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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/18/2012 3:38 AM

He tried not to freeze up at the first contact of her fingertips against his cheek. This intimacy, this contact was something he was unused to. No one got this close to him unless they tried to kill him, and he’d never felt anyone willingly touch his cheek. All of this was so strange, and Kurohi had to physically will himself not to step away and out of her embrace. When her hand bypassed his cheek and wound around the back of his neck, he did stiffen, his entire body and instincts screaming at him to move before she took his head off. But he tamped them down, reminding himself that she was not an enemy, and she would not hurt him. It wasn’t as if he knew a lot about her, to be entirely honest, but he’d have sensed any ill intent through their link. And the faint flutter of her fingers against his neck held no malice. He’d have been able to feel the minute changes in her muscles as they flexed to do him harm, if that was what she meant. But her body was relatively lax, whereas his was stiff and unmoving and seemed faintly uncomfortable.

He didn’t quite know what to do with his hands as she pulled him closer, so he opted for settling them on her waist; it seemed the most appropriate place to put them, and they would get in the way otherwise, wouldn’t they? The whole thing was incredibly awkward for him, and wet. Yes, he decided. Kissing was wet and weird, and he wasn’t sure how often he’d want to do this. He hoped she didn’t enjoy it too much, because he felt he was a bit bad at it, and he didn’t like to do things he was bad at. When one had never had a call for any kind of physical intimacy or closeness in their life, it could be incredibly awkward to partake in the first time, he found. He decided it would be better to just concentrate on the act of kissing itself, and gently pressed his lips in a more firm caress against her own. It still felt incredibly weird, and he was still unsure how he really felt about it, but before he could do much deciding, the door leading down to the floral shop creaked open, and Kurohi had barely enough time to pull his head back before Kina’s rather amused voice cut through the silence.

He was frozen as the kitsune female cleared her throat, and he managed to turn his head towards her in a rather robotic way, his movements stiff and uncoordinated and his eyes slightly wide. “Well, I do apologize for interrupting, but this is my house, Kurohi. I’d appreciate it if you took your mate back to your den for those kinds of activities.” It was clear that she was anything but angry or serious, and the amused glint in her gaze and the laughter in her voice did nothing but annoy Kurohi, and the fire demon growled softly, his arms tightening around Lolita very briefly before he released her and slumped back down into his chair. “Shut up, fox,” he snapped, his brows furrowing and his red eyes flashing. Kina, for her part, looked nonplussed, and swept back into the kitchen with a potted plant in her hand. Of course, it wasn’t just any plant, and the little thing writhed and snapped at the end of it’s vine.

It was a red flower, with purple stripes and a mouth-like opening with little sharp, prickly teeth around the edges. She set the plant in front of him, and Kurohi had to back up slightly when it snapped at him. “This is the Red Dragon Memory Flower. A somewhat appropriate name when it comes to you.” She fixed Kurohi with a look, and the fire demon mumbled under his breath about foxes and snares and how it would be nice if she was caught in one. “Anyway,” Kina brushed aside his mutterings easily. “All it has to do is bite you, and it will project your memories of what transpired before the mating mark in front of us.” She glanced up at Lolita. “As well as the mating mark incident. Are you all right with this?” Her question was directed at Kurohi too, and he nodded, very faintly. Kina reached out and stroked a finger along the edge of the flower, and it made a sort of crooning sound as the kitsune fed some of her demonic energy into it.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/18/2012 4:15 AM

The abruptness that Kurohi had pulled away with left a small frown on Lolita's face at first, but she chuckled quietly, pulling her hands entirely away from him. "My apologies, Kina." She could tell that the she-demon wasn't all that angry or bothered, but the words seemed incredibly appropriate anyway, even though the fairy was obviously not at all sorry for kissing her mate. She was just vaguely sorry for doing so in someone else's house and landing Kurohi in an awkward situation. What would be to his dismay later, she had rather enjoyed herself, even if she was reasonably more experienced than he was. That didn't so much matter to her, since her previous kissing experiences had been empty nothings, not even intending to see the other partners again, and she still had plenty to learn herself. Her experience with him had been considerably more entertaining and effective. Despite his unease at some of the contact, she had thoroughly enjoyed herself. Besides, intimacy was generally guided by instinct, which the demon seemed pretty damn well at acting upon. They would just have to work on it.

