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.:Imperial/Purine War Pets:.:

Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:44 PM

During the war users on both sides were able to receive pets for their participation, and when the war ended they could spend their battle points on prize pets. The information on these pets(prices, description, alliance) was never added to the freewebs site. This list has been created to provide this information. All free pets, also known as wave pets, will include what wave they came from. All prize pets, those that cost BP, will be listed with what faction they came from and how much they cost.
* This list was originally maintained by ToxicShadow.
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:46 PM

:.:Wave Pets - Imperial:.:

Bludgeon Baskerville
Third Wave
"Risen from the very pits of Evelon's core, these corrupt canines are more spirit than animal, though they do have the ability (and tendency) to attack and harm others without warning. Their tempers are as fiery as their bodies, able to live in soaring temperatures without even breaking a sweat. The deadly maul at the end of it's tail serves as the secondary weapon to it's powerful jaws."

Chaos Shimin
Second Wave
"Betrayers of their tribes, the Chaos Shimin are nomadic creatures bent on obtaining powers for their own uses instead of upholding the standards by which the tribes use their magic. These Shimins allied themselves with the Imperials because they share the same goals."

Dancer Cavallion
Second Wave
"An extremely hardy species of equine that possesses light bones, the Dancer Cavallion is known for the ease with which it carries itself, whether on a track or through rough terrain. Imperials chose this particular breed to traverse easy through the thick jungles of Tengel."

Evren Bruiser
Third Wave
"With sharpened claws and fangs, this Evren is built for power. Attracted to this, the Imperials bred them to become only strong and enduring, using them as wicked mounts which are even able to temporarily climb low trees to scout out the land and slink through thick rainforest mud. This all-terrain ability makes them a very handy mount in comparison to more equine creatures. Their blazing breath can torch an entire copse of trees in a single blast."

Fool Gallizar
First Wave
"A variation of the Jester created through genetic alteration, the Fool is definitely no fool. It's actually very keen to extreme detail and ususally never misses a thing. It can spot out those that it dislikes, right off the bat."

Goldclaw Werebetta
Second Wave
"Used to seal off Barakka from the rest of the world, these vicious aquatic creatures were located all along the coasts of the continent. With their powerful jaws and equally tough hide, these Werebettas enjoy tearing down any ships that try to get past it. They are also used to combat the Purine's own fierce Werebettas."

Grappler Werebetta
Third Wave
"With a spine and fins edged like razors, the Grappler is by far the most hardy species of Werebettas, bearing marks of past battles with pride. They were these scars like medals, always looking for more fights and challenges to test their might and prove their endurance. They also don't follow orders of others well, but the Imperials have trained them to obey the simplest of commands with brute force."

Jester Gallizar
First Wave
"Trained from birth to be loyal to anyone calling themselves it's master, the Jester is a fierce creature in combat, often tripping up opponent's with it's prehensile tail and using razor sharp talons while they're down. Their vivid colorations serve to dazzle and confuse the enemy, as they prefer a head-on attack rather than stealth. Those of the three Imperial Gallizar types attain the names 'Jester, Joker, and Fool', because of both their coloration and the hyena-like laugh they often times make."

Joker Gallizar
First Wave
"The darkest both in coloration and in mindset of the three, the Joker craves blood and battle, as it was genetically created to be. It is extremely well suited for combat and is even known to fight it's own siblings at birth. They can run at top speeds and have binocular vision, able to spot a wary opponent a mile away."
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:48 PM

:.:Wave Pets - Purine:.:

Bramble Penticorn
First Wave
"It's body made purely of foliage, this rare creature is incredibly hard to spot, as it stands perfectly still most of the time in it's forest habitats. It is a hardy creature that does not need to eat to survive, it's main purpose to keep the forests alive, as they ward away any trespassers who would seek to damage it's home."

Canopy Garudor
First Wave
"An exception partner in combat, the Canopy Garudor is a wild species that was brought into captivity only recently. In the wild, these vibrant birds soar through the air over the vast rainforests of Barakka in search of prey, and while in captivity, the owner should still allow it to do so lest it become sick."

