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Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar][Done]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 9:55 PM


~Meet me at the place where it all began.~

Malkov couldn't ignore the note. The handwriting, the smell. All too familiar. Could his mate truly be back? ...No, he couldn't get his hopes up. Maybe he was just here to say goodbye for good. Go home, to his own planet. He was a God there... What did he want with a broken-minded vampire anyway?

Taking a shaky breath he opened up the doors to the bar and walked inside to sit in one of the darker corners, bartender giving a nod. He knew Malkov well, and this was not the first time he had come to sit in here, alone.
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 10:04 PM


Dejar wasn't about to let his mate be alone for any longer. As soon as he arrived and sat down, Dejar appeared from the shadows, and made a beeline toward him, slowing to a walk once he was in plain sight. He'd missed him SO much, and just now, he wasn't entirely sure if Malkov felt the same.

The Dejar that appeared in Malkov's sight was definitely different. His long hair was gone, replaced by a short cut and a rat-tail. His skin was much paler, and his eyes sunken, telling to sleepless nights. But as he saw his mate sitting there, a brightness bloomed.

"I was about to think you weren't going to come." The same midnight, smooth-as-silk voice. "I've missed you more than you'll ever know. I've got a bit of a surprise for you, too."

He smiled, and reached out to first try and pull Malkov to his feet, then pull him into a tight hug, digging his fingers into his hair, and inhaling his scent. "But first... just... let me hold you."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 10:09 PM

Just the sound of the heatbeat he found oh so familiar had Malkov looking in Dejar's direction far before he was near the table. This should be so happy... Why did he feel nothing but an unfamiliar tightness in his chest?

Of course he stood at the coaxing, wrapping his arms around Dejar, not knowing what else to do. "...I didn't know if you'd come. I thought you'd just... Went home." He nearly whispered. It was quite obvious he'd been spending far too much time with his father, the glint in his eyes almost too much to bear. He was struggling hard against his inner demons.

His pale hair had been cropped short to his head at one point but now was just long enough for Dejar to thread his fingers through. "...I can't stay... Not too long. Father needs me to care for the boys."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 10:16 PM

Dejar stroked his fingers through his mate's hair, just holding him, and enjoying his presence and his company. He only waited a moment or two more, before he pulled him back, and looked deep into his eyes.

"I gave up my godhood. For you - that's why I was gone so long. That's what I was doing. I don't WANT to be a god if it means I can't be with you anymore." he murmured. "I'm not a god anymore... I just have powers, not control."

He pulled him into a seat, and sat, looking him in the eyes. "From now on... From now on, I'm yours. I don't have to do anything for anyone but you. I don't have to be something I know I don't want to be. I can and will devote everything to you, Malkov. But if you don't want me anymore - I'd understand that, too."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 10:25 PM

Pale blues watched the bright reds as it took a moment for it all to sink in. No longer a God? ...He couldn't imagine having to give up that much power. And for him? ...Why? He wasn't worth it.

"You were gone for so long. Everyone said you wouldn't come back." He had been the God of Passion... Lust was there in the description, and on Lust.... Well, a relationship was not founded sturdily. "You didn't have to. I thought you wanted to be a God, Dejar. That kind of power, I could not even imagine having something like that."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 10:45 PM

Dejar shook his head rapidly, and cupped Malkov's chin in his hand, making him look directly at him.

"I love you. I LOVE you, and would do ANYTHING for you. Including giving up my godhood. Having power... is NOTHING if I can't share it with you. I'm sure you would do the same for me - this is the LEAST I can do for you. They required me to take isolation training to rid myself of my godly essence. I couldn't talk to anyone... or see anyone... or even mention anyone. But I thought about you. Constantly."

He pulled Malkov into his arms, and just held him again, closing his eyes, and inhaling the other's scent. "They made me starve myself of every type of affection... It was worth it... to be with you."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 10:52 PM

Malkov just didn't know what to do. He'd been alone for so long, with just other vampires for company... This cuddling was something he was just unused to. For a moment, he leaned in against Dejar, head against his shoulder. The familiar scent was soothing, he had truly missed his mate.

