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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Jaden Wolf » 03/30/2014 11:22 PM

Satou muttered under her breath as she looked around the crowd. Where did her brother run off to? She had finally managed to drag him out of the Beach, and was disappointed that his mate and son didn't come along to help him enjoy the festivities. Of course, she used the term 'enjoy' lightly. Kumo would always be Kumo. Not long after they had arrived here, Kumo had spotted Aquatica in the crowd, his mate's mother (who didn't like him very much). The two of them tried to get lost in the crowd but unfortunately, Satou's brother was very tall. With a frown, she grabbed his shirt and pouted at him, guilt-tripping him into promising to get the last raffle ticket for her to give to Jaden. The lady had put up with a lot from the two of them, it would be nice to give something back. Anyway, after satisfied with his answer, she told him to stay put while she went off and pulled her best tear-invoking expression. Explaining to Tick that she really wanted the tickets but had to meet her best friend Irihi later, she managed to get the woman to enter the line for one of the booths. As the woman walked away, she noticed Berry talking to a woman at the first booth. Wonderful! Returning to her spot, she found that her brother had vanished. Big surprise there. So, after looking around for a bit, she decided she would just have to trust him to keep his promise. Making her way to the third booth, she found she had just gotten there as they returned from their 'lunch break'. Pausing a moment as she realized it was run by 2 kids, she approached with a smile.
"Yes, hello," she answered the girl. As the boy pushed merchandise towards her, she smiled at him and thanked him sweetly. Saga, her pet, would love to play with this plush. Quietly, she listened to their explanation before smiling and taking the ticket.
"Thank you, sweetie, both of you. Have a nice celebration! I look forward to entering your raffle!" she chimed happily before turning to find the place where she was to meet her friend. If her brother didn't get his ticket, she would certainly make him regret it down the road.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Silverin » 03/31/2014 10:38 AM

The man with short dramatically styled silver white hair walked up to the booth that celebrated the the Zoo's rerelease of Kuhna's to the general public and the opening of their breeding rooms. It had been apparently discovered that the Carol Kuhnas could breed now for some odd reason. Or maybe it was that the Zoo did not want them to be bred so just told people that they could not breed to preserve the species them selves so they could conduct further research on them due to low populations? But that was just all theory and he had nothing to really back it up.

Prior to this no one had even seen the humanized form of the infamous silver fox who had been wondering around Evelon. Or maybe here he was considered an over sized Fenling. Either way here he was dressed in navies, blacks, cyans and silvers that spoke in whispers of his dashing silver touched coat of fur as well as his control over the winds and freezing cold. His bright blue eyes sparkled with the intent of coming home with one of these wild gened cats, despite his slight grumbles about taking the form of a human for once.

"Afternoon, I would like to enter this raffle please and thanks. Much appreciated of this being done, every excited to see the outcomes of the hard labor behind this whole release."

There are better folks to gift.
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Soriana » 04/01/2014 3:50 AM

When Sori reached the next booth, she dipped her hat again, this time to two teenagers who were not much younger than she appeared. She announced herself with a particularly tremendous flourish. "My good, er... young man and woman! I wish to partake of the merriment you are making here! A ticket, and thank you kindly."

The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

one two three four five
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Sappheara » 04/01/2014 3:53 AM

Kai was excited to be here, he heard that there was something special happening. He didn’t pay attention to his Mitra, the minute she told him that they were giving away something free, he went crazy. That was when he stop paying attention to everything around him, he ran to his room get his things for his travel to the human realm. He licked his lips at the large crowd that gathered for the event. The krone demon pushed his way in the crowd without a second thought. Kai wasn’t amazed by the prizes but didn’t care. His Mirta need whatever that thing was and he was going to try his best to get one for her. He stop in front of the person who held the event and in high pitch voice, he spoke. “I would like a ticket for this event, please!” Kai started to jump and down gitty as he waited.
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Jessari » 04/01/2014 7:55 AM

Although a small crowd had gathered to participate in this raffle, there was nevertheless an unexplained amount of space about Abram. Or perhaps not so unexplained. His forehead was creased, his lips tightened in a hint of a scowl, and his severe gaze sliced through everyone it landed upon. It was a look that felt as though it could kill, if it rested upon you long enough. The gaze was only half of it - the violence it promised was backed up by the muscles in his thick arms, the strength hinted at in his broad shoulders and sturdy torso. And if that wasn't enough, there was the pistol strapped not-so-discreetly against his side. "One entry to the raffle," he said, his words a low, emotionless rumble.
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Jedi » 04/01/2014 4:50 PM


