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Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/25/2013 1:45 AM


The alleyway is drenched in shadows; it is what the people who frequent places like this seek most of all. They want a place where they can be free to be as they are, where judgmental eyes and hate0filled whispers do not exist, where the darkness is welcoming, and those who sell their wares are even more so. It is to this place that all sorts flock, drawn like moths to a flame, eager to fit in and to find good food, good drink, and good craft. It is one of these booths, nestled deep in the darkened alleyway, that catches the most attention. It is ringed with little yellow lights, which give off a warm, cheerful glow. And the drapes that cover the little stage are velvety and thick, whimsical and reminiscent of what one might see on a stage in an Opera house. There seem to be posters hung along the rickety walls, celebrating what it calls ‘Freak shows’ and the circus and acrobats with flare and dramatic, bold letters. For a moment, the crowd gathered here seems at a loss, because there is no one manning the cheerful little booth. But with a puff of smoke, the smell of sulfur and brimstone, there is suddenly a darkened shape materializing from the shadows, eyes bright and glowing, and one of the few things visible in the darkness. “Guten Abend,” the creature greets in a voice heavily accented with what appears to be a German inflection. “You haf come to de right place, meine Freunde. In de Munich Circus, I vas once known as de Incredible Nightcrawler.” A twitch of his tails, and there is another puff of smoke, and suddenly he is on the other side of the stage, a feral smile on his face. “As you can see, I am no longer in de circus. I play different games now. You are velcome to de prizes, but you must answer my quevstions first.” His smile is wide and bright. “Don’t vorry. Meine games are not difficult. Most of de time.” Then with a cackling laugh, he disappears in another flash of smoke, the smell of sulfur and brimstone and a cheery “Viel Glück!” left in his wake.


You have to answer only one of these (Although number 5 will require more than 1) You will be entered to win one of the prizes below. There are no prerequisites (Although you have to have been a member for more than 4 weeks) and anyone can enter. Number 10 is a MUST DO. I need ideas, guys, so I can make future contests to give you free goodies!

No whining
Be nice
Enjoy yourself!

End Date:
October 12th



1. Draw me a picture of one of my pets. It can be any pet you like, be it Lucain, regular pet, custom or Paragon. It doesn’t have to be great, or good, just a little bit of art for one of my pets.

2. Write me a story. Involve one of my pets, in any way you like, even if it’s in passing. Be creative, adventurous! Write whatever you like. At least 200 words.

3. Tell me a short story. It can be about anything at all. Make it funny, weird, silly, happy or sad. Whatever you like! MUST be Evelon related in some way.

4. Make a personality or back story or whatever you like for the pet you’re most interested in below (Or, if you’re interested in the dragon, tell me about what his/her potential character could be if you ever Rped him/her)

5. Tell me about yourself. I want to know things like your hobbies, your favorite fandoms (You like Star Wars, yes? XD) things you do in your spare time, what your dream job might be, etc, etc. Anything you feel like sharing (Since this one is easy, I’m requiring you do more than one)

6. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

7. Tell me something interesting about Pokemon. Something you like about them. Your favorite. Which games are best, etc. Can be anything Pokemon related, even trivia or fun facts.

8. Tell me a bit about your favorite animal. Why is it your favorite? Tell me facts about it, give me some info. Make me love this animal too!

9. Tell me about why you joined Evelon. When was it? What do you think of it? How long have you been here? What is your favorite character? What is your favorite character that does NOT belong to you? What do you like best about Evelon? What do you think could be improved on? What’s your favorite RP? What is your least favorite RP? Anything you’d like to say, just tell me.