Though the lively, colorful and toothy flower had captured the fairy's interest, she walked around to her place at the table and finished the last sip of her tea before repeating what she had seen Kina do - taking the empty dish to the sink and leaving it there. While she wasn't typically a guest in most places, she wasn't impolite enough to not help out, at least a little. When she returned to her seat, she carefully - mindful of the snapping flower - pulled Kurohi's tea cup in front of herself, showing mercy on him for his disinterest in it, and getting it out of the way. "That's quite an interesting plant you have there." Especially with how it behaved with Kina, which made it clear to Lolita what powers she must have possessed.

"It wont nearly be any more intimate than what you've already witnessed." Her reply was nonchalant and she seemed entirely undisturbed by the idea of them watching what had occurred when the two had met. Okay, so maybe there was some biting, some moaning, some bloodshed and some snuggling, but whatever. No big deal. "Well, there's snuggling," she admitted, smiling breifly. "But fire away. If it helps Kurohi, then of course I do not mind." Everything needed to be settled and watching a projection of his memories was much less straining than trying to get him to explain them to her, if he even fully remembered them at any point otherwise.

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 06/21/2012 3:30 AM

Kina chuckled faintly. “Yes, well, I do suppose you’re right. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what I saw, or that Kurohi can have actual feelings and tender moments.” She patted the growling fire demon on the shoulder. “Your reputation is safe with me.” Kurohi nudged her hand from his shoulder, looking bemused and grumpy, and waved to the plant.

“Enough banter, fox. Tell me what I have to do.” Kina still looked amused as she slid the potted plant forward a little, and lifted Kurohi’s hand. “

Carefully hold your hand out to it. It must bite you in order to absorb and replay your memories.” Although a dubious expression crossed over the smaller demon’s face, he nonetheless did as he was told, not even wincing when the plant bit down on his index finger. The strange flower writhed for a moment as it latched onto his hand, and then went ramrod straight, it’s leaves vibrating in a ‘whirring,’ whistling’ way as vines shot out from the soil. The vines wrapped themselves around one another, forming a square, and the blue haze that filled the square looked remarkably similar to a hologram. “Now we’ll see,” Kina muttered, standing back and staring down at it.  The hologram was from the first person view, and they could see and hear everything Kurohi had. “What exactly brought you to the human world, through your own eyes.”

The giant beast made a lunge for him, and he grasped the trinket tightly in his palm. The little treasure was certainly a pain to retrieve. The thing that had been guarding it was far more powerful than Kurohi had initially thought, and the fight had clearly been going on for more than a few hours. Normally, this wasn’t a difficult thing for him to endure, but he hadn’t exactly been feeling like himself lately, and he was ‘off his game,’ so to speak. He’d evaded the beast’s grasp so far, but only by margins, and now his stamina was waning. It had been a long time since he’d fought a battle with something like this, for this amount of time. He wasn’t quite sure how long he could keep going. If only he could- His thoughts were cut off when the creature’s arm smashed through the rock he’d taken refuse behind, it’s sharpened, gleaming teeth baring down on him as he tried to escape. The damn trinket wasn’t even worth all this, he decided as it caught his leg in it’s grasp and hurled him through the air.

He winced as blood poured from the wound, soaking through his pants. That was the only shot the thing was going to get, he decided, flipping in midair by using the weight and momentum of his body to turn himself around. He held his sword aloft, catching the creature by the jaws just as it struck again. It drove him backwards into the Cliffside, smashing through rock and driving him into the face of the mountain. His sword was the only thing that saved him from a grisly death, and the monster’s blood dripped down onto his arms as it bore it’s weight down on him, it’s many claws and arms scrabbling for purchase and eking forward to rake his sides. He twisted and voided them, but just barely, and his arms shivered with the strain of holding back the beast. He had nowhere left to run, nowhere to go. Gritting his teeth, he began to gather his energy, a wall of black and purple flames running from his arm and enveloping his body. The energy was vast, but it was draining, and he could immediately feel the strain it was putting on his body as the muscles in his arms began to rip and tear with the force of it’s power.

