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Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 2:08 AM

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As if it wasn't an odd enough sight to see a bulky woman, easily taller than six foot with purple hair, or a Khalmar wandering the streets, it was especially odd to see such a woman with a Khalmar perched awkwardly on her shouler with its tentacals securely constricted around her neck. However, among the locals of Nodia, the pair was no longer surprising. To non-locals and tourists, though, they were quite a sight to see. If fact, they were almost famous, a sight that most visitors hoped to see.

It was early in the morning, before most people were out and about, but Nelly and Blaidds had an important job to do. Although it was something they did every day, it never lost any of its importance.

Nelly: 1, Blaidds: 1

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 2:37 AM

"I hope Nuka managed a good catch," Nelly commented idly to her piggybacking traveling companion as they made their way through the streets.

"He rarely disappoints," the Khalmar, Blaidds, responded.

"That's true," the woman agreed. "It seems like it was a wise decision to make an agreement with him. Getting first pick of his catch is certainly worth it in the sushi business."

"You're beginning to sound like me," the squid creature replied, chuckling.

Nelly: 2, Blaidds: 2

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 2:44 AM

"Isn't that a good thing?" Nelly questioned. "I'm the chef's assistant, after all. I ought to sound like him from time to time."

"I figure that it means that your lessons are going well," Blaidds explained. His assistant, indeed, soaked up information like a sponge. He couldn't have hoped for someone more qualified than that. Well, if he had met someone with more qualifications, such as they had actually had some inkling of how to prepare sushi dishes at the start, he doubted he would have found the same personality qualities that he had found in Nelly. She was a determined young woman, she listened well, and always tried her hardest, time and time again. She was always ready to learn and had an open mind.

Nelly: 3, Blaidds: 3

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 3:39 AM

The pair made their way into the local fish market, the venders already having long since set up their displays to show off their catches of the day. Every vender knew the unusual pair by name, greeting them if they were not already preoccupied, "Good morning, Nelly. Good morning, Blaidds," they heard many times. To which, they each replied either with words of response or a nod in the appropriate direction. Unless a vender had something that especially caught their eye, perhaps something rare or of amazing quality, though, they walked on by. There was one vender that they had to meet, first and foremost, before pursuing the goods of the others.

Nelly: 4, Blaidds: 4

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 3:46 AM


Deep within the market, the pair came up on their destination. They were quickly met with enthusiasm by a close vender friend of theirs, "'ey, you two! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

Nelly chuckled, shaking her head slightly, without disturbing the Khalmar perched on her shoulder. "Nuka, you just saw us yesterday morning. It's not like we haven't seen each other in awhile."

"Morning, Nuka," the Khalmar greeted in return, simply.

Nelly: 5, Blaidds: 5, Nuka: 1

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 3:55 AM

"Well, Darlin', I don't need to not see you for long to miss ya," Nuka replied, teasing the female of the pair, as he often did. The fisherman and vender was definitely younger than the Khalmar, but just a few years older than Nelly, so it wasn't as if he was too old for her or anything.

Nelly shook her head once more. "Flattery wont get you anywhere," she reminded him, as she often did. Never had she taken his advances seriously, and she doubted that even he did. "So are you going to show us what you have for us today?"

"Yes, we don't have all day," Blaidds added. "If you want to flirt with my lovely assistant, why don't you come down to the shop already?"

Nelly: 6, Blaidds: 6, Nuka: 2

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 4:07 AM

"Maybe I'll do just that," Nuka responded, staring the Khalmar in the eyes.

"Then get to it," replied the Khalmar.

Nelly's expression was a cross somewhere between irritated and embarrassed at the accusation of being, "lovely," in addition to the exchange between the males. She thought herself anything but that. In fact, she didn't think that she had any redeeming physical qualities, being more like a giant than the petite woman she often wished she was.

"Just get on with it," she urged, trying to ignore the thoughts regarding her low self-esteem.

Nelly: 7, Blaidds: 7, Nuka: 3

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 4:14 AM

"All right, all right," Nuka gave in and complied.

Instead of chatting away, he moved about, rolling a large two level cart out around his stall. It had various sorts of fish laid out on it, the prime selections that had been set aside just for the pair before him. With a wide sweeping motion and a large smile, he said, "And here we are! Here is the best of the best of what I have today. What do you think? Nice, eh?"

