For those that do not know, the Evelon server has to be paid for once per month. While we mods do not make a profit off Evelon, customs are done monthly to at least keep the server running. Each month we will open two slots for customs. Each custom will cost $8 and you may order one simple/small add-on with it. Simple markings do not count toward the add-on, as we are willing to do those for free so long as they are not too complicated (We reserve the right to decide a marking is too complicated to be free), and extra add-ons may be purchased as well if you wish.
How will we make this fair since there are few slots? Well, we are going to raffle the slots. Please keep in mind, do not enter the raffle if you are not going to be able to pay for the custom. There is no charge to enter the raffle, other than having to pay if you do win. If you win a custom you will send the money to Baal's paypal ( and take a screenshot as proof of payment. Do NOT mention the word raffle in your paypal payment. Just your username alone will be enough. If you are paying in GT, simply state that to the mod you order from.
For information on customs, feel free to visit the old, outdated giftshop link to them. Some of the information is very outdated now that Ticky and Baal aren't doing orders, but it will give you the basic idea of what you can order and what the form should look like. Also, please do not send the order form to Baal. If you win you will be given the choice of who will do your custom and you will send them your screen cap of payment and order (or state you're paying in GT). Also keep in mind the paypal on the custom page is wrong. Send the money to the one I listed above. To enter simply post which you would like to enter. If you have any questions feel free to post them here or ask me in a PM.
This raffle will be open until Monday the 15th at 5 p.m. EST(17:00).
If you have any questions as to how much the add-on you want would cost, feel free to contact any modmin/mod.
.:Cash Raffle Entrants:.
Kitsumi Mahon
Azura Rayume