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~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby Wyndhail » 03/31/2013 11:44 PM

I have two Lucain up for grabs here, one that I won in a contest and one that I was gifted on Christmas. Obviously, I don't feel it'd be right to sell them, but I currently have a bit of a problem with letting things rot in my Zoo Pen. I'm running low on inspiration, trying to start fresh, and don't want things that I don't have ideas for. I'd also just like to do something nice. uvu
There are no restrictions on the two of them, or at least none that I was informed about. If you know something about them that I was not told in terms of restrictions, please tell me.

The Lucain in question! The male was a random, the female was bred.

Now, I won't be giving these away at random. Rather, I ask that you do the standard 'explain what you'd use these for' thing. Any information you can give is great, the more thorough or interesting the better. Keep in mind, though, that quantity =/= quality! Tell a story, do a character profile, explain how they'd be related to your other characters- anything is fine, as long as it clearly depicts what kind of character the Lucain would be.

Do not enter for them solely to sell them.
You may enter for both, but there is only ever a chance of receiving one.
You have to have been on Evelon for at least a month. I like the idea of new people getting cool things, but I'd really like to avoid giving away to someone who will be on for a few days and then gone.

This will end sometime on April 6th.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/03/2013 11:26 PM

I keep thinking of more and more to add to this. XD




Suwako has been alive longer than she can remember; when she was a child, her mother, Biwako, was a very famous and well known sorceress, one of the most powerful in the lands. It was through her  that Suwako first began to learn the craft of magic, shaping and perfecting her skills through ought her youth until she became as proficient, if not more-so, than her mother. However, during her teenage years, Suwako’s mother was involved in an incident that took her life; she was hired by a group of lesser magic users to complete a spell that would grant immortality. The ones who hired her, however, did not tell her that completing the spell would cost her mother her life. When the spell was finished, the powerful magic’s took hold of Biwako, granting her the ability to bestow immortality upon one other living person, though it would take her life in payment for this magic. Furious at the deception of her contractors, Biwako did not grant their wish, and instead bestowed longevity upon her daughter before her life finally ended. Many hundreds of miles away, Suwako was immediately overcome by a vision of her mother’s smiling face, before the powerful magic took hold of her, coursing through her veins and granting her everlasting life. Horrified at what had occurred, for it was never her desire to live forever, Suwako vowed never to use her magic again, and became a reclusive hermit, retiring to the swamp and shunning the company of other living beings. However, after nearly three centuries of reclusive living, Suwako was forced out of hiding by a man named Tsume, who had heard of her great power through the great tomes of magical history in the supernatural archives hidden deep and far from humanity’s prying gaze. Bitter and angry at being disturbed, Suwako immediately launched an all out magical assault against the man, who, much to her shock, easily deflected and dodged every one of her attacks. In the end, his prowess in battle was her undoing, and after her defeat, she swore fealty to the leader of the Bureau of Supernaturalism, Tsume himself, and promised to be at his beck and call, should he ever desire. Drawn out of exclusiveness by her promise, Suwako stepped back out into the world, though she still lived in the past, and found herself in a place that she could not understand. Her old ways and her peculiar dress made her stand out, even amongst those of Supernatural origins, and although everyone gave her a very healthy and wide berth, rumor of her power and immortality quickly spread, gaining her the respect and admiration and the fear she well deserved amongst all the Supernaturals of the Bureau.


Spell casting - Her greatest abilities lie in her casting magic. She can create spells for any sort of situation, be they elemental or purely magical based spells, and use them for a variety of purposes, from toppling buildings, to dusting the shelves. Her most easily used spells involve water and mud, as she finds it incredibly funny to leave any enemy soaked and covered in grime from head to toe. She has the ability to cast magical enchantments to change appearance as well, either hers or others, and can use many different spells that have abilities ranging from cloaking one from sight to making the user or intended target incredibly small. She can even use her magic to heal, or create, and has, at times, used it to communicate with spirits that have passed beyond.

Summoning - She has the ability to summon creatures to do her bidding, though she strongly prefers snakes and frogs above all else (having lived in a swamp, this is rather understandable). She uses these summons to send spells and messages to her comrades, but also for the all important purpose of spying. If a frog or a snake is inconspicuously sitting outside a window, you can bet it is one of her little spies. Suwako is also able to summon frogs and snakes of monstrous proportion, and these she uses in battle, should the need arise.

