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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby GrayGriffin » 07/05/2013 10:40 AM

Can we still RP with Barracks pets in non-war-area RPs?
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Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Citanul » 07/05/2013 3:57 PM

I know it says for the posting to get pets accepted to the Barracks we have to use the format - but can we add to the Barracks? I'd like to keep track of their RPs and such, wondering if I can do it there or if I need to just put up a new word document. XP
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Kallile » 07/07/2013 12:01 PM

I have a question regarding "free agent" characters--by that I mean, characters who have no interest in one side or the other winning, they are getting themselves involved solely for personal gain. Are we allowed to play such characters even though they don't represent the side we signed up for?

My reason for asking is that I have an arms dealer character I would love to bring into Foundry City because it is very much somewhere his slimy self would end up. But I don't want to bring him in if that would be seen as a conflict to my own side or what have you. So for my own peace of mine I just want to know where the staff stands on playing free agents.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/07/2013 1:03 PM

Sorry for the delay. Meant to respond to this thread before catching my flight, but didn't get the chance.

- I'd say you can go ahead and use other pets as well. I'd also say that yeah, they should only get a normal +1 bonus to stats since the main intention of the area is to bulk up your battlers. I don't see the need to refuse other pets being RP'd there though.
- Fame.... uh.... Sure. XD Since it's not mention it's excluded or not. Fame isn't mentioned in the barracks since you don't get the bonus points from them during war battles, but I don't mind if fame gets a boost too.

As long as the pet hasn't died, yes. If a pet dies though, please suspend all roleplays with that pet until you can either get a demi-god(dess) to revive them or until the end of the war, since all pets are revived then.

As long as you list the RPs after the official barracks format information I don't mind if you keep track of roleplays in there. Just yeah, make sure to keep the official format.

You can, yes. For all we care, you can roleplay someone from the opposing team even. =) You'll still be earning points for the side you chose, but we won't put such large restrictions on who you can and can't roleplay as.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Shieba » 07/08/2013 6:29 PM

*stares at the shrines* I do not...understand. 8| How do we decide which demi-god to pray to? Do we decide at all? I mean, do all Imperials go to the ruins and the Purines to the statue and just go "Hey, whoever is listening, I'd like stuff"? Or do we actually take the character of our pet into consideration, pick a location and even a certain demi-god on that?

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Postby Kyrit » 07/08/2013 6:51 PM

In the previous war, you just prayed to anyone. Obviously the darker ones might be more willing to do something like hurt an enemy for you, but yeah. Just pray in general or pray specifically to someone if you'd like.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/09/2013 2:28 AM

In our Barracks, we have our three main pets. can we make a few posts after that chronicling other pets who are 'kind of involved' in terms of being roleplayed in war areas? like pets we have who are medics, or interested in what's going on, or free for RPs with others of our faction and such, but not our main RP/Battler/War pets? And can we make a separate post after that chronicling war RPs and added stats? I wasn't quite clear or sure on that. ^^;

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Postby Kyrit » 07/09/2013 4:00 AM

The barracks are only for your three battle pets. I told Citanul I don't mind if you keep track of their roleplays after all the official formatting, but yeah. Your three battle pets only. You can always use your journal or important documents to keep track of other war related things.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Kitsumi » 07/14/2013 12:11 PM

Heh, slighty late question since I keep forgetting to ask >.< I know that if you cap Offense or Defense, the other stat is automatically capped. But does this go for any of the other stats? Like, when you cap either Offense or Defense, do you stop gaining in all stats? Or just those two?

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Postby Kyrit » 07/14/2013 12:40 PM

Offense/defense are the only ones that work that way. It's done like that to help people focus on taking less damage or hitting harder.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Kitsumi » 07/16/2013 8:17 PM

Another question - I think similar things have been asked, but not the exact question and I want to be sure. Are we allowed to roleplay pets other than our three battle pets as if they were battle pets? As in, they can be "soldiers" in the roleplays, but of course they wouldn't actually battle or anything? Because I have way more than three pets who would have been interested in signing up for the war for one reason or another, and I'd love to roleplay them as if they were actually taking part even if they're not xD

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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Jaykobell » 07/16/2013 8:21 PM

To my understanding, there's no limitations in terms of RPs. You can RP anything. The only thing is that the only pets who can battle officially are your three Barracks pets, and no others.

Otherwise, you can RP whatever you want. My personal RP involves all my characters being called to the war as soldiers, but they're not my Barracks pets (because I don't want to battle them). It's just that the war is the focus of the story and the basis of it. They'll battle and fight and such in the RP, but not officially/for BPs.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Shieba » 07/21/2013 1:17 AM

Purely out of interest, even though I assume the answer will be "No": Can a pet be in two fights at once? I imagine it can't, since if it dies in the first one while still being in the second...yeah. 8| That would be a problem. But still, with pets being allowed to be in more than one RP normally, I thought I better ask.

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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Jaykobell » 07/21/2013 2:11 AM

My understanding would be that that's impossible. If you need to halt all RPs until that pet is revived, then you would need to halt battles as well. If the pet can't RP, it can't possibly battle.
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Re: .:Official Imperial/Purine War Questions thread:.

Postby Shieba » 07/29/2013 2:15 AM

More questions about dead pets! XD

1) If a pet dies, can I make a RP where another pet finds the dead body and drags it around? As in, Pet A dies. Pet B finds the body and is upset and spends a RP trying to revive Pet A, only to decide at the end of the RP to go to the shrine and ask the demigods? I find it a bit strange that all the bodies lying around just randomly get picked up by someone and get dragged to the shrines for revival, so I would like to give that a bit more substance if I end up with a dead pet. However, since such a RP would obviously involve the dead pet (even if it would be obviously unable to interact), would it be okay to even make a RP such as that in the first place?

1b) If it's okay to have a RP like that, is it allowed to include flashbacks? (As in, Pet B remembering the nice times with Pet A while carrying Pet A's body around.) The flashbacks would obviously include dialogue and stuff of the now-dead pet, so I dunno if that would be allowed.

1c) If it's okay to have such a RP, I assume the dead pet would not gain any levels, though, right? Would it gain levels from flashback-posts if the flashbacks end up being allowed?

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