The flames roared and crackled, their unholy, unearthly power burned and sizzling the monsters flesh; he could hear it howl in pain as it’s many arms scrabbled against the cliff side. With a roar that was not dissimilar to the creature’s, Kurohi focused the energy, sending it in an unwavering arm straight into the beast’s body. The creature shot out of the hole it had dug into the cliff, screaming and writhing in rage and agony as it flew through the air. Kurohi managed to hold his feet, swaying unsteadily as he made his way to the entrance of the gouge they’d created in the rocks. When he reached it, he nearly groaned in anger. The beast was still alive, and it was even angrier than before. But his energy had waned, and he hardly had enough now to lift his sword. Cursing himself for his stupidity, and the trinket that had brought him here, Kurohi managed to open a portal to the human world, a place where he’d be safe enough to at least recover his energy. Unfortunately for him, the creating of the portal sapped the last of his strength, and as he fell forward into the swirling mass of light, he felt darkness close over him and his mind went blank.

Kina made a humming noise in the back of her throat. “Ah, that’s quite interesting. Kurohi, what about the bite mark, and the trinket? I am eager to have a look at your little treasure.” Her eyes gleamed at the thought of getting her hands on the prize, and with a frown, Kurohi released himself form the plant, which returned to it’s normal state and folded over and in on itself as it began to brown and wilt. Paying the thing no mind, the fire demon leaned down and lifted his pant leg where the demon had bitten him.

“Nothing,” he remarked, sounding somewhat startled as he glanced up at Lolita. “Not even a scratch.” The flesh beneath his fingertips was unblemished, clean and devoid of any markings. There was dried blood crusted to his leg, but he otherwise seemed fine. “Come to think of it, I doubt I got out of that fight without a broken rib or two, and I know the muscles in my arm would’ve been shredded. So why am I not in pain at all?” Except for his head, but even that was beginning to ebb and no longer pained him like it had in the park. Kina held her hand out for the trinket, looking thoughtful as Kurohi gave a start and dug around in his pockets. He looked relatively intrigued as he pulled out a small red vial on a golden chain and handed it to the inquisitive fox. “What is it?” he demanded, wondering why the hell he’d risked his life like that for something so stupid.

“I’ve heard of this before,” Kina remarked, humming again as she observed the trinket in the light. “It’s called the Maiden’s Tear. It’s a legendary item, but one I’ve never put much stock into. The stories say that long ago, when dragons lived in both the human and demon world, a woman fell in love with a dragon. Her people found this to be revolting and burned her at the stake. She cried one final tear, a tear of blood and sorrow, before her death, which was saved in a vial by one of the men who had loved her before her transgression. When the dragon found out what had happened, he laid waste to the village, and a majority of the human population, prompting a massacre on both sides that nearly sent the dragon species into extinction. Their kind retreated into hell, where they would be safe from the slayers of the human and demon world, and the dragon took the maiden’s tear with him as a remembrance of their love. It is said that it is infused with great power, and the wearer would be unstoppable, or something of the like. It’s true origins and properties are relatively unknown, but there may be a chance the stories are true. Who knows.” She rubbed her chin curiously as she handed the necklace back to him. “What are you going to do with it?”

Kurohi observed the trinket, before placing it in his palm and lifting it up for Lolita to inspect. “Perhaps you’d like it. I don’t have any need for it. So maybe it could be…a gift…from me.” He looked away as he said this, his cheeks slightly pinked and his voice a tad embarrassed. Kina only smiled, her eyes gleaming knowingly.