Immortality - Because she never dies, she also never ages. The spell that stuck her with an everlasting agelessness, also keeps her from growing older, and she remains at the same age she was when the spell first hit; 17. Although she appears very young and is often underestimated because of it, there is no denying that she is still the most powerful sorceress in the lands.

Talisman - Suwako carries with her a series of prismatic talismans that enhance her powers. The first she wears around her neck, while the others are attached to the brim of a wide rimmed hat which has a pair of eyes atop it. Her hat is, in all actuality, alive, though very few people realize this. She is hardly ever seen without it, though she does have two pairs; one with the talismans, and one without.

Aura Sensing - Throughout her many long years, Suwako has learned to sense the aura, or the living essence, of other living creatures. Many see this as ‘soul sensing’ or a type of ‘witch light,’ but in truth, she has learned to use the world around her to sense the life around her, and if she concentrates hard enough, she can pick up on emotions quite easily, often leading others to believe she is psychic which, she assures, she is not.

Environmental Absorption - Suwako is able to blend seamlessly into her environment, melding with the water and the mud and the trees of the marsh to become one with the earth. She can do this just about anywhere, but she finds it most easy in her native swampland, where many trespassers believed her to be a ‘Swamp Witch.’ She found it funny, and used the ruse to keep vandals and unwanted visitors away.

Magical Rings - These rings, forged of the same prismatic energy and material as her talismans, are used in battle. They can pierce any object, and can change size, shape, density and sharpness to fit the needs of their user. They are infused with powerful magic, but remain passive and safe at Suwako’s side when not in use. They are often cleaned or carried by her frog summons, who find it rather funny to activate the prismatic power at times.


Suwako was once a very carefree youth; she did the same things that all young girls her age did: she talked about boys, worried about her looks, played with her friends, and generally had a lot of fun. The death of her mother and her unwanted immortality immediately forced her personality into a completely different direction. Even though she would not go into seclusion for many years after her mother’s death, it still took a heavy toll on her, and she became somber and serious, every ounce the daughter of a powerful sorceress. She felt it was expected of her to act in accordance to what her mother would have wanted, but after years of hiding behind a cold, indifferent mask, she cracked and went into hiding, secluding herself from the rest of the world. Here, she learned to “breathe” again; she remembered how to love, and how to laugh, and although she had no human contact, the animals of the forest were her friends, and brought her much enjoyment. The happy nature of the young woman returned, though always it was tinged and charged with bitterness and a sad loneliness that she could not shake. After her reintroduction to the world, Suwako became rather curious about everything around her. Most of it was new to her, and she often stops to ask random passerby very awkward questions that usually have them scrambling to get out of her company. She is child-like in nature, though no less serious than what she once was. She is wise, and cool, never knowing a moment of panic, and the gentle, soothing, motherly voice in the heat of calamity. Her caring nature and otherwise level-headed calm is the thing that draws many to her, and although the attention of other people often confounds her and makes her somewhat nervous, she will not turn them away, believing everyone to have some measure of goodness in them.


Summoned Frog
Full Sorceress Regalia
Summoning Snakes
Modern Clothing
Trying to be Modern
Regular Clothing
Prismatic Rings Activated
Prismatic Ring

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby Azura Rayume » 04/04/2013 4:26 PM

I will enter. D:>

Entering for: Red Male

Azuma Nishralan
(Ah-zoo-mah Nish-rahll-ahn)

Blood mages are feared, as they right well should be. Azuma, for all his slightly psychotic tendencies, has managed to rise to the rank of High Wizard in the Hierarchy, though granting him a position of power may not have been the best thing. He is snarky, self-centered, and willing to do something for others only when he sees a way he can get something out of it. He can be a stickler for tradition, too, firmly sticking to the practice of only having one apprentice. Because of this, he has butted heads with Kiara and Tane, two other High Wizards who have begin a small school for magic within the Hierarchy, more than once. He has offered to help their students a time or two, but his methods of "teaching" reflect his past of torturing, and the students who accept his offer always come back to their masters terrified. He continues to get away with all of this not because he is such a valued member of the Hierarchy, but because everyone but Tane is afraid of him.

Personal History:
Initially raised by his grandparents, Azuma was surrendered to the state after their deaths at the age of seven. Since, then he has had problems fitting in, and his abilities flourished under such conditions. Those grandparents were the only people in the world who could keep him under control and instilled a deep sense of tradition that he carries to this day.

