Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [HUNT]

Postby Shieba » 02/17/2013 9:16 PM


The beautiful Idalani area always saw quite a few visitors, but around Valentine's day, it tended to be more than crowded. It was a spot for lovers, after all - so Morwena was more than surprised when her beloved Dear had suddenly told her that they would travel here. Now that they had arrived and around them were dozens of couples, she simply couldn't help it and stared at him. "Dear? What...are we doing here?" Surely her Dear wasn't taking her out on a date! She wasn't deserving that at all!

Bentner sighed. "You are so uninformed, woman. Apparently, once a decade, a special magic appears here and gives couples a gift. There have been reports of flashes of lights which leave behind different items. I want to see what magic that is and if these items are of any worth to us." He glanced at Morwena and sighed. "Apparently, though, that only happens when couples are together. So I suppose that for today, we will act as one. Clearly, you are obsessed enough with me to count for both of us and I do sleep with you, after all."

"I'm so happy to be useful to you!" Morwena declared, but then Bentner's words really sunk in. "D-dear...? What do you mean, 'act like a couple'?" There were ideas of her and her Dear making love behind a waterfall in her head immediately. That would be so wonderful!

Bentner sighed again when he saw the look on Morwena's face and how much the woman seemed to be lost in thoughts. "I will allow you to take my arm while we stroll around this area as if we were of equal standing and nothing more. We will try to find another couple to observe, just in case this magic really can tell who is a true couple and who is not." He frowned. "Though after all, I am your Chosen One and we should be recognized as being bound together. We will see. Come now." He held up his arm for Morwena to take.

Morwena squealed in excitement. "I really don't deserve this..." she whispered in complete awe, but nevertheless latched onto Bentner right away, snuggling against him and putting her head onto his shoulder. Bentner took a deep breath and reminded himself that he was doing this for a reason. Clearly, it would not be easy to endure Morwena today.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/17/2013 10:20 PM


(Human form refs)

“My lady, please. Come away from the falls. It’s dangerous there.”

Saber looked on in with stone-faced worry as her mistress leaned out over the edge of the water, peering into the crystalline depths with an ecstatic giggle. Irisviel von Einzbern was the esteemed descendent of Merlin the Great Wizard, the very man who bound Saber’s own soul in magic, to be reborn to protect Irisviel when she needed her most. But when Saber was called from the depths of a dark and overreaching slumber to become flesh and bone once more, she never imagined she’d become a glorified babysitter. She’d expected sword fights (she was once a great knight and king, after all) and battling to protect her lady’s honor and life. Instead, she was often relegated to the sad fate of keeping Irisviel from getting herself into trouble, which usually involved looking both ways before crossing the street, and keeping her from tripping over rocks.

Today, she was force to hover and fret while her mistress played near the edge of the very deep (and dangerous) Idalani falls. “But Saber!” Irisviel cried as she splashed in the shallows, her shoes and stockings on the shore and her hands gripping the edges of her skirt. “The water isn’t dangerous. And it’s so pretty! Why don’t you join me?”

Saber crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing her mistress out of the corner of her blue eyes, and shook her head. “It would be undignified for me to partake in such childish activities,” she informed the white haired woman, and regretted her words instantly when she saw Irisviel wilt beneath the weight of them.

“You-you think I’m childish?”

Saber’s face feel immediately, and she swiftly turned to hold her hands up in a reassuring manner. “N-no, my lady! Of course not! I-I merely meant, um, that I need to remain on guard! I can’t allow anything to happen to you, after all!” Irisviel stared at her for a few moments, in which Saber sweated profusely and wondered if she’d be spending the rest of the day trying to make it up to her, and do some of that ‘cuddling’ Irisviel was so fond of partaking in with her, when her lady’s face morphed into a smile. Saber breathed a sigh of relief when Irisviel giggled and jumped form the water, prancing over to wrap her arms around her. Saber suffered the outward display of affection, even though she really hated public displays; she preferred if her lady kept those types of things private, but when Irisviel was in a clingy mood, it couldn’t be helped.

“That’s okay, Saber!” she cried happily, squeezing her guard who hesitantly wrapped her own arms around her. “I know what you meant. But hey, you know what this month is?” Saber wondered if she wanted to know, and shook her head slowly. “It’s couples month! The month of looooooovvvveeee!” Saber decided she would’ve been better off knowing. “Which means we’re on a date! I should’ve brought a picnic, but…Um, I totally forgot.” Her face fell slightly, and Saber rushed to reassure her.

