Nestled between Barakka and Lambastia, this salty sea's ownership is always under debate. One thing is known though; dangerous currents pass through the sea, sweeping from the northeast down through the southwest outlet. (+3 Speed)

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Lets Destroy the Customs! It helps being Peculiar

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/02/2008 3:55 AM

Taset 'Spearow' ;; Anthro/Human

No one ever said that being a female pirate was going to be easy. With the morals of 'true' pirates, it was considered unlucky to have a women aboard ship. Even if this belief was disregarded, it wasn't as if the more burly, repulsive, and otherwise vulgar would let you be left alone. All about the ol' traditional pirating customs or getting in your pants. Either way, the harassment came often.
Spearow, as she preferred to be called by the rest of the crew, had done well in defending herself against these assaults many times since her stay on the ship. Many women would have ran away under the conditions, not she. She was sticking this out. She was as good as any of the men, and she'd prove it, even if everything was stacked against her favor.

Yet, she could only do so much in her defense. When you were outnumbered and had to already deal with the naturally lighter and weaker feminine body, things weren't looking very good.
Out at sea, she was tending to the chores she'd been assigned. Diligent in what she was instructed to do, she was trying to focus on her current work, scrubbing down the deck. It was a difficult task to focus on once you were cornered, which was her case. She had the blasted mop, brush and pail with her, with her back against a wall of the large ship, her front and sides covered by a group of men from the crew, ones that had all confronted her before. Alone was fine, but this was ridiculous. Each one appeared to have different aims. Some trying to get her to leave, some just to fire her up, and other wanting to get in bed with her. Apparently, they lacked their wenches, so sought one out of her, among other things. She was a fair looking lady, for living on the ship among all the men. Despite the conditions and refusal to step near water in the open, she made a point of scrubbing down every day. Maybe she was living with men, in their territory, but that was no excuse to smell like them - the ones who didn't make a point of their own person hygiene. Her rich red locks tumbled down past her shoulders in waves. Not an orange red, a deep red. Kind of like a thick of blood. It was a fairly stunning sight to see. Two rows of horns twisted out from her skull atop her head. Her skin tanned by, one would assume, the sun. She was wearing the common pants, that were 'poofy' though were bound in by soft sole boots that strung up her caves. A shorter roughly layered skirt was over it, part of her female style. A black pirate's flag with the common skull emblem was draped around her waist to one side, acting as her sash. Her upper half was covered in the long sleeve blouse, pretty general. Though bound by a loose style corset over it. The get up was mostly in shades of brown, red, with the splashes of over color.
All the trouble was caused by one man, who was doing most of the talking. "Come now lassie." He cooed gruffly, reaching a hand toward her. It only stopped moving forward when she gave him a deathly glare and growled at him, which caused him to chuckle a time or two. "Now now, lassie, not gonna bite me are you? Why don't you be a good little doggie and come to the master?" It wasn't getting him anywhere.
"Ay, ye all know she be afraid of the water? Little girlie afraid she's gonna drown. Canno even swim. " Another chimed in. "Ye're gonna fall off the ship and sink like a rock." A third voice. "A ship is no place for a wench like you."
More insults continued to flow, getting worse as they went along. Until the leader of the men called them all into control with his words,
"Ay, men, why shouldn't we fix the problem?"
They cheered.

Good thing the captain and the other members weren't about. Off eatin' under deck or somethin' of the like.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/02/2008 4:41 AM


It was rather nice if you were one of those on the Captain's good side. Well, it also sort of helped if you were his son of a rather decent age. He could easily get away with doing whatever he wanted on the ship, being the second in command only to his father. He was a rather odd one though in the eyes of most. It didn't bother him having women aboard, he didn't have to be drunk to get anything done, and he kept himself well groomed.

The way he saw it, he wasn't always going to be out at sea, so why not make himself look presentable to the ladies for when they did dock? And when they docked he could get his fill of rum at that time. Who cared if there was a woman aboard? Usually meant way better food then some of the roughians they had around this ship could cook.

"Sorry," he spoke, pushing himself away from the table and standing up. His teal eyes rested on his father. "but I'm but exactly hungry right now. I'll find something to snack on later, but I guess for now I'll make sure the men are doing their work as told."