Evren Soldier
Third Wave
"Loyal, battle-trained, and headstrong, these reptiles can speak human when trained, and are usually good mounts for cavaliers. In the Purine army, these magnificent creatures are issued to skilled riders in packs, as Evren don't do too well alone. They also usually get along well with humans and enjoy many things related to the stars, such as astronomy. When threatened, Evren breathe forth fierce combinations of wind gusts and flame that burn so hot, it appears that there are stars in the fire."

Fighter Werebetta
Second Wave
"A fierce combatant in the seas, the Fighter Werebetta was born for battle. While they don't agree with their own kind and often spar at first sight, Fighters can be very loyal to a human companion if they know them long enough. Purines are often 'bonded' to a fighter and can often ride a Werebetta into battle in the sea."

Morning Kitrell

First Wave
"These graceful, flying felines are rare natives of the dense rainforests of the Nssylai area, seen most of the time around serene waterfalls and lakes catching fish. Though they hate to get their fur wet, the Kitrell can dive into the water and skillfully grasp it's prey in it's mouth, spending hours drying their wings out in the sun after a meal. Their calls can range from soft mews to harsh howls and can be heard all throughout the vast forests around them."

Peacer Fellox
Third Wave
"Believed to have descended straight from the Heavenly Vaults, the Peacer Fellox are a quiet, stern group that work well together and are very efficient battlers. Where they lack, they seek to cover up with their comrade's strengths and thus their morale hardly ever falls. They are seemingly emotionless and practiced but when not on the battlefield, these creatures are caring and very devoted to helping others."

Psi Fenling
Third Wave
"Seemingly appearing from nowhere, this nomadic group of Fenlings have ventured forth and offered their assistance in this war. Their amazing mental abilities extend far, allowing the Purines to get a brief view of the Imperials from time to time and also helping slow enemy forces in their movement. While they are quite powerful, Psi Fenling are not physically built for battle and can deplete their psychic energy quickly. Their four tails also wave quickly and the blue patterns on their body glow when they sense coming danger."

Second Wave
"An enigmatic creature, the Shimin are normally peaceful, reptillian creatures that spend all of their lives traversing the Tengel rainforest. However, due to the recent disturbances, the Shimin have allied with the Purines to drive away the intruders with the practiced, shamanic magics they have always upheld for ages."

Thorn Penticorn
Second Wave
"As a result of all the bloodshed in Tengel, it seems even the forest has become angry with the trespassing forces. Made entirely of thorn bushes, these creatures act as one with the dense forests, fighting fiercely to drive away those who would soil the very sanctity of the earth."
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:49 PM

:.:Prize Pets - Imperial:.:

Baal Dragony
Available to all Imperials
"Looking for your very own baby pet dragon-serpent-wiggly-thing? Then the Baal Dragony might just be the thing for you. It's an adorable, ferocious 'lil critter that just loves to feast upon raw meat, fallen foes, fingers, toes, and the occasional dirty hobo sock. Possessing powers over both the element of electricity and stone, their rock-hard skin is nearly impenetrable by physical attacks and also possesses a small electrical charge akin to shuffling your feet around on a carpet for five days straight. And the little tentacles behind it's head are prehensile, most likely used as safety precaution against falling from really high places."
Originally cost 100 BP

Black Baal Dragony
Available to all Seekers
"The darker version of the the Baal Dragony has a venomous aura emanating from it's skin and the twin talons on it's tail are simply dripping from the toxin, which it uses to kill it's prey instantly. It prefers long walks in the dark and surprisingly enjoys spending time with it's trainer, that is, until it bites the person and poisons them.."  
Originally cost 30 BP

Fear Frightmare
Available to all Imperials
"This dark creature is the driving force behind second thoughts. It enters the minds of those with doubts of what they are to do next and whispers little 'what ifs' into the person's ear, usually forcing the person to back out of whatever plans they had."
Originally cost 20 BP

Horror Frightmare
Available to all Listeners
"These creatures are the ones responsible for all the dark tales told on All Hallow's Eve. Purposefully malevolent, they work to instill pure horror in the hearts of all humans and keep alive urban myths and scary stories."
Originally cost 90 BP

Imperial Lucain
Available to all Imperials
[No given information.]
Originally cost 50 BP

Maat Battleheart
Available to all Imperials
"Descended from dragons with celestial blood, the Maat Battleheart has the ability to sense and commune with spirits. They are less apt to kill than the rest of their kin because of this -- it's awkward to hold a conversation with one you've just killed. Their hides are especially adapted for arid, scorching temperatures."
Originally cost 50 BP