10. Give me ideas for future contests. I need some holiday themed contest ideas, and I’d like to have you give me ideas about how to improve my contests, make them fun, what kinds of challenges and obstacles you’d like to see, what kinds of themes I can use, where you want them located, what you want as prizes, how difficult things should be, what you want to see in a new contest. Let me know everything! (This one is a must; just tell me whatever you like. It’s not being used to judge, but to further my future contests)


Flight Rising Prizes:

An Imperial Baby (Free)


Evelon Prizes

Sundancer splotched Lucain

Yellow Shadebane

Ringed mudbelly



Package A

(Note: Dude, I don't know any German, but that guys is based off Nightcrawler from X-Men, who is very, very German. So...I do try. Please tell me if I try wrong. XD)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 09/30/2013 5:57 PM


The bouncing lucain was impossible to ignore, particularly as she had knocked over some of the wares on the other booths in her mad scramble to reach this one. Attached to her collar she had a scroll, which in her eagerness had almost fallen off - luckily, it was hanging by an edge. Clearly whomever owned this lucain had been prepared. She bounced onto the stage, only just coming to a stop in front of the Khimera, before loudly exclaiming "A contest? A contest? Yippee! I brought you my mistress' entry; I hope it is acceptable! What fun! Can I just sit here and watch? Please please please please pleaaaase!". Evidently, she was not aware of just how much she stood out here. Nevertheless, she faithfully delivered her message:

Dear Sir,

I spotted your booth earlier whilst browsing amongst the trinkets on display at another stall, and would love to join in. Please find enclosed my submission, and I hope it is acceptable. Please also excuse my messenger; she hasn't been on an errand in so long, I didn't have the heart to disappoint her.

Yours Faithfully,


P.S. Please bear in mind that I do not play Flight Rising. Many thanks.

3. The little kuhna ran through the rainforest, pausing every now and again to catch his breath, then speeding up again as he heard the troop of Moonlings closing in on him. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He should never have left the safety of the outskirts. The slums may not have been much, but they were safety, of a sort. He winced as he heard a crack from somewhere in the canopy, and darted inside a hollow tree just as a multitude of shadows went flying overhead.

He held his breath, and prayed to any of the gods that would listen to save his soul. Okay, so he couldn't actually remember any of their names - religion came second to survival, when you were an orphan in the slums - but he hoped that they would find some good in him - even if they had to look really hard. Okay, so sometimes he got into stupid fights, and sometimes he stole things - but only from those who could afford it, and only enough so he could eat. Survival first, right? He stopped praying, and listened in terror as he heard something moving outside his tree...

He breathed again and slid to the floor as whatever it was appeared to slither away into the forest. Just then, though, he felt something very hard and lumpy digging into his back! Turning around, he was puzzled to see what looked like a coin purse on the forest floor! For a moment, he wondered who could have left it there, and why, but shrugged it off, reasoning that 'finders keepers' certainly applied! He opened it to find it full of Keystones!

The little kuhna was amazed! Never before had he seen such riches! This would feed him for ages, so long as he was careful... and boy, did he know how to be careful! Picking up the purse, he was amazed at how heavy it was! He placed it carefully in the worn bag he carried, and poked his head out of his hiding place nervously, before running with everything he had back to his hideaway in the slums.

The little kuhna never went hungry again, and he learned an invaluable lesson: Even the darkest moments can be a blessing in disguise.

5. About me. Erm... I'm a university student, I enjoy cross stitch, jewellery making, reading, erm... My little sister got me into the 2012 version of TMNT (and now we're both shellheads lol). I like pokemon, I play games like Skyrim, Oblivion and fallout, I love Harry Potter (I have the trivia game and used to be able to answer every single question correctly - no boasting here, I was just obsessed lol). I favour the playstation over the xbox, wii or computer; I'm very clumsy and recently managed to fall up an escalator; I recently dyed my hair red!

6. If I had a million dollars, half of it would go in the bank immediately. With the other half, I would buy a nice house and furniture, get my licences for both a car and motorbike and buy one of each, and I would split 50,000 dollars between several charities such as the NSPCC, RSPCA and Cancer Research, and whatever is left I would give to my family.

