Nestled between Barakka and Lambastia, this salty sea's ownership is always under debate. One thing is known though; dangerous currents pass through the sea, sweeping from the northeast down through the southwest outlet. (+3 Speed)

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Postby Kyrit » 02/07/2008 12:57 AM

Sitting up on the rocks now, Riphest pulled his legs closer to him to allow her to get up on them better as well if she so wished. "If he does it won't be until he goes looking for me to make sure that I've made the crew get things done right."

He let out a small sigh, resting his head on his knees and rubbing his hand over the gash on the back of his head. "Those low-lifes will probably feed him lies and keep him running around in a circle for some time though...."

The Captain would search for them... right? Rip was his son... so surely he wouldn't just allow him to go missing without trying to find him... Well that was just what they had to hope. Otherwise, they were in quite a bit of a pickle. If that ship didn't turn around soon there was no way that they'd ever be able to catch up to it. He couldn't swim well yet with the head injury, and she could only help him go so far...
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/07/2008 5:42 PM

She took her cue, taking her space on the rock, thrusting herself up with her arms and adjusting positions so she was sitting. Her tale was scrunched up so she'd take a similar position as Rip, if only she had legs and knees. She wrapped her arms around the bend of her tail, and sighed. It made things so much more difficult when on land or, simply, anywhere out of the water.

"All things considered, we'll be waiting here awhile."She came to that conclusion, staring down in dismay. They couldn't get back to the ship and, thanks to the contact with water, she now had her tail back. If the other pirates came to get them anytime now, they'd know the truth. Which she guessed wouldn't end very well. On that subject..."Well, now you know why I'm afraid of water."Getting her legs wet caused the change. It wasn't very convenient. "Many pirates hunt mermaids for profit. Understand the secret?"What would he do...? If he turned her in, that'd be it.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/08/2008 7:56 PM

His hand slid over to rest lightly ontop of hers, giving a gentle smile. "I understand... and your secret is safe with me." Safe... with him? That was probably quite odd sounding, seeing as how she had even pointed out that many pirates would hunt her kind for money.

Riphest leaned back against the rocks gently, careful of the sharp points. He hadn't moved his hand. He actually just hadn't thought to do so, or else he would so she didn't freak out. "I may be able to take care of myself most of the time... but I'll admit that this time I do owe my life to you, so I shall keep to my word and make sure that I don't tell them what I found out today... If we ever see them again."

What were they going to do? They couldn't stay there forever. They'd get hungry, and the sun would probably burn them when it came up. They needed to think of something.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/09/2008 5:10 AM

"That's not very optimistic of you." the Hydrolisk grumbled. 'If we ever see them again' Oh, they would. She'd make sure of that. Somehow. "T-thank you..." What else could she say? Constantly fretting that she'd be found out, it was wonderful to hear that she at least didn't have to worry about Rip spilling the secret; or so she hoped. He didn't particularly know the first mate very well. Under the circumstances, though, she relatively felt that she could have trust him. She didn't even have a choice, really.
As for the hand, she didn't think much of it. She wasn't the sort to read into it in any intricate way.

She did, however, clear her throat, glancing down at it, "Um, Sir." she prompted, never having called him, her higher, anything other then that. She slipped her hand away to dive back into the water. Her head appeared above the now cam surface. "I'll be getter help. Won't be long." He didn't look like he'd be going anywhere. Gone. She vanished below the water, going to its depths to request for assistance and information. While strangers to these particular creatures, not often swimming this area, she did pretty well communicating.

Before long, she was back to the rocks where she left the Draculi, a small grin playing onto her features. "Got some...friends, to tow you." Heh heh. Friends. Right. Surrounding around her were three Werebettas. Much like the sharks of Evelon. None of them appeared to be tame, but just as ready to rip one to shreds as any other. Not very comforting, for someone like Riphest who'd probably never dealt with one and/or learned to dislike them.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/11/2008 3:52 PM

Sir.... He could see someone calling his father sir... but that just made him feel old when the term was used on him. He watched her go and let out a small sigh. "I guess... It'd be hard for her to call me by my name..." He looked at the sky, resting his head on his knees. Did any of the lower ranks even know his real name? He'd make sure to tell it to her later.

His ears gave a small twitch, hearing her voice. He looked back down toward the water and saw the company she had brought.

