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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/22/2013 12:42 PM

Glancing over at the grass, Vol nodded in agreement.
"Makes sense to me. There's quite a bit of it around here which could be hiding eggs. I think the grass is as likely an option as any." The second she had finished she bounded off towards the nearest patch of long grass, throwing only a cursory glance back at her companions. On another day she might have been a bit friendlier, but right now she was too focused on her goals. When she reached the grass she began to push the blades aside, keeping a look out for any unusual objects.

"I wish I knew what the eggs looked like," Vol called back, slowly disappearing further into the grass. She was fairly small even for a Kuhna, although her longer-than-usual tail was still visible above the green, "I guess that would make it too easy though huh?"

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/22/2013 3:18 PM

Shane smiled examining the doll. “Your doll sounds truly magical, would you tell me more about it?” she asked, Ecstatic that the girl was talking to her. Shane was too enveloped with this doll and the girl to hear Alice and with so many questions floating around her head it would have been hard to hear anything really. “You must be a very special girl to get such a wonderful gift.” Shane said awe in her voice, she knew that no one around her would believe the girl but Shane had always been one to dream.

Ignoring Shane and the girl Amber was focused on finding eggs. “I think that would be logical.” She said scampering off towards Vol. “It’s nice to meet you by the way.” She mumbled, her voice muffled by the tall grass that stood between them. “I’m not sure what the eggs will look like either, but once we have one the rest should be easy, right?” she asked shoving away a few stalks of grass as she inspected the ground for anything unusual.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/22/2013 5:58 PM

Alice was a bit confused by not knowing what the eggs looked like. "But...they look like eggs, right? I mean, how different can eggs look?" Then, she realized that she was back in Evelon. There wasn't one type of egg that was the primary use for Easter festivities - there could possibly be several, depending on what the sources of the eggs were. "Oh...I guess what they look like could be a help with finding them. I'm sure they'll stand out, though. Easter eggs are usually brightly decorated, right?" This said, she started to look in the tall grass opposite of Vol and Amber. It wouldn't do any good for all of them to be searching in the exact same spot.

Meanwhile, Sorri was staring up at Shane almost adoringly, all shyness gone. "She is magical," she said, a serious tone to her voice. "But no one believes me. Alice doesn't mind me calling her magical, but she doesn't exactly believe me. To Alice, she's just a Dolly." Shane had asked for more information, and Sorri gladly obliged. "Dolly knows everything...and I mean everything. Past, present, and future. But she knows that telling me some stuff would only make my life too hard or too easy. So she only tells me the stuff that she thinks that I should know. She helps me out a lot."

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/23/2013 2:34 AM

“That is marvelous.” Shane said excitement and awe jolting through her. Shane wanted so much to be able to see the magic in the doll as Sorri did. “Knowing everything is a lot of power to hold, a lot of responsibility.” Shane warned, knowing that the doll wouldn’t tell the girl anything dangerous but still she felt it necessary to say. “I wouldn’t want that kind of power.” She whispered she was in awe but fear was also creeping its way into her mind, tainting it. She couldn’t let that ruin the moment, she had gotten this girl to open up to her and she was not about to let that fall apart. “So if she knows everything so you ever ask her things? Like what the past was like or what the future might hold?” Shane asked, she knew that if it was her in the situation the doll would never get a rest from her talking.

“There are plenty of different eggs in Evelon.” Amber muttered. “All shapes and sizes, I Guess we will just have to get really lucky.” She laughed a little; she had never been so excited about finding eggs before. Thinking about it Amber had to admit that Alice was making a good point. “Maybe pastel colors, and they could all be the same size too.” Amber felt like that made things harder; they would be looking for something specific and without having seen one before Amber doubted she would be able to find one on her own. “I guess that’s why we are together, so that way we can keep an eye out for them.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/23/2013 8:08 AM

"Yep. Some of them even look like they're on fire but they don't burn so it's okay," Rummaging further down into the grass she let out a sigh. Nothing here that she could see. Perhaps the others were having better luck?, "I did the hunt last year by the way. You'd be surprised at some of the crazy places those eggs end up." Having one last desperate look, Vol jumped out of the grass and shook her fur. She felt all sticky now, like the blades had been coated in dew or something.