7. Pokemon... I have silver, fire red, leaf green, ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond, pearl, platinum, heart gold, soul silver, and black and white. My favourite pokemon include lapras, spheal, dialga, and giratina. I haven't really gotten that far with the later games and haven't been able to play in a while (I can't find my DS, and all the games are in the pouch with it T_T). I can still remember when the episodes only featured the original 150... I have to admit, I tend to choose the grass starters as they are easier to train, but I have a fondness for charmander, squirtle, cyndaquil, oshawott and piplup. I adore the eeveelutions, particularly the original three, and have a box in fire red entirely full of eevees.

10. I think, since it's coming up to halloween, a costume contest - where the contestants need to draw one of their characters in costumes that you set (for example, you say "draw your character wearing a skeleton" they could draw their character with bones painted on it, or wearing a skull mask, or skeleton earrings). For those of us who can't draw that well, maybe have a row of jack o'lanterns with part of the outline of a pet carved into it, and we need to guess what pet it is? Or maybe you could have a 'haunted house contest', where everyone gets thrown into a haunted house - much like your contest in the park a while back, but this time they need to fight off ghosts and monsters, so you get the battle moves in there - and you would decide how their attacks affect the monster, and then once they beat the monster they win a prize (and they could have the option to 'run' and keep searching to use their moves up). Maybe also a 'pick-a-pumpkin' thing, where you have a bunch of jack-o-lanterns with a prize inside each, and we have to sign up in a list, then when you have a list, each of us picks a lantern for somebody else, until we all have one assigned? Not to mention another type of costume contest, where the contestants design costumes for one of your pets - say a paragon - and the best idea wins based on your opinion/how much it suits your character's personality/how it would fit into a roleplay/contestant votes?
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby GrayGriffin » 09/30/2013 9:50 PM

6. If I had a million dollars, I would probably put it all in the bank to gain interest. Actually, I would probably take out a small amount to use as spending cash, but the rest would hopefully help to pay off my college tuition, especially since such a sudden windfall would probably adversely affect my loans.

8. Owls are my favorite animal, ever since I read the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series. I think their large eyes are adorable, and I also love their slight creepyness. They can do plenty of adorable things, though, such as fluffing up to make themselves look bigger. There's also a video out there of someone petting an adorable little owl that nuzzles the hand that's petting it.

9. I've been here since we were on Eamped forums, although I joined just a little while before we transferred here. I'm member number 20 on these forums, which is something I'm unduly happy about. I've been here for over six years now, although I've taken a brief, close-to-one-year hiatus. However, I still love this place very much, for all the wonderful species of creature, and the fact that, now that I have my own spending cash, I can actually pay for my own customs if I want to. I've also had quite a bit of luck with doing breedings lately. I can't really name any favorite characters, since I love all of mine and all the ones I've RPed with.

10. I really like contests where we have our characters roleplay, and the things we do when RPing affect the prize we get. Mainly because it also lets our characters get levels and KS. Perhaps you could have an RP where Santa has lost some of his presents and the characters need to try and find them, and maybe deliver them as well?
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby Sarah » 10/01/2013 4:44 PM

5. I suppose Ill start with my hobbies, I read and write mostly, sometimes I play video games with my friends but I prefer to just watch ‘let’s plays’ and that takes up most of my free time actually. On occasion I watch tv shows, but it’s mostly Netflix shows. I’m not like actively in a fandom group, actually I’m not even really sure I understand what a fandom is. I would guess I’m in a few though.
At this point in time I very conflicted in what I think my dream job would be. I’d love to go to Spain and be an English teacher, though just being an English teacher anywhere would be cool. I think being a behaviorist or psychologist would be cool. Since I was very little I wanted to be a veterinarian, if this question had been asked a year ago that would have been my answer, but it’s changed since then.  I pretty much just base my dream job on how much fun I think it might be.