((Hope that didn't sound too ridiculous. XD I'm totally making all that up. The necklace does have special powers though, which they'll find out if they try to use it or sumfin~))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/22/2012 1:18 AM

As curious and strange as everything was, as far as things she had witnessed went, Lolita managed to stay silent with interest in her eyes as things unfolded, from the peculiar flower to the scenes it portrayed from Kurohi's memory. Some of his memories made her flinch or seem uncomfortable. The thoughts of him in pain were not settling all that well with her, even if she wasn't particularly the best at avoiding dangerous predicaments herself, and even if she didn't even know him then, nor could she have done anything to prevent it. She half found herself wishing to have been there, especially since she hadn't had all that great of a challenge in recent times, and she was sure that she could have been useful to him. With a quiet, "Hm," she decided against voicing any of her thoughts. He didn't need to know what she was thinking all the time and she assumed that he wouldn't be too entirely happy if he discovered that she would be willing to put herself into harm's way. Come to think of it, how would he really feel?

"Of course," a slight smirk of a smile touched the fairy's features at the seemingly unharmed demon's surprise. "I told you, I have exceptional healing abilities. What kind of Respawn Fairy would I be if I couldn't even heal my mate's injuries?" Of course, she had very little to do with his healing and putting him back together again, since she couldn't recall doing it herself. It was all him, though with the powers he must have inherited from her. "Though, I suppose they're your abilities now." That was a concept she was going to have to get used to, especially if she was going to start spouting fire, but she was glad her abilities had already managed to do Kurohi some good.

The appearance of trinket effectively silenced the fairy just as quickly as she had felt prompted to speak, unable to want to do anything viewed as rude in Kina's presence. She seemed curious in the trinket, leaning forward slightly as it was passed from one demon's hand to the other. From Kina's explanation, Lolita's mind immediately went to Haruka, knowing that her daughter would be even more fascinated by the object than herself, since she collected things right on up their with mysterious powers and legends behind them.

"Really?" She seemed surprised as she gazed at the offered trinket, willingly taking it from Kurohi, gently doing so, to marvel at it in her own hands. If she felt of the more girlish sort, she would have likely had a more exuberant reaction. Staring at the trinket for a long moment, she considered the tale that Kina spoke of, and how tragically beautiful such an object was. "Thank you..." She looked directly at her mate, smiling faintly. "If you had not gone after this, we would not have met." In that sense, it being the cause of their being together, it held more value than just what it was, and it was evident that she found some importance in this.

"Which... reminds me..."

Just as Lolita was there one second, there was no visible trace of her being there the next, everything she wore and held vanishing from sight just as she did. Even her scent and any nose she could make was disguised, like she wasn't there at all, though Kurohi was to know better with the existence of their link. Her form of invisibility was one that she hadn't outlined before, but was important on her travels, and important in her previews existence. It was how a fairy remained entirely undetected, unless they accidentally gave themselves away by exposing themselves.

Like she had gone and done before, she rose to her feet, long enough to sneakily plant another kiss on the fire demon's cheek - her second method of a thank you.

"This is one power which I have not spoken of." With her choosing it so, they could hear her voice, though she had to consciously make that decision before it happened. "It's not all that exciting, but we are undetectable in this state, as far as any typical methods I have ever seen goes. We must choose to be heard if we speak."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/14/2012 6:06 AM

“Well,” Kina remarked, looking interested as she leaned in. “That explains the lack of any physical or lingering injuries. What extraordinary power you have, Lolita. I am incredibly impressed.
Despite himself, Kurohi couldn’t help but feel a faint spark of pride in his mate’s abilities, and then the stab of confusion that followed for even feeling proud of her in the first place. This whole mate business was tricky, but, he decided, at least it wasn’t making his head spin anymore, so that was a good thing. It was just all these feelings and emotions he wasn’t used to, things he’d never needed and hadn’t wanted suddenly creeping up on him and taking him unaware. He wasn’t used to being unprepared, and he felt like he was fighting blind, literally and figuratively.