“It’s-it’s okay! You can just summon us a lunch, right you‘re really good at summoning!” She laughed nervously when Irisviel’s face lit up, and her arms tightened around her waist. Saber’s smile relaxed slightly as her lady rested her head against her shoulder on the lapels of her jacket; even if she didn’t like public displays of affection, it was fairly secluded here, and she didn’t really mind it when Irisviel wanted to hug, so it was nice to simply relax into her embrace. That was until she heard the sound of voices and footsteps. Her senses instantly went on alert, and warning bells rang in her head when the presence she detected also boasted an immense amount of magical energy. Her arms fell away from Irisviel, who looked confused as Saber pushed her behind her. She raised her hand, and a long, silver sword materialized in her palm, fingers closing around the hilt. She watched with a steady, unbothered gaze, as a couple rounded the bend. One was very old, and the other rather lacking in clothing. They reminded her of the courtesans and nobles that used to grace the halls of her castles hundreds of years ago.

“Greetings,” she called, careful to keep her face and voice neutral. “What brings the two of you here?”

Irisviel, however, was much more welcoming that her guard. Before Saber could stop her, she bounded forward, her red eyes bright. “Hello!” she cried gladly. “I’m Irisviel von Einzbern! And this is Saber! You must be here to see the falls too! Are you a couple? Oh! I bet you are! You make such a lovely couple! So cuuuuttteeeee!” She bounded back to a very stunned Saber’s side, and wound her arm through the blonde’s. “Saber and I are here as a couple too!” She leaned her head against her guard’s arm, causing the usually stoic woman to turn a rather unflattering shade of red. “Oh! I know! Why don’t you two join us for a picnic? I was just about to summon our lunch!” It was a really weird sentence, and Saber hissed silently at Irisviel, worried that she was giving away too much of her identity. She hadn’t vanished her sword either, and still eyed the strangers warily. This was going to be a very long day.

((...I don't know how this post got away from me. It was so small, and now it's a novel! XD))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/18/2013 12:09 AM

It hadn't been long after they had started walking that Bentner had figured out that no magical item was probably worth this. Not only did his shoulder hurt already from Morwena hanging onto him (not at all like a noble lady, really), but they also got stared at by everyone they met. A small part of him clung to the hope that this was because of their age difference, but since Bentner had never been someone closing his eyes from reality, he was well aware that it was because Morwena acted so over the top. The sad part was that it wasn't just that she was simply trying to look like one half of a couple, but that she was really as high as a kite and over the moon just because she had her hand on his arm. Because of that, he had quickly decided to steer the annoying woman towards a more secluded part of Idalani - how anyone was supposed to spend romantic hours in such a crowded tourism spot was beyond him anyway.

So when he then felt some magic from a bit away, his senses immediately went alert. Was his suffering ending so soon? But no, as soon as he rounded a corner with Morwena, he found that the magic had come from one of two women who was holding a sword. Odd. He glanced at Morwena and luckily, her brain seemed at least working so much that she understood immediately. Well, and then the other woman - with red eyes, as Bentner noticed - seemed to be just as overenthusiastic as Morwena and greeted them as such as well.

Not really to Bentner's surprise, Morwena immediately happily started to almost flail. "Why, hello there, deary! I'm Morwena Ildenrawk and this is my wonderful and magnificient Dear, the great Bentner Eilenberg!" She blushed. "And yes, we are here as a couple today!" (Bentner wondered for a second why his own skull hadn't split by how shrill and happy Morwena's voice had gotten by the word 'couple'.) Morwena usually was very wary of females who took an interest in her Dear, but if those two were seeing each other, they weren't interested in men, right? Or at least she hoped so. But the louder one had called her and her Dear 'cute', so Morwena felt unusually friendly towards her and she was in such a good mood anyway. "Have you come here in hopes to see the magic, too? You are mages, right? Otherwise, you couldn't possibly summon a lunch!" Morwena beamed.

Bentner sighed and then nodded at Saber. "Greetings. I apologize for Morwena's...enthusiasm. Though I do wonder why you stand here with a sword, talking to strangers passing by and inviting them to a picnic. Is there anything you require of us? Normally, dates are spend only with your partner, aren't they?"