I’m a terrible procrastinator, and if I don’t want to do something I’m not going to do it. But I’m a fairly good student, unfortunately I sign up for all of the hard classes and then never do the work, mostly because I’m lazy, and then end up scrambling to do it well at the last minute.
I guess I’m a nerd, I’m not sure what the term would be. I like being on the internet and while I don’t play video games, I do watch and listen to others playing them. I hate movies, but if I find something good ill sit down and watch it. I am very picky when it comes to tv shows, and books, which is interesting because sometimes I’ll go on for months reading book after book after book, and then (like right now) I’ll go for months without reading more than a word out of a book. The same goes for tv shows, right now I’ve been heavy into tv (supernatural, doctor who, Sherlock, ect) but this is the first time since I was like five that I’ve ever wanted to watch tv.

Also while writing this I’ve realized I get off on tangents really easily, and I don’t really stay focused…

6. If I had a million dollars I would probably do all of the boring things like pay for college and if I had any pay bills. (I still have two more years before I have to start doing taxes and stuff). Most of it would end up in a bank and saved. I’m pretty selfish(heartless) though so I don’t think I’d give any to charities, which sounds bad, and it probably is.

7. Pokemon is one of my favorite games I have a game for every region of pokemon but I’ve never actually finished a pokemon game, I haven’t even beaten the elite four ever. Anyway, my favorite region is hoenn, I love almost every pokemon in that game. My very favorite pokemon right now is fennekin, because foxes have been my favorite animal for a few years now though I am quite fond of eevee and its evolutions. Typically when I start a game I’ll go for the fire starter, with the exception of pokemon black and white, in which case I chose the water starter. My favorite starter however is cyndaquil.

8. My favorite animal at the moment is the fox, any fox could do. Bat-eared, arctic, red, Blanford's, every one of them is my favorite. I’m not sure when I started liking them, but they caught my eye one day, and now they are my preferred animal. They are so fluffy, and I think they’d feel like soft warm grass. Which now that I type that it doesn’t sound very appealing but whatever. They also inhabit a lot of the world and that is crazy to me, like giraffes have subspecies but they are exclusive to Africa (right?) foxes also have subspecies but they are all over the world. Also, one of the first documentaries I watched was on animal domestication and behavior, specifically in dogs. And the most fascinating things in that documentary was a bit on a Siberian group of scientists trying to domesticate foxes, and how they used animal husbandry (which I didn’t know what that was at the time) in order to get tame and friendly offspring. But that wasn’t all they did, they also took the most aggressive offspring and bred them to other aggressive foxes, so they had one line of tame dog-like foxes, and another line of mean angry foxes. And then, as the generations went on the tame foxes started changing, their tails curled, and their fur colors and patterns started changing too.

9. I’m pretty sure I joined Evelon because I saw a Fenling in someone’s signature, on some website I’m sure I don’t go to anymore. I thought that that was like the prettiest pet thing I’d seen, at the time I was into those sites where you adopt a critter and then had to grow it, and thought that the fenling was the same thing. When I first went on the site, I thought it was weird, and that I’d never join something like it. Then I got really into reading the warriors book, and started to write fanfiction off of that. (Not the gross kind, the normal ten year old kind.(actually I was probably older than that(maybe not I can’t remember))) anyway, it was pretty good practice, and I started getting a little better at writing. I don’t know who it was, or on what site I found it, but I actually saw another fenling. This time instead of just passing it off, I was like ‘yeah, this could be interesting.’ So I signed up, and after obsessively checking my email, I got an active account. I promptly started roleplaying, and then probably not even a month later I stopped going and pretty much forgot all about the site. And then last winter, I don’t even know how but I found the site again. I wish I could remember how I remembered about this site, but I can’t. At that point I felt comfortable enough about my writing (no matter how bad) that I could post it, and though at first I didn’t interact with hardly anyone, I became more comfortable with the people on the site. And while I don’t think I interact as much as I should with other users, I definitely got out of my shell a little bit, and that happened when I went on the irc chat when Evelon first went down this year.

My favorite character that I came up with was probably vella, or scarlet. They had an interesting back story, and could have had many adventures without their characters really drying up. But I made them at a different point in my life, and now I’m out of that part of myself and am into another. So I dropped their characters, and the whole story I had in place for them.

