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.:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed! (Slots: 0):.

Postby BaalsBaby » 09/27/2013 12:16 AM

~*Baal's Art Shop*~

Another art shop. 8"I So Baal is a hobo so I'm hoping to sell some artses~ You know the drill, place an order, pay for it, I do it. :"I USD is preferred but I'll take GT too. Please be mindful of the slots.

I can also do both pet and human forms. :"3

Customers may only order 1 piece per slot, thank you! One slot at a time per person.

~*Types of Art*~

Official Pet Add-Ons: Must obtain quote. Refer to this for rough pricing.
~Here's how these play out. I will give you a quote if you snag a slot and you may choose if you want to pay or choose something else.  Please note, at this moment, I will only do up to TWO addons per pet at a time. I will also NOT do weapons, instruments, full-body pieces, armor, or anything overly complicated at this time. If you have a question as to whether your item falls into this category, ask away.~

Example // Example // Example

Lil Heads: 250 KS / 10GT / $10 USD
Additional Character: 125 KS / 5 GT / +$5 USD (Two extra characters max)

Example // Example // Example

Quick Sketches: 375 KS / 15 GT /$15 USD
Additional Character: +125 KS / +5 GT / +$5 USD (Two extra characters max)

Example // Example // Example

Colored Chibis: 500 KS / $20 USD / 20GT
Additional Character: +125 KS / +25 GT/ +$5 USD (Two extra characters max)
Example // Example // Example

Colored Busts: 625 KS / 25 GT / $25 USD

Example // Example // Example

~*Order Form*~

Pet Image/Name:
Additional References (optional):
Order Type:
Description of Order:
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital):
Custom Size Dimensions (optional):
Payment Type:


1. Unavailable - None - Unpaid
2. Unavailable - None - Unpaid
3. Unavailable - None - Unpaid
4. Unavailable - None - Unpaid
5. Unavailable - None - Unpaid

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 09/27/2013 12:27 AM

I have a queeestion. o3o
When you say "Customers may only order 1 to 2 pieces per slot", does that mean we could order two different things (like a colored chibi and a quick sketch) or only two of the same type?

At any rate, snagging a slot here. I'll edit the ordering form in once I have the question answered so I know what I can order. XD;

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Of you and only for you
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Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Kyrit » 09/27/2013 12:32 AM

Per slot meaning she has three slots open for customers. So you can order 1-2 pieces. She didn't define if a person could take multiple slots or not though.

I also have a questions though. For the chibis one of them shows two characters in one pic. Does that mean the $20 can cover two characters or do we need to pay extra for another?
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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 09/27/2013 12:41 AM

I got that we could order two picture per slot, Kyrit. XD; I'm just unsure if they have to be of the same type of picture of not. o3o

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Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

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I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
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Postby Kyrit » 09/27/2013 12:46 AM

They wouldn't have to be the same type, no. Just so long as you aren't ordering 3 pieces of art per slot.
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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 09/27/2013 12:51 AM

Okay awesome, thanks! :D *goes to write her ordering form*
...though the question about the chibi payment is also of great interest to me. XD; *waits for that answer, haha*

EDIT: More questions: Since the first category is called "little pet heads", does that mean that no human forms are allowed there? o3o

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 09/27/2013 1:23 AM

When you say "Customers may only order 1 to 2 pieces per slot", does that mean we could order two different things (like a colored chibi and a quick sketch) or only two of the same type?

You can order two different things. :3

Per slot meaning she has three slots open for customers. So you can order 1-2 pieces. She didn't define if a person could take multiple slots or not though.

I also have a questions though. For the chibis one of them shows two characters in one pic. Does that mean the $20 can cover two characters or do we need to pay extra for another?

