the young man with the pitch black, medium long hair and the almost painfully green eyes smirked at her carefully. "you know...I kind of hoped for something a little more...fun" he said so low only she could possibly hear it, nodding over towards the scene, where the ambulance came to a screeching halt, and even more people stopped and stared. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Hela" he seemed to scan her, waiting for a reaction.

(hope thats alright...)
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 08/28/2012 9:48 PM

Hela felt the man's presence before she saw him. The darkness he was emitting nearly over-whelmed her, but she appeared on the outside as if nothing had done such a thing. She turned slowly in his direction. Hela watched him as he approached now, her eyes slowly rising to meet his. He was definitely a dark creature, she was guessing some kind of demon.

"It's not nearly as glamorous as it seems," she said slowly for only his ears. Despite her uneasiness in his presence, she seemed to give him permission to get closer with her eyes. "I'm not sure if it's a please to meet you," she added and raised an eyebrow, "Whoever you are," she added coolly.

((It's fine. I hope mine is okay as well. :P))

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 08/29/2012 2:24 AM

Neth grinned slightly at her first comment "...obviously. you still seem to enjoy it quite a lot" he said, taking her  silent inventation to come a little closer. they now where at a range where they could confortably talk. He pulled back his 'presence' again. no need to pester her with it now.

He did not like his situation. He was used to people to be scared of him, allowing him a bold entrance and even bolder attitude. but now, he had to play his cards wisely. The last part made him cringe innerly. Once
he was done with all his plans, she would surely remember his name...everyone would. but for now...
"my name is Netharem. don't worry, i wont take much of your time... " he stopped, not sure if he should dive right into business. the sooner he was done and good with it, the better . "I come to you with a request"
he said, trying to not show his uneasiness. "maybe we should talk somewhere less...crowded tho" he hoped the last part did not sound too shady. it was just his ... whole being that was unconfortable on doing these things at a open, big space "maybe a restaurant?"  

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 09/04/2012 9:59 PM

She offered the man a smirk. Of course she enjoyed her work! "Netharem," Hela said softly. It wasn't a name she was familiar with. She seemed to be testing each syllable on her tongue as she said it, as if she could tell all about Netharem from his name alone.

Hela could sense the man's hesitance. He was nervous about something, and Hela wasn't quite sure what it was. Was her presence really that intimidating? Then why did he even bother coming to see her? She raised an eyebrow at his mention of a request. What could a dark creature want with her, a goddess of (mostly) pure intentions?

She was about to tell him off when he requested they go somewhere less crowded. She debated a moment longer, truly thinking it through. "Oh, I guess. But I'm not promising you anything," she said slowly, her eyes impassive. "There's a place down the street," she added, pointing. "Walk with me," she added as if an afterthought. Then Hela took off down the street. She didn't check to see if the man was behind her, she just assumed he'd follow.

((You can make up the restaurant if you want. :)))

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 09/05/2012 5:39 PM

Neth was quite pleasantly surprised at her reaction. He thought that it would take a little more
smoothtalking to get her to even listen to him. still no need to get arrogant about it now.
she most likely was just curious about what he wanted, her last words underlining that. he tilted his head slightly, before following her towards the restaurant.

It was a rather short walk, and the restaurant made him feel a little more comfortable.
it was modern, but not cold thanks to the dark and comfortable funiture. And it was, most important of all, relatively empty.After they where seated, he ordered a expensive wine for them. He casually let his gaze trail after the waitress before meeting Hela's eyes again. This would get interesting. he was not as uneasy as at the beginning, but he still knew that what he would say now would possibly enrage the godess. Or maybe not. she seemed less...unwilling to keep his company then he originally thought.

"now. I know this is quite unconventional." he stopped an a sly grin appeared on his face
"and I would not bother you if I could solve this problem myself. but, I cant, because it is your...
line of work" he stopped, before adding "I...want to ask you if you could bring someone back to the living for me" he waited. he wanted to see her reaction on him asking such a big favor from her, before telling her
such details as who or...well...he would love to leave out the 'why'.
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 09/17/2012 7:34 PM

They went into the restaurant and Hela took in her surroundings with an inconspicuous glance. It was in her nature to be aware of her surroundings, no matter how mundane the setting. Who knew when she'd need this information? She followed Neth and the waitress, sitting down gracefully across from him.

"I hope you plan on paying," she said under her breath once the waitress was out of earshot. "I have no intention of doing so," she added coolly, her narrowed gaze on Neth. Not only did she not want to treat this demon creature, she didn't have real money on her. But she wasn't going to reveal that last part to Neth.