My favorite character from someone else would have to be (can I choose more than one? I’m going to…) Shrewdberry’s Agrona, Palmer, Basima, Landon, and Roswell, their story is really interesting.
The best thing about Evelon, I guess I’m going to go for the usual… the staff are amazing and crazy helpful, even when I ask questions that turn out to have obvious answers, I never feel like they are snippy or really annoyed. They are also really active, even with their busy adult lives they are on here almost constantly. I really enjoy the tight nit user base too. I think a big problem some websites have is that they are just too big, and sometimes that works for the type of website it is. I think Evelon should be a sort of small/medium community, or else things that are already limited in number (breeding keys, potions, Event boxes) would be harder to come by. But that just my opinion.

Something that could be improved on…  I don’t know if it something that could be improved on, or maybe something that could be implemented again but I’d like to see the toy shop open. I love the little dolls but now that I think about it, sure one could just order an add on and get pretty much the same thing, however there could be some way to get the items from that store and meld them in with add ons, or have it like the Ballama Spirit potion thing and have the image added to the pet.

10. Future contests could be like this one, but have themes. Like on where all of the questions are about your favorite tv show, or book, or different styles of writing. For holidays there could be a themed writing contest, where someone would write their characters into whatever holiday setting. The list of question things was surprisingly easy to do, and was fun. Prizes should be whatever you feel like you’d be willing to give away for free, maybe take on a group stance and take donations from people who really want to. If there is a contest in which you have options on what challenges you can do then there should be a range of things from very easy to possible very hard. But maybe there could be times when the purpose of the contest is to be challenged in which case all of the whatever would be especially hard to do.

(crazy lady is crazy)

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby Thunder » 10/03/2013 1:38 PM

Because I'm in a Pokemon mood P=

7. My first Pokemon game was Crystal. I got it for my 6th birthday, and I've been hooked on Pokemon ever since. My first starter was Totodile, and for a while my favorite Pokemon was Lugia, but now it is arguably Skarmory. I grew up with Johto, so that is my favorite region. Outside of the main games, I also really like Pokemon Stadium, Mystery Dungeon, and Pokemon Conquest. I plan on getting Pokemon Y since Yveltal is really cool, and I'm probably going to start with Fennekin. Froakie would be my second choice.

10. I personally really enjoy contests that involve RPing or creativity. I have also always wanted to do one of those games where you have to figure out how to "escape from the room". As in, you would have some description of a room, and the players would have to RP out interactions with objects in the room and try to find their way out. I think that could work really well with a haunted house theme since Halloween is coming up.

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/05/2013 1:17 AM

[I ended up answer a handful of the questions, mostly just for fun. Pardon my rambling in some places. xD Eight out of ten isn't bad.]

[A not-so-complex potential first meeting for Ark and Marie. I feel as though she'd enjoy a simple meeting best, and this was the first thing that came to mind.]

A meeting in Magion's home hadn't gone exactly as planned, the woman, her children, and two of their companions all having their hands tied with a sudden appearance of a group of witches. Wixxen was there, at least, although she and Tsume wandered off to have their own private conversation in some other room.

Which left poor Marie by her lonesome in a stranger's home, groaning to herself as she realized, once again, that even Tsume had found someone that liked him. Sure, there was the very high possibility that he didn't even care that Wixxen had feelings for him, but she did, one way or another. Meanwhile, she had absolutely no such luck finding a husband, even though she actually wanted one. "Gah!" Her frustration was getting the better of her. "I might as well marry a toilet!"

"Pardon me, Miss," the man with peculiar feline ears and long, blond hair, spoke, mindfully setting a tea cup down before the house's surprise guest. Although Ark had only just gotten home from his proper employment, he still had desire enough to be hospitable.

When the cup clattered in front of her, Marie had a flash of embarrassment wash over her, having totally forgotten that she wasn't actually alone. It didn't last long however, as she glanced over at him, replying with a, "Ah, thank you!" She immediately realized that he was still wearing the suit that he had been wearing when he walked in shortly after she and Tsume arrived. Rather than changing and making himself more comfortable, he had prioritized her own comfort.