Kina’s voice snapped him out of his inner musings, and he slanted his pale eyes up at the fox demon. “You mean to say Kurohi has your abilities now? Fascinating.” She turned to the fire demon, who edged back a little at the glint in her red eyes. “So if I were to cut your finger, it would heal instantly? You already had rather impressive healing abilities before because of your heritage, but now…Kurohi, I dare say you’re rather invincible. You certainly inadvertently picked a very fine mate.” Kurohi scowled, fist clenching where it sat on the table; he didn’t like Kina knowing so much about his mate, her abilities, and the fact that he now possessed them as well. But if he had her abilities, did that mean she had his? Could she wield fire? Or ice? He chanced a look up at her, and found his thoughts grinding to a halt. The expression on her face, one of faint gratitude and wonder, was captivating, and he couldn’t help but stare, even if it wasn’t something he’d normally do.

His gaze traveled down to the trinket in her hand (The stupid, cursed trinket) and the faint quirk of his lips that could have been a smile was nearly lost in the next second when his mate disappeared entirely. A large part of him, one dictated by their bond and completely out of his control, immediately panicked and nearly had him leaping out of his seat to try and find her. His body trembled with the strain of holding himself back, as he mentally reassured himself she was still there through their mental link. She hadn’t gone far, and in fact, had hardly moved a bare inch, when he felt her lips press against his cheek. He froze up at the unexpected contact, his face flushing and turning a flattering shade of red, before he quickly brushed it off, his shoulders sagging with something akin to relief as he realized she was there, and was only invisible. Which was weird.

“I don’t like this power,” he grumbled to no one but himself, a small part of his mind still panicking about the fact that he couldn’t see, smell or feel her. He wanted and needed her tangible, in his sight at all times, and this didn’t sit well with him. ‘Turn it off, Lolita. I don‘t want you invisible,’ he thought through their link, his eyes searching but not finding where she was and sending his instincts into panic mode again. He wasn’t willing to allow Kina to see how uneasy this power made him, but he had no problem letting Lolita know exactly how he felt. ‘I’d rather you didn’t use this around me. It’s…unsettling.’ Kina chuckled just behind him as she lifted the potted plant that had wilted after Kurohi had unceremoniously yanked his arm away from it. “My, my. You are certainly full of surprises, Lolita. And you, Kurohi. You’ve killed my plant; you weren’t supposed to pull your finger away until it had finished showing us your memories.” She tsked and shook her head. “Ah well. Guess I’ll need to pry the details of your ‘blackout mating mark moment’ from you at a later time.”

Kurohi’s gaze sharpened with warning, but Kina ignored it, something she was rather good at doing when it came down to it. She gently cradled the dead potted plant to her chest, running her finger along it’s leaves and infusing it with her own energy, brining it back to life, slowly but surely. “So, my dear ones, any other questions you have for me? I hate to be a bother, but it is rather late, and I need to have my shop open by 8 in the morning, at the latest. I could use a bit more sleep before I have to do that.” Kurohi rolled his eyes at the implication; Kina was tired and unless they had any other pressing business, they should get moving and leave for the night. He didn’t take his gaze off the tabletop as he sent his thoughts Lolita’s way. ‘Do you you have any other questions? Do you think it’ll be enough for the…children?’ The word sounded foreign, even in his mind. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for any of this. It was like some kind of weird nightmare he couldn’t wake up from. Just when he thought he’d settled the conflict in his mind, it rose back up again, placing it’s seed of doubt and anxiety and telling him that he was neither fit nor ready to ever be a father, but he kept these thoughts to himself, his face carefully schooled into a neutral expression.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/15/2012 7:15 AM

Lolita had been thoroughly enjoying her considerably undetectable state, especially with the mischievous havoc she could reap, but she frowned when her mate had mentally voiced his distaste for it. Was it really all that troublesome? She just couldn't understand, even with his feelings of panic and despair washing over to her from their bond. It was entirely natural for her to use her abilities, so how could she not use them? Excluding flying, which she didn't think merited being an impressive feat when one had natural wings, this ability of hers was her most commonly used. How else would one such as she travel the world so freely, going untroubled? "I... suppose if you say so..." Her words were evident to those around her, though she sounded rather confused.