As the man began to talk, Hela's gaze narrowed even more so, a small frown forming on her face. "And why would I do such a thing for you?" She asked the question softly and slowly, her hand tapping on the table. Bringing someone back from the dead was a big deal, something she didn't do quite often. It took a lot of power, and a sacrifice was needed. Neither of which she was willing to do on a whim.

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 09/18/2012 6:48 PM

He smirked slightly at her first remark. "of course. It would be a little bold to order something that expensive and then make you pay it, wouldn't it" he tilted his head slightly, as if asking her f she wanted anything else.
before he could really ask, she asked the one question he was waiting for and fearing the whole time.

//careful now. you dont want her to get angry// he watched her calmly, not letting himself getting distracted
by her narrowed gaze. "I know that it is a big thing to ask for, and that you have all right to...not really grant me that request" he realized that his foot tapped nercously on the floor slightly, stopping it as soon as it came to his attention. "however, it could be profitable for you too. I would do...a lot for you if you indeed decidet to help me." his eyes grew a little more mishivous "there are things even you can not do, because they are...
well...restricted to other beings. maybe I could help you there" He was aware that he was currently pretty much serving his head on a plate to her. she could ask for quite a lot that would prove very difficult, if not almost impossible. if she indeed decidet to help him that was. This was so important to him however that he decidet to take the risk.

(ugh...i dont know what she would ask him to do, so I...left it pretty open?
I just figured that it might would be something she otherwise would have difficulties to get done,
being a goddess and therefor "good' and all that)
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 10/23/2012 4:28 PM

Hela nodded in agreement, her eyes still on Neth. As he spoke, she watched him. Her eyes didn't move from him; she was hoping her constant staring would unnerve him. It may have been a long shot, but it was a kind of test of character.

She nodded her head in agreement once more. A lot would indeed be needed to be done, but even she wasn't sure exactly what she would have him do. Either something mediocre and boring, or something nearly impossible. Either way it would test him. She dismissed his offer with a wave of her hand, however. "Let's not talk about what I want yet," she said with a half-smile, leaning toward him across the table. "But what exactly you want. Who is this person? What kind of person were they? There is a lot involved in this... process." She let the last word drop slowly. She wasn't going to dismiss his proposition immediately. Maybe there were... things she couldn't do herself, but that he could do. But she wasn't going to reveal them yet. That would leave her vulnerable, and she didn't want that.

((Okay, I'm not entirely sure what she wants yet, lol. XD I've got an idea, but it's in the works. >.<))

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/25/2012 1:27 PM

(its okay, sounds...exiting X). Like I said, it is very important to him, so he will do pretty much anything she wants and that he can possibly manage to do, so dont be 'shy'. also, just a rushed,bad-ish one , because I've got only little time today^^'')

Neth looked contently back, his nervousness slowly calming down. When she asked him who the person was
he wanted to bring back, his smile that he carried grew a little stiff, and there was a short flickering of
what appeared to be sadness(?) in his eyes. tho it vanished as soon as it was there. "I Understand." he just said calmly, watching her. "I want to bring my half sister back. dont worry, she passed on the uh--Demon part, She was fully human, at least as far I know." he looked a little lost in thought "she was...not demonic, that much I can say. very sweet and caring girl, wanted to become a vet when she was out of college, always was...there for the people. and very curious, sadly." he looked away for a short moment, as if searching for something, before meeting her eyes again. "I'm sorry, I'm babbeling. You must be wondering what intentions I have on bringing her back, her beeing such a good person.family bonds are not overly important to my kind." he stopped, before slowly adding "she just did not deserve what happened to her." he sighed slightly, his eyes now showing something that looked an awfull lot like guilt. if demons could even feel something like that. tho he still kept his smirk.
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 10/27/2012 8:33 PM

Neth's story reminded Hela of someone she knew. Someone who had been good, but went bad. There was a whole story behind it, something Hela didn't want to explain. Not unless she absolutely needed to. A little bit of sadness shone in her eyes as well, but it was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. She would not show weakness.

"It's fine," she said slowly. Hela could tell that there must be something more to his story, but she wasn't sure if she should ask. At least, it seemed that way. She had seen sadness in his eyes, but now he wore that smirk again. But as she continued to look at those eyes, there was guilt, or something. There was much more to this than he was letting on.

