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[* All the Things You Should Know (Feb7.15)

Postby Jaykobell » 04/03/2014 8:15 PM


I'm always looking for a topic that fits what I'm trying to announce. And I can never find a good one. So here is the new official Updates topic for all those little but maybe not so little things you should totally know about.

I am here to announce today that it's been a really long time since we've increased the amount of KS you can earn per post. With all the Kuhna things and all the shops and Keys now, feels like a lot of people are starting to burn major holes in their pockets. Maybe Evelon is in need of some features that reward KS, but for now, we do have a little step forward to present.

Every RolePlaying post now earns you 5KS!

Nice, round amount, isn't it? Since it's been forever, we figured increasing it by 2KS sounded pretty reasonable.

There is no excuse for you not to RP and earn BPs, too. : | Get to it people. Especially you, Imperialists. What are you doing. Invaders my BUTT. :| You guys are LOSERS. [/Purine propaganda]

Go earn money!
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr3.14)

Postby Kylo » 04/03/2014 8:45 PM

*the imperialist frowns because he's been working hard and earn double bps with special missions :|*

Hurray!!!! Now it will be nice and even and I wont have to beg for a single ks anymore when trying to get perfect amounts.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr20.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 04/20/2014 7:22 PM


Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed Easter today, and I hope you have a bit more space for some more excitement.

So many of you were asking how and when and who and why you could update your old Generation Kuhnas onto the new lines. We did promise that the feature would come, and so, to celebrate Easter, and now that a few Kuhnas have been bred, please go over to the Kuhna Salon to see the new feature on updating your Gens!

There is a fee of 50KS per Kuhna, and only Kuhnas that have already been bred on the new lines can be updated. For example, you could request a Sour Kuhna, since it's been bred on the new lines. However, at this time, you couldn't ask for a Memorial Kuhna, because no one has bred it yet.

I know some people may be upset over the fact you can't update every breed yet, but then why would you guys bother to breed, right? You could just change your Kuhnas and be done with it.

If you're not sure which Kuhnas have been bred so far, please check the Kuhna Species Album, originally created by ToxicShadow, and revamped by yours truly. If any Kuhnas are missing, as well, please do not hesitate to mention it. Alternatively, you can always check the breeding records, starting at Season Revamp.

Now go update your Kuhnas AND STOP PMING ME THAT I FORGOT ABOUT THEM. >8 |
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr20.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 04/20/2014 8:05 PM


Oh wow look at all these things I cannot price right I AM SORRY.

Kreepy reminded me that we'd initially considered a certain price range, and so. Never mind, updating your old Gens comes to 30KS per Kuhna, and not 50.

I am sorry DON'T HURT ME I CHANGED IT. :,|
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr20.14)

Postby Flame » 04/20/2014 10:37 PM

Question: Is there any chance that at some point, Lakuhndras might be added to the album? It'd be awesome to have a place to go to where we could see the already-made Kundras too. :3
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr20.14)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 04/20/2014 10:43 PM

I asked the same thing a while ago: here. Kyrit said she wouldn't mind a list being made, but I dunno if anyone was put in charge of it? I'd love to volunteer. x3 I have a bunch of them anyway. <33

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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr21.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 04/21/2014 4:19 PM


Are there enough Kuhnas? There aren't enough Kuhnas. We can never have too many Kuhnas now. It's all over.

If you head on over to the Kuhna Salon, you'll find out we released a new feature! This one ties in with the Generation update, but in a specific manner.

Some of you might've noticed that some breeds, like the Hoarfrost, are different from their original design on the old lines. While some of these designs didn't get that much of a drastic change in theme and colors, we understand that not everyone might be happy with the redesign, for any reason. Or perhaps you just need more things to collect and you'd like to have two Hoarfrosts that look different.

It's all possible if you use the Classic Update feature for your Generation Kuhna. This works with any Kuhna on the given list (whether old or new lines) where you can request the old design instead. Maybe you don't like the fact the Hoarfrost has two greens (with some teal) instead of being a solid green Kuhna. You can change that: bring your Hoarfrost over, and we'll give you a Classic Hoarfrost.