Mauler Baskerville
Available to all Imperials
"Like spirits, the Mauler Baskerville silently stalk their victims, first observing people throughout their daily life and then selecting a target. Once the prey is decided upon, the creature will follow that person to the ends of the earth, causing them misfortune and misery even after death."
Originally cost 35 BP

Mirage Fellox
Available to all Speakers
"The Mirage Fellox differs from its kin in that it can change its body color like a chameleon in order to match its surroundings. However, this technique is more advanced than the reptile's in that it can make the Fellox appear completely invisible."    
Originally cost 35 BP

Pot O' Darkness
Available to all Listeners
"Kept in the most darkest and creepiest places of any Imperial household, these perfectly crafted beauties are hand painted by the most talented of artists that we could hire for under 20KS. And the best thing about these is you don't need to clean it, walk it everyday, feed it, talk to it lovingly, brush it's fur, change it's litter box, nothing of the sort! I mean, come on, it's a vase. Now... about that dark, foreboding shadow looming around it... yeah, that just somehow came with it... Erm. *cough* No refunds..."  
Originally cost 50 BP

Pot O' Embers
Available to all Imperials
"See now? This is an even better deal! Buy two get one free limited time offer! You heard correct, three beautifully crafted pots for all you hardworking Imperialists out there! But wait! There's more! Get one now and receive your very own free Angry Fire Spirit of Ultimate Death, Doom and Destruction, while supplies last!"
Originally cost 25 BP

Royal Baskerville
Available to all Speakers
"The Royal Baskerville was introduced to the Imperial army by General Axion and was quickly absorbed into the front ranks of the army's warriors due to its ferocity and power."  
Originally cost 20 BP

Sentinel Hollowheart
Available to all Seekers
"Having lived peacefully with the Hunter prides in the cave cities, Sentinel Hollowhearts are strong and loyal, making excellent guardians and watchmen. They possess the ability to wield powerful light magic and often the highest ranking served as Magi to illuminate the city's crystals with their light."  
Originally cost 40 BP
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Postby Kyrit » 07/28/2010 9:51 PM

:.:Prize Pets - Purine:.:

Coatl Battleheart
Available to all Purines
"Distantly related to their Maat brethren, Coatl Battlehearts prefer to live in the lush green mountains of rainforests. Their beautiful coloring is a sight to behold, using their elaborately colored wings to attract mates."
Originally cost 50 BP

Dawn Taigra
Available to all Purines
"Counterpart to the Dusk Taigra, the Dawn Taigra is a crepuscular hunter that is usually seen at its namesake time."
Originally cost 20 BP

Day Seraphent
Available to all Purines
"The Seraphents were once normal Seraphim of the Heavenly Vaults, but have committed sins and were turned into the forms they are in now, cast down to strive in the normal world. Their four wings allow them to fly faster than any other living creature, at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour at any height. Day Seraphents used to be those that worked under Zu'hai or Yepha."
Originally cost 100 BP

Doitsu Werebetta
Available to all Purines
"Doitsu are the most docile of the Werebettas, though that isn't saying much. Although they can be kept in groups, they will establish an order of dominance, and any individual that gets out of line will be severely punished. Their beautiful coloration is highly prized, and the largest of the species sell for high prices."
Originally cost 35 BP

Dusk Taigra
Available to all Wielders
"Counterpart to the Dawn Taigra, the Dusk Taigra is a crepuscular hunter that is usually seen at its namesake time."
Originally cost 50 BP

Dusky Kitrell
Available to all Wielders
"An arboreal predator related to the Morning Kitrell, the Dusky Kitrell prefers to do its hunting at night. It silently swoops down upon its preferred prey -- mice -- and snatches the prey neatly in its jaws before returning to a tree limb to dine. Because of its spectacular maneuvers, it can be trained as an acrobatic pet."
Originally cost 90 BP

May Kitrell
Available to all Purines
"Returning to the lands along with the spring flowers, the May Kitrell is said to bring good luck to those who own one. These graceful, flying felines are rare natives of the dense rainforests of the Nssylai area, seen most of the time around serene waterfalls and lakes catching fish. Though they hate to get their fur wet, the Kitrell can dive into the water and skillfully grasp it's prey in it's mouth, spending hours drying their wings out in the sun after a meal."
Originally cost 25 BP