She wanted to know more. "What are your intentions?" She asked with an arched eyebrow. It seemed as if he was dancing around the subject. She also wanted to know what happened to this sister of his, but that would come later.

((It's fine. :) I've got my idea pretty much done, I just gotta figure out how she wants to get it done. XP))

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/28/2012 6:51 PM

He seemed to hesitate before answering her question. "I...Just want to give her a second  chance, really. Pardon me that I don't go into excrutiating detail. The point is that it was my fault that she died. I made a very, very big mistake, and she had to pay for it." he was keeping his emotions at bay. To be honest, this was the first time he was actually told someone about this. He did not even talk about it with Felicitas, and he doubted that she knew what really happened that night. "I know that it is not to me to decide any of this, but...in my opinion, it was not her time to go...so. thats it really. A second chance in life for her."

Looking at Hela, he tried to figure out what was on her mind. He was not telling the entire truth about his intentions. He was pretty surprised that he actually was not feeling any scorn towards her. for a Godess, she was quite an alright person, in his book. Still, he could not tell her what else there was, even tho it was something
that was relatively harmless. She might would not consider this whole thing then...
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 10/28/2012 10:45 PM

His story was touching, but suspicious. In all her years, Hela had never had the experience of encountering a regretful demon. Although she didn't deal with demons often... But this sister of his, well, the story was sad. Her curiosity was stirred about the incident.

"Not everyone deserves a second chance," she said coolly, tapping her fingers together. "I'm sure you're sister may have, but well, I can't just bring someone back to life," she said with a smile. "If you get what I'm saying," she added." She was considering doing as he requested, but there were still things to negotiate. Like, the price and the sacrifice. Hela cleared her throat, cutting off the near constant eye contact she had been trying to maintain.

"Would you be willing to negotiate a meeting for me? With someone, of, well, your kind," she said quietly, her eyes darting back up to Neth's. She had never been blessed with the ability to contact demons. And it wasn't just anyone, it was a person she cared for deeply, but she hadn't been good to them. She felt guilty, in all her years it was the one thing she regretted. She hoped she wouldn't regret this deal if it went through.

((Just want to let you know, there is a hurricane coming our way, and my power might be out for a little while (a few days at most?). My college has already cancelled classes over the next two days. :/ So, I'm sorry if I just poof.  :oops:  We do have a generator, so I may be able to reply. But the chances are kinda low. :P))

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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby ShadowStitches » 10/29/2012 8:14 AM

He watched her, while getting his emotions at bay again. at least, it seemed like she did
believe him for now. He nodded his head, to signalize that he understood.

He was quite happy that they finally changed the subject. what was more tho, was her slight change of behavior.
Neth could immediately feel his own curiosity rise. He would not ask more then he would have to tho. He was almost certain that Hela could feel that there was a little more to his story, and that she most likely would
love to get some more details about the incident. She did not poke arround more, at least not yet, and
he would return that favor. just because he was a demon, it did not mean that he had no manners.

"Of course, I can do that." he said, not too fast and with a smooth, calm voice. He was actually surprised, having thought that she would burden him with a much more unpleasant task. then again, he did not know who that person was. maybe it would prove more difficult then it sounded. "I just need a time and...well obviously a name" he smirked slightly "who knows, maybe I even know them."  

(oh my, that sounds not good XD
I hope everything will run more or less smoothly for you, and that no big damage will happen ^^'
Take care)
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Re: The Special Request {P: Shadowstitches & I}

Postby jobiehanna » 10/30/2012 9:51 PM

A smile flashed across Hela's face for a moment before it disappeared again. She was glad that he was willing to help him. It might not be a fair trade to her, considering her end of the bargain would most likely require more work, but Hela wasn't sure how the demon world, or whatever they referred to it as, worked.

"Well, he um, is kind of... new to the demon side of things," she said, dragging the sentence out. She really wasn't keen on explaining the whole situation, but maybe if she did he'd be more willing to share the rest of his? "He's um, part demon, part god. But he was banished, sort of, from my world. I'm not entirely sure where he went. But, as I'm sure you know, I have superiors, not many, mind you, but there are certain rules I must follow. I can't track him down myself, for fear of banishment." She told her story slowly, watching Neth carefully for his response. She was probably revealing more than she had to, but she wanted to be clear with the demon. The deal would be clear, at least on her end.

"He's probably not well known, but his name is Azazel, at least that's what he went by... before," she said with a rather sad look on her face.

((Thanks. :) We actually made out pretty well. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be in my area. Our power only flickered. XP))

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