Scouting out for slaves fitting his masters tastes was going boring as usual. That is, until he got to the marketplace. 'I bet Sonniellon would like one of the Elder Kuhna's,' he thought to himself. 'But why should my Sonniellon get all the slaves. I think I'll keep these to myself if I win.' Abaddon headed to the front, then slammed his fist down on the table. "I demand a ticket. If I don't get one, someone'll pay." Once he had his name entered, he was satisfied. 'Surely, luck is on my side,' he thought to himself...

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We are strong

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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby crow » 04/01/2014 5:16 PM


My my, but this was interesting. A whole festival devoted to Kuhnas! Alain rarely left the shop, but Sivain had been there to complain the other day about the trip he was taking, and anyways word travelled quickly among them, even if it was slow to reach them on the whole. A day off had its own appeal. He closed up shop at midday and followed the three of them to the festival, though after his arrival, he went his own way and browsed the wares and attractions, all the while with a small, mysterious smile playing across his features.

Imagine his surprise when he found a booth raffling Elder Kuhnas. He hid a laugh neatly behind one hand, and walked up to the booth. Inclining his head, and still smiling, he said, "I'd like a ticket please." This day was turning out much more interesting than he had thought.
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby FrostWynd » 04/02/2014 12:58 AM

Let's see... Third booth... Third booth... Ah, there it was! "Man... It shouldn't be this difficult!" She couldn't help but complain to herself as she made her way through. There were so many people, Safira was beginning to think she was going to have a major headache after this. Plus, having gone to all that effort of pushing past people had her feeling tuckered out. She seriously couldn't wait to return to her brother's side at this rate... So the plan now was to get this done and over with quickly. Once she arrived at the third raffle, one of her brows rose curiously at the sight of not only a smaller booth, but that there were Kuhna children running it! The sight truly was unexpected for this cat. "Huh. You guys must be pretty mature, managing a booth all by yourselves!" Looking at both of them in turn with a smile, she meant it in an admirable way. Especially since she could tell that one of them seemed a little shy as she got a hold of more stuff without a word. Knowing this made her giggle lightly. "Sure. And I'd love to get a ticket as well, please." Safira told them, and nodded her thanks once she received it. It was quite possible that she was going to end up collecting these things, and the second plush was placed snugly beside its companion atop her head.

"Hmm... Elder Kuhnas, huh?" Those ones were quite the mysterious sort, if she wasn't mistaken? Not to mention one of the most interesting for her! The pure white fur... The strange but amazing markings...! She could only hope that she would be among the lucky ones to get one! Suddenly captivated by them, it took some extra effort just for her to tear her green gaze away. Only then remembering that she needed to be somewhere right now. "Oops! I'd better get going." If she kept him waiting, he probably would've gotten mad. Her own mood faring a little better after that nice distraction and unintentionally getting a quick rest. Hmm... Maybe, just this once, she would follow the plan out a bit differently. And could be seen wandering off in the opposite direction of where she was supposed to be going.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby FrostyRae » 04/02/2014 11:38 PM


In comparison to the other stands of the festival, this one seemed to be the busiest, which intrigued Raven despite the occasional claustrophobia she experienced within groups. Smiling at the children running the booth, she took the merchandise happily from Conall and listened to Phoebe as she explained things pertaining to this raffle. Poor boy looked like he was going to melt away into the background with the level of timidness he exhibited. The girl on the other hand was already proving to be great at advertising and stating information. "Elder Kuhnas, eh? I will gladly enter the raffle of this booth if this lovely species is as rare and cool as you proclaim they are!"
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Re: [* Kuhna Raffle #3: Elder Giveaway!

Postby Jaykobell » 04/03/2014 8:48 PM


Thanks a lot for participating, guys! I'm glad the raffles were a success and that many people participated in all of them. Maybe if people really like these, we can hold more in the future.

For now, the two (2) winners of the Elder Kuhnas are...



Congratulations! You'll receive your prize shortly in your PMs.
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