Night Seraphent
Available to all Pathfinders
"The Seraphents were once normal Seraphim of the Heavenly Vaults, but have committed sins and were turned into the forms they are in now, cast down to strive in the normal world. Their four wings allow them to fly faster than any other living creature, at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour at any height. Night Seraphents used to be those that worked under Xai're."
Originally cost 50 BP

Purine Gyrraptor
Available to all Pathfinders
"This beautiful creature is one of the offspring of Shi'hana, the Gyrraptor who gave her life to protect Barraka from the invading Imperial forces."
Originally cost 35 BP

Purine Lucain
Available to all Purines
[No given information.]
Originally cost 50 BP

Sunburst Cavallion
Available to all Riders
"Sunburst Cavallion are an extremely showy breed of the species, taking great pride in their beautiful coats. In addition to the sunburst pattern on their backs, these creatures are also immune to bright flashes of light, having grown used to their own light aura."
Originally cost 20 BP

Terror Frightmare
Available to all Riders
"Only able to be tamed by the bravest of souls, the Terror Frightmare is a hardier version of its common counterpart. It stalks the fields of battle and tests anyone who dares call himself a warrior."
Originally cost 30 BP
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Postby Kyrit » 07/30/2013 4:24 PM

:.:War Scavenger Hunt Prize Pets:.:

Gilded Kuchi Nagi
Available to both sides
"The Gilded Kuchi Naga are a fierce, proud, and warlike race, but also noble and honorable to a fault. Reclusive and slow to trust outsiders, they have lived hidden in the most remote and unexplored parts of the Barakkan jungles until very recently. Since the discovery of the Paras Shii, they have begun taking the unusual step of leaving their lands to search for people capable of hatching the eggs of their ancient allies, the Paras and Pachy species. While capable of enabling the Shii hatchlings to evolve, it seems they have temperaments too fierce and aggressive to hatch the eggs themselves."
Tier 1 Prize

Image-->Image --> Image
Paras Shii  -->  Paras Lubshi --> Paras Shinzo
Available to Purines Only
"An odd egg had been found during the chaos of battle and we don't mean the eggs of paragon. This egg had been discovered by a wounded solider under the care of a purine medic. This strange looking shii was what had come out of the egg. The Paras Shii is larger than the average Shii and bares a head crest that allows them to make noises reminiscent of a small brass horn. They are kind gentle creatures that enjoy helping and comforting others, making them great with the sick, injured, and traumatized of all ages. It is said that they are an ancient species and that their eggs only hatch for those with kind hearts who can put others needs before their own."

"The Paras Lubshi is just as caring as ever, tending to the sick and injured with a gentleness uncommon to such a young creature. These gentle herbivores have a talent for medicinal herbs, and many medics keep them as assistants. Some are musically inclined as well, using their trumpeting calls to play out songs. A group of them calling together can sound like an ensemble of brass instruments, and each has its own unique pitch, resulting in some truly beautiful chorus."
Tier 3 Prize

Image-->Image--> Image
Pachy Shii  -->  Pachy Lubshi  -->  Pachy Shinzo
Available to Imperials Only
"Another strange Shii with a similar origin as the Paras Shii. Only their eggs were given too the same medic who owned the first known Paras Shii. The Pach Shii hatch under the same conditions their cousin hatches and is also quite large for a Shii only they bare a thick dome like skull adorn in spikes. They are also known for having a bit of an attitude and tend to be stubborn but they still have soft hearts even if they don't want to admit that they care. To those in need its personality and stubbornness often comes off as humorous and frequently puts smiles on faces. Their species is said to be just as ancient as its cousins."