"You know, I'm certain that you deserve more than a toilet for a husband." He continued to interject between her thoughts as he settled into a chair across from her at the table with his own cup of tea. He had only just met this woman, but everyone deserved a proper chance at love, so someone had reasoned with him a long time ago. "Isn't love an important thing? It's not as though a toilet could provide for you or take care of you, although I suppose there is no denying that they are useful inventions. I'd still suggest a sentient husband, at the very least."

[For this, I have this boy in mind.]

Vexis, the summoned shadow beast.

Once nothing more than than an mindless, soulless entity that was unable to feel pain, Vexis didn't even have a name or a true body of his own. He was one of many almost living shadows that lurked within an enchanted gemstone, suspected to have once been created by a great sorcerer many eons ago. When the gemstone was abandoned for centuries within the mountains, the shadows became restless and were able to take form without a master, appearing as various beasts, attacking those that came near the gemstone's location. Eventually, the shadow beasts were defeated by someone actually intent on finding the stone, coming to belong to a woman, Haruka, the half mortal, half Respawn Fairy. The shadow beasts came to accept her as their master, she summoning them to do her bidding in order to supplement her often limited abilities or as objects to train with, as they were not living and were unable to feel. Their only purpose was to obey their master and were shaped as she wanted them to be.

One shadow beast came to think for its own, however, though it remained loyal to Haruka. It actually wanted to protect her, of its own will. As things continued, it began to develop proper feelings and, much to it's master's horror, came to also feel pain. It was when this was revealed that Haruka came to name that particular shadow. Vexis seems grateful to his master and is almost always outside of the gemstone, unless he is resting or recovering from damage, acting as something of a bodyguard and servant to Haruka. He commonly does just about anything she asks of him, even putting himself in dangerous situations if needed, although she seems upset by the idea of bringing him any pain. Being a shadow beast, Vexis is able to alter his form to his heart's content, though he cannot disobey any orders given to him by his master in any form. Commonly, unless hands are required, he takes on the shape of a massive wolfish dog, trotting alongside his master on their expeditions or guarding the outside of her home. It has been speculated that he became sentient because of accidental exposure to Respawn Fairy magics, although there is no way to verify the theory.

[I shall hit with a wall of text. I just had fun blathering about things, and could have gone on and on had I not forced myself to stop. Prepare to drown in random things about me!]

My online aliases generally include one of the three following words, "Toxic, "Biohazard," or "Bunny." I work as a children's recreational leader and, on more than one occasion, have been referred to as "Tutu," by the children when they have forgotten my name. This is more reasonable then it sounds, given that I often wear tutus as part as my every day fashion choice, including at work. If I could, I would always wear elaborate or unusual outfits. I adore tutus, ribbons, corsets, dresses, gloves and stockings of all sorts. I also enjoy accessorizing with unusual things, such as as wearing a combination lock on a dangling chain from my hip or turning a Christmas ornament orb into a necklace. Last Friday, I even wore fairy wings while shopping in Target and Gamestop. I also commonly wear brainwave reading cat ears in public. My hobbies probably include dressing up and trying to come up with new outfits, while I also enjoy roleplaying, obviously, gaming, reading, if I actual manage to find a book interesting, listening to music, playing board games, fussing over my adorable kitties and bunny, and baking, although baking happens in phases. I also very much enjoy dancing, although I have hardly done any of that since I senior prom. I wish that I had taken sewing classes in high school, as I now would have loved to be able to make my own clothing and accessories, because it is often difficult to find things that fit my style unless it is Halloween season. During Halloween, I tend to go nuts at least once buying new things for the year. I collect tea cups and Pokemon cards and, when I was younger, I used to collect TY beanie babies, all of which I still have to this day. I only ever gave one away to someone else, and that was a purple discontinued teddy bear that was the female partner to my blue discontinued teddy bear. I gave it to my boyfriend when I was thirteen, which is the same person that I am engaged to. If I had to specifically identify my sexuality, I would say that I am asexual, meaning that I am attracted to and come to like people based on emotional connections, not by sheer physical attraction. Or, that's the common definition. I only realized this within the last few years, but I've accepted that had I not met my fiance so many years ago, there was probably a high chance that I would have preferred being with a woman since I'm in things for emotional connections entirely. I believe love is blind to just about everything. My boyfriend claims, that if I was with another woman, I would probably be the man of the relationship since we're always butting heads with our dominate personalities and I am overly caring. I am actually pretty awful at conversing with people face to face. I always forget what I wanted to say or stumble over my words. This likely stemmed from the fact that I was a very shy child and, growing up, I was generally left to my own devices. In high school, I hardly spoke to my parents, given that my mother was too preoccupied raising my nephews and my dad only ever said things that upset me, the very few times we really spoke. When I open up to people or get on a subject I enjoy, however, I hardly shut up. I'm slowly getting over my difficulties of conversing, but I still often find it awkward and it definitely doesn't come natural to me. I prefer writing out everything I want to say to people, because I  get my point across in a more understandable manner. My favorite color is lime green or, as I often say, burn your eyes out neon green.