Got a Classic Kuhna and you prefer the new design? That works too: bring your Classic Kuhna over, and we'll give you the new design.

It's a small feature, but one that we thought would be nice nonetheless. If you're wondering what the Classic Kuhnas look like, simply head on over to the Kuhna Species Album.

Furthermore, a small addition/clarification with respect to Generation Kuhna updates. While the rule remains that you cannot update your Gen until it has been bred on the new lines, there are five Kuhnas that are excepted from this rule: Ailur, Avia, Flutter, Tonji and Wynd. Any Endangered RARE Kuhna can be updated with no restrictions. We understand that they could take a very long time to breed, and so these rare Kuhnas can be updated right away.

That is all for official news!

To answer the question about a Lakundra album: I can merge it with the Kuhna one, but at this time, there's very little point as many species need to be revisited for expressions, colors, etc. It will be done once the Lakundra has been updated, since it was released before the Kuhna and therefore got a little neglected and updated differently from its pre-evolution.
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Apr26.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 04/26/2014 3:21 PM


Those of you who are following the Kuhna Salon closely for all the new features (and we still have more planned out for the future!), you may really like this new one!

We are introducing, for a fee of 40KS per Kuhna, the ability to swap Kuhna styles!

What does this mean? If you have a Generation Kuhna, you may swap it onto the Original lines. The same applies in reverse, from Original to Generation!
This feature is also compatible with the features that allow you to update your old line Kuhnas to the new lines. If you have, for example, a Nightwind Kuhna that still needs to be updated from old to new, you can ask to get this species on the Original lines. Likewise, if you have a Hoarfrost Kuhna, you may request that it be directly updated onto the Original base, whether as standard or Classic.

While you can virtually swap any species, the same rule applies as to the Generation update: you cannot swap Styles if the Kuhna has not been bred.

I have also modified the forms for each feature, very slightly. For custom updates, I specified that the wings section is to specify COLORS. If your old Kuhna had the small bat wings, you must specify the arm color and the web color of the new wings. For Angel wings, specify the wing color and the tips color. That's what the section is for!

I have also specified Base Artist and Add-ons Artist, since it seemed like these two were too unclear. The base artist will update your Kuhna without any add-ons. This is where the add-ons artist comes in. This is to prevent artists from being swamped. As given as an example in the shop, if you truly want Silverin to do your add-ons, you might want to help her out and not swamp her as much by requesting a different artist to do the base. And if you have no preference, simply DELETE these sections from your form. In which case, anyone will pick your oder.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

And always remember, we do have some features planned out still! I know some people may be a little bothered that they have characters for certain Kuhnas where the personality does not match the Kuhna's expressions, or things of the like. Please, be patient: we have features for the future! I'm officially dropping the hint here, so people can avoid making rash decisions.

As well, if you do have ideas for future features for the Kuhnas and the Salon, that's what the Suggestions forum is for! Go suggest stuff! I'll look at it. You can even just PM me directly if you'd prefer that (wow would anyone prefer that really?).

I believe that is all. Go swap Kuhna Styles! Or go breed more Kuhnas! Or just go do Kuhna things (whatever they may be)!
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (May2.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 05/02/2014 8:52 PM


For those of you who have purebreed Kuhnas (Berry, Common, Calami, Carol, etc) on the old Generation lines, you can now go update them in the Kuhna Salon, despite some of them still not having been bred. We figured that... you guys have already seen the Original versions of them, so there's really nothing to hide.

The Kuhna Album has been updated with them, if you'd like to see what they look like!
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (May17.14)

Postby Jaykobell » 05/17/2014 7:41 PM


Hey, guys! I've got some nice Kuhna news for you! (I mean really do I ever post about anything else now.)

For you all following the Kuhna Salon, and for those who have just been dying about your Kuhna's expression, and how it just doesn't fit its character... This is exactly why I'm here today.

So, how about it? What's the problem? Is it that your happy Common Kuhna might just be...
... a little under the weather?