Friends? He let out a nervous laugh, his ears drooping as he looked at the three Werebettas. "Are you... sure that they aren't going to tear me to shreds the moment I touch them?" he asked, ready to cling to the rocks if need be. Why would he allow those blood thirsty looking things touch him?
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/11/2008 6:32 PM

What kind of pirate honestly called that who was higher then them by their name? It was often considered disrespectful, calling them casually. Before now, really, whenever had she and the first mate exchange words? They really hadn't spoken too much even by now so, before now, it had been very little, just really her instructions and those few words when he punched out one of the men that messed with her and dumped him overboard. Stopping to think about it, this would be considered quite the unusual situation. It would be, even if Spearow wasn't secretly a mermaid and just had this revealed.

He laughed out of knotted nerves, she laughed that he'd have them. He couldn't exactly be sure of this, since these creatures were known for being fighters, if not killers. "Would I bring them here if I thought that they were going to attack you?" She asked skeptically. If it wasn't clear already, she wasn't going to let him die over something. "I like taming creatures that are natural born killers." Was the short explanation. "I'll prove to you they're good." She turned from the rock, beckoning one forth to her. She slipped her hands around its head and kissed the fanged fish on the nose. There Werebetta didn't even fidget as she did this.

"After making friends with them, it's pretty hard to break a bond. At least, that's what I've found. You could just reach your hand out to them, get used to them." If that was better for him.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/11/2008 7:54 PM

Make friends... with giant fish with huge fangs... This girl was seriously off her rocker! Still... she had saved his life, so shouldn't he trust her? Overcoming his fear at least for the time, Riphest slowly extended a hand to one of the scale covered beasts. His hand was extremely shaky, but at least he had managed to come this far.

His teal eyes slid to look over at Spearow. Did he even know her name? He hasn't seemed to adresses her by it yet... But then again, shouldn't a first mate know all the crew's name? Maybe he just hadn't said it since there had been no need to yet.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/11/2008 8:59 PM

"Now, be nice." the Hydrolisk spoke under her breath to the three other creatures. It was questionable on rather or not they could speak like she and Riphest could, or if they just chose not to. Either way. They played more like animals at this time. That was all that mattered.

The very same one that she kissed on the nose moved around her to the shaky hand of the man, pressing his nose up into the palm. From the looks of things, fanged and untamed or not, they weren't going to attack him. Or...that was how it looked. Once that one calmly pressed against his hand and stayed there for a bit, the other two jumped up at him out of the water, both of them using their teeth to latch onto the articles of clothing he was wearing and forcefully drag him down into the water. By then, he was probably freaking out, but they all released him as soon as they pulled him in and Spearow started laughing more heartily. They weren't attacking, the were, more or less, playing in order to get him to come down with them.

"They'll be able to lead us back to the ship."

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Postby Kyrit » 02/12/2008 6:36 PM

He seemed to calm down a bit as the Werebetta's nose pressed against his hand, as if he finally realized that it wasn't going to harm him. Well... until the other two jumped at him that is. Once that happened the feline guy let out a loud yowl, trying to cling to the rocks even though he was quickly pulled into the water. As soon as he was in the water he began to cling to Spearow, as if thinking that him being attached to her meant they wouldn't attack him.

"Lead us back? How am I supposed to trust them after that stunt?!" he hissed out, soaked ears perked up. Were his fur not wet, it would be standing on end.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/12/2008 9:47 PM

On stand by, the Werebettas didn't make any attempt to even go after Riphest again. They got him in the water with them, that was all they wanted. Apparently, their tactics weren't wise ones to use.

All that was going through Spearow's head had something to with herself being lucky to have a tail like she did at moments like these. "Jeez, calm down." She would have pushed him off of her, if she hadn't thought it would only cause him to spaz even more. "Kitty afraid of fishies? And...clinging to one...Right." It was just ironic circumstances. She had to laugh at him, being as hilarious as it was. She patted his back in a comfortingly humorous way. She wouldn't have done so if it wouldn't have pulled his strings of pride. "So far I appear to be more manly then you. They were playing with you, if you didn't notice. They dragged into the water and let go of you right away. See?"

The three of theme were back to floating there by themselves, staring at the man with peculiar glints to their eyes. It could be that they were questioning him on why he freaked out so badly.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/17/2008 3:52 AM

Riphest looked away from Spearow, his wet ears handing down against his skull. "Sorry if I wasn't expecting two things with huge fangs to grab me and pull me into the water..." He let out and swam over to the rocks just so he could keep one arm on them for a bit and not have to swim.

