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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2013 10:53 PM

At least Jed didn't make her feel bad about the kid's games she played. Actually, he didn't seem to judge Kitsumi at all for it. It was a good thing too, because she wasn't so sure that she wanted to give the games up. When he began quoting Spongebob, Kitsumi laughed. "Why, you..." She tried her best to mimic Sandy's voice and then the sounds that came afterwords. Once the scene had been sufficiently quoted, she said, "I love that episode! Isn't it called Band Geeks, or something like that? It has one of the best songs ever! I also like the Ripped Pants episode."

For a minute, Kitsumi paused. She wanted to invite Jed to hang out, and she had already cleared it with her parents. But she was a bit afraid. Still, it was worth a shot. "So...I know we only just hung out recently. But, would you want to hang out again? My birthday is coming up, and I was going to hang out at the mall to celebrate...would you want to come?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2013 11:35 PM

((You don't have to answer the last question. That's just my character wanting to know))

"I think that's what the episode's called," he answered. "And yeah, that one's great too. I love all the old episodes. I kinda stopped watching the new episodes after the movie came out, so I don't know if they're any good." He thought she'd say something within the next few seconds, but she just stood there, thinking. Just then, she asked if he'd like another chance to hang out. "I'd love to tag along," he replied. "When's your birthday?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/05/2013 12:46 AM

"I think I saw the ending of the movie," Kitsumi admitted. "But I missed the rest of it. It seemed kinda weird to me. I like the show a lot better. I actually wasn't allowed to watch it for a while, because my grandma thought it was weird and told my mom I shouldn't." She laughed. "I showed it to my mom, and she realized that there was nothing wrong with it."

Glad to hear that he wanted to come, Kitsumi was still afraid that he wouldn't want to when he realized how soon it was. "Umm...tomorrow? I know you've seen me like, twice in two days. So I understand if you don't want to make it a third day in a row. I just figured, we'd be going out to eat and stuff and it might be fun. And we'd be at the mall, so if you had money and there was anything you wanted to get, you could."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/05/2013 2:22 AM

"Sounds good," he answered after she revealed the truth about how soon it was. "It'll be fun. Which mall were we going too? And I think I have some money I can bring. Maybe I can get you a birthday present. Is there anything that you'd want?" He took the cell phone from his ear for two seconds to read the clock on it. 10:30PM "So what are you roleplaying about? Just wondering aloud again..."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/05/2013 10:31 AM

It was a relief to hear that he didn't mind seeing her again. It felt awkward, asking him to spend so much time with her. It wasn't awkward because she didn't want to be with him, of course. It was awkward because she was left to wonder, constantly, whether he wanted to be with her. What if he was just being nice? Either way, he was apparently coming, and Kitsumi was glad.

"Great! We're going to the Westwoods - it has my favorite store in that one." She quickly shook her head at the thought of him buying her a present. "No, it's okay. You don't need to get me anything, really. Save your money. It'd be a waste to blow it on me."

The topic went back to her roleplaying, and she smiled. "Well, actually I was just fleshing out some personalities for my characters. Maybe you could help me brainstorm sometime?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/17/2013 8:36 PM

The Westwoods. Why did that sound famil- Oh yeah. "Is that the mall in Jackson with the Hot Topic? I don't know if that's your favorite, but it's kinda mine. And what are you talking about? Of course I wanna spend my money on you. What are you into?" Hopefully he could scope the mall for something she'd like.

Fleshing out characters sounded new to him. He'd had some experiences in life where he'd had the opportunity to led his creativity loose. "I'd like to help however I can. I once made a video game with a friend at the Career Center, and I wrote very unprofessional picture books in fifth grade with another friend. Am I qualified?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/21/2013 6:49 AM

"Yup, that's the mall!" Kitsumi grinned. "I absolutely love Hot Topic! It's definitely my favorite." She giggled. "Well, if you're sure you'd be willing to waste your money. I like anything having to do with Black Veil Brides, Evanescence, Falling in Reserve, Escape the Fate, and that sort of stuff for music. Although if you're coming with me, I suppose I can just show you the stuff that I like."

"That sounds great!" She laughed again. "You are most definitely qualified!" She paused, and then asked, "You made a video game? That must have been incredibly hard! I don't think I could ever do something like that."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/21/2013 10:55 PM

Jed grinned shyly at the realization they shared the same favorite store. "Those are some of my favorite bands also. Yeah, that'd be great. I can't wait."