"I might try to climb one of these trees," she peered up at the nearest one, noting the densely-packed leaves. An egg could quite easily be hidden amongst them. Then again, the trunk looked quite steep. Smiling at the Lucain, she added lightly, "Make sure you catch anything that drops down. Including me." She unsheathed her claws, getting ready to start climbing up the bark

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/23/2013 8:45 AM

For the first time, Sorri felt completely comfortable around someone but Alice. Shane was the first one who had actually believed about her Dolly. It was as if all the other things that had been in the plan today disappeared, and Sorri had come out to this place just to meet Shane. Of course that wasn't the reason, but that's what it felt like. "I ask her stuff all the time," she said. "But Dolly doesn't always tell me. Sometimes she'll say, 'that knowledge comes with a responsibility you're not ready for, yet' or 'the answer isn't far from you; you must find it for yourself.' I never really understand what any of that means, but I know that Dolly knows best."

As Sorri made a new friend - her first since meeting Alice - Alice was content to look for eggs knowing that Sorri was completely at ease now. "On fire? Geez, I guess these aren't the simple, decorated easter eggs that I'm used to. At least an egg that looks like it's on fire should stand out more." When Vol went towards the tree, Alice instantly moved beneath it, chuckling. "Don't worry, if you fall, I'll make sure I provide a nice, soft landing. You wouldn't have been the heaviest thing to fall out of a tree on top of me, that's for sure." She didn't mention what had been heavier, but the glint in her eye showed that she wasn't lying.

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/23/2013 1:10 PM

"Do things often fall on you?" Vol grinned, quickly springing forward and hitting the trunk with a gentle thud, "And thanks. Naturally I'll try to avoid falling, but you never can tell what will happen with these jungle plants." Digging in her claws, she began to wriggle her way up the tree until she reached the lowest branch. It took quite a bit of effort to drag herself onto it (apparently all the food she'd eaten over Christmas had done its damage) but eventually she managed to get a fairly stable hold.

"Ooh, I think there's something up here!" She called back down, noting an unusual flash of brown amongst the green. Scooting along the branch, she craned her neck to inspect it

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/24/2013 12:26 AM

"Nah, not that often." Alice chuckled. "But you'd be surprised how many things fall out of trees when you least expect them to. And for some reason, it always happens when you're right under the darned thing, and not a moment before or after. Maybe I just have terrible luck. Either way, I'll certainly be here to catch you if you require the assistance!"

When Vol mentioned finding something, Alice craned her neck trying to see any hint of the egg. However, the leaves blocked her view, so she had to sit and wait...impatiently. "Is it an egg?" She asked. "Grab it! Oh, I hope it's an egg. I really want to collect a lot of them!"


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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/24/2013 2:43 PM

“Can other people hear your dolly?” Shane asked, wondering if she would be able to hear its voice. She doubted it would talk to her, but still she could only hope. That dolly was one of the most peculiar things she had ever seen. She had heard of things like it but she had never believed that they could exist, not until today.

Amber laughed when Alice talked of things falling on her. “Well, It does sound like you have some bad luck, But if she does end up falling which I hope she doesn’t I’ll help catch her.” She said moving towards the bottom of the tree. Amber looked up in its branches, she couldn’t tell if there would be an egg but she hoped that they could find at least one. “I wasn’t around to do the egg hunt last year, do you think they will use the same eggs?” she called up to Vol.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/24/2013 4:17 PM

"Aha!" She beamed, edging even closer to the object. She could now make out the faint curve of an oval, sticking out amongst a few leaves. It was definitely what she'd been hunting, "We have an egg! I'm going to try and get it out okay?" Though the egg was tricky to get a hold on, she managed to slide it out of its hiding place using her claws. It was a simple brown egg, not really that extravagant but it was plenty enough for Vol.