Azuma always had a violent nature, even as a child. He was prone to fights and eventually such outbursts became so commonplace that the caretakers at the orphanage eventually gave up trying to break him of the habit. Most of the children feared him, and he put those who did not in their place quickly enough. By thirteen, he had fallen in with one of the rougher crowds and began playing their muscle back-up. A year later, his abilities bloomed.

Though he had been unnaturally strong as a child, once he began developing the ability to control his own blood as well as that of others, his physical strength and brutality took a steep dive toward the insane. He began by torturing others for information his gang needed, but eventually the activity became more for fun than profit. His gang members became afraid of him and eventually allowed him to be caught by the police.

Prison is where the Hierarchy found him. They offered him a choice: either learn to control his magic with them, or be confined to a prison designed to hold people like him. He chose the former. The Hierarchy offered him a place to both hone his skills and control his aggression through the competition of training (the masters judged each other based on the skill of the apprentice, so competitive natures were encouraged), as well as a place where he would be accepted. He excelled at combat magics, though sometimes a bit too well for the liking of the rest, and managed to pull though on some of the finer points well enough to eventually earn the rank of High Wizard.

His past experiences- mainly the ones that led to his jail time- do surface when angered or if he feels he is being insulted. He views any break from tradition as an insult and has been known to lash out without provocation when such a thing comes up. He also refuses to take an apprentice until a "worthy" one appears, which most assume means another blood mage.

About Blood Mages:
Blood mages have the ability to control their own blood and, with experience unless otherwise talented, the blood of others. These mages are usually criminals, using their power for their own gain, or loners shunned by both the normal and magical societies for their typically violent natures and strange skills. These individuals are able to perform a number of feats, including:
 -  Blood weapons
 -  Augmented strength/physical ability
 -  Control of another's actions
 -  Causing pain/death by limiting/increasing blood flow or contorting the body

Hierarchy Explanation:
The Hierarchy terminology can be a bit hard to understand. Anyone with magical ability, however limited, may be called a "mage." Apprentices are also called "mages" regularly. Once an apprentice is finished training under their master, they are considered a "wizard." Most wizards spend their time expanding their knowledge of magic as a whole as well as their own specialized brand. Finally, once a wizard proves that he or she is both a master of their own magic and capable of instructing an apprentice, they earn the title "High Wizard." Only High Wizards may take an apprentice, and, until Tane and Kiara, they were only allowed to have one at a time.

There are no different terms for females partly because there are no differences in male and female skill and partly because the term "witch" tends to have negative connotations.

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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby Citanul » 04/04/2013 10:59 PM

Entering for:

Name: Velos - Slavic, 'Ox'

Personality: Velos is a protector and a guardian for Orzhov. He takes his job seriously, constantly at her side. He is no typical dumb brute however - he has read every book in her extensive library. Knowledge truly is power, and he knows well enough to develop strategy to protect against any thread his Mistress may have coming her way. He is almost never seen without Orzhov at his side, though when he is, he is reading, or studying anything he can.

History: Orzhov hand-picked Velos out of his litter to serve at her side. He was not the runt nor the biggest - but the look in his eyes had told her what she needed to know. He would be loyal to her, intelligent enough to take care of himself and help her, but unquestioning of what she needed him for. Once old enough to be weaned she took him with her to be raised in her home, teaching him how to read and all the things one needs to know to be successful in life.

Showing an aptitude for tactics, she let him sit in on any meetings with the local military they would allow, buying up books and maps for the future bodyguard. He would often stage battles with his little wooden soldiers while she looked on proudly, waiting for the day he would command real armies to quell her enemies.
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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/06/2013 11:20 AM

I hope things are not too late to post. Thank you for this opportunity ~

Azinn (Ah-zinn)
Descended from an air deity.

Plot Information:
Please keep in mind that, alongside this male, I have developed the idea of a twin sister for his story, referred to as Nniza. If I receive this male, I have every intention to find a suitable female to take the role of his sister. <3

Azinn and his peculiar twin sister, Nniza, are decedents of a powerful, other-worldly air deity. More specifically, their ancestor reigned over the skies of their "parallel world," another dimension where gods, goddesses and deities were all well-known and revered. In ancient times, the mortals of the world worshiped the gods and deities. However, as time went on, the mortals began to lose their respect for these powerful beings, eventually forgetting their importance entirely, and referring to them only as legends. As this occurred, the gods, deities and all such beings of legends began their own transformation. Many of them sought out normal lives, neglecting and hiding their tremendous powers in exchange for blending in with the mortals that once adored them, striving to exist as a mortal within the world.