Although I can't say something wonderful like, "I would donate most of it to charity," I would say that I would likely purchase a good few homes or property and save up the rest. I would purchase whatever home I would find suitable for me to live for the rest of my life, perhaps another one or two to rent out for a stable income, and pay off my parents' debts. I may not have always gotten along with my parents, but I never doubt that they did all they could to provide for me, even when my father was hospitalized and completely unable to work due to two severe leg injuries. My mother had been a stay at home mom up until that point, so there was definitely a time where our only income was from houses that my parents owned at rented out. One way or another, they went into a lot of debt after my father was so terribly injured. I would also pay off the mortgage on my boyfriend's parent's house, given that they have done so much for me. Rather than donating to some particular common charity, together with my boyfriend, I would find somewhere to directly donate in the way of cancer patients or research, given that he and I have both lost loved ones to it. Oh, for practical things, I'd use it to pay off college classes and get two decent vehicles. I'd also adopt a puppy and get both of my cats micro chipped.


Ekans is snake backwards, while Arbok is kobra backwards. Japan originally had Red, Blue and Green, while North America received Red and Green, although Green was renamed Blue, and we never received the original Blue. This is likely why the updated versions of the two are named Fire Red and Leaf Green, rather than making another blue reference. From the Pokemon anime, to this day, Misty is still my favorite female protagonist. As cliche as it is, my favorite Pokemon is undoubtedly Pikachu. In all of the Pokemon games, choosing simply based on what I find to be the cutest or most interesting looking Pokemon, I always end up starting with Fire types. The oldest character which I still roleplay to this day, Taya,  originated from a Pokemon roleplay forum. I think my favorite Pokemon generation was the 2nd. I adored the first, but the 2nd had another great set of Pokemon released. Baby forms were amazing and adorable, Eeevee's additional evolutions were to die for, and day and night were actually a thing that existed in the games. And who can forget Ash being the "Chosen One," with a magnificent Lugia in Pokemon the movie 2000? After that generation, I haven't been that impressed with all of the legendaries as a whole generation. There is always at least one that I don't care for. Such as a giant killer whale, golems, or monkeys. My mind never did comprehend how you could send out Kyogre in the games to battle on land. Ironically, many, many years ago, when only the second generation of Pokemon existed, I had been part of a Pokemon roleplay forum. In addition to existing Pokemon, there was made up region specific Pokemon. Back then, I suggested an ice Eevee evolution, suggesting the name "Glaceon." Pretty interesting to have seen that years later, my original suggested name was officially used for the Ice evolution. My first major roleplay character, which I even have on Evelon, came from this old Pokemon roleplay forum. I adore Taya to this day, although I desperately need to bring her brother, Renoshi, to Evelon. (As soon as I figure out what Evelon pet to get as a custom based off of a Raichu, and what other pet to get as a custom based off of Absol.)


