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In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:34 PM

Laid out beneath layers and layers of plush blankets upon a grand canopy bed, the young girl began to stir. She wasn't dreaming, but was instead slowly coming back to reality. After tossing and turning, she settled down and woke with a delicate yawn. She sat up and stretched, before rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Once she had seemingly settled, her violet eyes shifted around the over sized room. What she was looking for, however, was nowhere to be seen. "Chevalier...?" Her words were only uttered quietly, as if entirely to herself.

Emilia: 1

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:36 PM

Only moments passed, the girl not moving from her comfortable sitting position among the bed covers, when she heard the door to her bedroom open and then close. The words, "Yes? You called for me, Emilia?" followed shortly.

The girl, Emilia, smiled gently, but not so much that she exposed her teeth.

Emilia had called for Chevalier and, thus, he appeared. No matter if he could hear her spoken words, he could hear her will cast down on him and was able to respond accordingly. It was just the sort of bond that he had with his master.

Emilia: 2, Chevalier: 1

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:37 PM

When no response immediately came from Emilia, the man that had answered her call came into her view, standing at her bedside. He was a very tall man, almost incredibly so, with a lean, but not too lean of a figure. His physical proportions were beautiful by human standards. It was almost an oddity that his hair matched her own, being a startling shade of black.

"How may I be of service to you?" As he spoke these words, he gave a proper bow, before lifting his silvery eyes to meet her gaze.

Emilia: 2, Chevalier: 2

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:39 PM

Emilia smiled her gentle smile once more in response, not speaking. She lifted the covers and pulled them aside, freeing herself from them and scooting herself to the edge of the bed in one effortless, flawless movement. There she sat with her legs hanging over the edge as she observed her servant of sorts.

The girl was clad in very little, certainly not modest and acceptable for most to see her in. She wore a lengthy, white, long sleeved button up shirt and undergarments, which covered her just enough. Still, her pale legs were nearly entirely exposed.

Emilia: 3, Chevalier: 2

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:40 PM

Chevalier's eyes never left hers, not wandering inappropriately despite her exposed figure. Such an appearance was no uncommon sight to him, of course. Though he adored his master, he certainly did not desire her in any improper way.

"I suppose that it is time to start the day," he replied to his own question on the girl's behalf. With the words, he held out his glove covered hand for her. In turn, she put her hand in his, and fluidly moved onto her feet.

Emilia: 4, Chevalier: 3

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:52 PM

Once standing, the girl removed her hand from that of her servant, yet not in a harsh way, moving around him and across the room. Each step she made was with abnormal grace, as though she was floating. She settled behind  a stand up room divider, concealed from Chevalier's direct sight.

As she moved about, so did he. He fetched the necessary articles of clothing from her grand scale wardrobe, before coming to stand on the opposing side of the divider.

"Miss, here are your things," he called out, before holding out the bare essentials around the side of the divider, so that she could take a hold of them.

Emilia: 5, Chevalier: 4

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 1:59 PM

Emilia took the articles offered, before going through the motions behind her concealed area. First, she went about removing what she had worn to bed. Then, she went about replacing them with the fresh undergarments that had be offered to her. She left the items disposed of in a neat pile in a small basket, not worried about tending to her own laundry any further.

All the while, Chevalier had set out the other articles he had obtained near the vanity in the girl's bedroom. He was prepared to assist her further, as soon as she was prepared.

Emilia: 6, Chevalier: 5

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 6:17 PM

Once the girl was finished in her private changing of clothing, she reappeared from behind the divider. She was wearing even less than before, when she had awoken, only having her two pieces of undergarments covering her upper and lower portions that were to be concealed from everyone other than herself. She was, undoubtedly, comfortable with this appearance even in front of Chevalier. There was no reason for her to be shy or embarrassed, as he had seen her in such a state many times over.

The man didn't even bat an eye at the girl's appearance, only motioning with his hand for her to come and sit upon a plush, circular stool before him.