The fairy returned to her visible state, same as she was before, with the only difference being that, rather than sitting, she was standing beside Kurohi. After a moment of minor fumbling with the trinket Kurohi had obtained and given to her, it came to hang around her neck as any necklace would have. That's where these kinds of things on chains went, right? "It's quite nice," she decided, giving a nod of assurance.

From there, the fairy deliberated over Kina's words, and if she had any questions left to have answered. As far as she was aware, they had already been told what the she-demon knew that could be of any use to them and their impending parenthood. If anything, Lolita felt she needed to find out more about her mate. Knowing all about him likely meant knowing that much more about their children.

"I believe you have given sufficient answers to my questions already, unless there is anything else on Kurohi's mind," she finally said. "If there is anything pressing that comes up, though, we know where to find you, assuming you wouldn't mind us showing up on your doorstep some other time. As it stands, we can only imagine how things will go, no matter how well informed we are, since nothing quite like this has ever happened before. We will simply have to wing it." 'As I have always done.' On that note, Lolita inclined her head slightly again. "It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Kina. I do appreciate the help, and I apologize for waking you at such a late hour."

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/18/2012 12:43 AM

Kina didn’t question whatever it was Lolita was replying to; obviously Kurohi had been sharing his thoughts with her, and if that was the case, then the fox demon was most certainly not privy to the inner workings of the fire demon’s mind. She was used to such things, having known Kurohi for many, many years, and didn’t so much as bat an eye as she yawned and stretched her arms over her head. She could see Kurohi’s shoulders visibly relax and his gaze soften as Lolita reappeared, and she inwardly smirked; my, my, how changed he was. Mating marks were things that fed off baser instincts and uncontrollable urges and desires, and to see the softening around Kurohi’s eyes and the gentle expression he wore, Kina could honestly say that the mark was working it’s magic on him. It was truly miraculous, and though Kina would love to study him further, she knew such a thing would not be permitted.

Kurohi, meanwhile, was focused entirely on his mate. Although Kina’s presence was still known, he did not acknowledge her beyond a simple glance and a grunt, letting her know that there was nothing more that he needed to know. The fox merely inclined her head with a smile, able to understand even his monosyllabic answers after all their time together. He stood from his chair, feeling an itch behind his shoulder blades that told him he’d been stuck in one place for too long and he needed to get moving. He hated being so predictable, but the best place to go after this was either the old hag’s temple, or, if Lolita had a home, there. He’d prefer the temple; it was warded against demons (lower level ones, of course) and housed his sister, whom he knew was highly skilled in the art of healing; if anything went wrong with this pregnancy, she’d be able to fix it. And it was secluded and safe, something he was determined to provide for Lolita, especially while she carried his children.

The thought of having more than one made him somewhat sick, but he kept his emotions in check, his face a stoic mask of indifference as he took her hand in his. He turned to glance at the fox, who had her arms crossed over her chest, leaning against her counter and watching with a knowing look. The words he was about to say were entirely foreign, and something he could honestly say he’d never used before. “Thank…you,” he managed through gritted teeth, ignoring her visible surprise and amusement. “For your help, fox. Maybe you’re not completely useless.” Kina chuckled faintly, her chin lifted as she smiled at him and his mate, and Kurohi felt nauseated at the thought that she’d seen him at one of his weakest moments. “A pleasure, Kurohi, Lolita. I do hope you’ll visit me again soon, and let me know where you’re staying. I would very much like to meet your children when they are born.” Kurohi didn’t think he liked that gleam in her eyes; she’d probably study his children to find out more about hybrid offspring, knowing her, and he didn’t like them being thought of as ‘test subjects,’ even if he knew Kina would never dare to think of them as such.