As he turned around the long pony tail that made up part of his teal with black streaked hair billowed out behind him. His hair was oddly cut. Part of it was pulled back in a pony tail, and the rest was cut quite a bit shorter so that it hung about his ears or so. There were also a few long strands hanging out that ran down his front side, stopping just below his shoulders or so.

His footsteps could be heard coming out from the Captain's cabin. Large black boots adorned his feet, covering a bit of his black pants. Traveling upward he wore a simple grey shirt with a rather lavish teal over jacket. He wore no cap, but did wear a black headband with teal swirls on it. His body seemed to be littered in tattoos and piercings, but wasn't to the extent to make him repulsive to the eye. He was slightly tanned, but wasn't too dark.

Two plush greyish black ears gave a small twitch, his tail flicking around behind him. What did he hear the members of his father's crew talking about? Surely they weren't bullying around one of their fellow members, were they? A fanged grin spread over his features. He had told them all upon selection that if there was on thing that he disliked it was turning upon one another.

Walking up behind man that seemed to be the head of this little group, the human form Draculi tapped him upon the shoulder. Once he would turn his head he would meet the pearly whites of the one behind him. "Hiya there buddy. Get a little bit of rum today? Well you're going to need it." No less then seconds after he finished speaking, his fist collided with the face of the other guy.

"Now! Everyone get back to work before I give you even more to do!" he hissed out at the surrounding group. "And if you do no follow orders, you'll be either swimming with the fish or sleepin for quite some time." His tail continued to flick back and forth behind him, arms crossed in the front.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/03/2008 1:20 AM

She side stepped when the 'main' man stumbled back, not having paid attention to who it was that had approached them before hand. It wasn't particularly easy to see past solid objects that were five men, nor would she. For all she knew, it could have just been a sixth man to join them. Those ideas changed when she heard the sound of fist colliding with face, which had triggered her to move. One rule, which had been broken and kept to in this situation, was that issues between the crew weren't supposed to happen. One wasn't to strike another, which had kept her safe most of the time, only left her defenseless, since she didn't dare to ignore the rules. Chances were, she assumed, she would have taking a harder hit of punishment if she disregarded them. Did it make sense to want to be a good pirate?

Her eyes shifted to that whom had thrown the punch in suspicion only to understand it right way. Of course, the captain's son. His position onboard allowed him to do just about anything he wanted, including breaking his and his father's own rules. While recognizing him, she didn't exactly speak a word to him, outside of instructions of the work she was to attend to.
Partly, she was grateful that she was no longer stuck in her situation, and partly, her own self pride was screaming at her. Dang. She couldn't say anything to that who was higher.
"I can take care of myself..."She mumbled, though able for him to here. She couldn't not object but she couldn't outright object. Since she doubted he'd respond, she worked on gathering her supplies to simply continue her work in peace. If she happened to have a tail, it's be flicking about right now. Good thing, however, that she didn't.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/03/2008 1:43 AM

Not until she was the only one around did Riphest begin waving his hand about, grimacing. "Jeeze... I guess maybe I shouldn't have hit him that hard." The little pansy! The other guy was most likely out cold, and here he was whimpering about his poor hand. How on earth had he made it as a pirate?

Suddenly his eyes flicked over to look at her and he gave a small smile. "You may be able to pretect yourself... but if you did so they would end up trying to get you in trouble, even though they started it all. And my f- I mean... The Captain, would end up taking their side. He's a good man, but the fact that the others would be the ones with the marks to show that damage had been done he wouldn't see your side of things."

He looked to the sky, letting out a soft sigh. "You seem so willing to put up with their crap just to stay aboard a ship... and yet you fear the water. You're a puzzling one, but I'd prefer to see how things turn out. Can't let them win right now." He finally turned away, starting to walk off. He noticed everyone aboard the ship. Tried to get them to do the things that they were best at, but it was harder to do for some. He had just yet to find out where she belonged on the ship.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/04/2008 6:40 PM

"They wouldn't be trying to get me in trouble; they wouldn't ever be standing in order to do so."She mumbled the sentence. If she could have killed them, she may have. It wasn't very possible to tell if that threat was true or, again, her pride speaking for her. If she would have killed them, however, they wouldn't have needed to complain.
He walked away, and she returned to her work, avoiding spilling any of the water from the bucket on herself. She wasn't afraid of water, exactly, she loved it, but it would only endanger her here. Note why the Re'nee sea, the waters off the Dead Coast, was the perfect sea to sail. Violent weather wasn't common here; mild and sunny was much better. There was no rain to fall and no crazed waves planning to crash down on the deck. Safe. As far as she'd ever be, anyway.