However, others were not satisfied with such a life, being forgotten and disrespected, and began running amok. Chaos and destruction befell the world and it looked as if it would be destroyed entirely. That was, until those that had lied dormant rose to fight their rebellious brethren. In the shadows, they went in to battle, keeping their identities secret so as not to compromise their mortal-like existence while destroying those that wouldn't cease their attacks on the mortal world. This was how The Court of Gods was formed. After the warring ceased, those that fought to preserve the mortal world formed The Court of Gods, a ruling party that established rules for the other mythical beings and dealt out punishments should those rules be broken. In essence, the party was formed to keep gods, deities, and all such things in line and to protect the mortal world.

The Court of Gods has existed for many millennia, though Evelon has only been their home in fairly recent times. When their world finally fell into ruin, many fled into Evelon and, quickly, the party was reformed. Typically, those that are official members of the Court, those that pass judgement, are those  that are the purest in lineage or hold the most power, enough power to be classed as gods or goddesses in their own right, as many of the bloodlines have been heavily diluted over the years.

Character Information

Vigilant + Passionate + Controlled

Azinn and Nniza are orphans, their mother dying shortly after birth with no father or other family member to claim them. All that they have from her are their names, something which they refused to change, regardless of any encouragements from those that raised them. Growing up, not changing their names and their inseparable behavior deterred any prospective parents from adopting the twins. The two have an incredible bond, down to the point of being able to understand and react perfectly with one another without any means of communication. Essentially, the two are one in the same. Without one, the other feels as though they can no longer thrive and, for this reason, they prefer not to be separated for all that long or not at all, if possible. At the very least, they prefer to remain within the same few miles.

It was shortly after leaving the orphanage that the pair accidentally discovered their latent powers, when Nniza was nearly mugged, Azinn came immediately to her aid, blasting the mugger away with a powerful burst of wind. Appalled, Azinn later tried to repeat the process, with several failed attempts, until his sister managed to replicate his original actions. From the on, the two strove to harness their abilities and it took no time at all for the members of the Court to sense their powers, and said powers' origin, and approached the pair. Willingly, the two complied with the Court and agreed to join them, intent on protecting the mortal world in which they lived and loved as children, even if they were no longer "mortals."

Being the brother, despite being a handful of minutes younger than his sister, Azinn is very protective of Nniza, although the same goes for her. He displays his protective nature more openly, however. Though, now that he realizes that they are nearly immortal and that she is capable of fending for herself, he tends to worry much less about her safety. For this, she is very thankful, enjoying having some of her own space from time to time as a young woman. While she is very interested in the concept of love and romance, Azinn isn't so sure about such things for himself and is beyond picky with those that his sister takes interest in.

Azinn is something of a workaholic, being very serious when it comes to their work, while Nniza would often rather have fun. He's more the serious one while she is more the whimsical type. His one weakness, however, is cookies, something which Nniza often takes to her advantage, making her wonderful baker when it comes to all kinds of different cookies.

Azinn's Role
Within the Court, Azinn doesn't serve on the Court itself, not helping to establish rules or passing judgement, rather, he answers to that particular group. He is undeniably powerful, but not enough to be offered the highest role available. His job is more or less "in the field," being sent out to locate and often times deal with other mythical beings. When tasks are particularly dangerous or difficult, Nniza accompanies him, as the pair works as one to accomplish their goals. In fact, paired together, they are some of the most feared among those with rebellious natures. Using their air based powers, it is incredibly eay for them to capture those that would otherwise escape. They are not tasked with ending the life of another, neither Azinn or Nniza having the heart for it, even if it would be incredibly easy, as they are capable of removing every last bit of air from the body, should they wish it.

With the others of The Court, Azinn isn't particularily all that close to anyone, though some suspect that he has a bit of a crush on Asya, while Nniza and Kiyami are good friends. He typically tries to avoid Garrick, disagreeing with the fact that he was spared and not even imprisoned for nearly killing several mortals.