“Right,” he grouched, turning and stalking towards the door, dragging his mate along behind him. “See you around, fox.” Kina waved as Kurohi pulled open the door and stepped out onto the staircase landing; he knew the fox could still hear every word he said if he started speaking right outside her door, so he tugged on Lolita’s hand before releasing it, hurrying down the steps and out the front door of the shop (which he knew Kina would be down to lock once she didn’t sense him anymore). When the cold night air hit him, Kurohi breathed a sigh of relief; he was glad to be out from under the other demon’s critical, intelligent gaze. She was too smart for her own good, and it always made him feel uncomfortable, the way she scrutinized his every move. Turning, he closed his eyes to calm his racing mind, and carefully focused his senses on the world around them, and, most specifically, his mate’s presence. “We need to go somewhere safe. There is a temple not far from here where…there is an ice apparition with healing abilities. She will be able to help you if anything goes wrong. Or-” He fixed Lolita with a hard look. “-do you have a home? If you do, it would be good that we go there now; I will need time to set up a barrier around it to keep anything…unwanted out.”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: In For A World Of Surprise [P. Millie and I] [M - L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/18/2012 2:52 AM

Lolita waved her final goodbye to Kina as she allowed herself to be dragged away by her mate, not speaking either, as they descended the stairs into her shop. There were more than enough things on her mind to keep her mouth shut. Though not much light had been shed on the matters of her pregnancy, she had grown accustomed to the idea that, "mother-knows-best," after experiencing pregnancies and births twice already, when she had originally been entirely unaware of how to handle any such thing. (While in her home world, she had never once felt compelled to reproduce.) If anything was going wrong, she would be the first to know, since it was happening in her very body. The thought at least put her at ease, no matter how blindly they were going into it. They had no previous examples to learn from, with Lolita being the very first and very likely only, with the suspicion that the rest of her kind were entirely gone, respawn fairy to procreate with a demon. They ultimately had no choice but to trust in themselves to make it through any complications, if any did present themselves.

Once outside, she sucked in a deep breath, the cool air refreshing as it filled her lungs. Her wings fluttered multiple times, hovering off the ground, and then solidly back down to stretch them out. Sitting for so long with her wings having been confined to a chair, and standing only with the fear of knocking something or another over, it was like a breath of fresh air to be out in the open, maybe more so than the cool air itself. Beneath the light of the moon, the fairy was often all smiles, and her wings were sparkling marvelously. She remembered when she first arrived in this world, it was in the middle of the night, and the very first thing to catch her attention had been the full moon shining down upon her. Outside of the confines of the metallic city that was the compound, most things were completely new to her.

"I do have somewhere that I call home, yes," she confirmed as she moved to return his gaze, her mouth coming back to a line. Now, she wasn't exactly opposed to going somewhere Kurohi thought was safe for her, however, she felt the pressing need to return to her daughters. Though they were all adults by her species standards, they were still her children, and she was still their mother and she had a lot to tell them. "We fairies like to stick together, and I do believe the most comfortable place for a pregnant woman is her own home rather than that of someone else. And definitely better than the middle of nowhere. I do like to sleep in my own bed, every now and again. Hikari, Haruka and Mei would also probably like to know that Mother has a mate and that they are going to have more siblings, and why I didn't return last night, for that matter." Wow. It was only just last night that their worlds were turned upside down. She had told Mei that she would return in the middle of the night, after she had finished stargazing, but, apparently, fate had other plans for her and it involved one particular demon.  "Anyway, it isn't all that far, either, and a little more... What would one call it? Old fashioned, perhaps. You might like it." Because their home actually belonged to Haruka, her middle daughter, it was she that had chosen it and decorated it to her liking, and she just so happened to have a thing for antiques and weird artifacts. Lolita wasn't fit for business-y interactions or decisions in this strange world.

Without hesitating, Lolita took a hold of Kurohi's hand again, something she was really beginning to enjoy, already beginning to lead him back through the streets. "By 'anything unwanted,' are you implying that demons go after the mates and children of other demons?" That was certainly a question she hadn't asked before and something she ought to know, being the mate of a demon and all. "You told me that if either of us die, the other is almost guaranteed to follow one way or another, so..." Did other demons want Kurohi dead? A frown tugged at her features. "There is so much that I do not know about you, though you know a lot more about me already." With their visit with Kina alone, she had revealed much more about herself. "And I have no intention of keeping anything from you."

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