A few days, a week perhaps...Time wasn't precisely kept when working day in and day out onboard the ship. Spearow had taken the hand she'd be dealt, taking whatever she was assigned to without complaint, be it deck swabbing, cooking, tending to the weapons, manning the watch post, or any of the various chores that needed to be tending to. She hadn't exactly spoken to Riphest since the incident, other than taking orders. The men left her alone, for the most part. If they did anything, it was from a distance, so she could simply ignore it. She saw it to be unusual, that they all but gave up on tormenting her. Something wasn't right about it, like they were plotting against someone else. Which was very well happening...

Just finishing with taking inventory on the stock of food supplies, she went to report back to the captain or his right hand man, whoever she managed to locate first. It appeared that the captain wasn't in his usual quarters. She was too preoccupied to pay any attention where they might have been on the sea, or that, again, less people were about. If she had, she would have been likely to go back to a place among most of the other crew, wherever that was.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/04/2008 11:55 PM

He couldn't help but chuckle, listening to her words as he left. She had to be strong to be aboard the ship.. but he doubted she could have taken on that many of them at once. Not cornered as she was. All they would have to do is knock over the bucket of water and she'd probably freak out enough to be far too distracted to handle herself. Yes... He had heard of that oddity.


Days went by... busy days. Days that he found himself often doing work that some of the crew should have been doing. One would say that they were sick, or that someone else needed help with their work. Riphest, being the sucker that he was, let them do as they pleased. Things would get done. He'd make sure to such as the first mate on deck.

"Seems like everyone has decided to head off for the night already..." Night? Oh it was still day. The reason the sky was dark was the clouds that were beginning to swirl overhead. He finished tieing off a rope and looked to the sky, finally noticing what was going on. His ears hung low against his head, grimacing. "So very kind of them to tell me what was going on..." he muttered, feeling rain begin to beat against him. It was light at first, but began to get harder and harder as he tried to finish securing everything. He called for all hands on deck, and yet no one seemed to come to his call.

The water was beginning to get rough, rocking the ship back and forth rather violently. He winced as one of the unsecured sails slammed into his stomach. Wait.... He had just secured that thing!

Red eyes gleamed from the shadows of where the sail had come from. "Not very wise to hit one of your crew." the male called out, stepping forth. Oh joy... It was the guy that Riphest had punched for messing with their female crew member. His nose was bandaged, or else Rip wouldn't have even noticed.

Glancing around he noticed that many other members were around him now too. "Just had to stop us from having our fun. Well we're sure you won't be missed. The Captain will just pick a new first mate."

Shrinking back, moving away from them with aching ribs, the Draculi felt a rather blunt object meet with the back of his head. Things began to go black, and the last thing he heard was the splash of water and their laughing.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/05/2008 12:58 AM

Automatically after disposing of the first mate who had dared to interrupt their fun, the rebellious group of men fled the scene before anyone could be the wiser. It would all just seem that Riphest had lost his footing out during the storm, a tragic accident. No one would be left to pester them, and they would be a little more inconspicuous of their work.

Little did they know, someone had played as a witness to the ordeal. The storm came out as a surprise, the mermaid was caught in the rain, away from the shelter of her bunker. She was forced to hide, trying to avoid her legs getting wet, ever thankful that her boots were rather thick. Somehow, she managed to hold a large tin platter above her head like an umbrella and shuffle with her back against one of the walls within the center of the ship.

She heard the voices, her ears perking, not literally, to listen in. It was them. She knew right away. Continuing with her sneaky, back against the wall movement, she peered around the corner to watch as the Draculi's body was discarded into the sea. The bastards! And that was far from saying it all. Tormenting her, now getting rid of the first mate. Eyes narrowed, and she nearly marched right out there. Before she stepped, she froze. If she got anywhere in the open where the water could soak past her clothing, her secret would be out. If she dived after him, he'd find out. If she didn't take action, her higher on this ship wouldn't be likely to survive, not after that bump to his head. Didn't she owe him? At least a little? No. Yes. Alright, she kinda did. And what better way to make things even?