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/18/2013 1:06 AM

Saber gave a long winded, self-suffering sigh as she banished her sword, deciding that these two people (one of whom was decidedly as air-headed as poor Irisviel) were no real threat. She could still feel the power coiling inside of them, and she knew they were dangerous, but she had faith in her abilities to protect her mistress should they try anything funny. Saber rolled her gaze towards Bentner, and offered him a flat look. “Normally, they are, or so I am told. But as you can see…” She indicated Irisviel, who had her hands clasped in front of her and was looking at Morwena with adulation. “…she’s not exactly normal.” Saber was glad Irisviel was concerning herself more with Morwena than the conversation with Benter, but she smiled softly at the back of the white-haired woman’s head. “She’s a little strange, but she is my mistress, and I will do anything she asks of me. Thus…” She turned to raise a critical eyebrow in Bentner and Morwena’s direction. “I suppose you are invited to dine with us. It shall be a simple fare; sandwiches, I imagine. She’s not good at summoning more eccentric feasts.” Saber bent slightly at the waist, one hand pressed against her heart as she bowed. “I apologize for my rudeness earlier. It would be an honor to have you and your wife join us for lunch.”

Irisviel, meanwhile, was making excited, cooing noises, and clasping her hands in front of her. “Oh, yes, yes! I’m a mage! Saber is my summon, but she’s much more powerful than I am! She‘s so amazing!” Irisviel was, of course, selling herself short; being a descendant of Merlin, she was one of the most powerful mages in the supernatural community. She just had a very hard time controlling and harnessing her massive powers, unlike Saber, who was inherently good at everything she did. “You’re going to join us for lunch, right? You and your husband? Oh, it’ll be so much fun!” She bounced forward and gestured happily to Morwena. “What do you want to eat? I can only summon sandwiches, but I’m pretty good at making different kinds of them. You like sandwiches, right, Morwena? What about your husband? Does he like them too?” She rolled up her sleeves, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she prepared to summon food, her fingertips glowing with a faint, golden light.

Saber, meanwhile, had glanced over at Irisviel, and was smiling fondly as the woman prepared to summon their ‘magical’ sandwiches, before turning to Bentner with a puzzled look. "Your wife mentioned…magical items? What might these magical items be? I was not aware of them…And I am usually quite good at sensing magic…” She appeared perplexed, her brows furrowed slightly. “Is is dangerous magic? And I imagine, since your wife mentioned the word ‘mage,’ that, that is exactly what you are?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/18/2013 8:13 PM

Bentner offered Saber an understanding nod in return. After all, he knew all too well what it meant to be stuck with someone like that and the fact that Morwena and Irisviel were obviously getting along rather well seemed less and less like a surprise. The fact that this woman was Saber's mistress, however, seemed like a cruel fate. Nevertheless, Bentner could feel the magic in Irisviel as well, which is why he decided to incline his head. Sandwiches really didn't classify as the food he normally ate; he was a noble, after all, but not only were these two powerful and probably worth investigating, but they would also keep Morwena distracted and act as another chance to maybe witness whatever magic would hopefully take place here. "We shall accept then, thank you so much." Bentner inclined his head. He did his best not to cringe at the mentioning of Morwena being seen as his wife; hopefully, Morwena hadn't heard it.

Morwena, luckily, hadn't; she was too busy staring at Irisviel. "Wait, so Saber is a magical being that you summoned?!" That was interesting! "And you are dating her? So she is like a super-amazing sex slave? That must be very convenient! And how nice to meet another mage! Summoning is a very rare art where we come from! You totally have to tell me more about your talents!" Morwena had happily started the smalltalk, well aware that her Dear would want informations - and then it felt like her heart stopped when Irisviel now called Bentner Morwena's husband and she very well heard it this time. "Oh, nononono! My Dear is not my husband! I would never be worthy of that!" She quickly shook her head. "I was once his student, but he allowed me to stay with him even after finishing my education because he is amazing and wonderful like that! I love my Dear with all my heart, but I could never be equal to him! You see, he is my Chosen One! I have a bit of blood from a race within me which mates for life with those fate picks for them. If my Dear would reject me, I would actually die - but that's okay, because as long as my Dear is happy, so am I! My Dear says that he thinks that the fact that I only have a bit of that blood made my genes all crazy, which makes me put his happiness so far above mine. I don't ever want to have an equal relationship with my Dear, he is too wonderful for that! I just want him to own me forever!" Taking a deep breath after getting that all out, she then watched Irisviel starting her magic and, thankfully a bit less shrill than she had just gotten, smiled at the other woman. "Oh yes, for me, sandwiches are just fine! My Dear normally eats other food, though, but-"

"It's fine, thank you", Bentner nodded at Irisviel, having been interrupted in his conversation with Saber by Morwena's voice. He then turned back to Saber. "Apparently, once a decade on Valentine's day, some magic is supposed to happen here and couples being here right now have reported flashes of light and then items appearing in front of them. Morwena and me are indeed mages; the most powerful ones of our kingdom, though we focus more on research these days. We came here in hopes of maybe finding such an item or at least seeing that magic happen to others to gauge if it's anything worth exploring more."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/24/2013 12:42 AM