"I missed you so much Dejar. I... I have more brothers and sisters now... I take care of them. I thought you left because... I can't give you children. ...We tried..." It just seemed it wasn't meant to be - even his younger sister had a litter of her own now.
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 10:56 PM

The other laughed a bit, and held Malkov ever the more tightly. "You are so silly." he murmured. "I would have told you if I were going to leave because of that. I was under oath not to mention word one to you about what I was doing - not to tell you. You have no idea how much that broke my heart... or how hard I smacked Eriot afterward for it."

A soft chuckle, as he was trying to get Malkov to cheer up a bit. "And don't you worry about your brothers and sisters. My last godly gift before my domain was stripped... was a giant mansion. You can ALL live in it - every single one of your family. It changes rooms depending on number of occupants. I think Eriot... maybe felt a bit bad about the fact that it was a choice I was being forced to make."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 11:04 PM

Just letting Dejar cuddle him, Malkov was still trying to process everything. Dejar gave up being a God, just for him. He still wanted a life here, still wanted him. Out of everyone he could have had, why? "You left, just after..." He murmured, quietly. It was why he had thought... They had been trying so hard, and then he had just vanished.

"Thank you. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it." They would - living space had been a little tight since the twins and their sisters.
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 11:18 PM

Dejar shushed his mate up with a soft kiss, holding him close, and stroking down his hair and back.

"I want to be with you if you'll take me." he murmured. "I want to give you everything I should have given you in the first place - godly powers or not. Will you take me back?"

He could feel that Malkov was a bit hungry, as well as... well... emotionally confused. But it didn't have anything to do with his powers - he just knew his mate a little too well.

"Go ahead and take a sip." he murmured. "It won't hurt me, and you can take more when I'm laying down back at the house."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 11:24 PM

Of course he was confused, and right now, he really did just need to be held. Reassured, that someone really did need him, want him. There was family... But that just wasn't the same.

"Yeah... I mean... I love you Dejar. Nothing would change that." He murmured quietly, briefly nuzzling into his neck. The confusion would go away, he hoped. He just wanted what they used to have back - at least some semblance of a normal life.

A small shake of his head as he gently kissed his mate's cheek. "No. I... We, should go home."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 11:40 PM

"Alright." He murmured, stroking Malkov's hair lightly. "We'll go home... you can call everyone to get their stuff after we get there... It'll be okay..."

He kissed the top of his head, and continued to stroke him lightly. "It's okay.... We'll be okay. Just like always." he purred lightly in the back of his throat. "Just like it's always been. I'll look out for you. I promise. I love you. I always have, and I always will."

He stood, and lightly tugged Malkov with him, starting out the door very quietly, so as not to disturb the other patrons in the bar. "My place isn't too far away... Just a couple of miles outside the outer reaches of the city."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/02/2012 11:43 PM

Nodding a little Malkov seemed content in the embrace, just holding onto Dejar. He needed this, the reassurance that it would all turn out in the end, that his mate truly was here for good. It was hard to see the proud vampire having come to this - clinging to Dejar's chest like he was his only lifeline. Hopefully, it would all turn out for the better.

"After we have time together." He spoke softly as he stood, walking with Dejar towards his home. "Then the family can come."
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 09/02/2012 11:57 PM

Dejar chuckled a bit, and smiled at him. "Alright.... After we spend some time together. YOU need to feed, I need to rest, and we can do that all at once." he said, wrapping an arm around his mate, and guiding him to a car waiting in the parking lot. Not the SAME car, but still... A car's a car.

"When we get there, I'm going to lay down, and you can drink your fill. And then maybe... fall asleep with me? I'd like that... if you wanted to stay close..."

He didn't expect an answer, so he let him into the car anyway, and turned on the ignition. The car purred like a stroked kitten as it came to life, and he started toward home. He looked over once while driving, and made a curious face.

"... Malkov... What are you listening to? You have this serene look on your face... "
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Re: Why, Hello Stranger... [Malkov x Dejar]

Postby Citanul » 09/03/2012 12:01 AM

A slight smile graced his lips for the first time as Malkov gave a short nod, following and getting into the passenger's seat of the car. He -was- hungry... And sleep afterwards sounded good. Especially uninterrupted by screaming siblings, or an exasperated parent needing help with them. Not that he minded - but for once - he needed some time to himself.

Leaning back into the comfortable seat he closed his eyes for a few moments, not wanting to see the streetlights as  they flashed by the car. "Hn? Listening? ....You." He replied, easily lulled into a secure feeling by his mate's steady heartbeat.
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