Emilia didn't need to be told, sitting down in the place that he had gestured for her to.

Emilia: 7, Chevalier: 6

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 6:36 PM

With his master seated, the man set to work in dressing her. The first article he helped her slip into was a black button up shirt, with long, draping sleeves. First one arm, then the next. He even buttoned each individual button for her, not missing a single one, all the way up to her neck.

From there, he intended to work on the concept of from top to bottom, bypassing some smaller accesories for the time being. They would be added afterward.

Emilia: 7, Chevalier: 7

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 6:40 PM

The second article was a charming, lace covered corset piece, also black. Wrapping it around her form, he worked from the back to tightly secure the lacing. He pulled it tight each time he could, although not so much as to harm Emilia; which was much more difficult to do than one might expect. The girl was not nearly as fragile as she may have seemed, being much more resilient, in every way, than the average child her age. He hardly had to worry about doing her any harm.

Once the corset was also well secured, he moved to obtain the next article of clothing that he had already preselected and set aside.

Emilia: 7, Chevalier: 8

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 8:23 PM

The third article took some minor preparation. The servant of the two rolled up each thin, mesh stocking and slipped them carefully over her feet, so that they were settled just above her knee.

Standing upright, Emilia took it upon herself to settle each stocking correctly so that they were positioned securely on each of her thighs. This was shortly followed by Chevalier offering her a small pair of place, seamless shorts, which she also slipped into effortlessly, with little assistance. The combination of the shorts over the stockings modestly covered all of her flesh. It effectively would prevent anyone from seeing anything they shouldn't, even by chance.

Emilia: 8, Chevalier: 9

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 8:30 PM

The remaining articles consisted of a black, ruffled skirt and a white, tulle petticoat which went beneath. The man assisted the girl in slipping into them and smoothing down skirt so it fell properly over the under layer.

Then, Emilia returned to her sitting position on the stool.

In turn, Chevalier knelt down, one of her shoes in hand.

In response, she lifted one foot of the ground, toes pointed in a delicate way, and he placed her shoe on for her. He secured the ties from the shoe around the lower part of her leg, as it was designed to do, and then they repeated the process.

Emilia: 9, Chevalier: 10

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 8:37 PM

After many layers, young Emilia was finally adequately dressed to fit her own fashion standard. Even though Chevalier had selected what she would wear for the individual day, each of Emilia's articles were selected on her own, or came as well received gift from her servant, mother, or other staff. Regardless, if it was in her wardrobe, then she obviously approved of it.

Moving on to the next step in her preparation for the day, she twisted around on the stool, now facing the vanity before her. She was met with her own reflection staring back at her in the mirror.

Emilia: 10, Chevalier: 10

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 8:44 PM

Without wasting a moment, the man took the brush from the vanity stand, and began to brush out the girl's long, black waves of hair. He did so with a great amount of care, not wanting to hurt or damage her hair unnecessarily. Emilia did not even flinch.

"Would you care to have your hair worn up or let down this day?" Chevalier inquired, once any remnant of a knot or tangle was gone.

"I suppose I will be a tad bit lazy today," she replied, after a moment of thought. "I don't mind, either way. Why don't you decide for me?"

Emilia: 11, Chevalier: 11

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Re: In the Lives of Kuhnas: Emilia

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/27/2014 8:49 PM

Some may have found Emilia's words to be ironic, had they witnessed the events that had played put thus far. Wouldn't others already think her lazy for not dressing herself? Well, it wasn't that she was unable to do it on her own or refused to. No, it was matter that was usually settled by the fact that Chevalier wanted to do all her could to assist her.

Once, she had told him that waiting on her hand and foot was not needed. Yet, he insisted otherwise, and even seemed depressed if he could not. From that time, the master of the pair had learned to oblige him, even if it had seemed like a hassle, at first. Somehow, serving her made him happy. It was just a part of the bond they shared.

Emilia: 12, Chevalier: 12

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