These woods are nice for a casual walk or even if you have a more adventurous urge. Bubbling hot springs lie just around the bend, fruits can be found to suit every taste bud, and rumor has it there are talking Tali who can speak Lambastian! (+2 Precision)

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Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/11/2013 9:34 PM

Saphia Morpho

It had started out as a curse, but now Saphia was certain that it was a miracle. The thought of creating eggs with that despicable thieving female had disgusted Saphia, but now that the eggs had hatched and Saphia was gazing down at her two beautiful sons, she couldn't help but be filled with joy. She wasn't quite sure what she was going to call them yet - she hadn't exactly been planning on being a mother so young, and it was her first clutch. She felt like a horrible parent, but she hadn't had much time to plan on names. Despite her entrance into motherhood, she still had responsibilities with the tribe.

Luckily, the other females in the tribe were all too happy to help. They had taken turns caring for the eggs before they had hatched while Saphia organized hunting patrols and brought back food for everyone. But now that the eggs were hatched, Saphia was taking her duties a bit less seriously and focusing more on the hatchlings. It was true that it was technically the Teacher's job to watch over them, but they weren't yet old enough to join the school. Besides, Astraia had told Saphia that her clutch would bring a great asset into the tribe. Saphia wanted to be there to mold and shape the young Paragon's life in a way so that he would be able to take on all the responsibilities that were ahead of him.

Watching them closely, Saphia gasped as the darker-colored son seemed to pounce on the lighter one. "Meraioth! Stop bullying Gareth." She nuzzled the younger, and then suddenly paused as she realized what she had said. She hadn't thought that she was ready to name them, and yet the names had just slipped out. She had heard of something like that happening - and she knew that her sons had not been named by her, but by their ancestors. The boys were both destined for...something.

Saphia just wasn't sure what it was they were destined for, yet.

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/11/2013 11:14 PM

Meraioth |-o-| Gareth


Meraioth let out a small yawn from his jaws as he woke from his nap. The lids of his eyes flickered as he brushed off the drowsiness of his slumber. The thoughts in his mind cycled different ideas for fun as he looked around the small cave. His eyes glared at his sleeping brother and a small grin rose at the corners of his snout. Meraioth lept from his feet, landing on his younger twin.

Gareth woke by the rude pounce of his older twin onto his still-frail body, and when the small bumps of Meraioths teeth nuzzled on his miniature wings, Gareth let out a low whine. He tried to push his brother off, but Meraioth pinned him in response. He shook him off and managed to stretch out the tenderness of his length. when he finished, Meraioth was already up and ready to tackle him, but froze just before they tumbled to the floor. Gareth saw his brother looking towards the entrance, and hoping it would be their mother, Saphia, he turned and ran hoping to wait by her feet.

Maraioth stood still, wondering who this stranger standing at the entrance of the cave was, and why was she here? Maybe she was another of the tribe members, come to care for them. Before he could register the face, he caught Gareth in the corner of his eye, running towards this stranger, but why? A second later his younger twin froze in place, realizing the stranger for what she was. This couldn't be one of the other tribe members, though. There was something different about her. Something sinister, yet intriguing...

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/16/2013 8:09 PM

Talia Reid

A mother. She was a freaking mother. Or technically, was she the father? Talia had no idea how the hell these things worked. All she knew was that the damned Placid had drank some sort of fucked up potion, and now Talia was a motherfucking parent. For a whole year she had been unaware of her sons, but after selling the egg that she intended to keep as her protege (hey, hard times had struck and she needed the keystones) she had been nosing around near the tribe again, hoping for more eggs. While doing so, she had learned about the 'miraculous' birth of two sons to that damned Saphia chick, and how a thief who had stolen some eggs had been the one to 'impregnate' her in some way.

Obviously, Talia was the only one who had been able to get away with the eggs, making her the second mother to the twin boys who were currently in the abandoned nursery. Since fire had been her trademark last time (although it was an accident then) she decided to use it this time as well. Most of the tribe members were scurrying around attempting to put it out, leaving the two young hatchlings - her sons - unguarded. Taking the opportunity, Talia swooped into the nursery, pausing to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

One of the hatchlings immediately began running towards her, before freezing. He seemed to realize that she was an intruder, but Talia was too quick for him. She used one wing to block his escape, and with the other, nudged him closer. "Do you know who I am?" She whispered softly, both to him and his twin.