Whoops! X"D At the moment, I'd like for it to be one slot per person at a time. If it's super slow, I might change it. :"I

OH! And uh you pay for the extra chibi, sorry for the confusion. :"I

More questions: Since the first category is called "little pet heads", does that mean that no human forms are allowed there? o3o

Oh! I suppose I can do humans too. :3 Lemme change that. x'D

EDIT: Changes made. :3 Also note I only do two extra characters max per piece. x'D

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 09/27/2013 1:29 AM

Another question about payment. 8| (Sorry for all the questions, I suck.) Can we kinda...divide payment up? Like, let's say I have 10GT and $10 on my paypal, could I use both of that to order a colored chibi? Or does one picture have to be paid with either GT or RL money?
Also, do we pay right away or when the art is done? I'm currently waiting for money to arrive, soooo. xD;

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 09/27/2013 1:34 AM

Another question about payment. 8| (Sorry for all the questions, I suck.) Can we kinda...divide payment up? Like, let's say I have 10GT and $10 on my paypal, could I use both of that to order a colored chibi? Or does one picture have to be paid with either GT or RL money?
Also, do we pay right away or when the art is done? I'm currently waiting for money to arrive, soooo. xD;

You can divide payment, yeah~ And you don't suck. x'D! And I would prefer payment right away, the same like I do with customs, but if you don't have the money yet, that's fine. :3 I can work on the order, I trust you guys. xD I will note here when you've paid.

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 09/27/2013 2:01 AM

Awesomesauce! :D I'll go to finally write up my ordering form then, yaaay!

I want to order one Colored Chibi picture with one additional character and one Lil Heads picture with one additional character. So that's $40 total. I will pay for the chibi picture right away so you have some money right now and for the heads picture as soon as my new paypal money arrives.

Pet Image/Name: ImageImage These two are Bentner and Morwena. However, since I would like the picture with human forms, refer to the additional refs below, mainly (though the Felloxes are good for colors).
Additional References (optional): Morwena: various sprites (some only half done, ugh), subeta avatars (which are pretty bad). Refs from other artists: 1, 2, 3, 4
Bentner: The character was designed with this (and this) picture in mind, except for the clothes. Here are refs other people drew: 1, 2
Additional stuff (far more detailed than it needs to be for chibis, but since I eventually want to order all art types of the characters, I'm gonna just post the whole stuff once and can then always refer back to this): You basically have a lot of freedom with Morwena's clothes as long as they are extremely sexy and green. XD Hair can be open, a ponytail or pinned-up hairstyle. For Bentner, the hat is required, but you are free to come up with your own robes as long as you add the brooch. They should be a bit more fancy than monk's robes, having some ornaments based on either the Fellox's markings or the ornaments of the hat. They should be tailored like a floor-long bathrobe, really, including the belt and close high, but besides that, you are free to do what you want, especially with the ornaments.
Order Type: Colored Chibis
Description of Order: I'm not sure what to put here. Stuff like what poses I want or whatever? I don't know. XD As for the characters, basically, they're both criminals and extremely powerful mages, with Morwena once having been Bentner's student. Morwena is sexy, flirty, seductive, arrogant, snooty and a tad sadistic, but she's completely and utterly in love with Bentner (actually because her soul is bound to him) and she agrees with him on everything. And if he tells her that she sucks, she agrees and is happy to be punished. Bentner isn't really caring for anything but his magic and research and is pretty cold and trusts no one. He still keeps Morwena around despite her being so totally clingy and annoying, though, because well, she's hot and a brilliant mage and Bentner respects power and loyalty a lot. Their pen post is here but it's super-long, so you probably don't wanna read it. As for poses, I dunno. Them interacting would be nice, though. Maybe Morwena trying to flirt with Bentner? Or Bentner reading and Morwena having fallen asleep next to him. Feel free to make your own thing up~
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): I like everything. o3o
Custom Size Dimensions (optional): ---
Payment Type: 13GT from my account + $12 from my paypal

Pet Image/Name: Same as the chibi order
Additional References (optional): Same as the chibi order
Order Type: Lil Heads
Description of Order: Whatever you want, see chibis for info on the the characters and stuff
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): I still like everything. XD;
Custom Size Dimensions (optional): ---
Payment Type: $15 from my paypal, will be sent as soon as the money arrives.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 09/27/2013 2:29 PM