I have several favorite animals. Cats, as a whole, from wild cats to domesticated cats, snakes, bats and sharks. Aside from liking cats, I suppose I like unusual or often  misunderstood critters. When I hear someone use the saying, "Blind as a bat," I like to kindly inform them that they are not blind, they only have poor vision, but use echolocation to see well instead. Something else I've had to relay involving bat knowledge is that they are unable to take flight from the ground, so it is best to put them up high or toss them into the air if they are found on the ground. As for hammer heads, I fell in love with them when I saw a baby hammer head from far away at the aquarium as a child, find it to be one of the most adorable things ever. Only this last summer did I get to see a baby ones close up and I got to pet them~ I commonly like to educate children that sharks don't usually attack homes with the intention to eat them, such as if they mistake them for their normal food, and also because sharks bite out of curiosity. They bite in order to make sense of things. I would like to do that there where you are dropped in a cage in the ocean and have great white sharks swim around you.


I ended up joining Evelon April 30th of 2007; I think I was on spring break. I was fudging around on Wajas, if I'm not mistaken, when I ended up coming across some Fellox adoptables in someone's den or whatever the profile page is called on there. After navigating with those and nosing through the adoptables, I discovered the link to the forums, and there was no turning back from there. Back in those days, hardly anyone roleplayed their pets human form, but I did both from the get go. Honestly, it would be impossible for me to say which of my own characters would be my absolute favorite, but Zelosis will always hold a special place in my heart. I designed him on the theory that I wanted a male character that enjoyed pink and was totally confident despite wearing pink/having pink hair. At the time I ordered him, I actually hated the color. Through him, though, I came to like it. He also holds the right to be the first character posted in my pen, after the intro and directory. Back when I  first joined Evelon, and for quite some time, Kyrit's Temple Fellox, Idzuna, was my favorite character outside of my own. I'm not sure what it was about him, outside of being a Fellox and having a purty human form, but I loved him. <3 I was hoping I would be able to tell you which of your pets was my favorite, but with so many awesome couples or planned couples, there was no way for me to single one out. xD Outside of your characters that are currently involved or planned to be involved with mine, though, I love Evangeline. Favorite and least favorite roleplays, I have no idea. I've had at least a few good roleplays with other users, which I have enjoyed greatly. I think my longest running roleplay, as in we still reply or intend to reply to it, is this one, though. It was started in 2008, back in the days where I probably made a lot more random errors and Evelon had a lower rating. If the rating was what it is now, I imagine some things would probably be playing out different in some of the first scenes. The roleplay basically revolves around a plot idea I had for a long time, where a mermaid hates being a mermaid and becomes a pirate, not revealing her identity as a mythical creature in fear of being sold off or some such thing if any of the pirates found out. However, she ended up falling for the Captain's son. After telling Kyrit about it, she worked out the character for the Captain's son as she pleased, and things exploded from there. We've developed a handful of other characters for the plot since beginning.

Since Halloween is coming up, perhaps a trick-or-treat roleplay type thing? It would be another basic, "posts = chances for prizes," but perhaps the prizes could be rolled for, rather than "User X got Y posts, so they get the better prize." Or something for Thanks For Life Day (Thanksgiving) would be neat, but I'm not sure what that would be, sadly. Maybe a roleplay trying to find docile Turkzillas? Since Turkzillas try to eat everyone, maybe something could be done with the concept of being chased by one? Something that could be done for any occasion could be a ball/party style roleplay, where a certain number of posts in the roleplay will enter you into different raffles? I think it would be neat, since it could just be a random get together, but the characters could be entered into the raffles as part of the plot, or not mentioned at all. I just like contests that encourage roleplaying, if possible.

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Re: Riddle Me This [Contest, Evelon/FR prizes]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/02/2013 2:21 AM


I forgot about this.

Thanks to all of you for entering! You're the best, and I LOVE your suggestions. Send me a PM with your prize choice, and I'll send it along. <3

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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