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/16/2013 9:13 PM

Gareth stood still, peering up at the gargantuan. Pure dread and the feeling of inevitable capture consumed him as the black frost extended it's feathery and leathery bat-like wing, cutting off his chance of escape. Impending doom flushed through him as the trespasser clutched Gareth, pulling him towards her. He tried to push away with his feet, but her pull was too strong, leaving his pointed claws to crape on the floor.

Meraioth didn't know what to do. A black frost was stealing his only brother and he just stood there. Fear of the intruder forced him to back into the corner, hoping he wouldn't be taken too. He curled up in his tail and wings, trying to comfort himself, then covered his head so he wouldn't be forced to watch his brothers kidnapping. Complete darkness was all he wanted to see, but the image of the frost was still darker.

Though Gareth couldn't yet understand what the words meant, hearing them come out of her mouth only increased the fear inside him. the few seconds of scraping the floor trying to escape had sharpened his claws and as the frosts head drew near, he swung his left paw at her, hoping to leave a lasting impression. Fear shut his body down as he blacked out.

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/22/2013 1:28 AM

While Talia had hoped that the hatchlings would be too young to struggle, she was still strong enough to easily hold the young male captive. With the chaos of the fire and the shouting of dragons over the crackling of flames, no one would hear the struggle unless they were to come close and actually enter the cave in which they were. Hopefully, that wouldn't happen.

It might have been beneficial to take both of them, but the larger brother was still cowering in the back, too afraid to come near. Talia snorted, viewing him as the weaker brother despite his larger size. Still, she wanted to leave him with the memory of her, so that he would not forget that she had come. Maybe if ever he became a stronger male she'd give him a second chance at becoming her prodigy - if his brother, who was apparently terrified enough to black out - didn't work out.

Leaning her head until it was directly over the older brother, she breathed in his scent and then blew a warm gust of breath towards him. "Tell the female Saphia who has raised you," she said quietly. "That your other mother has taken your brother. And remember this, young one. Saphia is not your only mother. You have one who is far stronger and more clever than she. If ever you wish to find me, simply seek out the Ghost." He'd probably be far too young to recognize her nickname, but perhaps some day it would be of use to him.

For now, she scooped up the unconscious brother, hurried out of the cave, and took to the sky with her prize held securely.

It was time to raise her son in her image.

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/22/2013 7:19 PM

He'd failed to realize her as a threat. He'd failed to escape in time. He'd failed resisting her pull. And He'd failed when he struck at her. As he lay passed out on the stone floor, the image played in his head time after time. He'd swung at her and missed. Again swung at her and missed. Why had he failed. Had he waited a second longer, he would be within reach of her face and she could've dropped him, allowing for his escape. But he'd fail, and now he'd surely be hers to claim.

Pearls of sweat rolled off of Meraioth as the Frost blew her scorching breath on him. Her words seemed even more terrifying when being spoken to him. Her command stuck in his head. "My other mother has taken Gareth. My other mother has taken Gareth. My other mother has taken Gareth..." he repeated in his head. And just after the intruder left, snatching up Gareth, another thought popped into Meraioths head "Seek out the Ghost..."

Meraioth repeated her demand until someone would come to take care of him. "My other mother has taken Gareth. My other mother has taken Gareth..."

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/22/2013 7:32 PM

~*~Roughly Sixteen Years Later~*~

Saphia Morpho
"No! Haven't I told you several times already? You must learn to silence your wings when approaching from above. There are times when we must be able to capture our prey from the skies, and you cannot let it now that you are coming or else it will escape before you have the chance to incapacitate it!" Saphia sighed as she studied her son. She had kept a watchful eye on him ever since his younger brother was kidnapped. While most of the other members of the tribe learned to hunt and fight early on, she had kept him from doing so, worried that Talia might show up and steal him away from her as well. Now, though, she realized that he had to learn to survive someday. She was teaching him herself...although he didn't seem to want to keep his attention on her lessons.

"Now, let's try it again. And this time, keep your wings silent!"

Talia Reid
Holding the back door open, Talia motioned for her son to go first. Having successfully disarmed the security and broken into the house, the robbery had been all too easy. Now they just had to leave and make a clean get-a-way and all would be well. Once Gareth was through the door, Talia followed. Slinking along, staying in the shadows, she handed him her pack to hoist over his own shoulder, despite the pack he already carried.

