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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/16/2014 10:05 AM

"Why would you even bring her up?" Hyperion demanded, the lighthearted smile long gone from his face.

Buzz smirked to himself. Hyperion had always been the one to dish it out and not be able to take it, and Buzz was taking great joy in the fact that he was the only one who knew just how to rub Hype the wrong way. "Why would I even bring her up?" He asked, surprised. "Considering Ronnie is the one true love of your life, I just thought that she was fitting to bring up."

Hyperion's jaw clenched and he flushed. "S-She's not the love of my life." He said, just above a whisper. "She's just a girl. She's just a girl okay?"

"Then why are you seizing up like that?"

"I'm not!" Hype shouted, just a little too loudly. The other patrons were beginning to stare now, intrigued to see if there would be a fight brewing soon. "And you shut up. I mean it Buzz, I don't want to talk about her."

Looks like there might be.


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 08/16/2014 10:11 AM

"Woah, why are you allowed to bring up Sophia and I'm not allowed to bring up Ronnie?" Buzz asked, pushing his chair away from the bar now. Although he had initially started out teasing Hyperion, he never liked being yelled at and his patience with Hype was thinning out now. "How is that fair?"

"I was just joking about Sophia and you know that!" Hyperion too scooted away from the bar, and the barkeep raised his eyebrows as he wiped out one of the glasses. "But bringing up Ronnie is fucked up man and you know it."

"Why is it fucked up? I don't even know what you two even are, you've never said how you even feel about her. And I mean, it's pretty clear to see she's not waiting around for you."

"She doesn't need to wait around for me because I'm not ever going to her. She's just a girl I want to hook up with and we happen to be good friends. Stop making something out of nothing."

"You're the one puffing out your chest over this." Buzz said, his eyes narrowing. "I was just talking and suddenly you're getting all defensive. Which, gee," He leaned forward. "Makes me feel like everything that you just told me was complete bullSHIT."


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 02/04/2015 4:36 PM

Hyperion could feel the tensions were beginning to rise and every second a new pair of eyes were settling on the duo. The last thing he needed was to be thrown out on his ass, and with Buzz's temper the situation would more than escalate. He lowered his voice and leaned in to Buzz a little. "Alright, fine. If I were never even maybe possibly contemplating perhaps looking into having a lady friend who I might not sleep with other people when with, and I'm not saying I am," Buzz scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I guess one might say that Ronnie wouldn't be last on the list of ladies I might consider, alright? Is that good enough for you?"

Buzz stared long and hard and Hyperion, and surprising everyone around him bursted out in hearty laugh. "You are pathetic Hyperion. You have 'sap' written straight across your forehead." He wiped a tear from his eye, and reached back for his mug of poison. "I mean," He started. "I'm not going to tell you how to live your life. But you should 'maybe possibly perhaps in the right moonlight' remember that Veronica's a babe, and eventually some guy is going to come around, know how to give her a good time, and they're going to ride off into the sunset together. And you," He patted Hyperion's back with mock concern. "Will still be in this bar, by yourself, drinking yourself into a coma."


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 02/04/2015 4:41 PM

Hyperion shrugged. "Nah. It won't be like that. I mean for starters, your sorry ass will still be here beside me." With the prospect of flying fists long gone, the patrons returned to their respective conversations. "It's not like you and Sophia will be romancing it up anytime soon."

"No, of course not. But I'll be too busy divorcing my fourth trophy wife by then to be in The Slums with you, partner." He slapped Hype's back again. "So you'll be here alone."

"Yes, yes of course." Hyperion rolled his eyes. "Besides, Ronnie and I have that kind of history where you know in the end she'll always be madly in love with me and won't ever be able to bring herself to find another man. She'll pine after me, you'll see." He took a sip of his drink, purposely ignoring Buzz's incredulous gaze.

"Dude, you can't honestly be serious about that." He said with his eyebrows raised. "Hype, I'm telling you this because I love you. Ronnie will never pine for you. That just isn't who she is. I mean, maybe she'll be a little sad that for whatever reason you want to keep playing hard to get, but she'll never pine." He shook his head. "Delusional." He muttered under his breath.


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 02/05/2015 1:38 PM

Hyperion pretended not to hear him, and instead busied himself with surveying the other attendants at the bar. Buzz didn't know what he was talking about; he and Ronnie had had this back and forth going for a long time now, and it was continue a long time from now. But Hype was all about the chase, and he knew it, and rushing things with Veronica would only ruin things for the both of them. Besides, a real life girlfriend? He shuddered. Even if it was Ronnie, there was no way he was ready for that.

Besides, Buzz had no right to give him any love advice. Buzz was a train wreck himself and had been called, on numerous occasions, borderline psychotic. Why should he take love advice from a psycho? "Didn't we come here to meet girls, not just talk about them?" Buzz asked aloud, gesturing to a group of very intoxicated, swaying, giggly women at the opposite end of the bar.

Buzz peeked over Hyperion's shoulder. "They don't look like they belong here."

Hyperion smiled. "Then, seeing as we are such gentleman, we should go over and offer them some directions."


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 02/05/2015 1:44 PM

Buzz downed the rest of his liquid confidence and stood, rather shakily, to his feet. "Well then what are we waiting for?" He twitched in anticipation.

Hyperion stood too, and together they made their way over, a very prominent air of vodka wafting into both of their nostrils as they got closer. Yep, these girls had been drinking, and unforgivably at that. Which only made the task of getting them back to their apartment that much easier. Hyperion was the first to approach them, as usual, and he stuck out his hand to first one he saw. "Good evening, ladies! Are we having fun here tonight?"

The blonde looked very startled, but upon observing the tall, devilishly handsome man with a leather jacket that screamed 'danger', she gave her most flirtatious smile and eagerly took his hand. "Hi! And yes, we are. It's Ladies' Night!" She screamed, and the rest of the girls cheered in celebration, almost falling over with the effort. Buzz cringed.

Hyperion licked his lips and laughed. "Sounds like a great night. You girls aren't thinking of going home already, are you?" He asked, pulling Buzz next to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Because my friend and I were just talking about how we need to buy all of you girls a drink."

Another round of cheers. Buzz twitched.


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Re: Striking Out (L)

Postby AuroraSky » 02/05/2015 1:49 PM

"Barkeep! A round of tequila shots, my friend!" Hyperion called behind him. The barkeep nodded and got to work. "So," Hyperion turned his attention back to the blonde. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Chelsea!" She shouted over the music. "What's your name?"

"Jack!" He answered. He nudged Buzz. "And this is Jake."

Chelsea giggled and hiccuped a tiny bit. "Jack and Jake? That is soooo cute!" She exclaimed, grabbing the elbow of her friend who had been eagerly awaiting those tequila shots. "Megan, listen, listen," Megan briefly gave her her attention. "Their names are Jack and Jake. Isn't that just the cutest thing that you've ever heard in your entire life?!"

Megan fiercely nodded, and Buzz had to do everything he could not to roll his eyes at them. They would be a very easy lay, of course, but My God at what cost? "Yeah, we get that all the time." He offered, forcing a smile at Megan. She was just under his height, thin, pretty by sorority standards and had long, brown hair. The type of girl you could fuck and dump, no problem. And that was just what Buzz needed right now.

He squeezed past Chelsea to Megan and softly wrapped an arm around her. "I'm Jake." He said, giving her a little squeeze. She giggled.


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