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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:35 AM

Lightning crackled down from the heavens, striking out at the water and narrowly missing the boat. In her spirit form, Vella was in complete control of her powers. Blinded no more by the binding mortal form she had to wear, it was one of the rare times that Vella actually got to see out of her own eyes. Though they could only take this form when they were around each other or at least when Vella was around a demon and when Scarlet was around an angel. It was a last second resort they had if they planned on going into battle but had no form strong enough to beat the enemy, or wanted to try to intimidate the spirits around them.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:35 AM

Lightning crackled in the air around them, as they pushed themselves easily into the air, their wings hardly having to work.  Scarlet was the first to strike, poison squirting from her long fangs. It was an easy dodge for Vella, and she already had a counter attack in the ready. A great bolt of white light flashed down from above, and Scarlet only narrowly evaded the strong bolt of magic that had been hurled at her. “ooh, you are angry.” Scarelt said darkly, taking a deep breath. “How delightful…” The demon spirit smiled, launching herself at Vella.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:36 AM

You leech.” Vella growled remembering only too late that this demon lived purely off of emotion, and was especially strong when exposed to the emotions of another immortal. Whatever, she didn’t want to kill the demon. So maybe this would give Scarlet enough power to not die when she would finally land a strike onto the Demon. “Damn, your kind do get powerful when their angry.” Scarlet yelled, sounding impressed.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:37 AM

Vella threw herself at Scarlet, still angry about her life. She knew that whoever sent her from heaven was a traitor, and was probably tearing her home apart. Still with all of the power she now held, she was not able to stop the thing that was helping the demons win the war. “Fuck off; you have no right fighting me!” Vella spat, malice laced in her voice.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:38 AM

Scarlet just laughed at her, it set Vella on edge that Scarlet just thought this was all some big game. “No right to fight you? Get off your damn high horse, we are fighting a war, are we not?” the Demon replied, clever as all the assassins tended to be, always knowing what was going on, and what to say next. “Do you plan out things like this in your spare time?” Vella asked sending another bolt of lightning down onto the water, trying to hit the demon’s wings.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:39 AM

Only always.” The demon replied sending another flow of venom towards the angel. Lifting herself up a few feet higher, the venom barely hit the tip of her foot. “arg!” Vella scrunched up her face in pain, and gripped at her foot. "Ooh, lucky shot I'm sure." Scarlet said watching the angel closely, knowing she could end it all within a matter of seconds. she couldn't help but do a little victory dance, it wasn't often that assassin hit their target in open combat. It looked like her essence was melting, and bow did it feel like she had just thrown herself into the sun. Folding her wings back in she fell, like the graceful angel she was, she dived beautifully into the water, bolting straight down going deeper than she had planned. Luckily, her fast moving body mixed with the large amount of pressure the venom was washed away.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:41 AM

Softly floating back to the top she felt just tired. Angry and frustrated and feeling like she could kill every living thing on this god forsaken planet. Right now, after that she had been proven that she was not as strong as she needed to be. She remembered why she had gone to this other continent in the first place. Someone there would help her become what she needed to be so that she could go back and kill the fucker who had cast her down from her home.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:41 AM

Feeling defeated she rubbed her hands across her face and struggled to stay conscious; she was weak and needed to feed. She floated into the storm clouds, and with a deep breath absorbed the whole storm in only a few seconds. Now she was stronger. She met the demon who gave her a curious look. Now Vella smirked, and with a powerful blast sent the demon burning and screaming into the ocean, and hopefully back to hell.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:43 AM

Vella stomped back into the ship, her temper still high and adrenaline was washing though her veins causing her to shake. “I’m going to bed, and I don’t want any disturbances.” The Angel growled at the watching workers. They all nodded quickly and ran off. “Well missy, you sure do know how to show off.” Vella jumped and whipped around, standing face to face with the Capitan of the ship.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:45 AM

I’m sorry?” Vella said sweetly, shifting to her human form, looking the Capitan over. He was a strong man with large arms and a large chest. He seemed worn down from life at sea, but somehow managed to keep fit and muscular. “We both know you could have been done with all of that in one shot.” The Capitan growled moving closer to the angel until their bodies where touching.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:46 AM

Vella turned away, her already white face growing pale; she ran to the edge of the ship and vomited. “Sea sick? I know the perfect remedy.” The Capitan grabbed her hand and pulled her around to face him. “You…” Vella whimpered her voice breaking, she knew him she couldn’t remember from where exactly, but she had seen him before. “Ouch! You bitch.” She had shocked him, a poor choice on her part.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:47 AM

now she was lying on her back across the deck, a red mark about the size and shape of the large man’s hand imprinted on her face. “There’s no need for violence.” The man growled. “Not you, why are you here? You should not be here, haven’t you done enough.” E was at her side at once, allowing her to see again. Tears streamed down her face, and she placed a tentative hand on her cheek. Wincing at the pain, she slowly got up only to have her hair get grabbed by the man and soon she was being drug back into the cabin.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:47 AM

“Lock her up.” The Capitan growled throwing her back onto the ground, pieces of blonde and blue hair fell to the floor. Anger pieced through her, she had no idea what was going on. But within moments mean looking workers had her picked up and were shoving shackles around her hands and legs. “How the fuck are you going to get out of this one?” a menacing voice asked, she jumped and E looked around trying to find who had spoken. It hadn’t been the workers; no it was much more familiar and feminine.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:48 AM

Don’t look at me you fool.” A sharp bark ordered. Vella had nothing to do but comply, for now this voice seemed like it was trying to offer help. Struggling against the two men and screaming the whole way down to the depths of the ship Vella felt helpless. The shackles had magic properties to them that made it so she could not access her abilities. If she took a guess she would say that these men where machines because they gripped her tighter than any human could ever wish to.
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Re: -: It Won't Fade {Part 1} :- ( Self ; L & V )

Postby Sarah » 01/26/2013 12:48 AM

Being thrown down the stairs was not the most pleasant experience, especially in her mortal body. Not only where large chunks of her hair missing it felt like her wrist was broken and she was positive that she had a couple broken ribs as well. The two men came slowly after her, walking down the stairs very carefully. She wondered why, they were machines that should not care what happens. That or they should be very precise and agile.
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