"You're stronger than me," she said before he had the chance to protest. "With young, manly muscles. You shouldn't have a problem carrying both bags, right?" She eyed him, and then grinned. "Wasn't I right about that place, though? Did you see all them jewels! I would've taken all of them, had someone not convinced me that they might not even notice they had been robbed if we only took a few." She shook her head, silently wondering if it was really her that Gareth had been looking after, or the family they were robbing. "Anyways, I got us enough to last a while. What did you get?"

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/24/2013 12:58 AM

Meraioth Morpho
Despite how much Meraioth hated Saphias lessons and constant nagging, he actually liked flying. He wasn't that good, but growing up not knowing how to fly while all the other Paragons knew how to only made him dream of flying faster than any of them. He was jealous of everyone around him and secretly hated them. He wasn't stupid enough to let them know, of course. Ever since Saphia finally started teaching him, he'd snuck out every night to practice. He didn't do this for her or her precious tribe. A tribe he felt like an outcast in. He did this so he could run away. So he could finally escape from this dreadful life of servitude. The only one he needed to serve was himself. In fact, everyone else should serve him.

He couldn't let Saphia know he was training at night, so he had to dumb down even what little he did know. "Now, let's try it again. And this time, keep your wings silent!" Saphia said. He tried again, making unnecessary cluttered noise with his wings. When he got high enough, he let his left wing fall limp, making it seem as if his wing's strength gave out. As he fell to the ground, a smirk briefly crept upon his face, but he wiped it away, hoping she wouldn't see his charade for what it was. He hit the ground on purpose, but his attempt at restoring his poker face distracted him enough to land on his right wing, accidentally breaking the bone...

Gareth Reid
Gareth didn't like this, but he was still afraid if he'd protest, he'd be left behind. Instead, he played along in every robbery. He couldn't live with himself if he was stealing everything from his victims, so he filled his black bag halfway with the most insignificant jewelry he could find. He'd managed to convince his mother that taking a lot would only get them caught. In reality, he felt bad even stealing a penny. He knew it was wrong, but Talia didn't know.

She handed her full bag over to him, which he didn't bother protesting, especially since she didn't offer a window to do so. He didn't reply as she spoke of their crime, but as she asked of his catch, he worried that she'd be enraged with him for only grabbing the most pathetic items possible. He replied with "I got a few diamonds and tons of jewels. You know... the basics." He tied the bags together with a string and tied the remainder of the string to his wrist, making sure they were tight enough that the bags weren't going to fall off. "So are we going home?"

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/26/2013 3:33 PM

((Sorry love, this'll probably be a short post. I haven't slept yet and my brain is dead haha))

Saphia Morpho
As her son took to the air again, Saphia couldn't help but sigh in frustration. He was still making too much almost seemed as if he were doing it just to spite her! Trying hard to remain under control, Saphia was barely able to hold back her orders. Maybe, just maybe, if she remained silent he would actually get it right. But she soon realized that this wasn't the case.

When she heard the snap of bone, Saphia's frustration quickly turned to worry. "Meraioth! Are you alright?" She hurried to his side, examining him until she found the source of the break. "Oh, no. This isn't good at all. Can you stand? We won't be able to fly home, but it's not too far of a walk. If you need me to, I can fly back to the tribe and bring someone back to help you."

Talia Reid
Shooting Garreth a look, Talia shook her head in disappointment. "You know, we're not robbing these rich snobs to get 'the basics'. We want to get the good stuff. Unless you want to be going without food, you better start getting that through your head. I'm sick of you leaving all the good stuff behind. We need the money."

Stretching out her wings, she nodded. "Yeah, let's head home. Be careful not to drop the jewels, now. Or I'll take the money you lost out of food...meaning that you won't be eating for quite awhile. So I suggest you don't drop any."

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/26/2013 5:39 PM

Meraioth Morpho
"No, I'll be fine," Meraioth lied. The sincerity in her voice was noted, but useless. He cared not if someone cared about him. They were merely in the way, simple tools to use and dispose when useless. "Let's just start walking before it gets dark." They headed into the wood towards the camp, Meraioth trying to tolerate the pain cutting through his wing...

They'd been walking for hours and their legs were hurting. Feathers had broken out, showing skin and blood pooled under the skin where the bone had shattered. The sun was starting to set and the sky had turned a burning shade of reds and blues. They started to get near the village when Meraioth collapsed, his sight fading to black...