Irisviel’s cheeks immediately lit on fire and she very nearly face-planted (because only someone like her could do that while standing completely still). As it was, she botched the spell so badly, that all she managed to summon were a few very poor looking tomato slices. “W-W-W-WHAT?” she managed, her voice very high-pitched as she wobbled unsteadily on her feet. “N-no! She’s not a s-sex slave!” Her cheeks felt like they would burn up at any moment, and Irisviel was incredibly glad that Saber had enough tact to completely ignore the conversation. “W-well, we are d-dating but…Um…” She wasn’t sure how to go about answering any of these questions. Her and Saber’s relationship was in it’s infancy, but it didn’t make the love that the two women shared any less real. She and Saber had known one another since Irisviel had turned sixteen, and now going on twenty-three, she imagined she’d loved Saber for at least six years.

When she’d first met Saber, she’d been in awe of her, and often exasperated by her lack of emotion and feeling. But as she grew to understand and know Saber, she found that the woman was caring and brave and beautiful, inside and out. She remembered when she’d first realized she’d fallen for her guardian, and had acted awkward and weird for two months around Saber before the blonde had finally asked what was wrong. After a stuttered confession, the summoned warrior had been too stunned to really make heads or tails of the matter, and had ended up distancing herself emotionally from Irisviel. It took nearly another year and a lot of soul searching on Saber’s part for her to finally admit and come to grips with the fact that she too had feelings for her master. It took another few years for them to make anything of it, and even now, they were still getting used to one another and the fact that they could be openly affectionate whenever they wanted.

Irisviel really wanted to explain all of that to Morwena, but she hardly knew the woman; inviting them for lunch was one thing, but sharing her life story was another. Clearing her throat, she studiously concentrated on her summoning magic, and in the next instant, a checkered blanket, complete with an old-fashioned picnic basket, appeared on the grass near the falls. “Saber is my guardian, and she’s actually the soul of an old king from very long ago. My…ancestor taught me to summon her to keep me safe.” She shot a fond look at the blonde, who looked intrigued by whatever it was Bentner was talking about. “I guess that’s partially why I love her. She’s done so much for me.”

She plopped down on the blanket, motioning for Morwena to sit near her as she began to unpack the basket. “I’d be happy to tell you more about my magic, if you wouldn’t mind telling me more about your race. It sounds fascinating; I’ve never heard something so amazing. It’s very romantic, actually.” She smiled brightly, pushing some ivory hair behind her ears as she leaned forward and pulled out little delicate boxes of sandwiches. “What is your race called?”

Saber tried very hard to ignore the conversation Morwena and Irisviel were having. If she didn’t hear it, she could claim ignorance later when Irisviel asked her something stupid, like if she’d ever been a sex slave, or if she’d mind doing something equally mortifying. None of that sounded appealing. She fixated her attention on Bentner as she moved towards the blanket, settling down beside Irisviel and acknowledging the woman beside her when she placed a hand gently on her knee. “Flashes of light and items?” she asked curiously, her gaze guarded as she accepted a cup of tea from Irisviel, who held the teapot (She was getting much better at summoning, Saber noticed) out and asked if Benter and Morwena would like a cup as well. “Sounds interesting. We have yet to come across anything like that here.” She raised one elegant eyebrow, then closed her eyes and smiled ever so faintly. “Mages. I will confess that I haven’t met very many mages who aren’t trying to kill me or my mistress. So this is a pleasant surprise.”

Her smile sharpened just slightly. “Just please don’t try anything. I’d rather not have this day ruined for Irisviel.” And she didn’t fancy the idea of chopping either of these people in half; it was far too messy. But the underlying threat was there; don't make any aggressive moves towards us, and we'll get along fine. “But regardless, we would be happy to help you seek this magic that you are looking for. Or at least, I imagine Irisviel would be quite happy to.” Irisviel nodded eagerly, still holding the teapot out and motioning to the cups she’d set in front of Morwena and Bentner. “Oh, yes indeed!” she cried gleefully. “You seem so nice. I’d love to help you out! And I’m sure Saber would enjoy it as well.” She snuck a glance at her guardian, before holding out the teapot. “Tea, Mr. Bentner, Miss Morwena?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/24/2013 6:16 PM

Morwena, who loved teasing people, found Irisviel's reaction absolutely funny and only when she caught a warning glare from Bentner did her best not to laugh about it and instead tried to understand what kind of magic Irisviel was using. "So you are dating your servant, then?" Morwena grinned. "Ah, I see how it went...they taught you to summon her to keep you safe while you slept and she could keep you safe the most when she was in the bed as well, huh?" Winking at the other woman, Morwena sat down on the blanket as well. "But that's completely fine, deary. After all, my Dear allowed me to share the bed with him as well while I was still his student." Then, she paused and first looked at Saber and then back as Irisviel. "Wait...she's the soul of a king? As in, a man? Oooh, does that mean that she has more between her legs than a female normally would have?"