Request logged. :3 You can track progress here when I have some~

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Postby Kyrit » 09/28/2013 12:33 AM

Pet Image/Name:
("Dalekke" // Taima)
Additional References (optional): Semi ref of Dalekke His eyes are wrong in this picture though. They should be flipped color-wise. And the red in the back was going to be loose red hair that comes just past the top of his shoulders. Make him sexy. When he's angry black scales start showing up all over his body (kinda like in the bust shot you did for me of Faen) and he starts to look more... snake-ish in the face.
Order Type: Lil Heads (Human form)
Description of Order: I... don't know what I want other than art of them together. =| Taima is the second in command for the Imperial army and is Dalekke's buddeh, even if Dalekke won't refer to him that way. I'll quote Taima's description below since I don't have any art of him. He's heavily based on his pet form though.
"The topic was interesting though and, despite his questioning out of nowhere, he didn't particularly look shady. In fact, he almost looked regal. He had a certain air about him that reminded one of a Magistrey, what with his slicked back silver locks with a few red feathers sticking out. A flash of red could sometimes be seen from beneath the silverish white cloak he wore, with feathers running from the end of one shoulder to the other on the back."
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): Obviously digital. 8D;
Custom Size Dimensions (optional):
Payment Type: 8 GT + $7

Pet Image/Name:
(Almysia // Tarie)
Additional References (optional): Sadly neither have art yet. =C So their descriptions will be quoted below.
Order Type: Lil Heads (Human form)
Description of Order:
They're both connected pretty heavily to the Purine army and know one another well. They're also both bounties right now and Almysia's probably terrified. You get to have fun with them however you want.
"As with many other festival participants, she was adorned in various fur with the occassional feather here and there for accent along with many necklaces, bracelets, and other such trinkets adorning her body. If there was one thing that stood out the most it would be two leather necklaces she wore, which looked much more like collars than anything else. She also had peculiar stripes drawn across her face in dark blue, which seemed to bring out her wide, bright blue eyes." The blue marks mentioned are like the lines on the Purine Fenling's face. I don't think I ever mentioned her hair anywhere... =| Their descriptions are both pretty vague, but I trust you to make them pretty. I guess she'd have white hair with maybe some light blue at the roots and I'd say it's comes to just below her chin and is a little fluffed. She's a very bubbly character that seems younger than she is, though doesn't look like she's... eight or something silly. XD
"Noticing that you attention had been drawn to the stand, a fairly pale woman of average height waved you over, her strange violet eyes surrounded by heavy blue eyeshadow easily drawing attention once you were close to her. Four horns, which you assumed were accessories for the festival, sprouted out from wild, long hair. Her blue locks were shorter in the front, but in the back they trailed down until they met with the tail end of a light blue silk cloth wrapped about her waist." Her eyes should be shaped like the Choopa's and she has her horns in human form. I'd say elegant yet... strange with her odd eyes.
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): Digital. =B
Custom Size Dimensions (optional):
Payment Type: $15
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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Kylo » 09/28/2013 10:40 PM

Pet Image/Name:Image Talcen
Additional References (optional):Cyber Fellox float
Order Type: Colored Chibi
Description of Order: A chibi of him in the same position as the reference picture with the words "Lands of Evelon" around him and maybe some circuits designs emanating from him? And can it be in the same kind of style as Tony and Loki are in?
Preferred Medium (If sketch if chosen, pencil or digital): Digital
Custom Size Dimensions (optional): Big enough to be on the front of a tshirt please
Payment Type: 20 USD via paypal

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby Shieba » 10/01/2013 12:45 AM

Just posting here to say that I just sent the money that was still missing. :) So the order is fully paid as soon as you substract my GT.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: .:Baal's Art Parlour Reconstructed!:.

Postby BaalsBaby » 10/01/2013 2:45 AM

Thanks so much. ^ u^ List updated~

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