"Since evolving, the Pachy Lubshi has become quite a little prankster. They love to make others smile, but they tend to go about that in the wrong way. They have a tendency to headbutt people and things in an attempt to get a grin. It is advised to keep an eye on them around children as they can be rather pushy. If their actions make someone cry, they don't know how to handle it and can get rather pouty. They have a loyalty streak a mile long and can be aggressive if their owner is threatened."
Tier 3 Prize

Cephalori Seamare
Available to both sides
"The first of a new Genus of Frightmare that seems to have taken to the water. The Cephalori Seamare is known by sailors for their speed and intelligence and are often seen swimming along their boats. This species of seamare are preferred as pets due to their playful nature and trainability. In the wild they are powerful predators that make good use of their talents and come up with new, efficient and creative ways to capture prey in various situations. Despite their friendly nature, people are still advised to avoid interacting with wild populations."
Tier 3 Prize

Spring Kasuga
Available to both sides
"At the end of the first war the forest had suffered a large amount of damage but has finally started to regrow. Around the same time the regrowth had started these odd Kasuga had appeared out of the dense forest beyond the damaged zone. Their presence appears to help things grow and plants begin to grow in their wake. Spring Kasuga are unlike any other Kasuga that has appeared to this date. These Kasuga are still alive. It is still unclear as to why they are alive, if they are alive because of their relation to new life or if there are any more species that also alive and have yet to be discovered. Their existence is filled with the air of mystery"
Tier 4 Prize
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Postby Silverin » 12/11/2013 7:21 AM

:.:Wave Pets - Imperial - 2nd War:.:

Aurai Gallizar
First Wave
A creature that is rumoured to be able to move so fast that they become one with the wind and vanish from sight, they are sought out by many but obtained by few. The Aurai Gallizar is a master of the wind. Graceful, powerful and filled with pride, so much pride that they tend to be temperamental, fickle and condescending. They make their homes in open terrain with sparse forests in which they can manurer. In the wild they are extremely hard to catch and are masters at evading traps. Even when captured they will only accept one person to be their trainer. However a well trained one makes a good pet and excellent battler with strong kicks that could break bone and a fairly good aim. "

Delusion Cavallion
Second Wave
"Though beautiful to look at, the Delusion Cavallion can be very dangerous to approach. They have the ability to produce a mist that can cause disorientation, dizziness, and hallucinations in other creatures. Being exposed to this mist for too long can even drive someone mad or kill them in rare cases. Anyone who wishes to ride one of these Cavallions must wear masks and protective clothing as to not be subjected to the mist, though Delusion Cavallions will not purposefully use the mist on the single rider they are loyal to."

Diony Gallizar
First Wave
"Unlike their cousins the Aurai Gallizar, the Diony Gallizar is a total opposite. While they are fast, they excel at being flexible, strong and durable. In the wild they are found in thick forests where they climb trees, swim in swift moving rivers and run through thick brush. It takes them seconds to vanish among the trees and become practically invisible. These Gallizar have power over the earth and plant life around them. They tend to be more relaxed, down to earth and open but rather naive due to their love for the life of the party however when they take things seriously, they too can make great battlers."

Pot O' Oil

Second Wave
"Created by joining a wicked spirit with some oil, this dangerous being is highly flammable, toxic, and prone to creating explosions. Its destructive properties are valuable to the Imperial army, which spreads and ignites it on a variety of weapons ranging from catapult rocks to arrows and ballista. When its properties are not being used to wreak havoc, it also functions in fueling and oiling machines. Having someone who can control spirits on standby is a necessity, however, as the spirit bound to the oil can be temperamental. There have been a few incidents where Pots O' Oil decided to attack their commanders instead of the enemy."

Tiger Seamare
Second Wave
"The Tiger Seamare is one of the more dangerous Seamare species. A huge creature, it eats just about any animal it comes across, and it aggressively defends its territory from other Seamares. It has rows of razor sharp teeth that are shed and replaced every month, and it can swim up to speeds of twenty miles per hour. People who go to play in the Rewhister Ocean, its primary habitat, are regularly reminded to check their surroundings for these Seamares, as they have been known to bite swimmers and divers."

Yin Nonaga
First Wave
"It is said that for every Yin Nonaga born a Yang Nonaga is born. Likewise, people also say that every time a Yin Nonaga dies its counterpart Yang Nonaga dies as well. It was once believed as well that each species only has one gender, but that has since been disproved. The two species do seem to be complete opposites while being delicately connected at the same time. Legend tells that the contrasting markings of the Yin Nonaga actually belong to its counterpart, which connects them in life and death. The Yin Nonaga tend to be very passive with a very soft nature."
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Postby Silverin » 12/11/2013 7:27 AM

:.:Wave Pets - Purine - 2nd War:.:

Betta Seamare
Second Wave
"This species of Seamare was first discovered in the rivers of Idalani by Purine soldiers while fishing. Since then, it has been domesticated and bred extensively within Purine society, valued for its vividly colored fins and unique bodily markings. However, the Betta Seamare also serves more practical purposes; as an aggressive and territorial species, it is often used in bodies of water to fend off Imperial army Werebettas and to protect boats. Sadly, this species is also popular among secretive fighting rings. Betta Seamare have been grievously injured and even killed by cockfights. Many establishments have been shut down by the Evelon Zoo for this practice."