Morwena hummed happily, glad that Irisviel was so eager to share information. "Well, you see, in my world, the white god and all his holy servants are dragons. The race I was talking about, the Dracons, are half dragon and half human, but because such beings shouldn't exist, the holy magic of the dragons gets warped so that Dracons can only use chaos-magic. They also normally have all red eyes and antler-like horns, but as you can see, I look normal enough. I only have the increased magic power of a Dracon. Also, my magic isn't of chaotic nature anymore and I sadly also can't teleport - which is the only divine magic Dracons inherit from the dragons."

Bentner meanwhile sat down with Saber as well, also trying his best to ignore what Morwena and Irisviel were talking about and hoping that Morwena wasn't messing up too badly. These people were interesting - though he frowned when Saber indirectly warned him not to try anything. "It seems odd to invite strangers to a picnic and then ask them to not attack. Or is that because we are mages? Surely you felt our power or you would have not drawn your weapon." Bentner spoke calmly, but his gaze was fixed on Saber. He didn't like to be threatened. "We are not here to harm anyone. I am interested to hear why others would, though." Nodding at Irisviel, he took a teacup. "Thank you kindly. Well, this supposed magic is said to be happening around couples, so I am not sure if there is anything that can be done to enhance the chance to encounter it except being in this area with a person close to you."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/25/2013 10:36 PM

“Um, well, yes,” Irisviel managed without blushing. “We are dating. It's just a little new to us. We've always...cared for one another, but the whole 'relationship' thing is a bit recent. So far, so good. It feels odd to put a name to the feelings we've had for so long, but it also feels...good. Freeing.” She smiled faintly, and hid a blush behind her hand. “Miss Morwena,” she scolded, though she did giggle a little along with the brown haired woman. Saber rolled her eyes good-naturedly, ignoring the comment.

“No, Saber is all woman, I assure you. But her soul is the soul of a king from ancient times. She was female then too, but when she ascended the throne, her subjects and many dissenters didn't think she had what it took to be ruler. She didn't want to take on the title of queen, because she felt as though it would imply that she needed someone to rule alongside her and help her run the kingdom. So she took the title of king, and once she took the throne, her subjects saw that she was a very capable king, kind and just and a ruthless fighter and leader. They accepted her as their king, and their king she remained until the day of her death. My ancestor sealed her soul away and kept it safe until the day I was born and came into my magic. He taught me to summon her to keep me safe.”

Her lashes lowered slightly. “There are a lot of people who would like nothing more than to see me dead, I'm afraid.” Shaking her head, Irisviel poured two cups of tea for Morwena and Bentner, and scooted them towards the both of them. She felt Saber gently place a hand against her shoulder in silent assurance, more for the peace of mind of the both of them than for anything else. Irisviel looked back up at Morwena, listening intently to her story as she pulled little sandwiches from the containers and set them out on plates. “Oh my, part dragon?” she asked. “That's terribly amazing! In my family, dragons are sacred and ancient creatures, revered for their wisdom and their power. You must be truly powerful if you have even an ounce of dragon blood in you.”

Saber, on the other hand, had lifted her cup to her lips, regarding Bentner critically over the rim, her blue eyes sharp and shrewd. “One can never be too careful. But I do what I must to make Irisviel happy; her happiness is all that matters to me.” She set her cup down in front of her, still looking incredibly poised and stately as she took a sandwich and held it thoughtfully. “Well then, perhaps we are inadvertently helping, if this magic appears near couples. Regardless, as long as it isn't dangerous, I'm not too concerned over it. Although I must ask; you seem quite interested in this. Do you have an affinity for collecting magical items?”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/26/2013 12:03 AM

Morwena giggled, finding it fun that there was someone who actually could take her teasing - she liked Irisviel and while Morwena definitely enjoyed riling people up with her comments, it was also nice sometimes if others just went along with it for fun. "So, how does that work out? I mean, if you are of different standings but are still dating? I always found the idea of being in an equal relationship so boring and enjoy it so much to obey my Dear, but I know most others think differently." Morwena was actually really interested in that, especially since the relationship between Irisviel and Saber seemed all but normal as well.