No time to sit around a think. Before she fully had decided on the correct choice of action, she was ripping off her boots, dropping the platter, and diving into the dark, raging waters below. Eyes open, the salt not harming her at all, she was able to see, even in the blackness of the storm water. Her arm wrapped around the unconscious man's body, dragging him against the spiraling currents to the surface with the use of her tail. Tail!? Yes, tail. She could breath underwater, he couldn't.

A safe place...A safe place. Not very safe, but the formation of rocks seemed like their best bet. The current had already dragged them a good ways away from their ship It was taking all she had to keep the waves from enveloping the man, keeping him where their was air for his lungs. She practically tossed his body up onto one of the rocks, holding him in place on his stomach. His face wasn't to the rain and she was pounding him on his back so he would reject any water that seeped into his airways. Holding him there and herself in place, still mostly in the water was a difficult task. She was getting frantic. Not for her own fate. The Hydrolisk would be fine if the water swept her away. He wouldn't. She was his anchor to the single place out of the sea that hungrily wanted to take his life.

"Dang it, breath!"

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Postby Kyrit » 02/05/2008 1:25 AM

A voice... a familiar one. He could hear it calling out to him, yelling at him to breath. He could also feel himself coughing out water and trying to breath, but this wasn't his own physical doing. His body was just reacting to her stimulation for him to get the water out and try to breath. To him, everything was still just utter darkness. Darkness and that voice which called for him...

Blood was slowly seeping out a wound on the back of his head, but as the minutes passed he did begin to regain himself. Teal eyes slowly opening, he could still only see darkness for a few moments. Rocks... He could see them now. His hand lightly gripped one of them, as if doing what he could to hold himself on. His eyes slid back to look at the one that save him.

T-That girl from the ship... But... wasn't she afraid of water? Did she come over her fear just to save him? It was then that he saw the tail. Still, things didn't fully register. He had had a blow to the back of his head. He was bound to be seeing things! "Thank... you..." he whispered softly, still holding onto the rocks.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/05/2008 1:52 AM

His thanks didn't matter at the moment, Spearow was too busy trying to hang on and keep him from the grasp of the sea. It was nice to see that he'd come back, able to help with the task himself. He'd be rather weak from that moment without air, and she was sure his lungs were sore from the salty water spilling into them, burning with each breath. That was how it was, for beings like him.

Tail yes. Her tail was useful now. Not like one would expect for a mermaid, not like the generic ones often portrayed in videos and some books. She seemed more like a prehistoric fish. Her tail was a dark color, a red-brown, nothing spectacularly bright. It spread out more like a fan, not split into two fins. Spikes, the the horns upon her head, went from the area that would be below her knees, if she had legs, scattering down to the base of the tail before the fin. Her fingers were webbed and had small fins about her arms. Her pants had ripped to shreds in the transformation, the the skirts and flag sash stayed around her waist. Her upper half still easily covered by the clothes normally there. Despite the scales and fins, she was still much herself, all together.

Once she had a chance, she hoisted herself out of the water with her arms, getting farther out of it. Half of her tail was still in it. There wasn't enough room on the rocks of both of them, hardly enough for her to do what she did. Awkwardly, she had her hands on either side of Riphest, holding herself up off of him. In a way, she made herself a shield and security bar in the case his grip slipped.

"We're even! I told you I could take care of myself! And now you too!"

Humm, would he even realize what was going on? On that she was pretty much half of a fish.

"Crap, you're bleeding!" She added, blood plus the salt water made an interesting scent. Familiar. Right now, it didn't appear as though they could do anything, until the rough waters let up. Hey, salt water was surprisingly good in keeping wounds clean. However, again, salt water stung on contact with open flesh. So many downsides.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/05/2008 6:36 PM

His lungs and throat being sore were the main reasons that he wasn't talking up a storm, trying to convense her that he could take care of himself. Blood? His ears gave a small flick. Oh... so that's why the back of his head was stinging. He figured that it was all just still from the blow.

Riphest shifted a bit so that he could see Spearow. His eyes... they couldn't be fooling him! He did see a tail! And fins... Geeze this was all turning out to be rather odd. Still, now wasn't the time to think of such a thing. They were having a battle with the currents and he couldn't distract her.