Gareth Reid
He took note of her words, making sure not to drop any of the loot. He felt an aching in his soul just carrying the stolen jewels. He couldn't let them go, though. He leapt to flight just after she had and followed her through the night skies...

It was morning when they returned home, touching down just outside the front door. He let her enter first, but completely ignored her. He hadn't been sleeping for several weeks and refused to eat the food. He made sure she didn't find out, however, claiming he would eat in his room, but instead simply throwing it out the window. After entering the house, he untied the bags from his wrist and threw them onto the kitchen counter, then headed straight into his room, still ignoring her, and locked the door behind him. He stayed up watching the clouds, hoping someday he could leave this life of crime behind. Then a though popped into his head. What was stopping him?

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 06/26/2013 5:50 PM

Saphia Morpho
Despite his words, Saphia could tell that Maraioth was in no way fine. She could tell that he wanted to keep his pride though, and so she allowed him to carry on with his foolishness. Perhaps, it would teach him that pride could be a weakness if you allowed it to control your life. Of course, knowing him, it wasn't likely that he would learn lessons through any situation. He was so damned stubborn, and Saphia just didn't know what to do with him.

When he collapsed, Saphia hurried ahead to get help. It was a blessing that they had been so close to the tribe when he finally collapsed, and within no time several of her friends had helped her carry her son's unconscious form into his den. Leaning over him worriedly as the healer attended to his wound, Saphia sighed heavily. "I don't understand. I was told that my son would be destined for greatness; one was stolen from me, but I was blessed to be able to keep Maraioth. Yet, he doesn't seem to want to learn anything! How is he going to be a great leader if he doesn't even want to try? Sometimes...he seems so dark at times. I don't think he knows that I see it, but I do. I just wish that there was something I could do..."

Talia Reid
As usual, Gareth ignored her and headed straight to his room. Talia shook her head in disgust. Obviously, she had taken the wrong twin. His brother had appeared larger and stronger, but of course Talia had to have taken the easy way out by kidnapping the son that was closest to her. Now, she was regretting that.

She wondered, briefly, if there would be a chance for her to go back and take the other son. But no, after two kidnapping, one of the eggs and one of Gareth, surely the tribe would have strengthened their defenses greatly. The chances of trying her luck with the other twin was incredibly slim.

So for now, she'd have to suffer through her weak son. Perhaps soon he would learn to be tough...perhaps...

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 06/29/2013 6:29 PM

Meraioth Morpho
He saw her. The image of pure dread. But it wasn't his dread, not anymore. It was the dread of someone he use to know. Someone he couldn't remember, yet never forgot. The figure before him no longer scared him. Over time, the dread had been replaced with inspiration. The inspiration to become more. To become someone who would strike fear into others, and through that fear, could achieve great feats. Meraioth's attention, seemed to divert from the behemoth before him and focused on the other figure. Each night since the incident, the figures seemed to grow over time, matching what their current image. The other figure seemed to be a sky-colored paragon with black butterfly wings. Meraioth looked as he had the night before, other than one feature in particular. His left wing seemed to be bleeding with a bone portruding from the wing. But what happened? Had he been in an accident? Had he been purposefully hurt? Then it came back. He had fallen, trying to play off his charade of inneptitude so his mother wouldn't expect his sudden leaving. Then he realized... he was dreaming.

He woke up back in the village, Saphia and the tribal healer hanging over where he lay. "What happened?" he asked...

Gareth Reid
He had to be at least a couple mile from the house. He'd been flying faster than he ever had before, somewhat out of a desperation for escape, but mainly for the idea of freedom. Freedom to finally follow his heart. To help others instead of hurting them. To give instead of take. He'd been taking all his life, and he'd had enough of it. It was time to finally give others the assistance he could provide. He didn't know where he was going. He'd just started flying. Soaring over the treetops, he felt the calm breeze wash away his guilt and purge him of his shame. He was finally free...

Something called to him. Almost like a voice, but more than that. It was more like a feeling. A familiarity with the woods around him. He'd seen this before, he just didn't know when. He decided he'd touch down at the nearest clearing he could find...

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 07/06/2013 2:05 PM

"Oh, thank the ancestors." Saphia gave a deep sigh of relief when Meraioth finally awoke. "Don't you remember? You fell - broke your wing. It was horrible...luckily, we have a great healer." Saphia shot the healer a grateful smile, and the healer returned it and gave a slight bow before exiting to give the mother and son some privacy. Once the Healer was out of earshot, Saphia turned an exasperated glare towards Meraioth.