Morwena tilted her head when she heard about what Saber had once been. "Okay, so she was a good king and people thought she did great and as a result, they sealed her soul so that she could become...a servant. Either she's into kinky servant-stuff or your ancestors are odd. What kind of king would want to become a servant? Or is there another reason?" Still remembering that she had to get as much information as possible to please her Dear, Morwena looked at the teacup which had been summoned. "If there is a king protecting you and people want you dead, you must be important, hmm? What's up with that?"

Morwena beamed. "Well, the dragons of my world are very different from the dragons of most other worlds, or so I've learned from visiting Evelon, but yes, they are very powerful and most are very old and wise. I am partly a divine creature!"

Bentner had trouble not to shake his head at Morwena - it was impossible to ignore what she was saying, given her voice - since 'divine creature' was hardly what he would describe her as. Instead, he focused on Saber once more. "I agree that one has to be careful, actually. And indeed I collect magical items and research them. I was once the First Mage of my kingdom, though I have been...forcefully relieved from my post. Sadly, ever since then, research of items has been rather stagnating since the mage who took over my job isn't as ambitious. With our kingdom being threatened by demons at all times, though, these things are important and so, Morwena and me have come to Evelon to maybe find items and magic we don't know yet or have no access to in our world anymore."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/26/2013 8:51 PM

(OC: -Claws her way in- I just...had to post this...before I passed out. XD I apologize for shortness or crappiness of the post...And/or if anyone sounds drunk, because my characters and writing have a tendency to seem intoxicated when I'm tired)

“I don't think of Saber as a servant, even if she thinks of me as a master. She's utterly devoted to me because it was written into the magic binding her soul. But even when the magic that forced her to be my servant dissolved after a certain number of years, she still chose to remain by my side. Which is why I think of us as equals; I don't know how she sees it, but to me, Saber is every bit on the same standing as I am.” Her smile was a little shy as she took a sandwich and bit into it, glad she'd conjured up a vegetarian set for herself; she never was a big fan of meat. Swallowing, she turned and nodded at Morwena.

“My ancestor was a very powerful wizard, and one of Saber's main supporters when she was king. It's very much a part of her to serve and protect, because, as she says, that is what a king does. A king should be there for each and every one of their subjects, and be willing to lay down their life for anyone who asks it of them, from babe, to woman, to man, and beyond. My ancestor foresaw my birth, and he foresaw the trouble my magic would bring not only myself, but those around me. When he asked Saber to protect me, she gave him her word that she would, out of loyalty and love for him, knowing that she owed him for supporting her in her time of need. She doesn't see it as a dissension in power, but as a return to duty. Every king, she says, is a servant of the people, and so every king is the servant of those who need them most. That is how she rationalizes it; she has not fallen from grace, but rather taken up another charge. My life is hers to protect and keep for as long as she wants; you and many others might see her as my servant, but to me, she's still every bit the king she has always been.”

Her smile was fond as she took a bashful bite of her sandwich, chewing thoughtfully before exchanging a glance with her guardian. Saber nodded almost imperceptibly, and Irisviel smiled sadly. “My magic is incredibly powerful; I am a descendant of the most powerful wizard of all time, one who wrote the very laws of magic and enchantments. When my power first manifested, it was too dangerous for me to control, and when Saber was summoned, she helped me learn to control it. But there are people out there that would seek to use my magic for their own gain. Namely, for my ability to create...life, and to weave matter. Some people might call it a type of alchemy, but in my instance, it is pure magic. I am...  also the protector of The Holy Grail, an otherwise powerful magical item that was once called 'The Wish Machine' and is able to bring forth one's will.” She seemed reluctant to give that last bit of information, and clenched her fists in the hem of her skirt.

Saber seemed vaguely surprised that she'd mentioned it, and shot a look towards Bentner; if he collected magical items, then no doubt, he would have an interest in the Grail. Unfortunately for him, even if he wanted to study it, Saber would never allow it. “Protecting a kingdom is a difficult thing,” the guardian said quietly, slightly annoyed that Irisviel's happy mood had suddenly darkened. “Of that I am well aware. But protecting an individual is an even more difficult task. But one I relish to the very core of my being.” Her gaze shifted to Bentner, and she leveled him with a flat stare. “I am curious of what you think about the Grail; it is, after all, a magical item.” Her sharp gaze watched for any signs of hostility; she'd hate to ruin the picnic, but she'd rather know what these two strangers' interest was now that they knew what Irisviel was. Or rather, what she housed.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/27/2013 8:46 PM

"Eeeh..." Morwena knew that her Dear would not agree with how Saber thought a king should act, but she left that discussion to him. However, that wasn't her main point of interest right now anyway. "But...but...my Dear is the most powerful mage of all time! He is amazing and wonderful and great and he owns the most powerful items and no one can defeat him!" Almost flailing, Morwena had very obviously completely missed the fact that they were probably talking about different worlds and, even if not, that Bentner clearly hadn't written any laws of magic.