"And I'm telling you... They're still giving me funny looks." He knew that if it weren't for the woman that was with him, they'd probably be trying to tear him to shreds at the moment. "I'll try to put up with them on the way back though... Guess we could feed someone to them if there's a fight when we get back." Maybe, just maybe, these creatures would prove to be a help.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/18/2008 2:14 AM

Funny looks? Spearow stared one of the three fanged fish in the eyes, going under the water in order to do so, becoming perfectly eye level with it. When she popped her head back out of the water, she was laughing at poor Rip's expense again. "They just wanna know why you fear them so much." She said in statement. Yea, they probably would have attacked him if it had been the usual way that they ran into him. Say he'd fallen into the ocean, bleeding, they would have torn him to shreds. It was natural instinct to feed. But they'd found odd kinship with the women, because she was a being of the sea as well. Now, because he was associated with her, they wouldn't think to make a target of him.

The pirate mermaid ran the back of her hand against the side of a Werebetta's head while saying to it, "No, you wouldn't dare hurt him, but you'd love a meal, wouldn't you my pretties?" Love for fanged critters. She was more then a 'normal' odd one.

"So...They know where the ship is. Just hang on and they'll tow us back." She announced, letting the one she was giving attention to and the one that had pressed its nose to Riphest's palm swim over to him. He'd maybe trust them a little bit more, just because of displays. "The only problem is..." Her eyes moved to directly look at the man's eyes. "I don't know how I'm getting back on with my tail, or how I will stay hidden long enough for my legs to come back."

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Postby Kyrit » 02/20/2008 3:36 PM

How was he not supposed to fear them? He let out a grumble, but continued to listen to her words. Two of the three bettas swam over to him and he had to force himself to stay calm. He lightly wrapped his arms about them, listening to the fact Spearow had told him to hang on to them.

His teal eyes slid over to look at her. Her tail... Yes that was proving to be quite the bad situation. "Leave it to me. I think I have a few ideas that might work..." Ideas? What was he thinking about that could possibly get her onto the ship without the others finding her? She'd probably just have to wait until they got their to find out.
(Sorry for the short pose. Dead muse. @_@ )
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Postby ToxicShadow » 02/21/2008 12:57 AM

Spearow raised an eyebrow at her higher [she wasn't one to break from rules and so quickly think or say 'friend' when referring to him; he'd just have to get on her about it if he wanted that to change] in question. What was he thinking? How would she slip on up there without being noticed? How could she hide long enough to dry and have her legs come back without getting noticed? Her tail was useful in the water, especially in times like these ones that allowed her to help someone who would have otherwise died but it was a pain at any other time. She liked dry land over the living in the water. Literally a fish out of water, and the oddball fish in whatever school of fishies she came from.

"Well....Okay...then...." She decided to leave it at that, since she didn't want to waste any more time and let the ship get any farther away then it already was. Had anyone, save for those who caused the problems for them, even realized they had both vanished? At the very least, they cold just hold still!
She grabbed onto the last of the Werebettas, the only Goldclaw out of the three, just to make it easier on herself as well. Without any hesitance, the large fish started forward.

The two lugging Riphest stayed close to the surface so he could breath, and Spearow's would dive down now and then, to keep its own self entertained. It continued dragging her under, without her complaints, until she popped up back up with a scrunched up expression. "I hate the sound of engines and motors." She complained, but that meant they were very close. She just had failed to look and point it out, since she'd been under water a lot.

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Postby Kyrit » 02/25/2008 6:35 PM

Tired as could be, he had begun to nod off to sleep. At the sound of Spearow's complaints though he looked up and saw the ship. Okay... Now to figure out if what he thought of would work. "I.. have an idea on how to get you up there. It'd take a while, but it may work."

His eyes landed on one of the boats that were fastened to the side of the ship. "Okay. I figure I'll get up there and tell them I want to use one of the boats to go get the person that saved me. I'll say that you were unconscious and couldn't swim, so I left you elsewhere to come back. Then I can get the boat down here, you can get in, and we can move about away from them until your legs are back. Then we can get you up there..." He figured it sounded completely useless, but it had been all he could think of. "As for your pets... I have no clue."
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