"Sweet!" he said, trying to immitate Napoleon Dynamite, when hearing he qualified. "The game's more of a parody. It has a lot of dry humor and comedic references. You could easily tell I was just starting learning how to make 'em."

The next day

She should be here any second now. I hope she got my text. He'd sent one asking if she was on her way, but hadn't gotten one back yet. He had taken a shower, gotten dressed and was now waiting by the door for her mom's car to show up...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/21/2013 11:26 PM

((After this day, want to time-skip to you asking me out?))

It was silly, but Kitsumi had wanted to dress up. It was her birthday, yes...but it was also a day she was going to hang out with Jed! Even though the past few days had been like that, Kitsumi still felt a thrill at the thought of seeing Jed, and she wanted him to see her looking her best.

By the time they finally pulled into his driveway, she was looking as good as she could in the small amount of time she had taken to get ready. Her hair was straightened, and she was wearing clothing that she felt confident in. The car parked in front of Jed's house, and she decided to be bold and walk up to knock on the door. She waited for Jed to appear...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 08/29/2013 3:56 AM

((I'd love to))

When he heard the raps on the door, he grabbed the knob so fast, he thought he'd might as well rip it off the hinges. "Hi there, Kitsu," he said gleefully. He looked at her apparel, thanking the heavens that he didn't over-dressed or under-dressed for the occasion."How have things been going on for the past hours?"

They'd been walking down the halls of the mall for only a couple hours and they'd made their way through several clothing stores and a music store. Jed asked "So... Do you wanna go to your favorite store; Hot Topic?"

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/02/2013 1:37 PM

Kitsumi smiled as Jed appeared a mere second after she knocked. "Hey, Jed." She frowned for a second. "You don't mind spending all this time with me without much of a rest, do you?"


Kitsumi had spent a bit of her birthday money already. Jed had been a trooper, sticking nearby her even as she looked at woman's clothes. Although she had been shy, he had persuaded her to try on a few of her clothing decisions for him. He had been encouraging, and she had bought a few new pairs of clothes. Now, they were just strolling through the mall.

When Jed suggested Hot Topic, Kitsumi lit up. "Yes, I'd love to! I was waiting for you to bring it up, honestly." She giggled. As they neared the store, Kitsumi let her hand just barely brush against him. She wondered if he'd get the hint...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 09/04/2013 6:41 PM

"Heck no, I don't mind," he said. "I like spending time with you. So when do we leave?"

As they neared the store, Jed felt something touch his hand. He peered down, trying to not give himself away, to find that her hand had brushed his. His heart sped as he grasped her palm in his. They walked into the store, linked by the hands, and browsed through all sorts of music and show paraphernalia. They ended up at a shelf completely lined with all sorts of wrist bands. Jed only wore one wrist band. The one he'd been given at Rockapaloosa by a new band he'd just hung out with. "See anything you'd like?" he asked her, motioning to the shelf...

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/14/2013 12:31 AM

As Jed's hand took hold of hers, Kitsumi felt a thrill. She looked at Jed, and blushed and smiled when he looked back at her. She browsed through the entire store, pointing out things of interest to Jed. Every now and then, she'd mention, "Ooh, that's my favorite anime!" or "I have that belt somewhere in my room." After a short while, they ended up in front of the wristbands. "I love these," Kitsumi admitted. "I used to have about a dozen, until my ex refused to give them back to me after we broke up." She made a face as she knelt down to look at the contents of the rack. "Ooh, an Evanescence one!" She pointed to it, at the same time that she noticed one for another band she liked. "And BOTDF! Most people don't like them, but I do." She found a Falling in Reverse wristband as well, and held all of them up. "Hmm...I'll probably just buy myself the Falling in Reverse one. I'll have to save the rest for later."

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Jedi » 09/14/2013 2:25 AM

Kitsumi grabbed one of the three she'd pointed out. "I'll get you the others, that is, if you don't mind. And look; the BOTDF one has two wristbands." He grabbed the wristbands from the rack and held them up to show her. "Hope you like these." He walked her to the cashier, insisting to Kitsumi that he buy her it.

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Re: Save Me (JEDi and I) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 10/18/2013 3:13 AM

Kitsumi wanted to protest. After all, she wasn't used to having a lot of stuff bought for her by anyone other than family. However, she could tell that Jed wanted to buy her the wristbands, and she honestly did want them. So, she smiled and conceded. Once they had paid for their purchases and were roaming the mall once again, Kitsumi tore off the paper holding the wristbands captive, and put them on. "Thanks a lot for this," she said to Jed. "I appreciate it."

((Time Skip? We can skip to you asking me out, if you like...))

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