Bentner sighed. "You are so dumb sometimes, woman..." He looked at Saber. "I have once been Royal Advisor to a great king before he was killed by his own son and I do not agree with your point of view of what a king should do, but I do approve of protecting great magical power, no matter if it is in form of an item or an ability unique to someone." Then, he remembered something and turned to Irisviel. "May I ask if that power of yours is fully under your control, then? After all, the magic seen around this area is supposed to make items appear in front of couples and weaving matter or summoning falls into that category. I have seen more than one mage in my lifetime who had their power gone out of control and manifest in specific ways when they were in certain states of mind."

Morwena giggled. "What my Dear means", she explained, in case Irisviel didn't understand, "is that he wonders if you and Saber were having sex around here and maaaaybe your power went a bit out of control during it and due to your feeling of love for her, items might have appeared near other people in love with each other!" She grinned and winked. "If that's true, think you two could do that again? I'd love to see that great power of yours at work again!"

Leaving Morwena to deal with the topic the woman enjoyed the most, Bentner nodded at Saber, well aware why the woman was looking at him like that. It was hard to deny that he indeed wanted to at least get a look at this grail, but he doubted he would have the chance that easily. "It is hard to tell you what I think about it without having seen or tested it. With us not being from this world, what might be powerful for you might be weak to us - or the other way round. An item that grants wishes would, in my world, be impossible if it is just that, for only the Creator can form whatever She wants and humans hardly have access to the skill of the highest goddess. I also cannot really guess where its limits lie - can it bring back the dead if one so desires, for example? If it could, the very core and balance would be destroyed by it and I would not want to mess with it, no matter the power. I am not dumb, after all."

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/28/2013 1:17 AM

Irisviel waved her free hand, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Oh, oh of course!” she assured. “I have no doubt that Mr. Bentner is the most powerful! But this was a very, very, very long time ago. My ancestor is no longer alive; but here, in this world, it was he who created the very first magic. The spells and different enchantments we use today were his creation, and he was the one who first began researching the Supernatural. He was the first man, magical or non, to catalogue elements, spirits, and all types of supernatural and magical creatures. It’s because of him that we have the knowledge we do today, and it’s because of him that there are agencies and corporations out there that are specifically set up and designed to deal with the magical and supernatural. So you have nothing to worry about! Mr. Bentner is the most powerful mage of all time, I’m certain!” She had no idea if it was true, but it seemed like a good idea to pacify the flailing woman before she had some kind of seizure over it. Irisviel found her very endearing, and silently vowed to figure out a way to convince Saber to invite the two of them to their home. Maybe she could show Mr. Bentner and Miss Morwena some magic and a few magical items to appease them. The hardest part would be getting her guardian’s approval. She leaned slightly against Saber's broad shoulder, and the woman almost automatically reached out an arm to wrap around her waist.

Saber’s blue gaze sharpened slightly, and her frown deepened almost imperceptibly. “It is not my place to tell you what a king should and should not be. Every ruler is different, and every ruler has their own way of running their kingdom. Mine was to protect and serve and keep my subjects safe at all costs, and it served me very well during my reign. But that was many hundreds of years ago, and things are not the same as they once were. That is something I have long since come to terms with.” She shrugged one shoulder, and she even seemed to make such a mundane gesture incredibly fluid and elegant.

Irisviel turned to Bentner, a faintly curious and surprised look on her face. “Oh, um, I try never to practice my magic outside of my home or if my life is in danger, if I can help it,” she admitted, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “It can be dangerous sometimes, especially if someone were to see it. I don’t want to have any of the local authorities hounding me about being more discreet.” When she said authorities, she meant the Supernatural kind. “But yeah, it’s completely under my control now. It’s taken me years to do, but I’ve fully mastered it.” Glancing around with narrowed eyes, as if someone might pop out of the bushes at any moment (Saber rolled her eyes at Irisviel’s attempt to be sneaky) the white-haired woman held out a palm, and in the next instant, a faint purple glow emanated from her fingers, coalescing into what looked like a vague outline of a creature. One little flash of light later, and the vague outline manifested itself in the shape of a tiny eagle, which was, in fact, purple in color, and squawked noisily before taking flight from her palm and zooming up into the air. The light faded around it, and the creature winked out of existence before it got too far, but Irisviel was smiling even as it did. “I never could’ve done that a few years back. Or even a year ago. I’ve learned to control the power, instead of letting it control me. Even if my emotions get out of hand, I‘ve gained enough reign on it to be able to keep it in check, for the most part.” Her eyes slipped immediately back to Morwena, and her face flared a brilliant, scarlet hue. “EH?!” she cried, pressing her hands to her cheeks. “N-N-N-NO! We weren’t having s-s-sex!” It took her a moment to get the word out. “I don’t think I have anything to do with the magical items appearing!”