Nuka: 4

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 5:35 AM

Nelly quietly inspected the offered goods, as the Khalmar did the same, awaiting her final call. Blaidds had long since began his education of Nelly, she rightfully able to select the best specimens without his input by now. He only continued going along with her to the market to confirm her selections, his praise seeming to do well for her self esteem, and to keep his eyes peeled for anything he especially wanted to work with and serve in his restaurant.

The woman asked all the right questions of Nuka, and eventually made her decision, declaring which fish she wanted for the restaurant today.

Nuka glanced toward Blaidds, just to confirm, to which the squid creature blinked, his version of a nod.

Nelly: 8, Blaidds: 8, Nuka: 5

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 5:55 AM

"Sounds great," Nuka spoke, as bright as ever. He rambled off the prices out loud, until he settled on his total, which the pair came to agree on. Then, he resituated the various fish on the cart, removing what few things Nelly hadn't chosen and adding what additions she requested.

While this happened, the woman dug in her pocket, counting the cash she'd dug out for it, and handing it over to Nuka. He counted it over, to double check the math, then gave her a cheerful thumbs up. "You're good to go! Thank you for your business!"

Nelly: 9, Nuka: 6

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:02 AM

"Have you had any luck locating Inessi?" Blaidds inquired of the fisherman after the transaction was completed. They were still a new, rare species, but the sushi chef had an undeniable interest in cooking some up whenever he first got the opportunity. That was, assuming they wouldn't be considered an endangered species.

"Sorry, boss, but I've had no luck," Nuka replied, giving a sheepish smile and rubbing the back of his neck. "But! I've been thinking about offering to take a group out on my boat to look for them. I know a lot of people are interested, but haven't had much luck. I bet I could find one with a bunch of people. I'll put out an ad, sometime."

Blaidds: 9, Nuka: 7

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:09 AM

"Sounds like the best bet," Blaidds agreed after listening to Nuka's plan. Logically, a task was much less difficult to tackle when many were there to help. It was for that very reason that he had his group of competent staff.

"I bet it'll work out," Nelly also agreed, giving her friend an encouraging smile.

"Yeah, no worries. I'll find them in no time! Definitely before anyone else!" If Nuka was anything, it was determined. He enjoyed the laid back nature of being a fisherman, but it was also hard work, and could be full of thrills. It was everything he wanted in life, his favorite hobby having become his way to make a living.

Nelly: 10, Blaidds: 10, Nuka: 8

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:36 AM

"I'll take your word for it,"Blaidds replied, always enjoying Nuka's enthusiasm. Compared to many of the fisherman, there was a great liveliness about Nuka that made the Khalmar respect him. He was serious in his work, same as Nelly was, even if they had other varying traits in their personalities.

"See you tomorrow," Nelly spoke her words of departure.

"'ey, I might just come visit today!" Nuka nearly shouted, grinning.

"You've said that before," the woman reminded him.

Nelly: 11, Blaidds: 11, Nuka: 9

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:40 AM

"So, one of these days, it'll be true." Nuka was hardly deterred by Nelly's response. She was an honest person, not a bad one. "It's just best to keep you guessing!"

"Yeah, yeah," Nelly waved off the words easily. "Like I said, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good day," Blaidds added, as Nelly grabbed the handle of the cart and turned them around. "You'd better keep your word, one of these days, or she may never forgive you. And if that happens, neither will I."

Nelly: 12, Blaidds: 12, Nuka: 10

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Re: Staff of the Bladed Sushi Restaurant [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/05/2014 6:46 AM

"Please don't say such nonsense," Nelly commented, once Nuka was no longer in earshot. "You're going to make him think I'm interested in him if you talk like that."

"And what's wrong with that, young lady?" The Khalmar challenged. "If he likes you, you should give him a chance. A young lady like you shouldn't just be worried about working all the time. He's a good kid."

Nelly sighed as she pushed the cart and listened to Blaidds. He wasn't only her boss and mentor, but was much like a second, well, third father figure, since she was born from two males.

Nelly: 13, Blaidds: 13

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