Or maybe it's not that? Maybe your sweet Preluhna is a little...
... aggressive and snappy?

Oh. It's not a Kuhna? What is it, then? Are you trying to tell me your Sulkundra...
... might just enjoy hurting others more than it enjoys sulking?

It's still none of that? Well, then. If you're willing to pay a fee, then how about we fix whatever the problem is? Give your Kuhna a beautiful (or horrifying?) facelift at the Kuhna Salon! Make sure to read the rules, and if anything if still confusing, feel free to ask here or in the Help! section!

Furthermore, if you want to see all the available expressions, feel free to check out the new Kuhna Salon Charts! Lakundras have been added for those who want to change their Kundras' expressions, too!

But wait, THAT'S NOT ALL.

Those of you who still have some Kuhnas to update on the new lines may do so at a slightly different price. The Generation Kuhna Update feature has seen a price drop of 10KS, leaving it to a new price of 20KS per Kuhna.

Those of you who are currently waiting on orders will be charged 20KS. Although the change came in effect only today, you guys have been waiting, so it's not really fair to charge you 30KS days/weeks after the change.

And that's all for now! I hope this feature will see some activity; we still have more in the works, so keep checking back~
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Jan6.15)

Postby Jaykobell » 01/06/2015 9:19 PM


Wow, we haven't had a little update in a while, eh? But you'll like this one.

For all of you out there who cannot visualize your breedables/customs and who wish you could get previews, even in flat colors... Baal has given us the permission to release our blank breedable PSDs for the members to use!

For more information, please check out this topic. If you have any questions, as usual, feel free to ask!

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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Feb1.15)

Postby Jaykobell » 02/01/2015 3:35 PM

For those of you who have been enjoying the blank PSDs, here's a little bit of news for you!

The Lucain and Paragon PSDs have been updated to include breeding mutations! You can thank the Palette Potion and the Emission Liquor for them! If you want your baby to have a mutation, now you can design them!

Note that to guarantee your mutation, an Emission Liquor is still necessary. Offering a mutated offspring with a Palette Potion without an Emission Liquor is left at the discretion of your litter artist.

I would suggest you go download the links again if you want the mutation; all the mutations shown in the Breeding Mutations topic should all be in there!
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Feb7.15)

Postby Jaykobell » 02/07/2015 3:49 PM


Hey guys! Just a new little Kuhna thing for you.

First, the Kuhna Salon charts have been updated to give a clear list of the Classic Kuhnas available via the Salon.

Second, we have a new feature! A little one, but you may appreciate it nonetheless.

You may find more information in the Kuhna Salon here, but the new feature is called Accessory Removal and allows you to remove accessories or add-ons on the Kuhnas if you so desire. Don't like your Arkuhna having a paintbrush? Remove it. Don't like your Darkflame with that fire? Remove it. Don't like your Hydros with bubbles? Remove them.

Don't know which species and Kuhnas are available? Besides customs and bred customs, which are also eligible, you can check all pre-existing species here!

The feature can also allow you to get back any accessories that were removed if you obtain a Kuhna from a trade that is missing something. However, it will not add new add-ons. Refer to the Bazaar for the add-on shops if this is what you want.

Any questions or concerns, you guys know the drill: here or in the Help section. Have fun!
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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Feb7.15)

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/07/2015 8:48 PM

While it seems like a fairly simple feature, I think it's a very neat idea~ I love seeing what new things pop up in the Kuhna Salon!

That brings a question to mind, though. Would we be able to request something like a Kanua getting an Arkuhna paintbrush? It wouldn't normally have one, but it's an already created Kuhna add-on, so I was curious. Or would that still require going to one of the add on shops?

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Re: [* All the Things You Should Know (Feb7.15)

Postby Jaykobell » 02/07/2015 9:43 PM

Unfortunately that does count as being an add-on that wasn't on the Kuhna before, so no. c: You would have to go to the Bazaar add-on shops for that and just specify you'd like that add-on specifically. Or we'll just cheat and use it regardless. xD Convenient since it's from one Kuhna to another, pfft.

But no, that wouldn't be possible.
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