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Pet Giveaway [Update 14/06]

Postby Mousen » 06/06/2013 11:23 AM

Okay, so I've finally got around to sorting out my pen and there's a bunch of pets I can't find personalities for. So, instead of selling them, I'm going to hold a giveaway! It's going to work like this:

Please only ask for these pets if you have an idea for them.

First come, first serve!

If you applied for a pet the first time around and want to snag another one, that's fine!

>>> <<<



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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Kylo » 06/06/2013 12:19 PM

Name: Neclat
Species: Khimera/Minor God
Role: Talcen's counter part and doppelganger

Background: Long ago, but not as long as one may think, two gods were born out of the darkness of space and time. Weak in power and blind to the consequences of their actions they set forth into the universe searching for a world in which to reign over. Falling into Evelon Talcen soon discovered it was already ruled by gods far more powerful and far wiser than he. Not to be discouraged by this he remained and brought forth new life into the world, casting strings of fate onto this beings and creating a tangled web of lies, half truths, and painful truths by which eh could control them. He knew not of his counter part until the day he too fell to Evelon. Out of the wish to dominate Talcen and wrench from him his power the god called himself Neclat. Seeing that Talcen choose the form of the dog for himself, Neclat choose the form of the cat, the age old bitter rivalry to be evident even in their appearance. Yet for all their differences they were more alike than they knew. Both thirsted for power over life and death and both hungered to become gods that the inhabitants would come to fear and respect.

Unlike Talcen, with each day and each passing failure Neclat grew to hate the world more and more. He grew to hate life, and he grew to hate Talcen most of all. His anger turned to black trendals and smoke that kill all that touch it. His malice would seep into the ground that he walked upon, leaving the soil dead and unfit for life. So much was his hatred that he became consumed by it and all he wished for was the death of his brother.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Sarah » 06/06/2013 6:05 PM

Name:  Geo
Geo is a loyal messenger of hell, and he happily hunts down and brings back any people who have sold their soul to a demon. Known by most people as a hell hound he prefers to call himself a messenger. Though he does not take massages he thinks that the term ‘hell hound’ is very degrading. He is one of many, but he is one of the biggest and fiercest in hell. There are few things that can stop him from taking his victims into hell and prides himself in his quick deliverance and efficiency.

Name: Cika
Though she may look intimidating and mean Cika is a soft hearted kind girl. Usually she is pushed away and avoided by people but to those who have talked with her know she couldn’t hurt anyone. Because many people try to avoid her she has many self-doubts and doesn’t think she is worthy of many of the things she receives. She is selfless and puts other people before herself. When she is angry or when she feels threatened she produces a potent poison. A poison so terrible it’ll kill its victim slowly and won’t leave the person’s body until they are dead of if Cika gives that person an antidote that only she can create. This hasn’t happened in a long time and Cika goes to great lengths to make sure no one will get hurt because of her.
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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Jaden Wolf » 06/09/2013 3:49 PM

Name: Azriel

Basic Story/Personality: He's a star. Basically. Not the gassy balls that are suns, but the spirits of legend who guide people. He actually happens to be one of the brightest stars in the sky, and one of the few to emit a pink glow. He's much older than Evelon, but he became so fond of it that he took on a Lucain form so that he may walk its lands. Of course, he still has an age-old duty to light the night sky so he seldom appears on land at night (aside from the odd situation where his duties call for it). When he does, he emits a light pink glow just like he does when he's a star. His duties have no known origin, even he can't remember who or what made him do them, but he knows he is bound to them by an ancient magic. These duties mostly call for his assistance when one calls to him (or to a star in general) for aid. In order to provide this aid, he has the ability to travel between certain planes of existence, use a form of magic (though limited), and he also has some power over the sky. In these modern days, not many still call to the stars, so he occasionally offers his assistance to others anyway, even if they didn't call for him. The only reason he doesn't do this more is because he cannot tell others he is a star (or by relation, what he does) unless they ask, which can get a little awkward for him to explain who he is and why he can do what he does. Nonetheless, he is just a really helpful guy who feels like a parent to the "children of the world", which is his way of saying everything that lives on this planet. (He's old, remember?)

Name: I.D. no. 141 (Daniel Smith)

Basic Story/Personality: So, I have this other character, named Matthew Smith, who was basically taken and adapted to be a proper soldier. His memories from before he woke in a destroyed lab are gone, and he lived a quiet happy life until the army came and killed his love and unborn child. He was taken back to the army as a lapdog of sorts but now I'm sort of stuck.
That's where Daniel would come in. He's Matt's older brother, who has faint memories of when he was taken as a small boy. He remembers most of the tests and...other things...he was put through, and much to the army's enjoyment, became hard and calculating; the perfect soldier. However, they did not predict his bitter, crude, and careless nature; he ended up killing their own soldiers whenever they put him in the field. So, they deemed him a failure and locked him away in their lab, for testing to find out what went wrong. During this time, the Shadows (my never-ending self-plot) tapped into his mind and said that if he ate one of them (spirit eating spirit kind of thing), they could turn him into one of them. When he did, the anesthetic that he was under no longer worked, and he woke up. Enraged, he destroyed the lab and left. This would be the same lab Matt's story started in. Later, the two of them would come head-to-head, Matt driven by the army to kill his brother and Daniel driven by his hatred of his former captors, not caring who he'd have to destroy in the process. This plot will probably become more detailed when they start to interact, but I don't like to restrict the story's potential too much. I think this guy would be the perfect Daniel Smith.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Mousen » 06/10/2013 8:37 AM

Thanks for your entries, guys. <333

Just three days to go! If anyone else wants to enter, now is the time!

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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Mousen » 06/13/2013 3:11 PM

Okay, I'm going to wrap this up in a couple of hours. Last chance to apply for stuff!

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Pet Giveaway

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/13/2013 4:41 PM

If it's not too late, I had an idea for the Kuhna. ^^;
(He would wind up being a Lakundra as well just for size reasons)
One of Brundle's playmates, Yama was originally an experiment with making an animal immune to toxins. Maxwell considers him a success, though the Lakundra still drips a little. Of the three altered Kuhnas in the lab, he hold the most intelligence and can still hold a conversation if he feels like it. He keeps the other two in line, mostly because he is more ferocious than the others. Then again, when your two main companions are undead experiments, being top cat is not actually much of an accomplishment. Though Shelly, Maxwell's unwilling assistant, if generally afraid of most of the experiments, she his oddly fine with the toxic Lakundra's presence, probably because she realizes that the male is both not undead and able to control his more base urges to destroy.

The Kuhna/Lakundra would be pals with a (kinda derpy) Jaager, Brundle, and a (rather feral) Undead Lakundra, Hector. Doctor Maxwell Roth is the one who has all these odd critters, but Shelly has to feed all of them even though she's more than a bit scared of them. I'm in the process of collecting the pet forms for these associated characters, but I already have the Jaager.

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Re: Pet Giveaway [Update 14/06]

Postby Mousen » 06/14/2013 8:38 AM

Alright guys, I've messaged the winners! Thanks for entering, I'm glad I found some good homes for these pets. <3333

And since I've got some pets left that I'd like to find homes for, I've just changed the rules slightly. (I know typically most giveaways of this sort are held in the advertise section, but since the topic is here...)

Anyway! If you want a pet and think you could come up with an idea for it, just ask and I'll send you the code! :33

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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