It seemed as though it had been forever since they had tossed him overboard. The sky was beginning to clear up, the waters not as rough. They weren't calm, but they were dieing down at least. "You don't have to hold me on..." Riphest muttered. "I can do it myself."
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/05/2008 8:03 PM

Well the secret was out now, no use, no possible way to hide it now. Sure, she could say something like 'Oh, it must have been the bump on your head causing you to see things. You were out the whole time.' yet that would have been useless. Even if he knocked out again and even just half believed the lie true, the other half wouldn't. He'd still know the truth, and just be suspicious. If she hadn't been otherwise preoccupied, she'd really be fretting over it. It was a mistake to allow someone to know. What would Riphest do, now knowing this? Did it even matter she saved his life?

Either way...It was suddenly letting up. She couldn't help but to wonder how long they truly were out here. Not very long, she was sure, but long enough. It wasn't as if she was exactly paying attention.
"Sorry, but I'm not taking that risk." The mermaid was still supporting her weight on her arms, using them to keep herself attached in place, not having legs to allow her to securely climb up the rocks. "I'd rather not have to go back in there after you."

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Postby Kyrit » 02/05/2008 8:17 PM

His hands gripped the rock tighter, trying to pull himself up a bit better. "So instead you're going to waste all your strength trying to hold yourself up like that..." His hand slipped a bit, but instantly tightened back again. He had managed to move himself up onto the rock formation a bit better. "Come on... Don't waste your effort on me. I can handle myself now that I'm awake."

He said he could, but he didn't seem like it. At least he hadn't let go though. Riphest was trying to prove to himself now that he didn't need her help. Well... not anymore at least. He knew that not too long ago if she hadn't helped he would have died.

He actually realized that in a way, he was now in her debt. He had helped her once, but that hadn't been a life threatening thing. She saved him from most certain death. "The water is starting to calm down. If I slip I'm sure I can handle myself for a bit."
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/05/2008 8:37 PM

"Really now? Rather hard to believe that." She commented back. Smooth time to say that, after just loosing your grip. As if she would believe him now. "You're obviously a dense pirate! Being without legs on dry land, our upper body strength is better then many!" Frankly, she didn't care what he was trying to prove. Him playing tough guy could make the situation that much worse. "Besides, it's easier to hang on the fight the current!" Rather she had fins or not, was a creature of the water or not, anyone could still get tired by over exerting their self. She couldn't say she'd been battling the ocean waters any time recently, until he was tossed over.

"I think you should just hold on and shut up! We're not on the ship anymore, we're more on my field, so I don't have to listen to any of your orders for now." She wasn't one to defy when one above her insisted on something, but this seem like a necessary time. "We'll just wait till it's calm again." If it came back a bit her in the butt later, she'd just have to deal with that.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/06/2008 12:58 AM

Dense? It was rather hard not to be dense when you could barely make out the things around you because your vision war all blurry. He shrugged her hurtful words off and, deciding that it didn't really matter anyways since the sun was beginning to come back out of its hiding.

After a few minutes of silence slid by he glanced up at her and spoke, "There. Look. The sun's coming out and the water's are almost calm once again." He did his best to pull himself up onto the rock formation all the way, still rather dizzy from the blow to the head Even with the water's calm, it wasn't completely safe for them to try to get back to the ship yet. Not only was the sun beginning to set, but if they got into the water creatures would be able to smell his blood and would likely come after them.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/06/2008 6:38 PM

That wasn't the same kind of dense, exactly. Though she supposed, logically, that being knocked upside the head would affect one's ability at logical thinking. No matter the case, now wasn't exactly a good time for arguments or complaints, even with it calming down. She looked out to the sea, seeing the waves taming, then out to the sky. Rained had stopped and the sun was creeping back out, but preparing to hide behind the horizon, painting the sky behind the clouds in oranges, purples and pinks. If it had been any other time, it would have a rather pretty effect on the day. Not now, since they'd be stuck here in the darkness of night. Riphest would get cold, and she would too, half in and out of the water, two different temperatures. One or the other, and she'd be fine, but this...

"I wonder if the captain will notice we're gone and care to look for us."If not, getting back to the ship wasn't going to be an easy task. She had no idea how far the ship was, and she most certainly couldn't see it. "Bet they weave their lies."She spat. Those men that refused to leave her alone and tried to get rid of the Draculi. If they were at all tactful, they'd attempt stop a search. "Swimming aimlessly would just result in using our energy for nothing."

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