+ Able to manipulate the air around him, creating or manipulating the winds even up to a fairly large scale. (When combined with his sister, they are able to create weather-changing winds.)
Examples: He is able to surround himself in a flurry of air, creating a repelling shield around himself, send out concentrated bursts of air, manipulate the air around him in order to fly.
+ With his power over air, he is able to drain living bodies of all of their air, thus suffocating them. (Though this is a power he has no intention to use. Considered something of an "ultimate attack.")
+ He has keen hearing, able to pick up sounds from a fairly large distance.
+ With his seemingly weightless attributes, he is light on his feet, fast, and able to maneuver well and in unexpected ways, allowing him to attack from many angles or dodge around his opponents effortlessly.
+ He has something of a "sixth sense," allowing him to seemingly sense others and track them with incredible ease. This is in the similar vein as he and Nniza acting entirely as one.
+ In combat, he is particularly hard headed and isn't the sort to back down, even when the odds are not in his favor.

Official Traits
Element: [Air]
Diet: [Omnivore]
Personality Traits: [Adaptable] [Fearless] [Focused] [For the Cause] [Honorable] [Inner Discipline] [Justice for All] [Loyal] [Well-Mannered] [Workaholic]
Social Traits: [Defender] [Elemental Blood] [GPS] [Homeless] [Lost Secrets] [Multi-Racial Blood] [Orphan] [Protected] [Silent Shadow] [Tracker]
Physical Traits: [Assisted Flight] [Breath Holder] [Evasive] [Half-Mortal] [Human Form] [Human Speech] [Keen Hearing]
Acclimation Traits: [Altitude Adaptation] [Altitude Adaptation]
Healing Traits:
Magic Traits: [Elemental Manipulation] [Naturally Magical]
Battle Traits: [Miasma] [Aero] [Bolstering Winds] [Solid Stance] [Solid Stance] [Solid Stance] [Aimed Strike] [Burst Spin] [Dodge] [Pursuit] [Scatterstrike]

Associated Songs
I put effort into finding songs that I feel could be associated with his character, which I typically do with most of my characters.

"Citizen Soldier" by 3 Doors Down.
Generally reflecting that he grew up as a mortal by all means, though once realizing his power, he defends mortals against the violent others similar to himself.

"Breathe" by Angels and Airwaves.
I feel as if this would be his song in regards to falling in love.

"Zero Gravity" by Kerli.
Similar as the above, although not so much as romantic love, but reflecting the relationship between him and his sister. Regardless of everything, they lift one another up.

Why Him?
Being honest, nearly everything about the character was decided upon by looking at this lovely Lucain - his name, personality, his role, everything, even including that I wanted him to have a twin sister. My Court of the Gods plot is still expanding, though I love it very much, the idea coming to me from a dream.  I am trying to fill roles not by planning the roles out exactly, not making characters and filling them with any random pet I can plug in, but by being inspired on the spot by pets. One of my goals is to have a character for every of the first four elements everyone always thinks of - fire, earth, air, water. Currently, I have earth and water covered. A few weeks back, when I was thinking about what kind of pet might be good for an air themed character, I specifically decided to avoid the colors usually used for such a thing - white and light blue. After bouncing around color ideas, I settled on red, purple or red and purple, colors that wouldn't typically make one think of air. Of course, I haven't seen any pets that I thought fit this color scheme, until you posted this contest.

His name was originally going to be Khazin, as I am particularly in need of "K" names and it seemed suiting. However, I then went "but Khazin backwards makes no sense," because that was important for some reason, apparently. I then shorted it to Azin, but then later added an extra "n," which made Nniza when flipped. From that point on, I felt that Azinn needed a twin sister, because who could pass up having a set of twins for a big plot?

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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby Wyndhail » 04/06/2013 5:03 PM

This contest will be ending at 8 pm EST, or in two hours.
Feel free to edit your posts any way you want or post an entry in that time!
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: ~* A Lucain Giveaway *~

Postby Wyndhail » 04/06/2013 8:02 PM

Aaand the contest is over!
The male has been won by ToxicShadow!
The female has been won by MillietheWarrior!

All the entries were quite nice and I hope that if you didn't win you find a suitable pet for these characters you made. uvu I will be PMing Toxic and Millie shortly with the pets and I will also post on the Lucain Locator threads.~
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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