"Got it!" She purred triumphantly, dragging it back along the branch, "I recognise this kind from last year at least. It's not that big but I don't think I'll be able to climb down with it. Do you think one of you could catch it?" She held it steady while she awaited their answer, noting with some disappointment that several leaves had snagged on her fur. Oh well-she could always worry about her personal hygiene later

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/24/2013 4:26 PM

Squinting Amber looked up into the tree, some sunlight filtered through the branches making it hard to see exactly what was up there. “Please find something.” She muttered to herself. Her neck was hurting from looking up but she didn’t dare to take her eyes off of the tree in case Vol fell. Amber did a little happy dance, her face beaming. “We found an egg!” she said happily, her tails flicking happily. “I can get it if you dropped it down to me.” She reassured, holding her paws up to catch the egg. “If they are using some of the same eggs from last year that should make things easier.” She mumbled to herself looking into the tree to make sure she was in the right spot for the egg to come down.
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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/24/2013 8:14 PM

As Shane continued questioning Sorri about Dolly, she tilted her head thoughtfully. "I'm sure she could speak to others, but she's never chosen to before. I think it has to do with her being bound to me at birth. She'll sometimes tell me things to help the people that I care about - since she knows I wouldn't be the same without them. But usually, her main interest is looking out for me and helping me experience things and learn stuff."

Alice shot a glance over at Shane and Sorri and smiled. It was a rare occasion for someone to pull the shy kuhna out of her shell so quickly and easily, and Alice was already developing a great respect for Shane. She turned back to the tree, though, curious as to whether or not they had found an egg.

"Thanks," Alice said to Amber. "I'm sure that the help would be appreciated - but let's hope that Vol doesn't fall!" Her eyes lit up as the first egg was found, and she wiggled a bit excitedly. "Wonderful! If Amber can catch the egg, then I can still keep an eye on you, Vol, in case you fall and need some help getting down."


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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby kabuto_rocks » 03/24/2013 8:21 PM

With one paw firmly on the egg, Vol dangled her head over the side to check where her companions were. She was pleased to see they had indeed kept their word and were waiting to catch her. It gave her a sudden rush of fondness for them-after all, she wasn't used to being around people as nice as them. Perhaps hunting with them wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Okay, in that case I'm going to drop it in three...two...one!" Checking that Amber was still ready to catch it, she carefully nudged the egg off the branch. Thankfully it seemed to fall quite straight, although she turned away before she could see whether or not the Kuhna had successfully caught it. She was desperate to get out of this tree. Digging her claws once more into the bark, she half-climbed, half-slid down until she reached the bottom.

"Did you catch it?" She smiled, turning round to beam at the others

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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Kitsumi » 03/24/2013 9:00 PM

As the others were looking for the egg in the tree, Sorri suddenly held Dolly up to her ear, listening carefully. Her eyes grew wide, and she grinned. "Guess what, Shane? Dolly said that we might be able to find another egg over near that tree! I guess it has a hole in it's trunk, and there'll be an egg in there! Wanna come check it out with me?"

Hearing Sorri, Alice paused. "Whoa, wait a sec there. Are you sure it's smart to be putting your hands into holes that you don't know what's in them?" Sorri gave her a pleading look, and she sighed. "Fine. Just...be careful, okay? And that tree better not be out of my sight, you hear? I want to make sure you're okay."

Sorri ran off giggling, tugging at Shane, and Alice turned back to Vol and Amber. She held her breath, praying that Amber would catch the egg.


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Re: Slot two: Kabuto, Kitsumi and sarasweet

Postby Sarah » 03/25/2013 7:38 PM

Amber felt the soft thump of an oval fall into her paws. “Got it!” She said excitedly, lowering her paws so that she could inspect the egg. It was a soft brown and rather plain but none the less she was happy they had found even one. Her ears pricked at the sound of Sorri and Shane coming over, she had been so focused on catching the egg that she hadn’t really caught what was going on.

“Well, I guess you really are special, if you have something that will only speak with you.” Shane said, admiration setting in her eyes. This girl was so special, and Shane had gotten a chance to meet her, she felt a little blessed. “Another egg? So close to the last one.” Shane muttered, she knew that the dolly was probably right, but she was a tiny bit skeptical. “I guess we should go look then.” Shane smiled going after Sorri as they approached the tree. “If you don’t mind, I could stick my paw in there.” Shane was just as worried about what could be in there as Alice, she didn’t want Sorri to get hurt, and she didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
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