"What do you think you were doing?! You weren't even trying at all. If anything, you seemed to be failing on purpose!" Saphia huffed. "You do realize that you were meant for greatness, right? And not the normal greatness that all mothers promise their children. The ancestors chose you. Before you were even born, they chose you! It's the greatest honor that  can be bestowed upon us, and you spit on it as if it were a game!"

Hunching down in a sleeping position, Talia waited for sleep to come. Perhaps the morning would bring with it a new, and improved, son. Chances were slim, but she could dream, couldn't she?

((Short post for Talia xD))

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Jedi » 07/06/2013 3:22 PM

Meraioth Morpho
Her words were kind, but as soon as the healer left, they became what seemed to be uncaring, even blaming. Sure, what she was saying was true, but that only enraged Meraioth even more. As soon as she mentioned him treating it as if it was a game, he let it out. "Maybe I'd be better if you'd let me train earlier. Maybe I'd be honored if I was allowed to be as one of the other Placid. Or is it because I'm not a Placid. Is it because I'm a frost that you feel I should be an outcast. Shunned from the others." He knew his words would cut deep, but he wanted them to. He wanted her hurt, and just then he decided. He'd leave that night. He didn't care if he had to walk, as long as he was away from this prison...

He left when everyone else was asleep. The sun had set and all was dark, but Meraioth's eyes had been accustomed to flying through the blackness. Of course, he wouldn't be doing any flying tonight.  As he entered the forest, he thought he heard a voice. Something familiar, yet new. He'd began running, his wing tied down to his body, preventing it from use so it could heal. His bandages on the wound were dirty and his body was still trying to wake up from the healing herbs he'd been fed...

Gareth Reid
He'd finally touched down, the sun beginning it's decent as another night approached. Flying all night had taken it's toll and his wings began to ache. Gareth looked around in the trees. The sounds of the forest, though looming and ominous, were almost comforting. He walked towards the trees and entered the wood. After a couple minutes, a nearbye branch had fallen and struck his left wing, causing the delicate bone to break through the skin. He responded to the wound as soon as he could, grabbing some huge leaves off of a fern to use as a makeshift bandage...

He'd been walking for a day and his wing had bled through the leaves he'd tied around to restrict the flow. His legs were sore, his stomach was empty and he was exhausted, but he continued to follow the calling voice. Just then, he saw someone. Another Frost, he believed.  He kept his eyes fixed on the stranger, then yelled to him, "Where am I?"

After nearly a couple minutes of running and a half hour of walking, he thought he saw something straight ahead of him. The speck slowly began growing until he could see it was another Frost Paragon. 'What was a frost doing in these woods,' he thought. Then the stranger spoke in a familiar voice, to which he replied, "You're in Roraldi Forest. Home of the Placid Tribe. My name is Meraioth Morpho. And you are?"

"I'm Gareth. Gareth Reid," the stranger said.

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Re: Not Your Average Family (Jed and I) [Possible M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/20/2014 10:13 AM

The force of her son's words caught Saphia off guard, and she took a step back as if they were an actual attack. Just as Meraioth had intended, his words cut deep - perhaps even deeper than he had intended. She turned away from him so that he couldn't see her face. It seemed as if she were turning away in anger, but she was actually trying to hide her tears.

"You know that being a Frost means nothing. The Tribe began as an all-Placid tribe, it's true. But we have expanded recently, and you're not the only non-Placid within the tribe! As for your training, I apologize if you're behind. After I lost your brother-" She couldn't continue. Instead of finishing the sentence, she let out a choked sob, despite her attempts to hold it back. Finally composing herself, she forced her voice to be calm. "Go to bed, son. Believe it or not, I love you and care about you deeply. If you choose not to see that, it is your own folly."

She walked out quickly, before he could see the tears shining off the scales of her face.

Finally, the thief was able to drift off into a deep sleep. She dreamed of her son, but not as he was. Stronger, more cunning, plotting grand thefts and cons with her. He moved silently as a shadow and quickly made off with money, gems, silver and more. Together, they became rich and sat on mounds of gold and gems.

But Talia soon realized that the son in her dream was not the son she had raised. This son had dark scales, instead of the lighter scales of her son. He was larger and fiercer, and shared the same type of wing as Talia. It was her other son, the one she had left behind.

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