Bloodwing Kitrell
First Wave
"Legend tells of a Kitrell that took to drinking blood for nourishment. This Kitrell drank blood so often that its very wings came to be formed from the substance. No one knows the truth of this story, but it's said that the Bloodwing Kitrells are descendents of this very Kitrell. While their wings aren't made of blood, their feathers start out white at birth and continue to grow more red throughout their lives as their body breaks down the hemoglobin in blood and turns it in to pigments."

Pot O' Water
Second Wave
"Much less sinister than the Pots O' Darkness and Embers, the water contained in these pots are said to be blessed by Zuhai himself – holy water, in other words. Sold to faithful followers of the Triumvirate, people who place these vessels in their homes often claim that they feel more at ease, as if something is protecting them. Owners have also reported supposed spikes in good luck, as if there's a creature lying in the pot, watching over them...but that can't be true, right? In any case, drinking the water in the pot doesn't seem like a good idea."

Sanguine Kitrell
First Wave
"The Sanguine Kitrell, a distant cousin of the Bloodwing Kitrell, lives deep in the Tengel Rainforest where they can be found in large flocks roosting in the trees. Many run at the sight of these large flocks though, as when night falls and they leave the trees for the night they will decent upon the first animal in sight and drain it completely of blood. As very social creatures, it has been found that they are incredibly hard to raise in captivity. Without other Kitrells around they grow depressed quickly, often refusing to drink until they're so dehydrated that they can't move. It's definitely advised that if you plan on keeping one that you instead keep at least two or three, though then you have to be very wary of them at night."

Underbrush Cavallion
Second Wave
"Known as the “jungle ghost”, this species of Cavallion is famous for its coat, which helps it blend in extremely well with the Tengel Rainforest's dense growth. For this reason, it is also extremely popular with local inhabitants, who use it to ride through the jungle with little fear of being detected. Warriors in particular like to paint themselves to resemble the Underbrush Cavallion's coat. This provides an extra layer of stealth, which permits the warriors to ambush their enemies and any creatures they are hunting."

Yang Nonaga
First Wave
"It is said that for every Yang Nonaga born a Yin Nonaga is born. Likewise, people also say that every time a Yang Nonaga dies its counterpart Yin Nonaga dies as well. It was once believed as well that each species only has one gender, but that has since been disproved. The two species do seem to be complete opposites while being delicately connected at the same time. Legend tells that the contrasting markings of the Yang Nonaga actually belong to its counterpart, which connects them in life and death. The Yang Nonaga tend to be very aggressive and won't back down once dedicated to a task."
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Re: .:Imperial/Purine War Pets:.:

Postby Thunder » 03/27/2017 12:09 AM

:.:War Plot Hunt Prize Pets:.:

Alliance Yonyuu
Available to all participants

Arid Shartile
Available to Imperials Only
Arid Shartiles were discovered by the Imperial army during an experiment where strange eggs were exposed to intense heat. Due to the eggs hatching under high temperatures, these Shartiles are born with an innate resistance to heat and have subsequently been used by the army in the Wilt’no Desert. Their feet are built to cross sandy terrain with ease. Combined with their speed, they are able to hunt down enemy soldiers without sinking into sand dunes, and they also make for popular methods of transportation. Extremely fierce, it is unadvisable to approach them without being trained to handle them.

Brushstalker Shartile
Available to Purines Only
Brushstalker Shartiles were discovered by the Purine army during an experiment where strange eggs were exposed to a damp, dark environment. With coloring that perfectly matches that of jungle foliage, the army began training these Shartiles to sniff out and track enemy soldiers in the rainforest. They are able to follow targets for miles using both an uncanny sense of smell and sharp vision that works even in deep darkness. Extremely patient, they will wait for just the right moment to strike.

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