Saber placed her chin on her fist, leaning forward with her elbow resting on one knee. “It is more than just a wish granter,” she admitted, almost reluctantly. “It brings forth your very will and makes it a reality. It could destroy us all, if someone wanted it badly enough. That is why it is hidden. I don’t think God or the Creator has much to do with this item; it is something that defies all logic and time and space and matter. It can do anything.” Her face was set into a grim mask. “And yes, it very well could destroy all balance. But there are some who don’t seem to care about any of that; they want it for their own. Whether for good or evil, that is something I cannot, and will not allow.” She leaned back a little, a smirk curling over the edge of her lips. “If someone were to try and steal it, have my own magic and power to deal with that particular occurrence. It is as safe as safe can be.” That could explain why she didn't seem to mind telling them about the Grail; at least, not more than normally.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby Shieba » 02/28/2013 8:04 PM

Morwena was indeed pacified once Irisviel assured her that her Dear was clearly the most powerful mage. Glad that the other woman agreed, she nodded happily. "Indeed! These are basically all things that my Dear does, too. Without him, our kingdom would surely have already fallen prey to the demons! He's so wonderful! And amazing! And great and sexy and so wonderful in bed and so--"

"Woman, just shut up", Bentner sighed and Morwena indeed immediately went silent. "Hearing you talk is nothing but embarrassing." He gestured at Irisviel. "Despite the way she acts, Morwena is actually a brilliant mage. If she disturbs you too much, though, feel free to say so." Giving Morwena a warning glance, he then turned back to Saber. "Indeed, things tend to change a lot and sometimes it doesn't even take hundreds of years to do so. I do wonder, though, if you, as a summoned being, are now not part of the flow of time anymore? Are you immortal now, never aging and unable to die?"

Both Bentner and Morwena watched how Irisviel summoned the eagle, trying to figure out what kind of energy it was actually made out of. "How much do these things drain your magic when you keep them in existence, deary?" Morwena asked. "Or don't they drain you at all? It doesn't look like normal summoning magic from my world." She snapped her fingers and a flame appeared, briefly burning normally before Morwena forced it into various shapes. "Such manipulation is easily done and creation magic is taught to those who have affinities with only a single element freely in my world, enabling the best of them to create half-conscious beings which can follow even more complex commands, but they do need commands from time to time still. How much free will did that birdy there have?" Morwena very much wanted to learn more more about magic she probably didn't even know yet. But of course, teasing Irisviel was pretty much even more fun than boring magic talk, especially since the woman was so easily flustered. "Oh, poor deary! Say, did we disturb you two badly? I mean, this is a secluded spot! Were you trying to get away from the masses a bit to have some fun? My Dear and I could wait elsewhere for a bit if you want!" She grinned at Irisviel.

Bentner tilted his head curiously. It was hard to believe that an item of such power would even exist - there were so many gods in so many worlds around; surely they would have something against an item like than in the hand of mortals, no matter how powerful the mortals might be. Also, it did made him wonder just how much power Saber really had or if the woman was simply exaggerating and testing him. "So how do you know how much power this grail holds, then? Surely, someone would have had to test it to be sure of the extend of its power", he stated calmly, very much interested in finding out if Saber was just messing with him or not.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: A Different Sort of Valentine's Day [Millie/Me, P, M] [H

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 03/01/2013 2:49 AM

If there was still daylight, it would be near impossible to see, and if it was past nightfall, only few would actually notice it. Some people reported seeing a comet shooting overhead, while others saw the 'comet' landing in a bright flash of light in a nearby bush, or in the middle of the path in front of them.

It seemed, this Valentines, that the Legend of Love was indeed true, for the item that lay nearby, ready for your discovering, was Valentines related.
If you wandered over to the light you would discover:
Heart Candy | Rose Petals

(Millie, you won the Candy, and Shieba won the Petals.)
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